ShadowVentus said
"Gah!" Michael exclaims as he falls to the ground, taking Madison down with him. "What did you put in your coffee this time...?" Michael asks mentally, assuming the coffee overwhelmed her senses and she is unable to control herself.When I appear in the guild, I breathe a sigh of relief "Too close..." I think to myself as I sit down, looking around for anyone..
"I didn't put anything in it, someone else did..." She replies, as she begins to remove his shirt irl.
"I wan't you to [bleep] me right her right now, I want you to [bleep] and [bleep] and to [bleep] me in my [bleep] with a [bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep]" She cries, before frenching Michael.