thewizardguy said
Hello, wizard.
thewizardguy said
NoahFire said
Hello, wizard.
Zoe Beringer said
Spiritstallion1 said
Really? Why is it that everyone always seems to come on at the same time?
thewizardguy said
You said you'd call me Jake!
Zoe Beringer said is school going?
NoahFire said
Eh, Nah. *Walks away with headphones in and music up loud and hums dark horse*
thewizardguy said
You might want to specify the target of this question, unless it's a general question to be adressed to everyone.
Zoe Beringer said
it was directed at everyone.
thewizardguy said
Doctor Horrible?
NoahFire said
Katy perry.
thewizardguy said
It's my superpower of awesome timing.
thewizardguy said
Tsk tsk tsk
Spiritstallion1 said
Then you should use your superpower of awesome timing more often
NoahFire said
*turns the volume up so I cant hear you*
Zoe Beringer said
anyone here in cross country?
Zoe Beringer said
anyone here in cross country?