spooner said
I'm the same way! When I worked as a waiter, I always hated to serve uneven guests. So like twos and fours where fine, but threes and fives got me irritated for some freakish reason.... I would rather take a six top than a 5 top! WEIRDOOO!
I can't have the volume on anything odd at any time, so whenever I used to go to a friend's house or a small party and they'd change the volume on the tv I would always shout if they stopped on an odd number. It got me weird looks... But that's just one of the things I always have to do in evens.
Mizuho said
But how would he die inside if Brenden had a girlfriend when they first meet?! They'll break up sooner or later!
Miso, you don't understand! Hayden will always love Brenden, no matter whaaaat. D: