Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“Hmph…” Naisha made a not really understandable sound, looking at the scene playing out in front of her. Her expression then quickly shifted into one of as person deep in thought as she closed her eyes, letting her mind wander into the deepest reaches of her consciousness. She was trying to search for an answer, any clue that her senses might have picked as this transition from world to world must have happened, but no. There was simply no trace of her even sensing such event. Almost like she simply didn’t have senses for that moment of time, which could be truth actually, she realized and opened her eyes. She died… it was possible the transition happened while she was dead in a brief moment, before she was awoken on this side… either that or something had blocked all her senses at the time. Nothing was excluded and it demanded further looking into later.

“Well I guess it’s back to resting for me then.” Naisha finally stated, as Cassius was taken out the room. She smiled to herself, sitting with crossed legs, her hands relaxed into her lap and eyes fully closed.

“Before I get into meditation state, Monica, was it? Remember this from me, everyone can use magic if they have a will strong enough for it. Might take years for results to show, but if you ever decided you want to give it a try, all you need to do is ask…” The demon girl stated before her mind shifted into meditating state. She was using her utmost to recuperate lost energy and heal her damaged mana veins across her body.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex slightly coughed as Naisha squeezed her neck in joy. "Need to... breathe." she murmured, but grinned cheerfully before her eyes looked at the people who apparently were taking care of them. The giant red head tilted her head questionably at the explanation, trying to process it. Ears twitching a bit with her thoughts, though they stuck straight up as Naisha drew a finger across her cheek when mentioning, she just needed Alex. Instantly, the amazon's face turned as bright as her hair, blue eyes shrinking as they blinked in confusion. Her face clearly saying 'what the fuck is going on?' yet nothing was said.

Coughing to clear her throat, she finally managed to speak. "Yeah... same... Adventuring was fun and all, but Nai made it the best of fun. Chilling out on a island just feels like home." she said as she thought about it. Blinking a bit more as she watched Naisha and listened to her words. It was... a little off putting. This Naisha was quite different from the one she remembered from just moments ago in Alex's mind. Some things were the same, but it was apparent her best friend had quite a bit of change Alex was unaware of. If whatever deity did bring them both here, it seemed to wait in different times for both of them. Or was it just waiting for Naisha to bite it too? And it happened to be awhile back in their world? Course to Alex, it didn't feel that long ago.

Glancing at Monica at her question and the one known as Roy's answer, Alex's face twitched and flushed. "We're childhood friends!" she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest in embarrassment. Though she couldn't help but notice Naisha a bit. Hard to when she's pressed as close as she can to the taller woman. Usually, it was Alex who was the clingy one. But, this clinginess felt a little different. Wonder why? Probably because Naisha had gone without Alex for so long? It made Alex a little happy she was missed so much. Was that a asshole thing to feel? Probably.

As Naisha stated words on magic, Alex gave a soft laugh. "I dunno. You remember all the times I tried to use magic? Doesn't go well." she snickered.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

As the Night went on, the others found themselves exhausted, such is to be expected. The Adjustment period was soon to be over for them, for they were ready to explore the island, yet they'd wake to another crashing wave. Monica was tending to her crops in the morning as per usual before she even bothered to check on the others; they seemed fine and rather chipper considering the fact they accepted death. In fact, she thought they took it rather well. Though she did reflect on Naisha's words about how everyone is capable.

"She might be onto something... But for the time being it is most pertinent to stick to what I know as a medical doctor, and farmer." As she was finishing with her crops, she went to her home closer to the hills. There was a white looking house there that looked just as sterile as the medical Center Ferrer helped craft for her. This place was rather sterile as well, yet there was a sense of tranquility here. She had her own vegetables for herself aside from the ones for others that were grown for the islanders, sorta like how Cassius also had his own fruits growing. She was quite proud of this, smiling at her patch before going in. Here she got cleaned up, placing on her medical clothing before heading back to the medical center.

She had a hopeful expression in her reflective eyes, and then she saw Cassius lumbering some unidentifiable man in. In which case she puffed her chest.

"Heeeh...-Ughhh!" Cassius huffed as he set the man down. He huffed, puffed even.

"What do you think you're doing? Carrying someone by themselves, I don't see Roy by you." Monica scolded.

"Why, I'm helping a person that washed... Up. Of course." Cassius' delayed responses indicated he was out of breath, Monica pushed her land into the Base of Cassius' spine to adjust his posture; straightening his back and shoulders. There was an audible crack. "Ahhh!" The crack was quite pleasing in the most surprising way.

Monica went to look at the newcomer, taken back by the eyes and lack of face to see... Yet the frame in question seemed to be in his early and mid twenties. This however was just an approximation. "Subject is Male... Women don't have broad shoulders... Not usually... Top heavy... Wears armor... And burns up..." Monica held a hand over the person in question. She found herself unable to touch his face. "But seems incredibly weakened due to water... It is my prognosis that this man is weak to water, giving him any may result into further harm... avoid giving drinks as a form of nourishment..." She was writing on some form of tablet. Soon she set her tablet down and looked at Alex and Naisha.

"You two want to help out with the salvage? I can't make you work, but it is better than laying in bed all day." Monica chuckled.

Cassius poked the Feline Male's arm somewhat, rather curious of him. "Howdy."

"Where is Roy by the way?" Monica looked to Cassius.

"He is getting dressed up, he actually did want to take me with him to explore the islands... We talked last night... Thinking if the girls were willing, that we could try to find something entirely new." Cassius spoke.

"Have you two lost your minds!? Maria would never agree to this!" Monica stood up straight, worry in her eyes. "Absolutely not!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Itzal had slowly been adjusting to his new life on the island, but it still wasn't enough for him. He couldn't forget his brother and was haunted by him every night. He hoped that eventually Sabre would wash up on shore as the days passed, however the day came when Cassius and Monica arrived with another. Upon watching them return, Itzal quickly hurried to the infirmary to see clearly who had exactly washed up ashore.

Unfortunately, his heart sank when he realized it wasn't who he thought it was. He heaved a sigh, looking the new arrival over. Despite the depression that was quickly taking a hold of him, Itzal decided the least he could do was speak with him once he had awoken. He guessed this new arrival would be just as confused as he was and being a kind person, he should at least greet him and explain the situation.

Itzal watched over this new arrival with anticipation, his tail twitching ever so slightly when he thought that the other male might wake, however, it was quickly turning out that it would be a while before he would come back to the world of the living. Not that it mattered, he had time to kill.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

“We might as well help. Strangely, dying doesn't really seem to have made me too tired.” Naisha stated as Monica asked them if they want to help. The demon girl then slipped off the bed, stretching her arms. Her rather thin arms and body overall normally would indicate a frail and weak person, but with her demonic body that was no longer the case. While she wasn't the strongest out there, after she turned into demon she was at least as able as most human male if no usually stronger and sturdier. Her magic was still her forte was it was reassuring to know she could also take some punishment.

“Actually now that you mentioned clothing... you have anything more practical that I can wear?” Naisha suddenly asked, looking down at herself and her rather risque and revealing clothing. It sure was comfortable and provided her benefits when using magic, but it wasn't going to help in walking around an island and scavenging.

“Hmm I do like that idea...” Naisha stated when she heard Cassius.” I'm new to this place so I would prefer to see the surroundings. Alex, you will come too... right...?” Naisha then asked, turning her gaze towards her most favorite person in the entire world and then did something she hadn't done in decades. She did her most powerful attack when the redhead was involved... the puppy dog teary eyes attack!" You won't leave my side again... right?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Coal sat on his back listening to waves crash on the sand near him as he suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the sky. He grabbed a hand full of sand and began to inspect it before releasing it back to the ground and got up. Before coal could fully stand up his gut was wrenched and his head went into a spiral of sudden confusion, migraine, and flashes of being drained of mana and collapsing to the floor with his body covered in wound wounds.

Suddenly as if the feeling had never taken him everything was normal and he felt fine. He tried once more and fully stood up and scanned his surroundings until he noticed he was standing next to a destroyed stone tower, cobblestone strewn everywhere. he walked to an archway with a torn banner and a symbol he didn't recognize.

"How very odd." He muttered to himself whilst inspecting it.

He entered getting an idea to look around from the top, as to get a better view of where he was. Standing at the top all he could see were trees, trees, and more trees so he decided to stay in the tower tonight and would begin exploring tomorrow morning. He stoked a fire not using his magick since he'd need something to eat in the morning to start him on his journey. And with that, he meditated until the sun had gone down and fell asleep in the same cross-legged position that he had been sitting in for hours before.
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