kishin asura said
Who is on?
supertinyking said
CreedTheChimera said
Hey, the guilds back up! ^^
kishin asura said
CreedTheChimera said
Nothing much, been watching more Dexter ^^ he's awesome. How 'bout you?
CreedTheChimera said
Back, sorry ^^'
kishin asura said
It's all right.
CreedTheChimera said
So Kishin, you ever watch Teen Titans?
CreedTheChimera said
So Kishin, you ever watch Teen ?
supertinyking said
I've watched old one...the new one looks like a pile of rank buffalo guts.
supertinyking said
I've watched old one...the new one looks like a pile of rank buffalo guts.
kishin asura said
I totally agree.
CreedTheChimera said
Completely agree!
supertinyking said
"Not me. Anywho, sorry for the mess....but hey,at least it wasn't mashed potatoes." Riki retorts, chuckling.
CreedTheChimera said
Completely agree!
supertinyking said
They took a story with character development, a pretty good animation style, and a helluva good story.......and turned it into a series with no character development, infact it seems like they devolved, they have a far less appealing art style, and the story is all...random and shat.