Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 19 days ago

The invention of machines and steam engines have revolutionized industry while producing far-reaching results. The world of Arda itself was changing! Traditions broke, feudal systems were crumbling and new powers were on the rise. Empires born, kingdoms fell while yet isolated nations were suddenly connected to the rest of the world.
The Gears of Change are turning.
The world was changing yet ever so slowly. Those who embraced change saw a world of opportunities, an universe governed by logic and science. Those who were pampered by the old world only perceived the change as madness and tightened their grip on power. The world approaches turmoil between these two forces in the sea of countless small fights. As we have approached the turn of the next century it seemed as if even the world flipped on its head. We experienced the age of both wonders and horrors, a dangerous time of ideas and ambitions.
The Gears of Change are turning!

Welcome everyone to Turning Gears!
This is effectively the successor of the previous Age of Steam game. Those who participated in the last game are welcome back and can repost their NS here.
For those not familiar with Age of Steam or just forgot this is set in the fantasy world roughly the equivalent of the late-mid 19th century. As a fantasy game you can have elves, wargs, fantasy materials or even magic. The difference is that the game is set in an early modern steampunk world so there'd be a heavy focus on technology and its effect on society. Yes, steampunk. Did you like the spider mech from Wild Wild West? You can build it. Would like to have ironclads in the skies? You can have them. But keep in mind the world has yet to truly catch up with technology. Cavalry charging war engines of steam would certainly not be out of place in this setting. In a way you can imagine this as a weird world caught between the Napoleonic era and World War One. Yes, the sharp contrast between the new and old will be actually one of the game's charms.

You can have dwarves, elves, orcs, halflings and anything else you imagine. Humans are preferably the dominant species in the setting but I am willing to leave this to the playerbase. Also while this is fantasy it's also steampunk so more rational explanations are generally preferable than mythological creation stories. More often than not fantastical races represent a stereotype, a nationality, an ethnic or even a social group. Fantastical racism, indeed. While far from a clear requirement it's always easier to draw up a conflict between two different races.

You can have various non-intelligent fantastical creatures to enrich the game. They can range from weird looking equivalents of regular animals to truly mighty creatures. In case of the latter though try to think of the balance, even retroactively. If your mighty dragon can shrug off bullets then how did anyone defeat them during the medieval times? I am not against weird creatures but think of how they would fit into the setting, too.

In the ages of old there had been mysterious wise men treasured by all nations. They were the magicians who turned for ancient mystic arts to perform what often could be only considered a miracle. Yet with the Age of Steam their position faltered and magicians became an increasingly rare sight. Magic had almost disappeared from this world, enough that most commoners believe their existence is a myth. Yet they exist. Magic is an old art with only a limited number of practitioners. Spells, potions, enchantments and curses are all plausible to those with money and the right connections. Magic can do things impossible with science yet in general technology provides similar results at more affordable cost. Magic is the most popular in nations haven't yet experienced the full effects of industrial revolution.

Again, I mentioned steampunk. You can have various amazing inventions which might seem fit to the 19th century Victorian theme at first but in real life they would be impossible. For example it'll be generally accepted that steam engines can be made lighter and more compact than they historically were. You can have walkers, airships and so on. Same way you can invent fantasy metals and unique elements so long you can insert them into the setting well. Lastly, keep in mind that more often than not all these technologies would be new and very expensive. Again, the contrast between these amazing machines and the relative mediocrity of anything else is one of the points. Also note that there'll be airships and competing to develop these could be a game all major nations may want to play.

World Map

Nation Submission Guide

Are you ready for the Age of Steam?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Here we go!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 24 days ago

Just leaving this here for now. Not 100% committed.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

I changed my mind about copying Moravia. Changing it to the point where it's something new.

I'll put my WIP here and edit more into it as time goes on. In short, it's a (smallish, yet highly urbanized) industrialized fascist state that is really secretive and is hellbent upon establishing dwarven supremacy and expanding its borders. Think of some unholy combination of Nazi Germany, the USSR, and R'lyeh

Unlike most nations, I'm aiming for a theme in which there isn't really a separaton between magic and technology. They've managed to essentially merge the two together into something called Mythomechanical Engineering, so they have huge land machines that are combinations of magical golems and modern tanks. Scary and powerful stuff, but then their navy and airforce are somewhat lacking.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Festermaw Clan

Nation Intro
The orc clan of Festermaw has a short and brutal history. One of a thousand different clans, the Festermaw are an especially aggressive--though cohesive--fiefdom within the Orcs of the Plain, a geographically relevant mustering of greenskins in an area called simply The Plain.


[Green = Orcs of the Plains, Maroon = Festermaw Clan]

The history of the Festermaw exists only as an oral history, and cannot be corroborated with any truthful recollection.

Males within orc society are seen to serve the tribe; they hunt, defend and reproduce with their 'lifemates' to continue and expand the horde. Some clans utilize shamans, but the Festermaw see them with disdain and distrust. There is no reigning hierarchy in orc society, except that the strong survive and dishonesty is a crime punishable by death. Death by combat is seen as glorious, and surrender is seen as a form of spiritual suicide.

The Festermaw, as with all other orc clans, barter for basic goods. They will trade meat for fur, or wool for weapons. The Orcs of the Plain also employ slavery. Fellow orcs cannot be taken as slaves, but Dwarven slaves make excellent laborers. They are often taken care of with minimal respect, but enough to be left alive. The Festermaw--as other orcs--do not, if ever, trade with non-Orcs.

One on one, there are few creatures as diabolically efficient as orcs. Dwarven historians of Dalmar often cite "Orcish bloodlust for immediate combat as the sole reason that the tide of green has no encompassed the known world twice over." Such assumptions possess a modicum of truth, as united, the Orcs would possess a threat unequaled by any other in the world. It's their desire to kill and lord over one another that has keep the orcs distinctly separated.

The Festermaw, like the Dragonhounds, Fireknuckles, Blackbone and Steeltooth tribes do not make a distinction between "civilians" and "warriors." All males, once of age, contribute to raiding and war efforts. Females are mares for brooding, though in times past some have risen to become respectable warriors. They possess only a single hierarchy, and that's all live under the reign of the Chief, the most powerful warrior in the clan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Willy Vereb I am interested.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

How advanced is the steam aspect of this roleplay? I've got any idea for a goblin faction who makes up for their lack of physical power with automatons for manual labor and military matters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Asura may have brought me here (That rapscallion) But I'm interested too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 19 days ago

How advanced is the steam aspect of this roleplay? I've got any idea for a goblin faction who makes up for their lack of physical power with automatons for manual labor and military matters.
Mech suits are allowed or even steam tanks or the spider walker from Wild Wild West. But generally the average soldier is happy if he can have a cartridge rifle instead of shooting minné balls. So consider that for balance.
Steam cars can also exist but they are mostly for the richest people.
If there would be overt mechanisation I would call this a WW2 game.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Asura>Mech suits are allowed or even steam tanks or the spider walker from Wild Wild West. But generally the average soldier is happy if he can have a cartridge rifle instead of shooting minné balls. So consider that for balance.
Steam cars can also exist but they are mostly for the richest people.
If there would be overt mechanisation I would call this a WW2 game.

So... no crude automatons?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by deathkiller


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The New Union Of Columbia


[/u]Nation Intro[/u]
The N.U.C, is a Capitalist nation built on the ideals of democracy and freedom for there fellow man. There ideas are radical to many old world nations, with a quickening of a middle class, higher education, and an abolishment of the caste system. Slavery is untolerable to the N.U.C, and the nation fights it with every breath they have. Patriotism is rampant in the N.U.C, as many wave there flags high. Technology is heavily embraced, as prevalent with the use of automobiles as standard, zeppelins and airplanes dominating the skies, and steam power armor a favorite armor for soldiers, as are Columbian Auto firearms. Robots do mundane tasks, while scientists work on newer and better wonders of technology. The NUC isnt without its fair share of problems though. Unemployment is high, many protesting against robots in factories, and two democratic parties are at a stand still, and more Autocratic neighbors.

Geography {NA}


Before the Industrial age....

The Old Columbia Flag

Columbia was a great nation, a monarchy that was spiraling 2 continents divided into 13 commonwealths. undebated...There High King, Joseph The Mad ruled with an iron fist. His rule included famine for the poor, schooling for the rich, and an oppressive caste feudal system in which all the wealth was with feudal lords who didnt gave two shits to the people they protect. Death was common, religion was the only salvation from this cruel state. Atoms Light was always obtainable for a small fee. Joseph The Mad would often execute those who challenged his rule, who he said Atom himself had appointed him as God king.

As time went on, Columbia was invaded by a horde of orcs and Uraks, the horde being paid by Joseph to quell any uprising by 'saving the nation' to put the peoples trust back in him, which back fired as the orcs attacked everyone, even destroying soldiers. Once the orcs ransacked the common wealth of Dawin, a group of untrained soldiers, known as the First Militia, faught the horde head on, armed with pitch forks, and rusty farming tools{Dispite the law that sevs cannot under any circumstances, be armed}. Many perished by the orcs brutality, but as the battle went on, the farmers started winning...and eventually, destroyed the orchish invaders. The civilians gained a sense of strength....and the militia was cheered across the commonwealths. Joseph the mad was furious, and ordered the militias execution, as they broken the law, and posed a threat to his rule. But the new Militia were warned of this, and went to hiding, gathering support from all commonwealths...

The Militia began calling themselves the New Union of Columbia. That the king was evil and unpure....that he was a tyrant. They began opening there eyes at the enslavement....the injustice they were put through... They screamed for revolution. A new nation. One that could never fall prey to tyrants....They called for a new republic. In which people had say in there government...the commonwealths had to unite for this cause....

The king sent his men to Dawin. As they arrived, flags of 13 stars surrounding a single big star where hung across the buildings.

The flag was hung across the nation. The seeds of revolution, had started. The people rose up in the Commonwealths of Columbia...attacking every and all soldiers. All citizens were urged to fight

Within the course of 5 years, The Mad king had surrendered to the people. The aristocracy was spared, but Joseph was publicly executed for crimes aginst Columbia. A new government destine to grow had flourished. The republic represented every commonwealth in the council, as every common wealth directly elected a governor, and those governors would be the countries council. They would create and pass laws, and elect a Lord, who would enforce the laws, and break stalemate arguments in the council. Only the council could declare war, and the Lord would usher military encase of invasion. Two political parties have form over the years....the Aristocrats, Former kings servents who wanted more power to the elected lord, and say the council takes too much to get done. The Patriots. People from the first militia that wish for commonwealth rights and to keep how things are. These two political parties battled for control over the next century.

As soon as the industrial age had arisen, the people of the N.U.C cried for technological advances. As public schooling become more and more available to the public, technology boomed even before the industrial age, with new inventions such as the expensive horseless carriage, aeroplanes and zeppelins along with the steel plow of course. But these inventions never shined till the industrial age, where they were improved upon, and invention became rapid as the best universities were created in the N.U.Cs pro suit in knowledge the king would never give them...Fire arms replaced swords. Repeating rifles replaced muskets. steam power armor replaced knight suits. Even people benefited with steam engines powering factories....light bulbs powered homes. Personal telegraphs and large computers kept businesses in touch. And radio helped with communication, and information. Technology was improving rapidly. But only time will tell if this lasts....


The NUC is a melting pot of races from Dwarves, and elves to Humans and orcs. There ideas of 'Equal but separate' is a statement that means magic and personality traits along with cultures are accepted in the NUC, as long as they dont cause harm to any living being, as sacrifices are illegal.

Commonwealths of the New Union of Columbia

New Forecept


The NUC has an GDP of over 596 million colums, due to the saleing of vehicles, weapons, and armor to foreign nations. There trade is also hooked in raw goods, such as Atheruim, iron, hydrogen, gold, and crystals and timber.

The NUC has various firearm companies in for firearms, and technology in general.

Voc Series: Revolving cylinder weapons with good range and the best damage of all the companies but are inaccurate and slow, and a medium ammo capacity at an average of 6 shots in each firearm.

R Series: Medium fire rate, and a good amount of ammo capacity (Usual 10-15 in a clip) and an ok damage. These weapons have an good range, But the accuratecy of the R series is superior to all the gun companies.

Rapid/AR: Rapid have the best fire rate and ammo capacity (30 in a clip on average) in all the companies, but have dwarfed in range, and accuratecy, with lowest in damage in all the companies

Bolt: Lowest ammo capacity (usual 4 shot per clip), and fire rate in all the companies. But a very good damage, some rifles rivaling Voc, and the Bolt series has great accuratcy, and best in range in all the companies


Hugo Steam: A power company that develops on steam power, and the miniaturization of it. This comapny is known for its power cores, long lasting light bulbs, and steam engines that power Steam Cars and industry across the nation.

Theodores Robotics: Theodore robotics is responsible for robots for commercial, industry, and military work. They are a great company that works on improving on robots, and have a great relationship with Hugo steam.

ComTech: A radio, cinema and computer company that creates, maintains, and builds mechanical radios and mechanical computers and projectors. Radios are in every home, and this company is working on improving them, and even working on a thing called a Television {Only the rich can experience this, for now}. They maintain mechanical computers that are used for the military and industry only, but test trial are being used to put smaller versions in peoples home. Only the rich can access this new technology. And Cinema is wide spread.

Horseless Inc.: A steam carriage company that builds cars, trucks, and other vehicles for the military, industry, and commercial use.

Military infantry

The Militia

Militia soldiers vary in race, armor, and training, and are used for the home defense of the NUC until the far off military can arive. The soldiers are usually dedicated the the New union of Columbia to protect her with every breath.

The Infantry

A lightly armored rifleman, complete with a Rep-4 Repeating rifle, and full body armor that gives modest protection aginst bullets, a trench saber, and a R-4 pistol. Its a thickend version of the old Columbian armor, as to protect from bullets. The gas mask repels any gas attacks thrown there way.

Rep-4 Repeating rifle

R-4 pistol

Trench Saber

Steel Rangers

Steel Rangers are the heavy hitters of the NUC, and are heavily trained from Officers. They carry AR-2 Machine rifles, and Voc-3 revovlers. There armor is A.R.M steam power armor, running on a portable steam power generator, and Aethium foot gear helps bear the load of the 300 pound armor. These armors can take a huge beating from small caliber firearms, but larger more powerful weaponry can penetrate the armor. They carry trench knives are a last resort.

AR-2 Machine Rifle

Voc-3 Revolver

Trench knife


Golighs are extremely large mecha suits that are for when you absolutely have to kill some thing. Worn by only specially trained Orcs from the shear heaviness of the armor, and with a lot of help from the steam engines and Aetherium plates on the soles of the feet to aid in weight reduction, the power suit can take heavy fire. Many are used in the process of dragon slaying when a dragon ever attacks, carrying 50mm Auto cannons, and a large drill to shread through walls, and other heavy armors. These troops are dropped from Combat zeppelins from 200 ft.

Goligh 50mm auto cannon

Goligh Drill

Battle Robots

Battle Assistant Sentry {BAS} M2

A genius of Columbian technology. BAS can actively break through trenches and be dropped from zeppelins at high altitudes. There heavily armored, and are armed with an 30mm auto cannon and Minigun. They protect Military bases as well, and kill with deadly force. There design also has a E.F sensor, that can detect friendlys and foes alike. These machines are quite expensive, so only a few of them are assign to each military base.

Floaty Bot

A general maintaince robot turned into a war bot. Equipped with a actual rifle built in one of its hand, and chainsaw in the other, this robot is cheaper to manufacture, but there combat abilities are limited, as they cant go where a human can go. Prone to break downs, and frenzies, there often occupied with standard infantry soldiers.

Surveillance Bot

A small robot used to fight behind enemy trenches, and tell were snipers and other hidden items are. Equpped with a 10mm semi auto gun in one of its hands, and a lightly armored chassis, the robot is used to spot spies in military bases, but direct combat would leave it ultimately destroyed.

Aero Vehicles

The Phoenix Class Anti Dragon ship.

These Anti dragon ships are used for dragon suppression (As in the name) in times of peace. Equipped with 100mm Auto cannons, high rate 20mm anti material machine guns, and enough armor that could withstand dragons fire, the Phoenix class ships are the best of the best in aero class technology. Powered on Aetherum and hydrogen balloons, these large ships are supreme. But the downside. The cost of these ships are enormous, and only 26 of these ships have ever been made, 2 for each commonwealth in the NUC. And the hydrogen balloons make them a target, though the Aethium would keep the ship afloat, if only for a few hours as the ship starts to decline at a pretty rapid rate. They are not equipped with anti infantry and building bombs.

The Dread Class Battle ship

The most common airship, these ships run on an combination of aetherium and hydrogen. Not as armored or powerful as the Phoenix Class, these ships make up for in numbers. Equipped with lighter armor, and .50 caliber machine guns, and 50mm Auto cannons for ship to ship combat. These weaker ships can be brought down after there hydrogen tanks are exploded, there aetherium engines not strong enough to hold the entire ship, only enough to keep it from dying right away. These ships are equipped with powerful anti armor bombs.

The BeeSting

A lightly armored areal assist vehicle, used in dog fights and anti bomber planes. These planes have no armor on the wings, so even infantry soldiers could destroy these with directed fire, if they could aim right. These planes are fast, and use 2 10mm machine guns on each wings. there not powerful, but as a 'Bee sting' many of these could bring down airships, and bombers alike. The pilots of these ships carry 3 small bombs to throw on to infantry, but the power of these are minimal.

The BomBard

Slow, clunky, and powerful. These planes have only 2 10mm machine guns under there wings, and have big cloth wing spans. These planes can withstand a beating, but they cant put up a fight against faster airplanes. Beestings usually protect these planes, and the true power in theses bulky slow planes is in there bombs. They can rain down exploding death on infantry, zeppelins, and armor at peak efficiency, better than the beesting and Dread class zeppelins. Standard infantry soldiers could bring these planes down if the plane flew low enough.

Ground Vehicles/Artillery

The Steam Tank M2

A slow heavily armored vehicle (Max speed, 40mph), a new version of its time. Armed with a 40mm cannon, and charged with a steam V8 engine, this vehicle can go through most terrain, and is strong against heavy armor. These are accompanied with steel rangers, and infantry men. The tank is perfect against small arms fire, but only decent protection from high caliber weapons and explosives. These are dropped in from zepplins.


A fast unarmored vehicle with an max speed of 90mph, and supports a 10mm mounted LMG. Many infantrymen drive these along with troop transport, and the vehicles are parachuted down from zeppelins.

Troop Transporter

A massive, slow moving vehicle that heavily armored in every crevasse. With the max speed of
20mph, this is the slowest vehicle in the army. This vehicle is only equipped with 10mm machine guns, no cannons, and carries up to a hundred men inside, along with 20 steel rangers. The defensive power exceeds the offensive, but the large vehicle could get troops past heavy defenses.

Are you ready for the Age of Steam?

Completed @Willy Vereb
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


I should note, I'm up for background interactions with my gobs.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Teudani Empire
Med dése teken verdeges dy de trou; Med dése teken, werden de feinden fallon

Nation Intro

The Teudani Empire is a newborn nation, created only 50 years ago, with the unification of the Half-Elvish Teudani peoples under one banner. Now, the previously disorganized nations of the Teudani are united in a major power, that looks out for expansion and growth. Their bloodly and brutal history as the infamous "Crusaders" has not been lost, and if anything, It looks like the people are too ready to take up the holy war once again.


(Choose a color and draw your borders on the map. Also you get the freedom to describe the environment and geography of your nation here, within reasonable limits. You can even talk about the important zones or places within your borders.)


Time of the Tribes

Habiation of the area that would become the Urheimat of the Teudani was first inhabited by Sapient Life some time 12,000 years. It is widely accepted that the first people in the Theudish Lands were elves who had migrated from somewhere else, and set up the first societies in the area. These people, sometimes called the "Snow Elves", primarily lived as semi-nomadic tribesmen, speaking the now extinct family of languages known as "North Elvish". The Snow Elvish Culture flourished for about 2,000 years, developing into the "Northern Bronze Age", a time where the Society of the Elves became more advance, with bronze working, and complex religion taking root in the lands. It is around this time that Humans began their migration into the Lands of the Snow Elves. These Humans were quick to interact with the more advanced Elves, and entered into agreements of Trade. Human Tribes often found themselves hired as Mercenaries, later evolving into something of a Military caste for the Tribal Elves. By the Time of the Iron Age, the line between Human and Elf had become nearly non-existent.

Early history of the mixture of people is rather unknown, but documents from this pre-literate time composed by more advanced neighbors identifies these people under the general term of "Teudani", perhaps a name of a particularly powerful tribe in the early history of the Teudanic Tribes.

At a later date, inscriptions would arise from the lands of Teudania, written in their own alphabet, a series of cuts and runic letters incised into wood and stone, as well as small tokens of iron and bronze with runes inscribed into them. This would be the first direct attestations of the Theudanic Languages, which at this time, formed a mostly intelligible dialect continuum.

[þis hringaz it forai hlodwigaz sonna daironaz]
The first attested inscription in Proto-Teudanic

For a good chunk of their early history, the Teudani Tribes were known as raiders, sweeping across the sea or across the plains of the east to plunder for wealth and for captives. Early forms of the Teudanic Pagan religion arose at this time, called by it's people as Hedendomaz, translated as Hedenry.

Hedenry evolved from a mixture of the belifes of the local Snow Elves, and the Humans who settled and mixed among them. The more mystical and anthropomorphic gods of the elves lent form and personality to the primordial nature deities that the humans worshiped. In the Early Age, twelve deities had taken the position of the most important of all among the various Teduani, and began to inspire the fits of religious furor that Teudanic warriors would become known for.

To Be Continued

Age of Kings

As time passed, the various tribes naturally began to form into larger entities, with a system of feudalism devloping between the conquering chiefs and the leaders of the conquered tribes. Within 200 years after the traditional end of the Tribal Age, the first major kingdoms of the Teudani began to form.

The Crusaders

Flag of the Crusaders in the Pagan Age
As the influence of the preistly caste and religious leaders of the Teudanic Pagan religion grew, the tenant of Holy War to please the Gods with Sacrifices of War Victims became stronger. Traditionally this was accomplished by raids, slaying enemies on the battlefield and bringing back prisoners to be hung from trees or thrown into bogs, however, the growing problem of the Great Famine came to demand larger scale sacrifices. The Crusades were the brainchild of an agreement between the Clergy to cede some power back to the Warrior Caste, by allowing them a major role in the newly forming society.


(What is your nation is like. You can describe your demographics (special mention to the various races), culture, religion and even your government. It's a bit complex category so if you feel like it you can split this up.)

(What is your economy like? What do you mine, produce, trade? How developed is your nation in terms of technology? Anything unique you invented or even make?)

(Unsurprisingly you must also talk about your military. How militarized are you? What is your army like in general? What kind of equipment you use? Any special units or machines worth mentioning? I think you already know how this goes.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 19 days ago

<Snipped quote by Willy Vereb>

So... no crude automatons?
Crude automatons doing simple things are fine, so long they don't dominate. The point is delicate balance to have fun steampunbk technology yet don't turn this into a WW2 era setting.
Also we may have a little problem here because my Heavenly Empire of Yllendthyr occupies the same territory:

Though I don't ask you to switch. Rather, how about sharing it? I get the lower part which kind of looks like Greece while you get the larger piece and maybe also expand elsewhere if you want.
Having a nation to compete with is always fun in NRPs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 2 mos ago

I am interested, working up something right now.

Edit:Nevermind actually, the idea I want to pull off here wouldn't fit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 19 days ago

I am interested, working up something right now.

Edit:Nevermind actually, the idea I want to pull off here wouldn't fit.
As you wish but I think you can share that idea first and then see if it's plausible.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Still working on Artillery. Working on some new canons and Gatling guns.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seems any sort of classification based on geography has gone out the window.
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