While the Pillars of Color rely on a paradox to retain their existence and rely on other things to be their color, or be related to their color, or merely
think something is their color, and while they do not possess a will/intelligence outside of that which is created from the composite of every thing associated with their respective color(s), the Pillars are practically capable of anything.
They can take control of anything that is their color and they can alter its nature so long as it remains that color or sufficiently related to that color. They can change the nature almost infinitely, with the only limitation being that whatever they change it to must in some way be associated with the same word, concept, or actual color that they are associated with. However...the thing about that is this; let's put it in context.
Blue, for example, can link itself to the sky or water or space because from here space looks like it is dark blue, and water looks bluish to us. As such, Blue is intrinsically tied in with the concept of water, and thus the substance. Water is in living things, water is in a great many fluids, so as long as something contains water--even if it's not technically blue, it can be Blue conceptually and thus falls under the domain of Blue. This principle, known as the Interrelation Color Theory Abstraction Principle (or ICTAP), applies to all of the Pillars of Color equally.
Do you know what that means guys? That means that functionally, the various Entity's that we recognize as distinct individuals/personalities/intelligences, are only "distinct," so long as we consider them as such. That means that ALL the Pillars of Color might not be Pillars, but instead might just be one Pillar.
But then, you ask, what color would that Pillar be?
You might be wondering what I'm talking about, or what my answer to the above question would be, well here, let me help you out.
Since the Pillars of Color are each intrinsically tied to one another (they are related at the most basic level more or less) this means that If a liquid, such as urine, which is yellow--for example--would be under the domain of Yellow, but wait guys, there is also water in urine, so isn't it Blue? Alright, but it's a bodily fluid, right? It's a waste product and it is likely composed of some things that may have once been read, like Apple Juice, so it is also under the domain of Red's influence, right?
Or maybe, since there are various shades of urine, it is under the dominion of Grey, one of the threefold minds that make up the Beyonder. Or, since Grey is a construct made by White and Black and there are bad things related to urine and good things related to urine (such as being urinated on or such as your urine not being yellow, meaning you are sufficiently hydrated) it is only Black or Only White.
Maybe it doesn't matter. Or maybe, it matters a lot.
AFter all, Red is corrupted, and some kids wear red shirts, all human kids have red blood, I bet some races have red children, or children with some body part that is red, and I bet some races perceive the sky as red. So wouldn't that mean that everything is corrupt?
Is Red's corruption why we have war, blood related disease, blood fueds...or is it why we have love and passion? Is it both? (probably)
If Red is corrupt and things it is conceptually tied to (and thus intrinsically part of) are also tied to the other two colors, and the Beyonder wouldn't that mean that they are all corrupt?
What stops them all from being corrupted if they are essentially homogenous (the same)?
I'll tell you what, it's our minds. It's because we have the need, for convenience's sake, to categorize things and then consider those categories separate entities. If we ever lost that, if intelligent life at large within the AllWorlds lost that, we'd be fucked, because Red is corrupted and Red is Blue, and Blue is Yellow, and Yellow is Red. and Yellow, Red, and Blue have shades, and negative and positive meanings, which means they are Grey, Black, and White etc etc so on and so forth into infinity and beyond