Anyone wanna come mess around with South America with me??
The Nexerus said
1. ROC.2. South Africa.3. Israel.
Jannah said
By ROC do you mean Republic of Korea? I'm slightly confused.
The Nexerus said
Republic of China.
Jannah said
Ah right. Duh. I knew that. *facepalm*
The Nexerus said
Oh, and when exactly in 1950 does this start? The first day of the New Year? I need to know if the RoC still has Hainan, Zhoushan and Wanshan.
Ozymandias said
Can you change my thing on the OP from UK over to Finland, please? :)
Jannah said
Done. Also, remember to fill out your nation sheets. There's one up now in the first post. That'll confirm your place in the game.
Jannah said
Yes, right at the beginning of the year. I'm trying to decide on a time-post scale. Maybe ten posts=a month, or is that too many?
The Nexerus said
The Nexerus said (Can't find this. Anyone know a good resource?)
Dutchbag said
Can't be right.