@fdeviant Alright, fair enough.
As for the need for magical assistance, here's a few options for it. However if you come up with more, please let me know as I might've not thought of it and if it works, I see no reason why we can't use it.
One is to track Rach obviously as
when she escapes there will be little to no way to find her without some type of assistance or ace in the hole.
Two is prevent her from leaving a fixed area, namely if she leaves the Cowl territory than she would be harder to retrieve without more advance planning.
Three is likely casting a spell to create a lapse in the non Cowl involved individuals' memory or an illusion that the CDC van is still on route, preventing anyone from getting suspicious.
Another few ways to get involved with the arc is being the one that Rach, when she escapes, happens to stumble upon or was following her. She's going to go through massive changes that her mind can't keep with, her senses will be struggling not to overload while her abilities grow or manifest creating attention getting issues.
Example, she could literally pull metal from local areas right to her without focusing or being able to control. This could happen one moment, then suddenly stops the next. It could last hours or minutes, not even happen when she wants it to. Right now, she's going through meta style growing spurts which means she's a danger to the average human merely by roaming around with no control over her abilities. That could be a pull in for anyone really and another loophole as I mentioned to Melon, I aimed for her get to away at some point from the Villains. Just when depends on the Villains and the players.
As for answering these questions, feel free to provide your own options. I have only the vaguest idea of how this arc can go and that's mostly possibilities based on the players' actions while in IC. I literally have a diagram over all the possible choices and how they lead or draw away each other, at least those I can think of. So if you all come up with more, I will be happy to work with them and build on what you establish because honestly the best stories are the ones I wing it on.
The basic plan outline is as I told Melon for the kidnapping plan is this:
1. Detour the CDC Van to a destination: This can range from subtle take out the driver, and staff then drive it into the destination by Lekh or Red Reaper forcibly chasing the van through her more chaotic talents into it. Either is optional and applicable.
2. Acquire target: Basically move Rach from the CDC van then to awaiting vehicle waiting for her and deal with the CDC staff, and any heroes that come their way likely creating a big o' clash.
3. Rach either gets away or whisked away to the hiding place, while the other villains basically duke it with the heroes. The players ultimately can determined the end of that conflict from either the villains lose the fight and beat a hasty retreat, with Rach already gone, or one of the baddies can be capture and pumped for information only to get away later through trickery or something. These are only two options, there's likely thousands of others which I would love to see happen really.