It was the 22nd Century. The Sol system was a vast collection of megacities, colonies, orbital habitats and stations. Interstellar travel was attained with nuclear fusion and many companies and chartered expeditions ventured out beyond the solar system. Most of the worlds discovered were uninhabitable, so in response, many companies stook up terraformation and atmospheric conditioning to mold new paradises.
The Frin-Eden Company were on the cutting edge of terraformation technology; going far enough to experiment with dangerous wormhole travel to find suitable worlds. One of these worlds was Bastion, a barren, arid planet with a promising future as a garden world. After some twenty five years in development, terraformation was scrapped. Frin-Eden filed for bankruptcy and many of it's terraformation projects were abandoned, including Bastion. Over a century went past for Bastion, it's life sustaining itself in a handful of craters over it's scarred surface. While far across the galaxy, humanity was in a losing war.
The frontier colony of Pilgrim's Rest was attacked by immense monsters, capable of hopping between planets and even solar systems in pursuit of nuclear energy to consume. Besides wanton destruction of colonies and cities, they also brought with them ravenous offspring, fed on human flesh. Along with noxious diseases that swept through refugee camps and aboard fleeing ships. For their deranged pursuit of nuclear sustinence, they were named, Vacuum-Kaiju.
As year after year went past, the number of humans dwindled, their ships engines the very thing drawing the Vacuum-Kaiju to each new haven. Nowhere was safe for the humans, if they returned to worlds left behind by the Kaiju, they would encounter swarming masses of their offspring that took many years to develop. It seemed with each world that was lost, a slither of everyone's hope was lost with it.
One promising hope remained however. Vacuum-Kaiju naturally avoid wormholes, from either primal fear or a past lesson learned. A radical plan was formed, that a collection of ships plunge through a wormhole to a system where a suitable planet lingered. They would cut off their fusion engines and by refraining from utilising nuclear energy, the colony could effectively go into hiding and be undiscovered by the vacuum-kaiju. This of course would mean that the colonists would be condemning themselves to an existence of pre-nuclear energy. At least for a few centuries. Big dangers offered bigger rewards however, as many volunteer colonists made preperations for the journey while a suitable wormhole was looked for.
The Sekelj, the Vlamingh, the Gagarin and numerous smaller vessels were assembled into a ragtag fleet by the time a wormhole was found. With the vacuum-kaiju breathing down their neck, the fleet dipped one by one into the wormhole. The first stroke of luck came up for them as soon as they popped through, as no Kaiju came after them through the wormhole. The second was that they arrived near the planet of Bastion. Unfortunately there good luck was the exception and not the rule.
Not only did the wormhole destabilise and collapse, but sabotage of the fleet sent many of the ships crashing down onto Bastion. Those that survived the crashes were fortunate to have fallen into the habitable region of Bastion simply called the Crater. Just about a thousand five hundred kilometers in diameter, the Crater was an ideal location for the colonists with flowing rivers, great lakes and lush forests.
The Crater was inhabited by animals both familiar and strange. Generally of the North American variety of flora and fauna, they are joined by cloned versions of previously extinct species, such as mammoths and smilodons. While also competing with bastion native species such as the Water-Wyverns. As time went on, the peoples of the different crash sites banded into settlements to survive, united only in their proclamation to not use nuclear energy or technology. Eventually the territories were marked out and various groups and organisations ruled them with open palms or closed fists.
Eighty years after the crashes, the Crater is still a dangerous place, despite the efforts of the territories. There is no shortage of bandits along the roads and people still turn on each other for many reasons both noble and vile. The territories have made alliances with one another and wars have been fought. Technologies once prevelant to the original colonists are vanishing and minds capable of replacing them are few and far between. Less munitions are being produced than spent in the Crater and violence is carried out by swords and bows as well as pistols and artillery.
Talk of uniting the territories is rife among the settlements, it's the 'how' that diversifies that talk however.
Covered in blood and driven mad by their consumption of human flesh. The remaining cannibals have relegated themselves to tribes surrounded by vicious traps and deranged totems. On occasion, if no poor travellers had been caught, they will venture out to nearby settlements and take people for imminent consumption or servitude/sacrifice later.
Though seen often up the rivers and lakes of the crater, their danger comes from their unpredictability and their opportunism. As likely to put silver in your hand as they are to put lead in your stomach. With the right attitude and with enough weapons, they will be a helpful trader, without either and they will come as a dreaded pirate.
More organised than your common bandits, the raiders of Kindlers Reach and Frosthold are led by iron-fisted warlords and trained by cunning deserters. They build their walls and fill their stomachs with slave labor, poor souls captured and forced to work for their cruel masters. Raiders boast of their strong war-convoys, designed to drive down into the settlements of the crater and drive slaves and loot back up the slopes to their strongholds.
Red Sun Hussars
Started with the best intentions, this company of cavalrymen set out initially to protect travellers and fighting back both monsters and men. Over the years though, the hussars ethos collapsed on itself and became reborn as a cult, dedicated to serving their sun spirits and attracting converts rather than protecting the innocent. People in the lands surrounding their keeps are extorted and their children are taken to be brainwashed and trained to be hussars.
When the Frin-Eden company first arrived on Bastion, they found an arid wasteland with a limited number of oasis and harsh natural wildlife. The apex predator was the water-wyvern. Reliant on water sources to lure in prey and nest their eggs in wetlands, when Frin-Eden created the lakes and restarted the rivers of the Crater, the wyvern population exploded. Capable of limited flight and with razor sharp teeth and claws, wyvern's are prone to migrate to find new nesting grounds near waterways an in wetlands., often coming to conflict with corsairs and nearby settlements.
Cannibal Camp Premeditating a cannibal camp are various traps wedged between blood covered totems and bone decorated trees. Very few escape a cannibal camp, though those who do speak of tents made out of human leather and great fire pits to roast men whole.
Cave System The Rim Mountains are filled iwth many cave systems, some empty tunnels, others filled with hidden treasures or horrors best left unawoken.
Farmland* Fields and pastures, irrigation trenches and barns. Farmland can produce enough food not only for the resident farmers but also for nearby settlements.
Mine* Regardless of what is dug or extracted out of the ground, ore or oils, working in a mine is tough work with well earned rewards. Mines also have the facilities to refine new materials from the raw resource they mine.
Raider Stronghold With thick ramparts and filled with garages and barracks, Raider Strongholds are the nerve center of raider activites across the crater. Slaves are kept to usually outside of the walls in labour camps, though the more prized slaves are imprisoned in the stronghold itself.
Red Sun Keep Similar with Raider Strongholds, a keep is designed with buildings to house and supply both hussars and travellers. Now though, the travellers have been replaced with shrines and food extorted from nearby farms. While the keep lacks outer defenses, the keep is designed to go into a lockdown in the event of an attack.
Ruins Left behind by the Frin-Eden company, scavengers and treasure hunters are just scratching the surface of the ruins with the numerous tunnels and facilites covered in foliage and worn down by the years.
Settlement Settlements are the main hubs of the territories. (This is the symbol for your settlement, it'll be coloured in your colony's colours)
Stockade* A fortification, with layers of ditches and killzones up against it's walls and in view of it's towers, a stockade is a sizeable and intimidating place to attack for anyone. Settlement's usually build them to ward off nearby threats or protect borders with other territories.
Village* Smaller than settlements, they usually provide enough food to sustain themselves. Generally though, settlements tend to dedicate themselves to providing a single certain resource such as horses, beers, spirits, cotton, wool etc. They don't produce enough food to be considered farms but can't produce manufactured materials that settlement facturies do.
Water-Wyvern Nesting Grounds The bodies of unfortunate souls after a wyvern attack usually end up in nesting grounds. Often left rotting in the sun for their younglings to consume, their bones mixed in with reeds and branches of various nests. Regardless of the danger water-wyvern's present, all the rotting flesh attracts other smaller predators and can be centers for disease to spring up. Eggs can be stolen for either consumption or for attempts at capturing and domestication, but at great peril and personal risk.
- This is a post-apocalyptic, Sci-Fi nation Rp - 18+ - High-Casual to Advanced please. - Don't be a knobhead. - I'm looking for a Co-Gm, 'Cus this is my first GMing of an Rp in... literally years. All you have to do is be willing and able.
Colony Name: Colony Symbol: (An image or a description of your colony's flag/symbol etc) VIPs: (Names, roles etc) Population: (Anywhere <5000 people)
Settlement (You have 10 points to spend on your settlement, the more points in a category the better it is) Food and Water production: (How do you get food and water for your colonists, farming? ranching? nearby water source? wells?) Main production: (What do your colonists make a lot of i.e. medicine, steel, armaments, horses, vehicles, petroleum etc) Health: (How good is sanitation? what is the general health of the pop? Is disease common?) Settlement Defenses: (How does your settlement defend itself, preferably a mix between past and present fortifications)
Perks: (Choose two perks from the perk list, only two perks though. Will take suggestions for additional perks) Friends and Enemies: (Pick one danger of the Crater to be friendly with and one to be bitter enemies with) History and Culture: (Rather self explanitary)
Outposts: (See the Points of Interest chart and look for the *. Only two per colony and outposts add 1 point each to your settlement catagories) Outpost 1) + Outpost 2)
Military: Infantry = (Number of and ratio of Ranged/Melee combat) Vehicles = (Number of and ratio of Fast/Armoured vehicles) Unique units = (Whatever unique you have at your disposal and number of)
Arsenal = Manufacturing plant of munitions and arms. (Good for producing arms and munitions, longer to besiege settlement) Blockhouse = With an overlooking reach over the settlement, a blockhouse can rain artillery and other projectiles on targets in and around the settlement (+1 defenses point, anti-air capabilities) Catacombes = Good for storing dead bodies, also useful for getting around the city discretely. (+1 Health point, underground tunnels of the settlement) Drone assembly line = The precious knowledge of building and programming drones has been passed down the generations. The designs vary, but are small and specialised, with limited intelligence. (Unique military/labor units) Foresters = In the dense forests and between tall trees, the people are at their best amongst the trees (Suited for forest combat, improved lumber production) Gagarin remnants = The Gagarin was a greenhouse ship, crewed with biologists and horticulturalists (+2 Food, -1 health) Horse Lords = A good horse can get you around quickly and to places that a war buggy or a tank can't, whilest also remaining almost undetected (Unique military/labor units) Hospital = A hospital in the truest sense of the word, where surgeries can be performed with loss of life is at a minimum. It is also a suitable spot to produce medicine and other pharmacuticals to keep a healthy populace. (Maintain a pop of <6000, +1 point to health) Hydroponics = A delicately maintained system of water and plants in a settlement can create blooming gardens, good for maintaining a food supply for a burgeoning population. (Maintain a pop of <7500, +1 food) Railgun battery = A floating Railgun, towed by a barge, for easy access to it's coolant. A railgun is a fearsome piece of artillery (Unique military unit, only travels by water) Secret Police = A handful of loyalists with certain skills for maintaining public order and sniffing out spies. (Improved public order, investigate for spies) Sekelj remnants = The Sekelj was a hospital ship, moving between worlds with a crew of aid workers and midical professionals (+2 health, -1 main production) Shipyard = Building a boat is neccessary for utilising the waterways and lakes of the Crater, thus any settlement on the banks of such can have facilities to build galleys or xebecs. Both of which are powerful means of controlling the waters through either guns or trade. (Unique military units, capable of water trade) Spy Network = A ring of infiltrators and agents that keep their eyes and ears across the crater. (Intelligence gathering available across the crater) Tank Factory = A heavily armoured vehicle, it's good for protecting precious people or attacking formidable enemies. (Unique military units) Underground Reserviour = A fresh water lake sits calmly in a cave beneath the settlement, good for a nearby water supply. (+1 Health, longer to besiege settlement) Working Aircraft = A mix between a bomber and a dropship, how it has been kept in working order for eighty years is due to a dedicated maintenance team and a refurbished engine run on petroleum. As a weapon of war or as a means of transport and diplomacy, it is a useful tool to any territory or faction. (Unique military/diplomatic unit) Vlamingh remnants = The Vlamingh was an engineering vessel, crewed by skilled technicians and manufacturing specialists (+2 main production, -1 food) Wyvern Tamers = By building a unique water paddock and through years of training from birth, a dozen wyvern's have been trained and ready to use as mounts in battle. Their mounts either dropping grenades or a manner of small arms, they make fiercesome opponents. (Unique military unit)
If you have any questions or suggestions, just ask.
Tyrene Coxx - Leader of the Colony Sibina Chen - Leader of the Polina 44th Standard Army Clan Omar Resh - Leader of the Terran 2nd Expeditionary Clan Mark Breknev - Leader of the Nerun 13th Marines Clan
Estimated at around 3,500
Food and Water production: (2) While it is true that Hakimbo has a farm estate to its east, most of Hakimbos population are soldiers and not farmers. With no knowledge on growing crops, their fields have been left in disarray. Hakimbo has been trying to "attract" people with knowledge of agriculture for years now. Not a whole lot has been found and the fields have been left overlooked. Main production: (3) Hakimbo controls a mine to its north which feeds it hunger for munition and spare parts. The materials, after being processed and refined, are brought to the city proper where an army of laborers churn out the bits and pieces people need. Of course fuel and more complex components are just stolen from the neighboring colonies or each other. Health: (1) There's a saying in Hakimbo, "You're better off treating yourself than going to a doctor." Granted there are no doctors in Hakimbo. What you'll find are former army medics trying to treat serious injuries with whatever equipment they have laying around. The price for treatment is outrageous and the lines are long. If you don't need an amputation, you're better of patching yourself. Settlement Defenses: (4) Hakimbo has a wall made of steel and sniper towers are always manned but that's not were its true defensive capability lay. Hakimbo has army of buggies perfect for flanking enemies or harrasing them before they arrive. This buggies are kept in different bunkers around the city and rotate positions every day when not out on a raid. Hakimbo's population, made up mostly of former military personnel, are prepared to take on any would-be invaders.
Perk: Arsenal = Manufacturing plant of munitions and arms. Make Hakimbo your enemy and you'll find out just how much lead they can spit out. Fabrication Center = A site for the manufacture of components too complicated for some factories. (Unique military unit). The fabrication center in Hakimbo provide the parts for the vehicles of Hakimbo to continue running. They also allows its armored corps to continue their service by providing spare parts. Friends and Enemies: Friends: Raiders - Being nothing but highly organized and somewhat coherent marauders themselves, Hakimbo naturally made friends with the local raiders. Raider war-convoys are sometimes seen with the unmistakable war buggies of Hakimbo in the east. Although not officially associated with one another, Hakimbo and the raiders are known to trade from time to time. Enemies: Red Sun Hussars - Even before the corruption of the Hussars, Hakimbo and it's organization were bitter foes. From their early days of escorting and protecting the weak, they fought off Hakimbos raiding parties. Nothing much has changed now that they're a cult. Hakimbo harasses their lands and the Hussars strike back by laying traps for Hakimbo's buggies.
History and Culture
When the gigantic beast which would later known as Vacuum-Kaiju appeared, territory after territory would take up arms to defend themselves. Of course no effective strategy was found to combat the monsters and men died in the millions. When news would spread across the galaxy, soldiers were demoralized. Nothing could hurt the bastards and it felt like they were being sent to their deaths for nothing. Desertions rose. To combat this, several governments locked up their stragglers in a facility only known as "Area 17". Reports of cold-blooded torture and brutal Human experiments sprung up. Soldiers were forced to fight least they wanted to die an even slower death.
As the years went by, planet after planet was lost. In a desperate bid for survival, the remaining population decided to go through a wormhole and shut off its fusion engines so that the Vacuum-Kaiju would never find them again. While the final expedition organized, the prisoners of Area 17 were transported to the site and were told to hold off the monsters to give the evacuees more time. Bomb collars were strapped to their necks and were set to detonate if they refused to fight. Of course nothing would deter the deserters. They took up arms and immediately began to turn on their overseers. Other military personnel who were stationed at the area began to join the deserters, knowing fully that they were going to die there holding off the Kaiju. A number of headless corpses were strewn across but the rebels didn't stop. In the crossfire were hapless civilians gunned down in the confusion.
The officers in charge of the bomb straps were all killed by a wave of determined renegades. Then they began hijacking ships preparing to embark. They forced the people already boarded inside to leave and crammed themselves into the vessels. Then they took off heading for the wormhole. Fighters were ordered to take them down. The fighters joined the convoy rather than die fighting the beast. The group three ships and 20 fighters entered the wormhole who were some of the last to enter. As they went through the other side, the wormhole itself collapsed. Half of the fighters and two of the ships were broken apart. The last ship, the Bavaria, and the 10 fighters had a rough landing. Three of the fighters crashed and the Bavaria rolled on its side after impact. The Bavaria was overburdened with 12,000 people inside with a ship that could only carry a maximum of 7,000. Half of the people inside died during the crash. Of those 6,000, 500 died from their injuries later on.
Months passed by and the survivors began to build a shelter out of the Bavaria's remains. A settlement grew and expanded. the settlement was named "Hakimbo", after a popular strip club that was popular with servicemen back in the days. A power struggle grew and a rift split apart the two most influential people within the group.The survivors grouped each into clans based of the former armies they served under. The largest clan was the 11th Jackson Army who was led by their lieutenant, Armin Cassing. The rest of the survivors looked towards Capt. Tyrene Coxx for leadership. He was the captain that ordered his squadron to stand down and escort the escaping ships. He was calm, level-headed and pragmatic. Everything that Lt. Cassing was not. When the time came for the settlement to decide who it was that was going to lead them, both Cassing and Coxx decided to abide by a democratic vote. Cassing lost and in a fit, left with his men number 2,000. They were never seen from again.
Hakimbo has now grown into a sizable city chocked in smog and litter. The city draws its power from a nearby dam that was found abandoned. Hakimbo has a farm but its citizens has no agricultural skills and the farm is left forgotten. Instead the renegades of Hakimbo has been looting and stealing their essentials from its neighbors. Using makeshift battle buggies from converted explorer vehicles, they hit hard and fast. Convoys passing by will find themselves being rained on by a storm of bullets and those unfortunate to survive would watch as everything they own will be pilfered. Most people have taken to avoid the colony. Hakimbo itself is made up of overlapping houses of sheet metal welded together around a central support. The highest building is the Bavarian keep where Tyrene Coxx oversees the city.
Hakimbo has a strict set of regulations which is enforced by its para-police force, the enforcers. Corporal punishment is the law in Hakimbo. Theft is punishable by having your fingers smashed with a hammer while murderers are shot in the streets. Outsiders are generally seen with suspicion. However those willing to integrate themselves into Hakimbo's rough society are welcome.
1 Mine 1 Farm
Infantry = All of the Hakimbo's fighters uses the Jin Gauss assault rifle that fires the standard 9 mm caliber bullet. It excels in mid range battle but lacks the piercing power beyond its range of 700 meters. The rifle is rechargable via solar batteries carried around by most Hakimbo soldiers. Hakimbo has 700 sanctioned soldiers under the direct command of Tyrene Coxx. Most free lance raiders and bandits living in the city use melee weapons as their weapons have degraded because of the high cost of maintenance. An estimate states that only 1,900 people own a functioning firearm in Hakimbo while the rest of the population owns a knife or some sort of handheld melee weapon. Vehicles = Hakimbos main and for this matter, only vehicle of battle are its battle buggies. Converted explorer crafts that has been boosted with steel plates for armor. It is used primarily for raids and skirmishes. The war buggies are not made for direct contact with enemies as they lack the proper armor to protect themselves from direct hits. Hakimbo has 500 buggies, 450 are estimated to be operational. Unique units: Armored Corps - Among those who joined in the deserted their post in the final hours leading to the great departure were troops cladded into power armor to repel the Kaiju's offspring. A few of those men have survived the crash and now make up the personal guard of Tyrene Coxx. They also serve as shock troops if an invading army breaches the walls of Hakimbo. They number around 50 and carry massive Uron autoguns that fire 50. cal bullets.
@TommyToledo Your NS is really good! I got a few points though. Firstly in military, you have to give a number of troops in the categories and also you have to give a percentage to the ranged/melee infantry and the fast/armoured vehicles sections.
Also another issue, which is totally my fault is the unique units. A unique unit must be chosen from the perks list. If you don't pick a perk with a unique unit attached, then you don't get any unique units. However I have decided to review this and change so that people can pick Two perks. In your case, my suggestion is that you keep your Arsenal perk but also choose one of your unique units to keep as your second perk. Be aware though that whichever perk you pick, I will add to the perk list, so anyone else who wants the same perk can get it too.
I edited mine. Placed in the actual numbers of sanctioned troopers and operational buggies in my colony. Also made a costume perk as you said. If anything else needs fixing, I'll be on it.
VIPs: Edward Woods - Supreme Leader of the colony Neveer Woods - Head General of the Military Ashton Grey - Naval Commander Sylvia Zimmerman - Head of Medicine
Population: 5,500 estimated
Food and Water production: (3)The people of Encor have basic knowledge of farming, thusly the people are not in a dire need for food though more is always wanted. The farms are located outside the city walls. As for water, the people run water from the nearby river. Main production: (1) Encor hardly has any production and often are forced to rely on trade with others to supply themselves with the things they need. Though, they can craft medicines through the herbs and other plants that they have. There is also fish, though they hardly sell that as it is one of their sources of food. Health: (5) Encor is a mainly sanitary location where health of the person is typically seen as the top priority over everything else. They have a few clinics and many doctors to work with so they are fine health wise. However, they hold a grade A hospital wh Settlement Defenses: (2) Encore has wooden walls along the outer perimeter to protect themselves, they have wooden towers with guards that can man machine guns. There is the occasional steel reinforcement, but not it is not plenty.
Perks: Hospital = A hospital in the truest sense of the word, where surgeries can be performed with loss of life is at a minimum. It is also a suitable spot to produce medicine and other pharmacuticals to keep a healthy populace. (Maintain a pop of <6000, +1 point to health) Shipyard = Building a boat is neccessary for utilising the waterways and lakes of the Crater, thus any settlement on the banks of such can have facilities to build galleys or xebecs. Both of which are powerful means of controlling the waters through either guns or trade. (Unique military units, capable of water trade)
Friends and Enemies: After events that have happened in the past, the people of Encor have a long standing feud with the Red Suns due to their new cult and have been relying more heavily with the Cossairs with whom they share many traits.
History and Culture: The damned Vacuum-Kaiju have driven many ships to this desolate planet, only craters to properly house life as a whole. Though it was boon that they would be able to survive on this planet at all in the first place. They hailed from a starting colony that relied heavily on its nuclear power to sustain itself, being able to mine many of the materials that it needed. However, those monsters drove people from the colony by the thousands- nay, hundreds of thousands. Ships tried to leave, but the Kaiju destroyed many of them and only two ships survived. In the end the two ships went searching for a wormhole and managed to get away from the terror that befell them.
However, there was a malfunction with the ships and they had to make a crash landing in the crater. Many were killed, many more were wounded. These people had landed at the intersection of what is now known as Flea River, two splitting rivers sir rounding them that lead to Helium Lake. Unfortunately, they did not land in a mineral rich area and having the ability to construct the necessary tools for survival was hard. That was until the Red Sun Hussars had shown up and aided them immensely by giving them tools to survive and gave them the know of the land. For that they became indebted to the Red Suns.
Not long after did they fully set up the settlement in its entirety and not long after that did they meet the Cossairs who gave them knowledge of shipbuilding in exchange for medicine. A democracy had been set up, letting them become able to lead themselves and make executive decisions to benefit the settlement as a whole.
This "golden age" for the settlement would only last sixty years before a revolution would sweep through the entire colony. The democracy had become weak and the people did not want to become victim to raids, it did not help the the Red Suns kept coming back and taking their children for their cult. A man by the name of Edward Woods would lead a revolt against the democracy and fight a small skirmish that ultimately led to the deaths of all representatives and the president of Encor.
Edward Woods declared himself Supreme Ruler of the colony and set in motion of chain of event that would "benifit" the colony in every way. First off, all crime is met as treason and traitors are often killed by beheading. Second, the Red Sun Hussars had become a pest and would be dealt with accordingly. Edward took some Cossairs and the war boats to lead an assault on a nearby Hussar base, the battle lasted for five days before the combined force breached the walls. There were no survivors from the Hussars, only the children that had been stolen. The Hussar base was razed to the ground and the Cossairs given extravagant gifts for their participation in the battle.
Never more will the Encor seem weak in the face of adversity and they would overcome all obstacles that would be presented with them. They will stand as one, they will fight as one, they would all die as brothers and sisters on the field of battle. Or they would die as shrewd merchants of the river, following their Cossairs brothers to oblivion.
Outposts: Encor currently does not hold any outposts of their own.
Military: Infantry = There are currently 550 trained troops at peace, all of which use .358 rounds from rifles. During peacetime, these men hardly leave the walls of the colony. However, when wartime rolls around, the standing army goes up to 1,900. 1,000 of those men use varied melee weapons, typically spears and shields, while the 150 remaining use longbows. The original 550 are still there as well. However, there are 200 sailors armed with swords, manning the ships.
Vehicles = The only vehicle that the Encor have available to them are Buggies and they are in short supply at the number of 100 operational, 36 remaining buggies tend to be scrapped for spare parts. However, 20 of the operational have been converted into heavy armored buggies which mount 50. Caliber machine guns on top, though they are too valuable to be used often.
Unique units = The Encor hold 20 fully operational cogs, their main transport ship as well as trade vessel and they plan to get more underway as soon as they get a better lumber industry underway. As for true military ships, they hold 10 Caravels which come with catapults on the sides of the ships to provide artillery.