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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ZekariVoblis you seriously wanna die!? Why would you go up in there!

Well he has fire magic so it makes some sense that he can blow himself sky high. But how the heck can he blew someone else sky high AFTER he blew himself up and thus is simply just plain dead now.
Oh god he will be alive now since he will reset O_O
I am tempted not to let Hama reset now. Oh so tempted.

Plot intensivies!

Addison killed him to quick to give you the answere nyehehehe
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

If it makes you feel better Avery was about to run upstairs too XD
....Maybe not now >.>

Also that explanation just confuses me more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


@ZekariVoblis you seriously wanna die!? Why would you go up in there!

Nah, course not. After all, if I wanted him dead, I would've had him actually go in the room.

Also yeah. Just confused as you lunar
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sir Lurksalot
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Sir Lurksalot

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I have no idea what's going on right now, but I guess Duncan has now joined the bacon club. o_o

Not even three posts in and my guy's already worm-food. Progress! XD

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Alright, if this is all happening at the tavern, then Malakaus WILL investigate. This is way too many explosions in his city for him to just ignore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Lucius Cypher

Quick warning, considering he's probably the best fighter in the tavern, Ease might yell for his help.

Anyone willing to follow Ease to see a dead/heavily injured body-come right on in
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

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Ok so who all is lining up to punch Mithril in the nose, show of hands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


If Ease gets out of this encounter, he'll probably notice everything that happened and run over. Basically, he'll barely meet Mithril and sorta just...stare him down for a sec.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vesta could care less about Mithril XD
@Sir Lurksalot
Well it seems Vesta is my first to die O_O
Must say I didn't see that coming. Was totally expecting Avery to start a fight and die XD

@Lucius Cypher

Quick warning, considering he's probably the best fighter in the tavern, Ease might yell for his help.

Anyone willing to follow Ease to see a dead/heavily injured body-come right on in

Avery will help! Maybe....either that or continue trying to stay out of sight. 50/50.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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I still have no idea what's going on. Is there explosions in the Tavern now? What happened at the slums? Who just died?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Lucius Cypher
From my understanding Aya was just killed at the tavern by an unknown enemy.
Vesta, Duncan and Addison all got blown sky high at the slums as well by a wild voltorb apparently.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Well, it would appear that Aleph is lucky he ignored those slums.

Luck OP.

I'm not sure where I'm going to bring Heinrich though. If anybody wants fabulousness incarnate to show up, merely tell me so I have a reason to post with him. C:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well if you REALLY wanna annoy Vesta when she revives XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Well if you REALLY wanna annoy Vesta when she revives XD

Hell yeah. Maybe Vesta could block his way as she revives. Though... uh, does that mean he would literally just watch Vesta appear or?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ooookay. So what happens to us native worlders when they die? I don't think they have return to death, at least not until all the humans are killed. I think.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ooookay. So what happens to us native worlders when they die? I don't think they have return to death, at least not until all the humans are killed. I think.

I believe Player Characters have RTB, just not NPCs and stuff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

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Ooookay. So what happens to us native worlders when they die? I don't think they have return to death, at least not until all the humans are killed. I think.

Yeah, like if Malakaus or Maria were to die, they would also return by death. Any "Player characters", aka anything that isn't an "NP", can Return by Death.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

But isn't Maria from earth to begin with? XD

<Snipped quote by Lunarlors34>

Hell yeah. Maybe Vesta could block his way as she revives. Though... uh, does that mean he would literally just watch Vesta appear or?

Yes that is what will happen. He will be walking down the street, minding his own business...then he will blink and Vesta will appear before him XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interesting. I wasn't expecting that. Wait, but how would that affect characters who are more affluent than the new worlders? Say if Malakaus dies, would people remember that he was once a knight or all the things he's done, or would he have to start from scratch? I know in Re:Zero there were checkpoints of sorts, but I don't know how that applies to natives.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 3 mos ago

But isn't Maria from earth to begin with? XD

<Snipped quote by FamishedPants>

Yes that is what will happen. He will be walking down the street, minding his own business...then he will blink and Vesta will appear before him XD

Guess that's a good a reason to initiate conversation as any. Poses will ensue. Has Vesta died yet?

@Lucius Cypher

The first post in the OOC explains that you respawn earlier in the day and only the events between that time and the respawn are affected (PCs would remember, but NPCs would not. Also apparently moved items stay)
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