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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Pillars of time, suspended for all eternity, illuminated the halls of the Domain of Destruction. Endless turmoil, wars that had spanned entire universes, locked forever here. Shards of that which had once existed, slowly fading to nothingness. Pieces of a tapestry, frayed at the edges, clumped together. The only light in a domain of darkness, a painful reminder of a future that never came. Heroes and villains stood locked in battle, their faces paintings of despair, glee, triumph and sorrow. And through these halls he walked, passing worlds and civilisations, even as they were devoured, piece by piece. The last remnant of this fallen world. His song echoed through this realm, falling on dead ears, those it was sung for far beyond the point of hearing.

A great villain brandished a scythe, grinning madly from the side of a pillar. A great hero stood atop a pile of corpses, bathed in the blood of the innocent. A great warrior stood among a torrent of flame, brandishing the blade of a demon. A fickle God sang and laugh, a thousand forms in one, even as he was locked down in time, but not perception. A son of darkness and magic glared outwards, wavering on the edge between redemption and the fall. A parasitic beast stood among them, it's tendrils frayed from the power of destruction.

There were many more among the faces he passed, both friend and foe, all familiar. These halls had been carved for him, after all, some form of cruel joke from a dark God. Or perhaps it was a reminder, a reminder of the faces that he would never see again. To keep him sane through the billions of years he had spent here, waiting, singing. Amusing the very creature that had caused the end of his world, buying time for those he cherished. Such was the fate of the father, who had abandoned all for the sake of his spouse.

"Tell me," spoke the voice, emanating powerfully from the corners of the world. "What is it you sing for, in the end?"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"I sing, to remember. I sing, to try to keep hold of what I've lost. I sing for the witch, I sing for the demon. I sing for the flame, and I sing for the insect. I sing for those I hold closer than anything else..and I sing, for hope. The hope, one day, maybe, I'll see them again. Unharmed...happy. I sing, so one day, I can see my family again. I don't know if you can understand that feeling..."
These words, brings the immortal to tears. Memories of those he's loved, those he hated, those he was indifferent to. Knowing now, that many of them were nothing, obliterated into non-existence. It dug into his heart, the claws of misery, of regret. They scratched and pulled on the heart of the immortal, attempting to drag him into a sea of misery. But still, he resisted. In that infinite sea of pain, was an island of hope. He'd not been able to save everyone. He never could. But, he managed to save those closet to him. But memories of those that were dragged into that pit of oblivion, their names echoed into his mind, far to many to count.

That list could go on, forever. Quickly, he shuts out those thoughts, and focuses on the fiend before him.
"...I have one question...Do you regret the destruction you bring? Do you know that feeling, regret, or is a creature like with without the capacity?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((I'm getting involved out of boredom))

As the girl wandered, she pondered her purpose. That much wasn't unique in any way. After all, who didn't ponder such a thing at least once in their lives? Nobody. Nobody didn't. Mainly because he was content with his job, and his whole life in general. But I digress

The girl had power. Lots of it. The kind of power that she never quite knew how to properly use. So for a long time, she didn't. A decision that lead to many lessons being learned. One of which being how to door on her own. But, even the nigh unstoppable got bored, and so she asked herself a question she had asked many times

"What the hell is my name again?"

For the longest time she did not know. But given her power, she always thought it was an equally epic name. Like Ezra, Mary, or Thurman Murman. As she wandered forward, she came across a symbol painted on a far wall. An equal sign with a line through it. It was then that she remembered

"Najimi Ajimu." The girl murmured before looking up at the sky and shouting "I TOTALLY WANTED IT TO BE THURMAN MURMAN!!!"

Najimi sat down and sighed. Why did bad things happen to good people? No matter, she was here, and here was good enough for her to

Goddammit, she had totally forgot why she was here

"...oh yeah." Najimi said with a wide grin. "Now I remember." Gathering the shards of what was, she built what would be the beginning of a new age. A fortress that would serve as a stepping stone.

"Let the games begin." Najimi chuckled
Asura awoke and let out a groan "where...where am I?" He asked no one in particular. Clutching his head, he tried his best to ignore the migraine currently pounding in his head, he observed his surroundings "...dafuq happened here?" He asked again. This time a little louder it was then he noticed the now forming fortress "...okay, dafuq is happening there?"
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