Kindergarten, a vast canyon filled with numerous holes are carved from the faces of rocks; these are referred to as the "birthplaces" of many Gems. All over the Earth are places such as these,they are mostly unfinished and forgotten while others are still very much standing as if a constant reminder of what lead to the events of the Gem War and the mistakes that were made by HomeWorld Gems. Not all of the gems made in these places were mistakes but most of them were corrupted, unable to take normal form and forced into monstrous form with only base thought as far as anyone could tell. If the corrupted gems weren't bad enough, the process to create these gems took the nutrients from the Earth, killing the planet slowly and leading to one outcome if not stopped.
Rose Quartz, the one that saw beauty in everything was enthralled with Earth and wished to protect it from being miss used. She banded together with her friends and allies to start a rebellion. They fought hard to protect this world from the HomeWorld Gems, the battles intense and many gems destroyed from both sides. In the end, Rose Quarts and three of her closest friends were the only ones left of the rebellion that be known as the Crystal Gems. The only ones left on Earth and now outcasts of their true home. The Earth was now their home and they felt reasonable to clean up the mess that the HomeWorld had left behind and continue their mission.
Little would Rose and the others know that not all the gems from the Kindergarten had awoken for the Gem War. They still sat, forming or even just staying in their gems and refusing to project a body. Others hid or stayed in there holes, making a choice not to be a part in the War. It wouldn't be long before they popped into existence or were tempted to form as the HomeWorld gems started poking around in the Kindergarten once more.
* We currently are accepting a limited number of Gem characters. All Human characters are welcome!
* This is a Reboot.

Gems Temple

Mohs Town
Banned gems(For different reasons):
Agate, Jasper, Quartz, Diamond, or Beryl of any color (unless the have a specific name. ex: Aquamarine is a type of Beryl)
All Diamonds
Tiger's Eye
Canon Gems (Unless permission is given)
Any gems currently being used by players or as a fusion gem
Crystal Gems
1. Aquamarine
Home-World Gems
* This is for when you abandon the RP. You get warnings.
Waiting to Reform/Away
* This is for when you are on vacation or busy.
Name:(What they go by)
Gem:(The gem they are)
Gem Placement:(Where their gem is located)
Gem Item:(This does NOT have to be a weapon, such as Jasper's helmet or Lapis's wings)
Power:(You get ONE, it will also not be present at the start, it will be weak and unstable.)
Name:(What they go by)
Gem:(The gem they are)
Gem Placement:(Where their gem is located)
Gem Item:(This does NOT have to be a weapon, such as Jasper's helmet or Lapis's wings)
Power:(You get THREE)
Backstory:(Not required, it can always come up in roleplay)
Name:(What they go by)
Gem:(The gem they are)
Gem Placement:(Where their gem is located)
Gem Item:(This does NOT have to be a weapon, such as Jasper's helmet or Lapis's wings)
Power:(You get FIVE)
Backstory:(REQUIRED, Bloodstone will use this to review your gem and decide if he wants to have him on his ship)
((If you wish to play a human... do Name, Age, Appearance, Other))
Aquamarine- Akayaofthemoon
Bloodstone- Kronshi
(White)Spinel- 21308
Chromite- 21308
Evenkite- Loony
Sodalite- pyroman
Caranelian- Guardian Angel Haruki
Marra Mamba- Raijinslayer
Emerald- HaltingBlooper
Gembone- Loony
Galaxite- Lmpkio
Charoite- Vocab
Pink Tourmaline- Katakon
Verdelite- EnterTheHero
Candice Ghoste- Guardian Angel Haruki
Maeve Star Byrne- Akayaofthemoon
Reggie Dorvain- Raijinslayer
Harrison Pierce- Lmpkio
Zachariah "Zed" Everston- Ghost Queen
Johnny "Blue"- Pathfinder
* Will add list when we have human characters
* Will add to the list when we decide fusions
Rose Quartz, the one that saw beauty in everything was enthralled with Earth and wished to protect it from being miss used. She banded together with her friends and allies to start a rebellion. They fought hard to protect this world from the HomeWorld Gems, the battles intense and many gems destroyed from both sides. In the end, Rose Quarts and three of her closest friends were the only ones left of the rebellion that be known as the Crystal Gems. The only ones left on Earth and now outcasts of their true home. The Earth was now their home and they felt reasonable to clean up the mess that the HomeWorld had left behind and continue their mission.
Little would Rose and the others know that not all the gems from the Kindergarten had awoken for the Gem War. They still sat, forming or even just staying in their gems and refusing to project a body. Others hid or stayed in there holes, making a choice not to be a part in the War. It wouldn't be long before they popped into existence or were tempted to form as the HomeWorld gems started poking around in the Kindergarten once more.
Note: Always More Welcome! Ignore Post Counts!
* We currently are accepting a limited number of Gem characters. All Human characters are welcome!
* This is a Reboot.

Gems Temple

Mohs Town
Banned gems(For different reasons):
Agate, Jasper, Quartz, Diamond, or Beryl of any color (unless the have a specific name. ex: Aquamarine is a type of Beryl)
All Diamonds
Tiger's Eye
Canon Gems (Unless permission is given)
Any gems currently being used by players or as a fusion gem
Crystal Gems
1. Aquamarine
Home-World Gems
* This is for when you abandon the RP. You get warnings.
Waiting to Reform/Away
* This is for when you are on vacation or busy.
Rules & Information:
- Communication. There is a reason this one is on top! If you have a problem with anything at any time in this RP than please feel encouraged to talk with my Co-GM or myself. Speak up, I am not a mind reader but I do want everyone to enjoy themselves as much as I can.
- The first also leads into this one, if you are going to be gone for a few days than please notify again the Co-GM or myself. That way we can work in you being gone so everything doesn't come to a stand still. I do not expect everyone to be posting 24/7, after all this is supposed to be fun and entertaining, not pressuring. However, there's no fun with characters being away the whole time without notification if they're still interested in participating in this RP at all.
- If you have an idea, please share it! Speak your mind!I want everyone to be a part of this RP. The growing and the movement of it all.
- HomeWorld Gems are reserved for NPC or to those that I have given explicit exception and permission.
- There may or may not be canon characters. If you wish to play a canon character than ask.
- If you have read all my rules than put hail the king at the bottom of your profile
- You can't make OC out of the already shown Gems and or fusions. A pain, I know but the hope is to have the Canons introduced eventually.
- You must post at least one paragraph minimum (5-7 sentences). More is always good.
- You can play a maximum of two characters unless permission has been granted by myself or Co-GM
- Original players may only have ONE experienced gem. All New players will be rewarded if you stay loyal which is why the Original players are being rewarded with experienced gems from the beginning inside of having to earn them. We may continue the tradition of each '100' mark post getting a treat but we will see.
- The king is a lie so write bow to the queen instead. Making sure not too many people skimmed. Be sure to read the rule under this one cause it is important and I will know straight away if you didn't read it.
- After an initial post, you most wait for two other people to post before you may post again. Sometimes conversations may force a post to have to be sooner but maybe not.
- Have fun and welcome to my magical RP!
Newborn CS
Name:(What they go by)
Gem:(The gem they are)
Gem Placement:(Where their gem is located)
Gem Item:(This does NOT have to be a weapon, such as Jasper's helmet or Lapis's wings)
Power:(You get ONE, it will also not be present at the start, it will be weak and unstable.)
Veteran Rebel CS
*(For the people from the original)Name:(What they go by)
Gem:(The gem they are)
Gem Placement:(Where their gem is located)
Gem Item:(This does NOT have to be a weapon, such as Jasper's helmet or Lapis's wings)
Power:(You get THREE)
Backstory:(Not required, it can always come up in roleplay)
Veteran Homeworld CS
*(For the people from the original, max of four on a first to be accepted basis)Name:(What they go by)
Gem:(The gem they are)
Gem Placement:(Where their gem is located)
Gem Item:(This does NOT have to be a weapon, such as Jasper's helmet or Lapis's wings)
Power:(You get FIVE)
Backstory:(REQUIRED, Bloodstone will use this to review your gem and decide if he wants to have him on his ship)
((If you wish to play a human... do Name, Age, Appearance, Other))
Aquamarine- Akayaofthemoon
Bloodstone- Kronshi
(White)Spinel- 21308
Chromite- 21308
Evenkite- Loony
Sodalite- pyroman
Caranelian- Guardian Angel Haruki
Marra Mamba- Raijinslayer
Emerald- HaltingBlooper
Gembone- Loony
Galaxite- Lmpkio
Charoite- Vocab
Pink Tourmaline- Katakon
Verdelite- EnterTheHero
Candice Ghoste- Guardian Angel Haruki
Maeve Star Byrne- Akayaofthemoon
Reggie Dorvain- Raijinslayer
Harrison Pierce- Lmpkio
Zachariah "Zed" Everston- Ghost Queen
Johnny "Blue"- Pathfinder
* Will add list when we have human characters
* Will add to the list when we decide fusions