The Myriad of Nations

The Myriad of Nations is a 19th century based Nation game where are in the age of industrialization , Imperialism , Diplomacy and Fast but Ravaging wars , in this era , there are many nations from one continent in specific called Alasia , those nations are the ones that are considered to be the most likely to go to other continents , discover new technologies and bring civilization to the darkest places in the World , however , they are also the most likely to suffer from the problems of the new Era , socialism has just been born and is starting to spread , anarchism create chaos in some nations and lastly the military industrial complex of every nation grows every year awaiting for the politicians to declare war and make a profit of it.You are here to guide your nation to glory and become the most powerful nation in the world maybe with a ever growing empire or a massive economy that will dwarf that of your neighbors.

Stats and Mechanics
The game is stat based and there are some factors that are measured in your nation such as economy , trade , army size , etc . Most of these traits can be improved through investment and planning , which will be done through Credits which will be the currency of the game , you can spend these credits as you like since all actions that you will send him will be Freeform you just need to send them in a PM to me and state what are you doing and how much money you are putting into it , if you want to spend more than you generate in a turn you can go into debt which interest rate will be at 5% that will have to be paid every year , this money comes from your nation bankers and lenders and there is a limit on how much money you can go into debt and that limit is your economy , is the interest rate of your debt is equal of higher to your economy rating then your economy collapses and you go into recession which is very very bad.
About the Nations and signups , after you sign up and create a small sheet for your nation you will be given the stats of your nation that will be generated through a Random Nation Generator , your nation after the RNG should look like this:
Nation Name:
Population: How many people you have
Manpower: How many of those people you can put into the army
National Popularity: How liked are you domestically
International Popularity: How liked are you internationally
Stability: How stable is your nation
Economy: How much worthy is your economy
Trade: How much wealth comes from trade
Income: Your overall credit income
Land Units: Military Units that equal 10k troops
Naval Units: Naval Units that equal one fleet
Conscripts: Come from draft and cost less than standard troops though they are less efective
Traits: Traits that make special your nation
Current Circumstances: What is happening in your country
National Problem: What problem does your nation have
There a couple of Hidden Stats such as Corruption and Industrialization , that will still have their effect and will be described but not put in numbers and no not worry about the math , everything is done through excel .
Signups: All you need for a signup is this , after that you will receive a sheet about your nation.
Nation Name:
Lastly this is an interest check so I will now how many people are interested in playing.