Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shin
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Long Plot Introduction

The world has always been divided, but today, it stands more divided than ever. The Lunar Catastrophe of twenty years ago still constantly reminds the world of the vulnerability of humanity, after the loss of half of the world's population. In the summer of 1996, an explosion rocked the moon as four large meteorites fell to the earth, erasing portions of the Satean and Euran continents and obliterating most of the Shipan archipelago. However, this and the subsequent disasters were only the beginning of humanity's troubles, as a swarm of an alien race erupted from the ruins of the initial earthfall. No one knows whether the invaders were unable or unwilling to communicate with their new enemy as they advanced, eating any human and animal life they came across. Most small arms were unable to pierce the armor of the stampeding enemy as it quickly took over most of the continent of Eura, with the frontlines in Satea barely being held. The cannons of heavier armored vehicles such as tanks managed to take down the beasts, but they were often too slow to escape once the swarm inevitably reached their positions. Even combat aircraft found their match in the flying types of the aliens, which had mobility superior to any fighter that humanity deployed against them.

The first innovations to turn the tides after massive losses came from the Satean nations when the Principality of Remoni deployed the Kerangal Heavy Industries M-01, the first bipedal combat platform. Able to carry heavy weaponry such as cannons all while remaining fairly maneuverable and well-armored enough to take a few hits from the invaders and still be able to operate, its biggest customer outside of Remoni was the Satean Federation, which modified it to create the Combined Arms Unifier Mark I ", a machine based on the M-01, using less armor to give it more maneuverability and using the anti-gravity components from downed alien flying beasts to give the CAU Mk. I the ability to fly above the battlefield and effectively deal with any threat.

Unlike the M-01, the CAU Mk. I and its subsequent variations were never sold to other countries and the Satean Federation used this to singlehandedly fight off the invasion in Satea, Shipan and annex territories elsewhere, establishing itself as the world's main power. By the time the war had been reduced to Eura and part of Shipan, captured CAU's had served to create flying designs in Remoni and elsewhere, but it was too late to make a difference in the war that hadn't been made by the Federation.

Today, this war has become a frozen conflict in Eura and northern Shipan, with Satea and Remoni holding a joint front. However, tensions that have always been held between the countries and the peoples of the world have been lighting up. On the smallest continent, Austris, the western half has broken away from the Empire of Yuka and Wyd to form Democratic Yuka. What remains of the Shipan archipelago is divided between a Satean occupied part and Shipan's original government. Most of the states of Frusa are experiencing internal conflicts as the original peoples of the continent fight against what they see as colonialism by the countries which moved there following the fall of Eura.

However, the tension that could be the most important to the future of the world could be that between two former allies, the Principality of Remoni and the Federation of Satea, two countries officially fighting together in Eura against the extraterrestrial menace, but at each others' throats over the Federation's expansionism and border conflicts between the two nations.

The future is in the hands of the Faceless, young pilots of mecha and fighters from across the world, modified to be the most capable and obedient soldiers possible...

World Map

Shorter Synopsis

Heavily inspired by the likes of Muv-Luv Alternative, Code Geass, Ace Combat, Aldnoah Zero and many others, Flight of the Faceless is a spiritual successor to a fighter jet RP on the old Roleplayer Guild, taking place in a fictional world with passing similarities to our own. Following an alien invasion in 1996 of seemingly mindless, man-eating beasts, the world is devastated and divided, but when the Satean Federation makes a critical innovation capable of turning around the conflict, it uses this to establish itself as the world's greatest power and works to take over the world. This innovation is the Combined Arms Unifier, a mech capable of operating in the air and on the ground, with extreme maneuverability allowing it to counter most of the alien forces. The Federation's new power and expansion creates tensions with the neighboring Principality of Remoni, formerly an ally of the Federation in the war against the extraterrestrials.

This prompts the creation of the Faceless by the Remonish conglomerate Kerangal a new type of soldier, using youths taken from around the world who are modified and trained to be the best pilots possible for the domestic versions of the CAU and jet fighters, still formidable opponents against other fighters and CAU's.

You are a Faceless, brought into a war that might not even be your own against your will, forced into loyalty and obedience towards the Principality of Remoni and her allies. How will you shape the future of this shattered world?

Feel free to ask any questions that come to mind and contribute any ideas you have! Thank you for taking the time to read all the way here!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 8 mos ago

This looks hot, will we be flying jets or mecha?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shin
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

This looks hot, will we be flying jets or mecha?

Both! The Faceless, while being more than adequate for war against the aliens in the Lost Territories, have a decidedly anti-mech goal in their creation, with fighter jets still serving around the world and having the speed advantage against mechs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Shin okay cool, so we will pick one to pilot?

Cant wait till the CS starts!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Shin okay cool, so we will pick one to pilot?

Cant wait till the CS starts!

Precisely, it's the pilot's choice! It will factor into what roles they're given as well, so choose well! I'll be working on the CS' soon, but here's a note; in the old Faceless RP, which had a world which this RP's world is very roughly based on from memory, I made fictional countries but didn't really give them cultures, instead leaving it up to players who made characters from particular countries to create it. It sounds lazy when I say it like this, but it was really great getting that creative mix of countries from all sorts of people. If you plan on making a character, just know they can come from anywhere (even a country that once existed in Eura) and a lot of their country can definitely come from you.

I have a long day tomorrow, so the CS will either be ready in the next few hours if I take the plunge and stay awake OR tomorrow.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Also, before I forget, the Faceless are very young, the process of making them a Faceless has to be done before the age of 20. That'll be a plot point later, but no spoilers!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 10 days ago


This is sweet. I may be a little short on available time to RP, but I've been craving games like this one for so long that I can think of squeezing some time to give it a try.

Would we be obligated to do both mechs and fighters or can we pick one and, well... fly with it to our content? Most specifically, would any kind of RL fighter be fair play? I have this massive crush for the Su-37, the chance to actually use would be a big plus for me.

Either way, whether I join or not, thanks for your time to read this. Also, I really commend you for such a cool idea.

See ya.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin
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@KoL Thank you for your interest, I'm touched that it's enough for you to consider making time for it.

To answer your question, any real world fighter up to the forth generation is fair game and no one needs to pilot both mecha and fighter, they can specialize. I'll gladly let the Su-37 or other Flanker variants in, I'm just against fifth generation fighters in the beginning since all the fighter jet RP's that have fifth gens in the beginning end up having, out of ten fighters: four F-22's, two F-35's, three flankers and one PAK FA, with any others being F-'teens. The Su-37 is fine though!

For everyone's reference, while I'll set up certain mecha and real fighters as the standard issue, I'll allow you to fly a machine of your choice, so long as it's within the realm of reason and fits the setting. Other mecha, even fictional jets are fine, just describe them well and make sure they're not too obsolete and don't surpass the fourth generation standard (I'll allow so-called generation 4++ though) for fighters.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Shin A little off topic, but the character in your sig looks like a trap. There's a strong wish in my pants hoping that it is.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shin
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Character sheet is officially ready!

Eh... sorry to disappoint you, @Dynamo Frokane, Rem is very much a woman. Wait. Is that ever confirmed? What do we know? WHAT DO I KNOW?!

...I know nothing. My world is falling apart over here. Thanks a lot.

...maybe traps are fine.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Shin That CS is very detaled! I'm going to need more info on how futuristic and powerful I can make my fighter jets. And how realistic we are going with the planes (so they can compete with the mechs) But all in your own time.

As far as your sig lady, trap or not, she's absolutely stunning x
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

This looks sweet, I'll look out for the OOC.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin
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Alright, I’m finally home! To answer your question, @Dynamo Frokane, I think I should talk a bit about the technological level of mecha. The first mech to be deployed was the Kerangal Heavy Industries M-01 in 2001, which looks like this. Yes, I’m shamelessly ripping designs from Muv-Luv for the standard mecha designs, but anyway, you can see that it is very heavy and well-armored looking. The Sateans used the M-01, which was sold to them, as the base for the CAU Mk. I, which looks like this. The CAU series gains its flying ability from the core of an alien flier inside the body of the mech, alien fliers being organic fighters with extreme maneuverability due to having the ability to effectively float without regard for gravity. CAU’s use traditional jet engines for propulsion and maneuvering once in the air, with life being provided by this core. It is significantly less armored than the M-01, sacrificing protection for maneuverability.

Its top speed is 830 kph, with current generation CAU’s having speeds up to 1050 kph. No CAU currently has the ability to break the sound barrier except in a steep dive, even the most advanced Satean designs have yet to set this record.

To not recount the entire history of airborne mecha (as the Principality and her allies prefer to call them) / CAU’s (as the Federation and her own allies prefer to call them), the two main current models used by the Principality of Remoni are the M-13 “Diamond” as standard issue for most frontline units and the M-09 “Axe”, which is an older model being steadily replaced by the M-13, but is preferred by a few pilots for its slightly larger size and heavier armor, due to it being the last Remonish airborne mech to be based on a ground mech.

The Federation mainly uses one type of CAU, the CAU Mk. X “Sparrow”, with the advanced and rare Mk. 0 "Garm" serving only the most elite units of their armed forces. As a side note, the Federation has practically abandoned all development and production of ground mecha, preferring the versatility of CAU’s.

As a general rule of thumb, the Principality’s airborne mecha tend to be slower, but with greater robustness and are more maneuverable on the ground, whereas the Federation’s CAU’s are faster and more maneuverable in the air, but frailer. Both are more maneuverable than the average fighter jet due to their ability to entirely change direction within moments, but are much slower compared to fighter jets, even at full afterburners. Not only this, airborne mecha can have troubles tracking fighters that are at speeds faster than them and maneuvering, due to them tending to rely on pilot skill at aiming guns all while moving at high speeds and avoiding fire. A fighter pilot should not get into a low speed maneuvering fight with an airborne mech, however, for obvious reasons.

When it comes to armament, the main difference comes in that all airborne mecha use what are essentially incredibly scaled-up infantry weapons and fighter jets use missiles, in particular, MultiPods, which are pods containing up to ten missiles that can each independently track targets in the air, on the ground or on the surface of the sea. Of course, fighter jets still have on-board cannons. Airborne mecha all carry at least one 36 millimeter assault cannon, but they can also carry grenade launchers, heavier guns (usually these are based on large anti-air guns, but heavier cannons can be based on the main cannons of tanks), even swords and other melee weapons. Fighter jets have the same assortment of weaponry they can carry in the real world, as well as the stuff you might find in Ace Combat with laser weaponry and rail guns in development for both airborne mecha and fighter jets.

The most advanced fighters in this world would be things along the lines of an upgraded F-22 Raptor, with improved sensors, radar, 3D thrust vectoring and the like. However, in the beginning, you’ll have to stick with something that has either the airframe of a real world fourth generation fighter or is similar to one. The modifications you can make are up to you though.

Does that answer most of your questions? Feel free to ask anything, I'm working on the OOC and it should be ready within a few days.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@ShinThank you for the detail! and thank you for the Rem <3

So I'm working on a fighter jet at the moment, I know most real world fighter jets can carry about 6-8 missiles maybe 10 at a push.

And machine gun cannons usually hold enough ammo for about 12 seconds of firing, (varies with rate of fire)

Now as far as Ace Combat goes. You have about 60-100 missiles on hand and a damn near infinite amount of cannon ammo and thats not counting the special weapons.

So for this RP, where do we fall between real world and ace combat in terms of ammo?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shin
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@ShinThank you for the detail! and thank you for the Rem <3

So I'm working on a fighter jet at the moment, I know most real world fighter jets can carry about 6-8 missiles maybe 10 at a push.

And machine gun cannons usually hold enough ammo for about 12 seconds of firing, (varies with rate of fire)

Now as far as Ace Combat goes. You have about 60-100 missiles on hand and a damn near infinite amount of cannon ammo and thats not counting the special weapons.

So for this RP, where do we fall between real world and ace combat in terms of ammo?

Alright, so, to clear things up, I've kind of balanced things out between fighters and airborne mecha by allowing fighters to use MultiPods, which each carry up to ten missiles, giving a minimum load of twenty using heavier MultiPods. These are each about the size of a typical A2A missile such as the AIM-9. You can of course add more pods, bringing you up to Ace Combat standards, but I've also decided that any special weapons will be realistic and you can only have one per pylon, not magically reloading like in Ace Combat. Cannon ammo is the same as the real world, which is where airborne mecha have the advantage, as their assault cannons can carry a few thousand rounds in multiple magazines.

EDIT: And you're welcome for the Rem, it's just one out of my enormous collection ;3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Shin ah okay so with these multipods, I can have 10 missiles in the loadoat space of one missile? Thats a good way around it.

Is there anyway to have more cannon ammo? 3 and a half squirts just doesn't feel enough for me. I was hoping to tear shit up with the cannon.

Could you maybe handwave the ammo we use as being smaller and weighing less, which allows us fighter jets to have more ammo but just not a high as rate of fire or damage as the mechs?

Not trying to change continuity here!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Could you maybe handwave the ammo we use as being smaller and weighing less, which allows us fighter jets to have more ammo but just not a high as rate of fire or damage as the mechs?

Not trying to change continuity here!

Don't worry about changing continuity here, I'm totally open to ideas and changing things. Let's see... perhaps we can say that aircraft guns are smaller and higher velocity, allowing more to be carried, compared to more stopping power on mecha. How does that sound? Let's say that triples the amount a plane can carry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 8 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

Don't worry about changing continuity here, I'm totally open to ideas and changing things. Let's see... perhaps we can say that aircraft guns are smaller and higher velocity, allowing more to be carried, compared to more stopping power on mecha. How does that sound? Let's say that triples the amount a plane can carry.

I think we have a deal :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cojemo
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey, I'm definitely interested in this! I'll have to do a good amount of research since fighter jet/military knowledge isn't exactly my forte, but I'm definitely up for this idea.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Smiter19
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Smiter19 Eye in the Dark

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm interested as well! Very much so!
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