The Iron Maiden
Homeostasis complete. Subjects at full capacity. Opening pods in 3. 2. 1.

There was a blinding light as the subjects took in their first breath, gasping for air as they were suddenly born into the world and looking at their surroundings for the first time. It seems as though they have no memories of this place, or any place for that matter, as if waking up from their homeostasis chambers was the first thing they experienced. Who were they? What were they? A million thoughts seemed to be running around their heads as they looked down and saw the custom-fit jumpsuits, that while skin tight in most areas seemed relatively comfortable, and a metallic collar strapped around their necks. It was very sturdy, and although it didn't cause discomfort and was rather small, it seemed as though it wasn't coming off any time soon.
As the subjects stepped out of their pods, or were helped out... or dragged to their feet, a woman stood in a white lab coat holding a clipboard, a smile on her face.
"Welcome, subjects. My name is Dr. Yukishima, and I'll explain everything very shortly as I'm sure you all are very curious. You are test subjects of ZAUD, short for Zion Augmented Unlimited Development. We have created you all, and for your purposes now you will all be weapons with superhuman abilities. Each of you has been genetically infused with artificial DNA to give you 'powers' of sorts, and you will find out what they are soon enough once we get you to the training facility. For now we want you to get used to your bodies and everything settled before we begin."
The doctor tapped a few buttons on a keyboard and a hologram was projected in front on them, showcasing a collar and suit similar to their own.
"This is what you're currently wearing and will for the rest of your lives it seems. The collars are fitted to your neck and cannot be removed unless by us, which we should have no reason to unless you are deceased. These collars are controlled by us and will in turn control your powers, nullifying them if need be. They also work very nicely like a dog collar, shocking you if you misbehave, or if need be, killing you on the spot. But if you cooperate, there should be no need. The suits you are wearing are also high-tech, with a special material suited for the hottest, coldest, wettest or driest situations. The material is reflexive, ventilating heat, absorbing it and keeping it trapped inside, locking out moisture or allowing it to pass through easily depending on the situation. My personal favorite, and stays dry and doesn't stain, as well as is self-cleaning so we don't have to do laundry. You all, however, are not and still need to bathe. If you happen to damage your suit we can easily repair it with our machines that pass certain waves over it and causes the material to bond and repair itself. While it is durable it is not going to stop a bullet, these aren't indestructible by any means. They will be the clothes you will primarily wear and are tailored to your own body."
Yukishima make the hologram disappear from sight, having that same bright smile on her face as she turned and saw Hercules walk into the room. He was wearing the same clothing items that the subjects were wearing, and it was obvious that he too must once have been in his position. His blonde hair was slightly swept to the side, his bright blue eyes full of life and confidence. His fair skin looked without flaw, and the jumpsuit adorned to his muscular figure very nicely. He looked like a male model and was built like a linebacker. Hercules stood next to Dr. Yukishima, bowing his head and keeping it down in a sign of respect.
"Ah, Subject 001, nice to see you. This will be your group leader, and you will listen to him when I am not around. He goes by the name of 'Hercules', and was our first subject ever created. He is very experienced and loyal to us, and will help you on your way to growing and becoming stronger. Ultimately you all will report to me, but for now you will be reporting to him. I'll let him lead you into Lockdown and give you the rest of the briefing. I will be with you at a later time, but for now I must leave." Yukishima nodded, waving goodbye as she left the Iron Maiden through one of its many doors. Hercules picked his head up, smiling as he looked over his new teammates.
"Well, glad that's over. She can be a bit wordy. Happy Birthday, and welcome to the Iron Maiden. This is going to be where they monitor and heal you if you get injured, I don't usually hang around her too often, but if you're accident prone or a trouble maker, I'm sure you will." He laughed, his voice filling the room with a deep but strong tone, acting if like this wasn't the first time he has done this. "If you'll follow me I'll take you to Lockdown, which is pretty much home for us. It's not that cushy, but believe me, you'll get used to it."

Hercules lead the group down a series of corridors out of the Iron Maiden before arriving in the dorm part of the Lockdown facility. It was quite large, although bleak, with metal floors, walls, and ceilings. Lights built into the ceiling and walls illuminated the place as they walked in, not too bright but enough to show everything visibly. There were rows of metal doors on each side, seeming to open automatically as there were no handles of anything on the outsides of the doors. There was a stair case on their left and right, leading to the upper level dorms that looked exactly the same as the ones on the bottom.
"This is where you're going to be sleeping. There can be two subjects living in a dorm at a time, but since we are the only subjects, you have the option of dorming by yourself if you choose. However, if problems occur between subjects, I'll see to it that you are split up. The rooms are rather small but comfortable, with two beds and ample living space, enough to serve their purpose but have enough room to be comfortable with other people in the room. If you have any problems with your rooms you can ask me and I will inform a staff member."
Hercules toured them around the rest of the facility, the mess hall, which was large enough for a few dozen people, and seemed to work completely off of robotics. A study, with an assortment of books that lined shelves, as well as desks, paper, pens, lamps and other useful tools that one could need for studying. A gym, with state of the art equipment and weight limits on certain machines that would be too much for even an Olympic weight lifter. Lastly, there was a training facility, a wide and open area with marked large circles that seemed to be the places where you would spar, as well as training equipment such as weapons, punching bags, targets, and there seemed to be a device next to each circle. Hercules explained that you could set minor fighting simulations within the circle, but didn't get into too much details. There were also doors much like their dorm rooms, except 001 explained that these were private simulation rooms that were a bit more advanced.
"This is where you will train with yourselves and others for the most part, and I will be leading you in drills and exercises here. This is to prepare you for tests and challenges given to you by the Dr. Yukishima in the near future. But don't worry, I will prepare you for such." Hercules smiled and sighed, laughing a bit as he scratched his head.
"Well, that's about it for the tour today. Please feel free to ask me any questions if you need to. You are free to roam Lockdown as you wish, although you cannot leave Lockdown at this time. Hence its name. Your powers have been nullified for the time being until I can properly show you how to use them without you hurting yourselves. Feel free to walk around and explore the place as you wish and talk among yourselves. Shortly there will be a large school bell type noise and that signals curfew. I suggest getting into your dorm by that time, as you don't want to be forcibly put in there. Trust me. Other than that I'll be in my dorm on the top left side if you need me, the closest one to the training facility. I've been training all day, and a nap sounds nice right about now." He remarked, although he didn't show any sign that he was tired in the least. Soon he walked off towards the dorms, disappearing into his own as the door automatically opened for him and closed, a 'clink' sound signifying he had locked it.
There was a bit of an awkward silence now as the group stood among themselves in the middle of the training room, only being awake for a few hours. How would they spend the rest of their time before curfew? How would they react to the whole situation? Would they wet themselves in their very high-tech jumpsuit? That is for you to decide.