Above the earth, hanging in orbit, not particularly distant from the former position in which the former space station had occupied, hung another artificial satellite. Considering the sheer quantity of detritus and other junk in earth orbit, the product of hundreds of various efforts to reach space and passing particles picked up by the earth’s gravity it was no surprise that there would be an artificial satellite. But this one was not like any other in orbit...
Within a faintly lit chamber a luminous blue green orb dominated. A projection that emerged from the center of the room filled most of the chamber with a scale model of the earth below and as long slender fingers encased in metal brushed across the surface of the glowing orb it shifted. The fingers pinched together and then widened and a portion of the globe blurred and changed its focus, expanding until a singular image of a city filled over half the projection.
The fingers moved again, manipulating the image as it zoomed in still further, now only a few city blocks were visible, and the people below while still ants were visible as they moved about their business below. A gathering was visible, and another casual motion the image changed once more to zoom in on the gathering. A few more deft strokes painted several individuals seemingly placed at random throughout out the crowd red, as well as the more obvious security personnel arranged around the speaker’s platform.
But as the fingers moved again, bringing the image into sharper focus on the man who actually was speaking there was a shudder, a tremor in the motion, a tremor that became a clenching of a fist that caused distortion.
“Targets set. Verify?” A computerized voice inquired and then a moment later as several more motions completed it continued. “Targets verified. Firing in T Minus 5 minutes.” As the voice finished speaking the white and gold armored figure drew its hand back from the globe and walked away in the direction of the launch bay.
The voice that sounded was a rich and hearty voice, one clearly practiced and trained to carry and resonate. “I come before you today, people of Lost Haven, people of the state of Maine, people of the world who are watching, for two reasons. The first as I am sure you all know is the fall of the Gold Dawn space station. I could tell you about gross negligence, or allegations of conspiracies surrounding Mr. Midas and his station but I won’t. As far as I can tell that belongs in the tabloids.”
“Instead on the behalf of myself and my family, as well as the other local employees of Macros International I wish to extend my thanks to the man who saved the city from the station’s fall.” Albrecht Macros continued as many in the crown nodded. “To the man who saved this city I extend my gratitude and thanks, for without his fortuitous intervention I would not be here to announce the newest step forward.”
While the earlier platitudes and thanks had been designed to appease the masses and to appear human in the wake of the near disaster this line was less expected and attracted more attention. “What is this next step you ask? In truth it is quite simple; we at Macros International have always strived to introduce the very best and to bring the best to you, the people. And now I am pleased to announce that with the aid of our fellow allies in progress the Traupitz Biotech Institute we will be starting human trials on a treatment that has shown 99% effectiveness at curing cancer in animals.” This announcement was predictably met with a thunderous amount of applause.
“We-” The corporate giant had barely begun to continue the next stage of his speech when he was interrupted by thunderous cracks of sound. There was little time for anyone to react, yet alone figure out what had caused the sounds, but in their aftermath perhaps a dozen men and women in the audience simply toppled over with no visible wounds.
Predictably the crowd began to panic, but the shock had only begun to set in as the guards who had surrounded the platform began to move to hustle their employer off to the waiting vehicle for extraction. However before they could do more than begin to move another series of the thunderous cracks sounded and the rest of the security forces simply dropped in much the same way as the members of the audience had.
That was when the screaming began. Though as the crowd panicked Albrecht Macros merely raised a brow and stood behind the speaker’s podium. The security forces spaced out throughout the crowd and around the podium had not been the only members of his security in the vicinity and if he was to be assassinated it would matter little, he was prepared for a transmission and his replacement body was already prepared and waiting in the wings.
The drivers of the cars in his convoy, also members of his security staff had just emerged from their cars and pulled out legal weapons when the source of the initial strikes arrived. A vehicle approximately three times the size of a large car and suspended by unknown means abruptly appeared over the panicked crowd. Bullets pinged off an invisible field that surrounded the craft as it descended and a doorway hatch on the side opened up.
With a show of intelligence the MI security shifted the focus of fire to the place where the hatch had opened, but ultimately they were too slow. The first shot that came from the figure that had emerged headed straight for Macros himself. And as that shot flew towards him several more bursts came from the armored attacker in the direction of the last members of the security.
The shot fired at Macros was not a conventional attack but rather a net and it wrapped around the captain of industry, immobilizing the great man even as his security engaged the attacker. While his analysis, conducted by the microcomputers enhancing his brain functions indicated that his implants would allow him to break the net field such would reveal too much and there was a hero in town apparently so such was too great a risk.
As Macros analyzed two of the three drivers were struck by the plasma and simply ceased to exist, leaving no evidence behind. The third however had dodged, showing speed of his own. Several further shots were dodged before the gold and white armored figure simply pulled the secondary trigger and unleashed a torrent of superheated steam that engulfed the last security man. While for a moment there was movement within the steam it quickly ceased as Macros relayed the kill order to his own defense, not wanting to risk their true nature being exposed.
With the last of the security taken out the gold and white armored figure moved swiftly towards Macros and the hissing sound of a plasma sword activating sounded.