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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

TBH I think he could dodge it by tripping over, rolling away from the fire and tendrils, go to stand up, accidentally headbutt Zin and knock her out cause he slammed into her chin when getting up.
I think that's his trump card to be totally, 100% honest
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Right-o, I'll have Malakaus walk in regardless. Ain't going be no unsanctioned violence while he's in the city!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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@Lucius Cypher
But he deserves it!
EDIT: Also reading the post, would just like to tell you Vesta has been quite mindful of the collateral damage. Hence why she cut off the townsfolk with a ring of stone walls around the fight. Also why she hasn't done big attacks yet, and why the tendrils are so concentrated.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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You're probably right, which is why I said "Unsanctioned". Once you have permission, then you can beat on him!

Ninja Edit: I know, it's just a generalization on Malakaus's part. To him collateral damage is essentially anything that alters the landscape, be it destroyed buildings or temporary arenas. He's mostly annoyed by such things since some mages (read: All the ones Malakaus had met so far) don't clean up after themselves forcing him or whoever is nearby to deal with the mess. Usually because he killed the mages, so they aren't really in any position to fix it in the end.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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@Lucius Cypher
So if she just asks nicely?
In her defense, she has been quite tame during the fight
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Again, you're probably right, but IC Malakaus doesn't know this and wants to make sure that if you're going to take justice into your own hands, it's done correctly. That and to make sure she doesn't hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it or by accident. Because if the incident at the castle was any indication, what you want to do (Minimize collateral damage) doesn't always end up what happens (Death and destruction).

That being said, why are you guys fighting? Malakaus will be asking anyways, but I wanna know myself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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@Lucius Cypher
He disrespected Vesta
Vesta is a big believer in giving respect to those who deserve or earn it. E.g. nobles, doing something bad-ass. From her point of view, he was treating her like she treats most people (so dirt XD Unless they manage to win some respect, which isn't all that difficult. Just TRY) and she didn't like that one bit cause she was raised with a certain mindset of being better than most.
Well she kinda is...beside the point. Basically my point was that he insulted her pride and now she's teaching him a lesson. Or trying to at the very least.
Morale of the story? Don't insult Vesta by calling her an underling, a servant, a minion or giving her looks that say that she's beneath you. She WILL proceed to beat the everlasting shit out of you. Especially when she was already in a bad mood.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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For Malakaus, the only reason he's a reasonably well liked minor noble (From what I intended anyways) isn't because he treats people based off their class or standings, but quiet simply follows this ideal: Don't be a dick to people. Servants, slaves, prisoners, nobility, royalty, giving them a bit of respect and not insulting their dignity is hard, but doable. Trying to act above them just gives them an incentive to kick you in the shins. Now, that's not to say they are his equals (A double edge sword to be sure), but just because they might be their lessers doesn't mean he shouldn't treat them like someone he doesn't like.

Beyond that how he treats you mostly depends on if he likes you or not. If you're a good person, he'll muster the proper names and titles he should refer to you as, like how he typically calls Maria Knight Commander. If he doesn't, he might just call you by your name or what he knows you by. If he really doesn't like you, he might call you by your last name, full name, or whatever derogatory name happens to be most associated with you. Usually you're dead by that point though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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@Lucius Cypher

I think basically it's because that Aleph is very delusional and Vesta thinks she's better than everybody else and those two traits don't mesh well, especially since Aleph's delusions involve him being a hero, Kyle being the Demon Lord, and Vesta being Kyle's minion (which is quite ironic.)


I was tempted to do that, but you are incorrect in your assumption. Another hint: The interruption right now only helps Aleph.

Edit: I imagine that, although a bit odd, Aleph will be pretty bro to those he befriends.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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@Lucius Cypher
It's not particularly difficult to get Vesta's respect though. She simply hates most people because they give up easily, she's a sucker for a try-hard XD
But what she hates most is not getting the respect she thinks she deserves. He disrespected her so she is simply returning the favour. Also she won't respect you, but she would at least be polite if you're polite to her. And she has been pretty polite to everything thus far beside Aleph. Harsh to everyone? Maybe. Polite to a point? Yes.
Disrespected anyone? Only those who have deserved it thus far. One must remember that her family are a bunch of elitist, douchebag magic users, so being raised in that environment kinda makes it difficult for her NOT to be one as well.
I do plan on her becoming nice as the roleplay develops though. Slightly. She will still be harsh as fuck when the times calls for it though XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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I don't think continuing this fight will work with him here XD
Vesta is very difficult to catch by surprise on dry land, and she isn't stupid enough to focus her entire attention on someone who she doesn't know is her enemy.
Although just thought I should say. Aleph is very interesting, and she likes interesting things...if he hadn't insulted her pride she might've been nice to him XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Malakaus is going to have some pretty choice words for Aleph is he keeps up this delusion hero complex to the point that anyone who fights him must be "evil". Something of a gripe for him (And by extension me) are those who consider their actions to be "good or heroic" by virtue of the notion they're suppose to be a hero. Here is a picture demonstration of how the usual "I am a hero" character plays out, in my experience.

Now I'm sure you're not intentionally trying to play him like that, or at least if you are you're aware of the flaws behind that line of reasoning. But nonetheless, Malakaus will stop this fighting. Ideally Aleph will too, because if he keeps fighting despite Malakaus telling him to, he'll have to fight the orc knight and Vesta. And while Vesta's full power could destroy a city, Malakaus' full power only kills one or several individuals at a time, depending on how many or near him. The fact he walked into this conflict without a weapon in hand is his first and only attempt to end this battle without further violence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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@Lucius Cypher
Well to be fair he thought she was evil BEFORE she fought him
Like he just assumed Kyle was the demon king cause of some information some randoms just made up on the spot to get him to leave him alone (after he defeated them he thought they were evil XD), then because Kyle vaguely fit that information he assumed Kyle was the demon king. Kyle being the idiot he seems to be played along, and Aleph sorta assumed the others were his minions to which Kyle also played along.
Vesta cracked the shits and sorta gave him a chance to apologise before removing the ground from beneath him. Technically not an attack so his crappy sword swing was the first attack XD
Then it has slowly been escalating from there. She's convinced he's a delusional idiot, and he's convinced she's a demon general and that female demons are endangered or something XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

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Malakaus is going to have some pretty choice words for Aleph is he keeps up this delusion hero complex to the point that anyone who fights him must be "evil". Something of a gripe for him (And by extension me) are those who consider their actions to be "good or heroic" by virtue of the notion they're suppose to be a hero. Here is a picture demonstration of how the usual "I am a hero" character plays out, in my experience.

Now I'm sure you're not intentionally trying to play him like that, or at least if you are you're aware of the flaws behind that line of reasoning. But nonetheless, Malakaus will stop this fighting. Ideally Aleph will too, because if he keeps fighting despite Malakaus telling him to, he'll have to fight the orc knight and Vesta. And while Vesta's full power could destroy a city, Malakaus' full power only kills one or several individuals at a time, depending on how many or near him. The fact he walked into this conflict without a weapon in hand is his first and only attempt to end this battle without further violence.

If Aleph was serious about fighting Vesta until he beat her, I'm sure this would be a perfect chance to learn about the RTB. Sadly, that is not the case here. The interruption was probably the best-case scenario for Aleph since he did not have to reveal one of his greatest moves, and also doesn't have to be beaten to a pulp by Vesta C:

Aleph is delusional, yes, but he's not actually arrogant enough to believe that anybody who fights him is evil or the sort. Vesta was evil long before Vesta was the person he was fighting, by virtue of being next to Kyle at that given moment. She was just the only one who seemed to care enough about his delusions to fight him lol.

EDIT: I am tempted to make a second character who is the opposite of Aleph. He'd have an unofficial Divine Curse in that he has horrible luck, is generally a bad person, and also would have fat stacks (of death) on him from random things. He would, of course, be completely insane in a not-so-fun way, and would likely attack other stand-users players often, either raising their stacks or his own.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Soragoku
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i've been gone too long. glad i havent missed too much though.

i've been really busy recently, lots on my plate, but ill find time soon to post guys
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Apologies for the long delay between character creation & my intro post, was recovering from an injury, but now my stitches are cut, so I recycled my char image from another thread for now :X ~~
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Your character has had the most nonchalant intro of everyone thus far
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

i've been gone too long. glad i havent missed too much though.

i've been really busy recently, lots on my plate, but ill find time soon to post guys


Joke joke

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Lucius Cypher
You know that her response is going to be something along the lines of 'He was insulting my family's honor in front of others. I needed to make an example out of him to prevent such a thing happened again'
Cause that's how she rolls XD Serious, harsh and doesn't fuck around. Gets straight to the point of the matter. Although it does occur to me that Zin should still be in the immediate vicinity shouldn't she?
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