CreedTheChimera said
((Good point))"Cool." Zero says, looking at the newest clone, and Madison steps up, cracking her knuckles. "I'm a bit of a techie. I got this." She darts over to the screen, examining how it functions. She then walks all around and attempts to enter 'the can', seeing how it all works.
When she attmepts to enter, the new clone stops her.
"You enter, you don't come back out...." He warns.
"It works via a partical generator...." The other one says. When she fiddles with the screen, it seems to be a fairly user freindly device, accepting voice commands or type commands. The screen then flashes with incomming enemy forces, and starts spitting out clones and weapons rapidly. Some have rpg=7s and others have m-16s. A few have flame throwers.