<Snipped quote by FacePunch>
That's not right... Really? They aren't their own individuals but have to be sold as a set? You're awful, just awful!
Oh, I'm well aware of how awful I am.
<Snipped quote by FacePunch>
That's not right... Really? They aren't their own individuals but have to be sold as a set? You're awful, just awful!
Choices... so many choices. Though that does get me thinking about team ups and what everyone's thoughts on who would make an interesting team between some of the existing and active PCs?
<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>
You know, I wouldn't mind hearing people's thoughts on that.
<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>
You know, I wouldn't mind hearing people's thoughts on that.
<Snipped quote by VATROU>
I want to see Icarus and Iron Knight go at it. Who's the better tech genius and all that.
<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>
Oh, I'm well aware of how awful I am.
<Snipped quote by VATROU>
I've had my eye on someone's NPC because I thought it would make an interesting post or two for Vigilante and thought the two would likely have a mutual respect...
But I'd best get through the current event stuff first.
I'd actually love for a Lyger/Vigilante team up or a Lyger/Mantis team up, because I think either one would be a blast
I getsick for 5 minutes and we've got Moon Knight's evil god stomping around the city.:
<Snipped quote by FacePunch>
OMG, Athinar has infected you!!!
Choices... so many choices. Though that does get me thinking about team ups and what everyone's thoughts on who would make an interesting team between some of the existing and active PCs?
<Snipped quote by VATROU>
I want to see Icarus and Iron Knight go at it. Who's the better tech genius and all that.
I want to see Radiance and Arachne team up. Because.....reasons.
Arachne, Justine & Pendragon: Their personalities would make interesting interactions really.
Iron Knight & Icarus: Love the Tech boys. <3
<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>
<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>
I think that Angel and pretty much anyone would turn out to be incredibly badass.
<Snipped quote by FacePunch>
It will be a battle to see who can keep the "Daedalus" name for their armor.
<Snipped quote by nitemare shape>
<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>
I see there is a desire for Iron Knight and Icarus to team-up/go at it. However, Iron Knight has seen is fair share of "Cross-over Purgatory" in this game.
There could be worse team-ups for Arachne, such as a certain electric metahuman...
And no love for Raptor and friends? How rude! >:(