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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I found my new favorite video on the internet. It's not Jojo-related, surprisingly.

EDIT: Original here in case people have yet to see it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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@Letter Bee

I wouldn't say that. Divine Blessings certainly does give people an edge, but by no means does it make you unstoppable. Even some Divine Blessings won't save you from things that they're meant to help you with. Malakaus has innate magic resistance, but was nearly killed by magic fire anyways. It was mostly thanks to having good armor that he was able to not die immediately from it. Conversely, Atisha has no Divine Blessing but she's a fairly skilled user of her magic, and has so far done fairly well for herself.

Not having a Divine Blessing doesn't put you at a disadvantage. Divine Blessings themselves are more like another tool for the players to use, and overtly relying on them will result in a bad time when they inevitably won't save you from what you're facing. That being said, I would be hesitant to accept someone with both high magic skills and a divine blessing, unless the blessing itself grants the high magical skill like Vesta. Honestly, I'm half tempted to simply not allow anyone with a Divine Blessing considering that we have at least 14 characters with Divine Blessings, with Famish Pants in particular having both his characters with more than one blessing. For god-given abilities, they're ridiculously common, even considering how many players we currently have active.

So Tl:dr no, not having a Blessing won't put you at a disadvantage. You won't have their advantage, but that doesn't make you any weaker then the others.

Now as for your characters.

For Alexander, his backstory is mostly alright, but one thing that really sticks out to me is the fact that he would bother to learn how to make gunpowder. Admittedly if I ever bothered to actually care about chemistry, making explosions would probably be something I'd be interested in doing too. But if you intend to try to revolutionize technology in the RP by introducing firearms and explosives, know that it's not going to be as easy as "stuff black powder into an urn and give it a fuse". I want to know honestly what you intend to use that knowledge for, since otherwise it seems rather pointless to include it unless you hope to make use of it.

As for his Eyes I will limit it to his eyes not being affected by Return By Death. Keep that in mind if he ends up getting his head smashed, because while he might come back alive eventually, his eyes might not. Additionally I want to know some clarification: Does his eyes allow him to see the passive effect of magic? For example, would he be able to tell that Malakaus has the Blessing of Arcane Interference even though it is a passive effect? In addition, where exactly has he been for a year to study in Lugnica? Not everyone has been as fortunate as Surubu and gets to start out in a fancy mansion. Not to mention that learning about magic isn't something one can just do from watchings mages, not anymore than learning how to program a computer by watching technicians working. Certainly not all within a year, where Alexander has somehow also made time to feed and house himself, earn a name with mercenaries, and presumably working mercenary jobs.

Myst for the most part is fine, hearing talk of strangers from Earth probably isn't as unusual as it ought to be considering how many earthlings we do have here. Though you should know that there is current something in the works about putting more details about your character's own magic in the CS so people are not creating spells to conveniently solve whatever issue arises. It's mostly in the talks because before we actually enforce it I have to do the same to my own mage, Atisha, but rest assure that I plan to push for this. Keep that in mind for Myst as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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@Letter Bee

I wouldn't say that. Divine Blessings certainly does give people an edge, but by no means does it make you unstoppable. Even some Divine Blessings won't save you from things that they're meant to help you with. Malakaus has innate magic resistance, but was nearly killed by magic fire anyways. It was mostly thanks to having good armor that he was able to not die immediately from it. Conversely, Atisha has no Divine Blessing but she's a fairly skilled user of her magic, and has so far done fairly well for herself.

Not having a Divine Blessing doesn't put you at a disadvantage. Divine Blessings themselves are more like another tool for the players to use, and overtly relying on them will result in a bad time when they inevitably won't save you from what you're facing. That being said, I would be hesitant to accept someone with both high magic skills and a divine blessing, unless the blessing itself grants the high magical skill like Vesta. Honestly, I'm half tempted to simply not allow anyone with a Divine Blessing considering that we have at least 14 characters with Divine Blessings, with Famish Pants in particular having both his characters with more than one blessing. For god-given abilities, they're ridiculously common, even considering how many players we currently have active.

So Tl:dr no, not having a Blessing won't put you at a disadvantage. You won't have their advantage, but that doesn't make you any weaker then the others.

Now as for your characters.

For Alexander, his backstory is mostly alright, but one thing that really sticks out to me is the fact that he would bother to learn how to make gunpowder. Admittedly if I ever bothered to actually care about chemistry, making explosions would probably be something I'd be interested in doing too. But if you intend to try to revolutionize technology in the RP by introducing firearms and explosives, know that it's not going to be as easy as "stuff black powder into an urn and give it a fuse". I want to know honestly what you intend to use that knowledge for, since otherwise it seems rather pointless to include it unless you hope to make use of it.

As for his Eyes I will limit it to his eyes not being affected by Return By Death. Keep that in mind if he ends up getting his head smashed, because while he might come back alive eventually, his eyes might not. Additionally I want to know some clarification: Does his eyes allow him to see the passive effect of magic? For example, would he be able to tell that Malakaus has the Blessing of Arcane Interference even though it is a passive effect? In addition, where exactly has he been for a year to study in Lugnica? Not everyone has been as fortunate as Surubu and gets to start out in a fancy mansion. Not to mention that learning about magic isn't something one can just do from watchings mages, not anymore than learning how to program a computer by watching technicians working. Certainly not all within a year, where Alexander has somehow also made time to feed and house himself, earn a name with mercenaries, and presumably working mercenary jobs.

Myst for the most part is fine, hearing talk of strangers from Earth probably isn't as unusual as it ought to be considering how many earthlings we do have here. Though you should know that there is current something in the works about putting more details about your character's own magic in the CS so people are not creating spells to conveniently solve whatever issue arises. It's mostly in the talks because before we actually enforce it I have to do the same to my own mage, Atisha, but rest assure that I plan to push for this. Keep that in mind for Myst as well.

Stuff about Divine Blessings: Thanks!

About Alexander: Ah, I was going to replace the 'Gunpowder' part with having a 'Kindle with copies of the Encyclopedia Britannica and other reference books', and yes, I wanted to revolutionize technology in the RP, although to be fair, you're right in that going Connecticut Yankee isn't as easy as Mark Twain makes it sound.

As for his eyes, thanks for allowing them, and as for the passive effects of magic, he can see those as a glow, sometimes with different colors, but he won't know what those mean, aka he can see something, but not necessarily understand what he sees. Note that if you're reading Alexander's latest CS, he doesn't really have Yin Magic; that was Plan B for if the Divine Blessing is completely rejected.

Anyway, for Myst, I will be waiting for you to make a Magic System, then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Woah holy damn I did not know you could trigger me by making my name two words. What the hell why does that just make me le sadboi? :C
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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@Lucius Cypher
Then there's Vesta's spells....half of which are generic earth manipulations which I didn't name XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago


Who needs to know spell names when you can just add "earth" and "rock" with any word to make it work.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


For something like magic, I was thinking something akin to Bending from the Avatar; while many of Re:Zero's magic can work without having a source (I'm pretty sure Rem simply materializes water and giant ice spears), manipulating an existing source of your element is far less taxing. Additionally, trying to manipulate or use more than what your skills would indicate would be harder, if not impossible for what you're trying to do.

Example: Vesta and another earth-magic user making a statue of themselves, fairly simple. Making a suit of armor out of solid rock that they can move and manipulate as they move, probably something only Vesta can do.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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What can I say? Vesta has a simple fighting style.
Hit you with a rock. That doesn't work? Bigger rock. Still doesn't rock? A slightly bigger rock.
So on and so forth till victory is achieved.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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@Lucius Cypher
The ice is actually formed by freezing water particles in the air or something if memory serves. Could be completely wrong though XD
I mean good old Emilia does the same. (Well the ice spears at least)
Also the words 'rock' and 'earth' don't have to be used. Main reason Vesta uses very little incantations is that I reserved those for the more taxing spells, since if one is powerful enough the lesser spells don't require any. E.g. that rock armor sounds like it needs an incantation, while launching a boulder...not so much XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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@Lucius Cypher

Wait, so will my character be able to use lightning in the future?

Also, I suppose my character will be able to materialize fire, correct? I mean, I doubt you find fire as easily as you find earth, so a fire user would be more used to materialize fire rather than manipulate it. He would still be able to manipulate it, but it would be easier for him to materialize it than to search for a fire source to use.

Sorry if I don't make sense, it's 2 A.M and this is the second night in a row I have not been able to sleep...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

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@Lucius Cypher

Wait, so will my character be able to use lightning in the future?

Also, I suppose my character will be able to materialize fire, correct? I mean, I doubt you find fire as easily as you find earth, so a fire user would be more used to materialize fire rather than manipulate it. He would still be able to manipulate it, but it would be easier for him to materialize it than to search for a fire source to use.

Sorry if I don't make sense, it's 2 A.M and this is the second night in a row I have not been able to sleep...

Think of fire as "Making fire but instead of fuel to light my fire I just use mana as a fuel source"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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@Lunarlors34 Oh Zin's gonna rub some of them off the bottom of her boot like Trevor did Johnny's brains in Gta5.

Zin:" Oh you mean these flowers that I've landed on and used to cushion my fall from the second story ? Oh my bad, I guess I need to be taught a lesson about not playing in the garden Vesta."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Claw2k11 Well, if you achieve a mastery of fire up to the level of being able to create a plasma current just from isolating and heating air, then igniting the plasma bridge using polar opposites, THEN you might use lightning.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


More or less. Can't say I've ever seen lightning used in either the anime series or mentioned in the light novels, so I have no idea what the possibility for it is. Sometimes I think that Lightning is more associated with wind then fire, or possibly even water if you want to associate lightning with clouds. But I'm not denying it either, so let's just say that once you get to that point IC, I will decide if it's doable or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


More or less. Can't say I've ever seen lightning used in either the anime series or mentioned in the light novels, so I have no idea what the possibility for it is. Sometimes I think that Lightning is more associated with wind then fire, or possibly even water if you want to associate lightning with clouds. But I'm not denying it either, so let's just say that once you get to that point IC, I will decide if it's doable or not.

The only lightning ability used in the series is a blessing from a champion of another nation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Latest Revision; posted on this page for convinience:

@liferusher, @Lucius Cypher @ADamnFiddle
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago

I may be the only newcomer who took the time to read through all the previous posts...
Then I wizened the fuck up and am barely reading the dialogue.

@Letter Bee You rebel scum! THE EMPIRE WILL STRIKE YOU DOWN!!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Looks good to me. Now Fiddle and Life need to give it a look over and if they approve, then you're good to go.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Bishop, Empire got stomped three years after the Battle of Endor in the New Canon. All hail the New Republic!

Well, until they let their rotating capital get destroyed by a new superweapon, but details, details.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PhoenixRising

PhoenixRising Positive Vibes Maker / Peach Juice Enthusiast

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Lucius Cypher In the actual light novel, people are capable of using multiple elements. I'd like to have it thay although my character will only know how to use air, his blessing could fuck him up and make him set himself on fire.
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