Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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@DriveEMOut@Lady Athena

Aya pushed Ellie out of the way and jumped back into a tree. Then she said, "There's no other way..." She reached for her sword, which she kept strapped to her waist.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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@DriveEMOut@Nikki Moonlight

Eleanor falls to the ground and coughs blood. She felt her eyes slowly closing as she lies on the ground.

"So you giving up or is this just you resting?" Asuramaru seemed sort of upset
"I need power, you promised me power as long as I stay strong. I dont intend on dying"
"Well I see your still determined"

Eleanor groans as she gets back up from the ground and draws Asuramaru from his sheath. She screams as one of her eyes change color and begins to look like that of a demon "Jean! I shall not allow you to hurt Aya!" Eleanor goes to swing at the left but quickly kicks Jean from the right right aiming for his Jaw
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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@Nikki Moonlight@Lady Athena
Jean dodges their combined attacks with ease. Alright, Geng. Let's kill the vampire.Alright. One of Jean's eyes also change color. "You. Are. Weak!" He dodges them, landing a blow when he caught them off guard. "You can't keep up with this pace much longer." He said, laughing. "Geng's too strong!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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@DriveEMOut@Lady Athena

Aya said, "Drink my blood, sword." A thorned vine wrapped around her arm and she winced a little. Then she jumped at Jean from her perch in the tree. Her sword clashed with his as she blocked his attack. At hearing his boast she grit her teeth, her fangs showing. "Of course, you always WERE one to brag about how strong you were. I'm just sorry I wasn't there for you more. Maybe this might have turned out differently if I had..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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@Nikki Moonlight@Lady Athena
Jean paused, and that was all it took. His grip slipped, and he fell to the ground, Aya's sword embedded in his chest. The glaze over his eyes disappeared, and he looked down. "Well, you win. Go ahead, take my blood for a midnight snack." He spat, his strength fading. He coughed up a large amount of blood. "There's the appetizer." He sighed, as his eyes closed. "Sorry, Ellie."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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@Nikki Moonlight@DriveEMOut
"I need more power!"

Eleanor's body tears it's self in half as she grows a fang and a large horn out of her head. She dashes towards Jean. But this time rather than attacking she slides under Jean's legs and behind Jean. She goes for a strike at Jean's back. But instead of using the katana, she uses her foot. But that was all a distraction and uses the katana to chop Jean's ankles. She didnt seem to care what the price was. Eleanor would die for Aya's safety.

Eleanor prepares to stab Jean in the head "You dont deserve to live, I was right when I said you are weak and Aya deserved to be with us!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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@DriveEMOut@Lady Athena

Aya covered her mouth and turned away from him. She plugged her nose and said, "No. I refuse to drink your blood." She turned and ran off, looking barely a second backward. She had not wanted to do that. She had not wanted to hurt him. But she had had no choice. She got out of there before she reconsidered her resolve not to drink his blood.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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@Nikki Moonlight@Lady Athena
Eleanor went to stab Jean in the head, but her vision blurred and she collapsed instead slicing Jean's arm open and falling beside him. Her body begins to returns to normal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

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@Lady Athena
Jean gasped, grabbing his blade. Geng. Just a bit more. He felt his strength flood in, and his wounds started to slowly heal. He stood up, and dragged Ellie inside. His touch healed her wounds just as slowly, but his wouldn't. He gritted his teeth as he put all of his strength into healing her. "Sorry for everything, Ellie." He passed out with those words.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

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@DriveEMOut@Lady Athena

Heh, these are the idiots who are your family.

"Rather them than the HÄ«ragi, Lyn." He sighed. "I probably should have stopped them earlier rather than watching. But I really thought they'd sort this out themselves. Or hoped, rather."

He grunted as he asked Lyn to empower himself, covering his left hand in a similar gauntlet to the right one, then effortlessly lifting both Jean and Eleanor with each arm and taking them back the barracks. He plonked each one down on a bed, and made no comment on what had happened in the forest.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm the oldest one, Aya. And here I thought you being alive would solve all our problems.

He went back into a sitting area and sat down, unable to get any further rest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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@IceboundMemoire@DriveEMOut@Lady Athena

Aya continued running, tears coming in a stream down her cheeks. They wouldn't stop. She wanted to go back and help but knew it wasn't safe for her there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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@Nikki Moonlight@IceboundMemoire@DriveEMOut

Eleanor awakens in the bed... She was unsure whether everything she had done actually happened. She looked at her body and felt it. She did indeed have a blood stained clothed with a whole in it. But there seemed to be no wound at all. She grabbed hold of her clothes and then looked at Jean who was lying in a bed across from her. Eleanor sighs as she gets out of bed and begins to wander out of the room. She didnt seem to know exactly why she ended up in the hospital, most of it is a blur
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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Aya stopped finally, though she had a small splatter of blood on her. She wiped it off and flicked her hand, making the blood fly off her hand. She held her throat, gasping for air. She was a city away by now. She was in agony, it felt like her chest and throat was on fire. She collapsed to her knees, still gasping for air. The tears, however, would not stop. She knew any vampire within 10 feet of her would be able to smell the blood on her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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@Nikki Moonlight@Lady Athena@DriveEMOut@IceboundMemoire

Rai laid awake in the barracks, unable to sleep and still stewing over Guren's mentions of them as a 'family'. Family was a bit of a lofty ideal to Rai, there were only a few people he'd ever counted as family, and there were even fewer before Hyakuya orphanage. One of those people was his mother, Rai remembered her quite fondly. She was a wonderful person who would take on the weight of the world to make her son's life easier. Unfortunately, she herself wasn't long for the world and died when Rai was around 8. His father? Basically denied Rai's entire existence, and disconnected himself from the entire family leaving Rai with nobody else to go to. So now Guren wanted everyone to treat each other as a family, the same thing that broke down and withered away within an instant earlier on in his life. That didn't exactly paint the best image for the squads future in Rai's head, but he'd protect and help the others nevertheless.

The sound of footsteps inside the barracks broke Rai's concentration on these things, he got up and grabbed his gauntlets just in case. He quietly walked out of his room and made his way to the source of the noise. Rai was greeted by the sight of Jean and Eleanor, each having more wounds than Rai thought he saw earlier. "Ellie, what the hell happened to you? Why are you covered in blood?" Rai asked in a hushed tone, trying not to alert or awaken Guren.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Godlikeblade
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Godlikeblade It's a terrible day for rain.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Nikki Moonlight

Tasuke walks out of barracks sniffing in the air "Who's bleeding out here." Tasuke says, Tasuke looks down to find Aya laying on the ground covered in blood. Tasuke quickly runs over and draws his sword pointing out from where she came from "Who's out there?!" Tasuke said, but with no response, Tasuke picks up Aya and brings her into the barracks and lays her down on one of the chairs "Oh my, are you ok?" Tasuke yells at the other vampires "Search the area for any humans with cursed weapons!" Tasuke looks back at Aya "Who could have done this to you?" Tasuke says. He grabs a vial of human blood that he brought with him and dumps the blood out of the vial. He grabs a knife that was on a nearby nightstand and cuts his hand and fills the vial with his blood and hands it to Aya "Drink, don't worry it's my blood not human blood." Tasuke says, "I smell blood that isn't yours, is this the person that hurt you?" Tasuke says, Tasuke takes a big sniff of the human blood that was on Aya, Tasuke gets up and walks away from Aya and up to two vampires "Hey! Watch her with your life and don't let her leave till I get back." Tasuke walks out of the barracks.

Tasuke walks up to five other Vampires "Come with me NOW! we're going hunting boys." Tasuke says with a very disterbing grin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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Eleanor looked at Rai and sighs "I-i dont remember... Everything was kind of a blur after a certain moment. All I remember was chasing after Jean and then I woke up about 2 minutes ago" She looked at Rai and sighs "But yeah, I seem to have a stab wound on my shirt. Yet my body has no signs of being stabbed" She seemed to be quite confused and falls onto the wall behind her "Lets go for a walk, I need some fresh air"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

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@Lady Athena

Rai stood there trying to piece together the situation. Ellie had her clothes all torn up, but not a single wound. There was also the fact that her memory of the event seemed to be lost, save for the detail about chasing after Jean. Rai was totally stumped, it didn't make any sense Something's not quite right here. "I'm fine with going for a walk, but are you sure you can walk alright?" Rai asked, his voice full of concern. He didn't want to get caught outside by Guren or vampires, but this would probably be his only way to learn more about the situation, Rai was willing to risk it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eleanor giggles "Yes I am alright" She begins to walk quietly towards the exit and out into the open. She seemed to be relaxing quite a bit as she seemed to like the fresh air. This would be the first time in a while that Rai would of seen Eleanor smiling. "Isn't the sky beautiful?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

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@Lady Athena

"Heh, Let's get going then." Rai would say as he followed behind Ellie, trying to not make noise. What Rai saw next he couldn't have predicted, Is it just me or is Ellie... Smiling?! Rai couldn't believe it, he hadn't seen that for quite some time. "Yeah, its pretty great." Rai said as he looked up to the night sky, taking in each and every star, It was truly a breathtaking sight to behold.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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Aya tipped the vial down her throat, but her thirst was still not sated. She panted heavily, still holding her throat. She was just glad the Curse on Jean's blade wasn't activated. That would have been bad for her. She curled up and she gasped a little.

The other vampires said, "Yes, sir!" They got into a formation. Aya had not left any trails to follow, however. She had made sure of that. Despite their fight she still cared about Jean.
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