United Companies of Blaserkr(UCB)

Nation Intro
Blaserkr is a powerful oligarchy built around mining and technology. Originally a monarchy, it fell due to losing it peoples trust, a revolution took place that transformed the Dwarven kingdom into a region run by 4 huge companies. United in its values and its trust restored in its government, it has risen from the ashes of civil war. They are known for thier Crusade against the unholy magic of Chaos, (all kinds of sorcery)with the holy magic of Ama, (fire magic) during the early reign of the kingdom. They are also famous for their vast and rich mountain ranges filled with all kinds of precious metals. Thier biggest accomplishment is there creation of bipedal mechanized machines, both domestic use and for war.

Blaserkr is region filled with mountains and forests, a frontier concurred by stubborn dwarves. Its cites bounded on three sides by basalt outcrops and partially screened by brush. Harsh mountains composed of granite, covered with thorny shrubs. Thrusting spires of naked rock reach into the heavens so high that you would believe the very sky was pierced. Mountain ranges dot the landscape, creating a system known as the Ragfargruarr Ranges. Thick forests carpet the uplands, creating a Mountain Forest biome were they meet. In short, Blaserkr is a mountainous region, rich in precious metals, and surrounded with thick forestation.
Belgin's Heresy

Before the Great Revolution, Blaserkr was ruled by a monarchy, the king at the time was Belgin. He was a man who stuck to his guts and a battle hardened warrior. During that time, magic and smithing was a huge part of dwarven culture. All kinds of magic was permitted, schools teaching magic was sanctioned and funded by the monarch, and court wizards were prominent at the time. The belief was at that time that the goddess of fire and forges, Ama, had blessed them with this abundance of magical talent, and it was to be nurtured. The kingdom was all and well until an alliance was struck with the Elves, who the king saw as fascinating.
The elven were given a place in his court, and soon, the elves began to mislead the king. See, the elves planed to over throw the kingdom from the inside by manipulating the king against his people. The whispering voices of the elves placed a seed of doubt in the kings heart, warning him of the danger of the magic that his people were practicing, calling magic that of the Chaos god Zama. Slowly, the king grew to hate all magic but that of Ama. The tipping point came when the elves set up a magical accident that killed the Crown Prince. The king was outraged, summoning his Priests of Ama, he created a new Vanguard, the Pure. The Pure were a group of knights blessed by Ama to wield and manipulated the Guardians Hammer, flaming hammers forged and enchanted with fire magic. The king made a decree, kill all those who wielded magic that was not that of Ama. The Chaos Crusade had begun.
Chaos Crusade

This Chaos Crusade was a massive hunt for those who were believed to be practitioners of Chaos magic, all magic that was not the of Ama. The Pure, Guardians of the Hammer, spread of across the Kingdom, slaughtering mothers, father, children, all those who showed signs of having magical abilities that did not relate to fire or forging. The mass genocide killed thousands, and threw the kingdom into chaos. The elves were closer to attaining there goal, with the king so easily moved to kill his people, they knew they could rule it without having to kill him.
The Crusade took place for ten years, the genocide cutting the dwarven population in half. On the last year of the crusade, an army built up by a dwarf named Hamen, pushed to fight against the pure. They were called the Black Army, black representing the Chaos god Zama. The Black army moved to fight and defend the remnants of any magic practitioners, but the army wouldn't have a chance against the blessed of Ama.
The Black Revolt

The surviving population of non-magic practitioners, had an overall distrust of wizards. Siding with the king on the matter of the Crusade. This led to those who practiced magic, to be ratted put by thier own brethren. The Pure were efficient, trained to kill all those who were believed to be worshipers of Zama.
This confidence in there king was shattered when the elves came out and reveled the "truth", telling the people of thier kings heresy. It was said that the king betrayed thier trust by joining in the worship and practice of Zama. The king wasn't allowed to plea his case, the people were outraged, angered, mislead by a king who was believed to be worshiping the very god whose followers killed his son.
Eventually, this story was disproven by a rogue Pure, who reveled the truth about the elves and thier king. The wizards were restored to honor in the eyes of the people, and the Black Army marched to the capital, were a fierce battle took place. Eventually, with the help of the people, the Black Army was able to push through and defeat the Pure. The king was hung for his weakness and his crimes, and the elves banished.
The Beginning of Change

After the Black Revolt, Haman was put on the throne to avoid a vacuum forming due to the loss of power. Despite his efforts in forming the Black Army, a general distrust of the monarchy had become prevalent at the time. In an effort to restore the confidence and trust of the people, Haman created the Vox Populi Decree, giving the people the right to all the assents in the kingdom, allowing them to utilize and control the natural resources, and businesses of the kingdom.
The people jumped on the opportunity, and this opened the gateway to Age of Change.
The Age of Change

The Age of Change was a time of unprecedented growth and enlightenment. No longer were people bound to the choices of the monarch on how assets were managed, the choice was given to the people. From the ashes of the Civil War grew a whole new generation. Unfortunately, the decree sealed the fate of the monarchy. The kingdom was weak economically due to the war, after the decree, 4 companies formed around the assents of the kingdom. These huge companies felicitated the economy for Blaserkr and created jobs. These companies bought up most of the land from the kingdom, and then sold it back to the people for a cheap rate, this strengthened the peoples faith in the companies ability to lead, and soon, the companies was able to by up the monarch, and centralize themselves as the ruling power.
Golden Age of Change

This the current time in which the dwarves are living in. This generation no longer believes in the power of magic, although the Guardian Hammers are still in existence. With the 4 central companies allowing for better economic growth, inventions and creations of all sorts are being made, Blaserkr is becoming an economic, and milliary powerhouses, through the mistakes of thier ancestors.
Dwarves are a industrious, stubborn people who believe in the work of their hands and the sweat on thier brow. The average dwarf is about 4'0", but they can grow up to a whopping height of 5'0". craftsmanship. What Dwarves lack in height they make up for in bulk; they are, on average, about as heavy as humans. They can weigh anywhere from 160 to 220 lbs. Dwarven males are a bit taller and heavier than their female counterparts. Like humans, dwarves have a wide variety of skin, eye, and hair colors, typically pale among northern based dwarves and deeply tanned or brown amongst the southern based. Hazel eyes are common throughout the race, with blue eyes more common amongst the northern counterpart.
Male dwarves are often bald and grow thick facial hair sometimes used to display social status. Although its a myth that female can grow any facial hair at all. This hair is often dark in hue, though among dwarves blond or red hair is just as common. Dwarves take care of facial hair to an extreme carefully oiling and grooming it, with some adding perfume and ornamentations. Dwarves are a long-lived race, and reach physical maturity somewhat later than humans. A dwarf is traditionally considered an adult once he or she reaches age 35. Dwarves age much like humans but over a longer period of time, remaining vigorous well past 150 years.
Dwarves are unusually tough, they have dense bodies and are difficult to push around as a result, as well as having the capacity to bear loads that other races might find hindering with little ill effect. Dwarves also have a sense about them that few races do, with a preternatural awareness of their surroundings as good judgment all-around in general.
Strong, hardy, and dependable dwarves are polite, particularly elders, and possess a wisdom beyond that of many other races. Dwarves value their traditions, regardless of the subrace they come from, and look for inspiration from ancestral heroes, although the newest generation seems to be straying away from this. Dwarves are also known for their stubborn nature and cynicism, traits widespread amongst the dwarves but which contribute to and are commonly offset by their bravery and tenacity.
Dwarven friendship is hard to earn, but is strong once won. Naturally dour and suspicious, dwarves view elves as thier primarily enemy, and rarely associate with them unless it is necessary. For dwarves, loyalty is more than a word and that it should be both valued and rewarded. Dwarves believe it a gift and mark of respect to stand beside a friend in combat, and an even deeper one to protect that ally from harm. Dwarves are a careful and deliberate people, with a more serious disposition than other races, who they sometimes view as flighty or reckless. A dwarf does all things with care and a stubborn resolve, with brash or cowardly behavior unusual for the race.
Due to the fact that Blaserkr is a country known for its vast and numerous mountain ranges, the mining business is second to known in the world. Blaserkr is run by 4 huge companies:
- Dimhadal Mining Co.
- Normalk Manufacturing Inc.
- Gombek Shipping
- Ketthinsimkak Technologies
Each of the 4 companies is centralized in utilizing many of the lands resources. Dimhadal Mining Co is the biggest mining operation in the world, mining, purifying, bigging at all times of the day. This company provides the most jobs in the country, although the working conditions are mediocre, they pay is well worth the risks. Magnesium is a large part of the companies exports, and is in high demand in the land due to am alloy that can be made from it.
Normalk Manufacturing Inc is the manufacturing hub of the world, handling and creating machines of war and domestic items for any nation that pays well enough. The company buys most of the metals from Dimhadal and create the Magnesium Aetherite alloy, better known as Dwarven Steel, which is lighter and stronger than normal steel, and can conduct electricity, which allows for amazing contraptions that can withstand immense forces.
Ketthinsimkak Technologies are the idea makers of the country, creating the military and domestic blueprints for anything in the oligarchy. They work hand in hand with Normalk Manufacturing Inc, who produce all that the company asks for, as long as they pay a fair price.
Gombek Shipping is the motor that pushes the oligarchy. They utilize the canals, ocean and sky trade routes, to connect the oligarchy to the rest of the world.
Blaserkr has thier own currency of LEN, and internal trade is a big part of Blaserkr's economy, as well as external trade, being the biggest trade mogels in the world.
Blaserkr is a very militarized country, being an oligarchy with 4 centralized companies that have access to a vast amount of natural resources and a ready and willing population. Guerilla warfare is the biggest part of the Blaserkrian Military. Blaserkrian Mechs come in a wide variety of sizes and variety's, made from an early form of Magnesium Alloy, better known as Dwarven Steal, which is stronger, and lighter than normal steel, and as malleable when heated as iron, but must me mixed with calcium to make it less flammable, which lessens its overall strength. They are used when guerilla warfare fails it when they need to hit the enemy hard. Vessel Corps utilize air ships made from the same alloy. They are in the the processes of creating a Harmonica rifle, which will be much more capable than the normal musket.
Blaserkrian Kampftruppen
- Fraccion (Blaserkrian Light Infantry/Saboteurs)
- Arrancar (Heavy Infantry)
- Bala (Artillery (TBA)
- Valkyrie (Air/Navy)
- Fraccion
Infantry armed with muskets, bayonets and pistols. Combat hammers are also wildly used, although it is rarely utilized due to how impractical it would be in a fire fight.
Fraccion Saboteurs
Work as skirmishers and scouts who burn their enemies to a crisp and plant bombs and use grenades to weaken and army. They are integrated into the Light Infantry.
Ragnarok (Dwarven Steel Bipedal Vehicles): Powerful heavy division, utilizes giant flame throwers with bayonet attached, and chain blade that drawer power from the engine and a steam motor.
- Valkyrie
Floating monstrosities equipped with cannons. Despite most being made from the same metal that the mechanized units are, some are heavily armored while most are wooden laced with Aetherite with some Dwarven Steel plating here and there. It is one of the most expensive pieces of military weaponry available to export. They are capable of working in the same fashion as a normal sea ship if need be, and with a large enough gust, it can fly.