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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Who feels like having a khaganate of Central-Asian-inspired steppe warriors and not!Chaos hardasses on their border? We could fight, or trade, or team up against the world!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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I believe that I am FINALLY done! @ClocktowerEchos@RisenDead Lemme know if theres anything you dont like.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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Who feels like having a khaganate of Central-Asian-inspired steppe warriors and not!Chaos hardasses on their border? We could fight, or trade, or team up against the world!

Come border ze Empire of Rhune. We will kill you or trade with you any day of the week, sometimes both in the same day!


So... You won't like to hear this but, while these guys sound pretty freaking cool, I have some comments, though, in the end, it's up to @clocktowerechos. That said, here's my comments.

1. I'm getting "OP" all over the place in your guys, least of all the "blood turned to Ninja crystals" your Hero has.

2. I may also have missed something where Clock said it was cool to have literally "just" a war party, but I don't believe that's a thing in this RP. It's a Nationstates RP if I recall correctly.

3. "The 13th Vulpin Colonisation and Eradication Party is entirely funded by the King of Vulpin, King Izla. It recieves as much funding as required, including resources, military strength, and money. Should it be needed, Yulai may send out a message to Falreti Prime requesting more of specific items, which will be dispatched promptly, arriving within a minimum of a week after the message was received."
- If I can veto stuff, I'm vetoing this. Based solely on the fact that, given your writeup, these guys are unstoppable and basically are a re-skinned chaos without any of the dangers of being sucked into the void.

4. Lacking any "basic human connection". This RP is about endless war where you get to also write about how much it sucks, not just how your guys put boot to ass on everyone else and don't have to worry about a civilian population, etc. I am seeing nothing like that in your folks here.

5. Love the idea, they sound really cool, but they appear to have no weaknesses other than "We might get REALLY crazy and die, rather than mostly crazy." If they're fleeing their homeland and bringing young, old, culture, they want to survive, etc, I think they would be much more well rounded. A the moment they sound like an army with a love slave problem... Kinky I grant you, but missing the point of the RP.

However, as I said, I don't know if Clock is allowing me any actual "Influence" in the RP other than yhr cool little Orange band on the corner of all my posts.

Edit: Will also go through the posts and try to make sure the posts are updated. If character sheets are not done, I will remove your nation from the map by the end of the week.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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<Snipped quote by Aristo>

Come border ze Empire of Rhune. We will kill you or trade with you any day of the week, sometimes both in the same day!

Let's do it! How's this look?

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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@Vocab All of @RisenDead's points are valid, I suggest you look over your sheet and make edits as needed.

RD, yes you do have influence over the RP in my stead to a limited degree mate :P

Last call for @LordZell to at least check in and tell us if he's still in this or not.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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@RisenDead Lets see... Ima go through each. I'm glad there are criticisms, though. Means I have thing to work on ^-^

What d'ya think? I feel like I worded some stuff wrong... Both in that and the CS.

EDIT: @ClocktowerEchos you too XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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@VocabNot that it has much weight, but here's my opinion on the Vulpines from a logistical POV. They're already at war overseas; and losing badly, from what you've mentioned. They're supposedly using up all their resources on this war, yet have just enough to gamble on an expedition to find a new home. But provided the expedition is successful and ekes out a suitable territory, how would they manage to exodus their entire state in the middle of a conflict? Would the expedition be better served fighting at home? What happens if the homeland is lost while the expedition is overseas, or vice-versa?
We also have no idea who they are fighting, and why they are losing so badly. Why are they fighting in the first place, and why do they continue to do so? Could they sue for peace, if they're on the verge of defeat? Is it worth abandoning their entire homeland, if they are granted the opportunity to rule as vassals? The scale of the war is ambiguous; is it an all-or-nothing fight for survival against an impending genocide?

For what it's worth, prodding an expedition along unknown land in a last-ditch effort seems like they'd be stretching their already-thin resources even moreso. Resources that might better be spent on fighting the war, or rebuilding afterwards.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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@Vocab@RisenDead I have something of an idea on how to balance out the Vuplins to some degree, at least in one aspect.

How about that the Vuplin military is mostly a defensive army? Makes sense given that they are in some of the most hostile land on the map with NPC notChaos always trying for some of that nekomimi booty. Whatever offensive army they scrunge up are generally pretty small as:

1) They can't spare half the army to go fuck off into the world and attack dwarves or something when they are under constant threat of attack
2) Most of the soldiers don't want to go out an attack stuff, you said they come from a homeland ravaged by war, it'd make sense for some of the soldiers to simply be tired of fighting and want to do something else but for whatever reason they can't.

Personally I feel this would help balance out the OP factor somewhat and give them a more relatable human feel as they're from a military culture except they no longer feel the "glory of battle" or whatever and are just trying to survive somewhere else after surviving and fleeing from another war zone. As for who to fight you, I'm sure that you can get a few people to come looking for exotic goods. I can NPC beastmen and maybe notChaos if Aristo comes up with an army list (even then I can just make one up on the fly). Besides, I'm allowing for all sorts of crazy reasons as to why some armies are no where close to their homelands.


PS: Editing it notification doesn't make the @mention work.

EDIT: Aristo also has a point about the nightmarish logistics behind the Vupline expeditions which I feel should be something that is seen with in either the NS or IC posts on how they're always low on rations and good arms and have to resort to old ass stuff sometimes or make some pretty big sacrifices (who to feed first, the army or the people?). They are colonists after all and colonists usually have it pretty rough even when they're from a nation in peace.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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RD, yes you do have influence over the RP in my stead to a limited degree mate :P

So much imaginary and totally limited power... Must... Destroy... Peoples... Dreams...

@RisenDead Lets see... Ima go through each. I'm glad there are criticisms, though. Means I have thing to work on ^-^

What d'ya think?

EDIT: @ClocktowerEchos you too XD

I think I got it all. Much of it is semantics but if you go to war with someone, it's good for them to know that you're more than uber-cool/elite/killer of all things, and can actually be fought.

Just wanted to throw it out there that I like your faction, and I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass, I just want to make sure everyone can feel like it's kept to the same standard as theirs is. You may know, in your heart of hearts, you don't intend to play them as OP and are totally cool with losing, but others might not know that or see it that way.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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@Aristo@RisenDead@ClocktowerEchos They messed up big time a while ago, and pissed off the people they bordered with. They face genocide if they lose, hardly anything if they win. They were made an offer that, if they gave up all the land they had in the region, the war would stop. But thats not to say they'd be forgiven. There is a high chance that they would take the land and wipe them out anyway, simply to spite them. It was, in their eyes, better to gamble and search for more land, than to give up the war and hope that the enemy give up their grudge. Considering they cant win the war, they have enough resource to send this party whilst still keeping up with the fight, if only just.

I'm not even sure if that makes sense. I hope it does XD

I dont actually remember if I planned to have them be more so defensive than not... I think I planned to, but I got caught up writing the sheet I forgot most of the damnable reasons XD

It would make sense, and I see how it would work. Basically what we're saying it that I'm gonna go, rewrite the bits that caused confusion, and add in more bits as to flesh it out more, correct?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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Works for me! Let me know when you're done it and I'll look it over again. Thanks for taking the time to make the changes!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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@RisenDeadAny ideas for a history between us? Here's a preliminary summary of my overview:

The Kulvar Khaganate is a vast, multi-ethnic state, stretching across the steppes north of Rhune. Originating in the northwest, the Kulvar people expanded eastwards over a span of decades, subjugating other tribes and smaller states. Much of this land included territory that was once under the sovereignty of Rhune, prior to the Imperial Civil War. As a result, the khaganate is an eclectic mix of cultures, and both eastern and western influences can be found within. The Kulvars themselves are known to be some of the best horsemen in the west, and their lifestyle revolves around a tradition of horsemanship and nomadic emigration.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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I'm just writing up a post so I can't focus as much energy as I'd like on your question, but I also don't want you to think I don't care!

The current Empire of Rhune is bordered on all of it's current sides by mountains, so your steppes could once have been, as you suggest, a part of Rhune until you overran them. The border, as it stands, could now be where the Steppes buttress up into the mountains and the Imperial Fortresses proved to much for the Khan's armies to overcome, hence why we are now trade partners, occasionally allies, and sometimes skirmishing?

Edit: Aaaaaand posted!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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@RisenDead@ClocktowerEchos Not sure if I've done everything, but I've edited bits and added more things - in Overview, Culture, Economy/Industry, a part of the Military section, as well as added bits to each of my Heroes powers and changed two of their abilities as it were.

How are we looking now?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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Posted a raid by the Dragoons on your Vanguard. Feel free to continue raiding the New Territory!.


I'll post something for the Orruks soon as I can! Sorry for the delay. You can also feel free to keep up the burning and pillaging.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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@RisenDead@ClocktowerEchos Not sure if I've done everything, but I've edited bits and added more things - in Overview, Culture, Economy/Industry, a part of the Military section, as well as added bits to each of my Heroes powers and changed two of their abilities as it were.

How are we looking now?

I hate Anime photos but thats pretty much my only beef with it now, which is not enough to mask my appreciation for the changes you've made. I'm still getting a "We're invading you all" feel from them, rather than "Oh my god, we're so tired of fighting, please leave us in peace", but that's being nit picky at this point. I am sure we can make it work!

I'm good with it if @ClockTowerEchos is happy.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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@RisenDead Unfortunately, anime pictures are what I'm used to and what I had on hand, so I cant really help you there XD
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
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<Snipped quote by wxps350>

I can roll with that; is there a specific location you've got in mind?

I don't know who black or cyan is on the map.

Not yet. You go ahead and just pick wherever, I'll place my guys somewhere depending on them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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I just saw this and I don't know if Clock addressed it yet. First off, hurry up and finish it! secondly, stop stealing my technology! I don't want to be a debby downer but how on earth did you get steamtanks underground??

Otherwise, looking solid, finish it up!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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1)I'm finishing it up today
2)1/3rd of every Dwarf hold is above ground, and they're tech wizzes. I'm pretty much making them after Warhammer Dwarfs with a few twists, and Warhammer Dwarfs got Steam Tanks. Maybe not in the Total War game, but everyone makes mistakes.
3) Thank you!
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