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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lexicon
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Lexicon Once a Week Poster

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@dragonmancer Okay so the Cataclysm lasted for one hundred years according to the first OOC post. The Silence lasted for five hundred years and ends at the start of the RP. Got it. You might want to make that information stand out from the rest of the text in their respective hiders. It'll make it easier to see. Going to tweak some stuff on my sheets to accommodate this info.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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@Legion02 Fool!
To corrupt another gods beasts for use as a mount with blood magic is vile and abhorrent!

The only proper way is to forge a mind control artifact and dominate it that way!

And Ha will of course not reignite the god war. And seeing Asivar again after hundreds of years will go great.

Also, i edited my sheet. Since it is constantly gotten wrong, i'll just go with it :P
Edited Ha's titles.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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[hider=Del Sombra]
Name: Del Sombra roughly translates to “Of Unknown Origin”.
Other Names: The Black Cat, Dungeon Master, The Silent One, The Conspirerer, Goddess of the Unknown

Domain: Conspiracy, Secrets, Crime, Violence, Answers, lies, riddles, and truth.
Personality: Del Sombra is a creature of secrets And behaves as such. She’s only capable of speech when telling a secret. She will not speak under any other circumstance, not even to the other gods.

She is a goddess whom keeps a keen eye on the world below. Observing, and following those that have taken her interest. She shows no care if she is seen or not by her quarry, and will continue to follow them no matter where they go, or the condition of their well being. Mortals have often found this behavior unsettling, and a tale tale sign of an omen head.

Along with this she has a curious and nosey nature. Often stepping through walls, or floors to peak at what’s behind them. Slipping her head into jars, boxes, books, and inside a mortal’s body. Tipping over books, chairs, loose furniture. Knocking down apples, leaves, and even as far as sitting on a human’s chest and watching them sleep.

She takes a surprising delight in watching organized crime. And will often reward impressive feats with boons of her own choosing. From secrets, to small pieces of her powers.

And she takes great care in watching adventurer's progress. She's often the architect of many dungeons, and ruins below. Allowing them to be used as hide aways for cultist, liches, or what have you. Even secrets, and sometimes vaults designated to hide and protect equipment for some fabled hero. Her whiskers twitch in amusement with every trap stumbled upon, or difficult encounter. But she certainly is not a sadistic mistress. With difficulty comes reward, and she purrs with pride as every dungeon she creates has been completed and plundered for it's secrets below.

Influence: Her influence spans a wide variety of mortals, with an equally massive diversity in characters. She’s primarily praised by cultist, assassins, and guild thieves. But has also found her way into warship by Politics, investigators, and secretive guilds. And even the occasional prayer will slip her way by those whom build tombs and dungeons.


Her powers revolve heavily around information. And she has an unparalleled since of omnipotence. However, she can not read minds, and treats a private thought as a sacred boundary that should not be crossed.

Along with many gods, she’s capable of giving blessings onto her champions or those whom have earned her grace.

One of her blessings is on a global scale, a reward for all forms of life being capable of conspiracy. Every mortal has the ability to request information from a cat for a price. For instance;

A secret requires a secret, and only by the definition that Sombra has applied. A secret must be truthful information known by only a small number of –relative- count. And there must exist a faction in which its acquisition is beneficial. The feline may also decide whether or not it will share information, and will not share what they were told if the price was not met.

The cost of a hint or directions is dependent on the feline at the time. Which may be absolutely anything that the feline desires.

A feline will not whisper to a mortal until the cost is satisfied.

Many people will often call it just a myth. But there was a legend of a philosopher that once requested a cat to tell him the meaning of life. The feline's responce was a small cryptic whisper with a distant look, "This question isn't wrong."


Del Sombra normally and often takes her form in the shape of a small feline. The cat’s eyes constantly emit an aura of wispy smoke, and it’s body seems to shimmer between corporal and incorporeal. However, this can often change to whatever is convenient for her at the time. She seems to be incapable of representing a normal human, and will often be similar to a Rakshasa or one of his demi-human creatures. And though Sombra is actually genderless, she can shift between genders at will, and seems to take precedence as a female.

Her body is almost completely incorporeal. Allowing her to easily step through walls, barriers, and magic without harm or damaging the obstruction. Any influence she places on the corporeal world is an act of unnatural physical force. Along with this property, her body disappears with light, and reappears in the shadows and the dark, her influence on the world is effected by this as well. She can not move or touch anything that is in direct light, unless she prods at its shaded side.

Displacer Beast: A terrifying six legged beast formed with a lawfully evil mindset. These creatures have two long snake like appendages rising from it’s back, and have the ability of displacement. This ability allows the displacer beast to appear in a location that it is not.

These beasts are incredibly dangerous and territorial to adventurers, and seem to have a level of intelligence about them. However, it is not uncommon to see these beasts become “domesticated”. And But domesticated in terms of an established contract.

Sergals : A form of Demi-Human, and her first fully sentient creation. They are lanky creatures, resembling some sort of raptor with a mostly mammalian body. Their language is needlessly complex, and after many generations of existence has not grown much better. The Sergalian language is absurdly context sensitive with a mass scale of grammar rules making it obscenely difficult for non-native speakers to correctly translate, and as consequence, many of the intricacies of speech is difficult for a Sergal to comprehend, like sarcasm.

Their written language is not much better, as the meanings of their characters can change depending on the previous markings and sentences.

There's been a long running civil war between two different sub-species. Northern and Southern.

Their culture is fairly inspired by hunting and military proficiencies. As they hold a large military power that is also made into a civil architecture. Their civil leader is the General, and it's law enforcement are soldiers. That is not saying the race is not cultured. They do have an appreciation for arts and crafts.

Females tend to be much larger than males. There is a common joke about a high bisexuality/homosexuality rating due to how terrifying they can be.

Interestingly enough, even though she created them, she left the sergals to be free to choose who they wish to warship.

Cryptics: Passive Spirits that look like cloaked figures with heads of bizzare and complex ornamental runes. These creatures can not be seen by the mortal's eye, or any sort of magic. However, artist may accidentally reveal these strange creatures when doing paintings or drawings from life. Even though the artist can't see them, they will paint them into their work. These strange creatures appear near areas of interest. Secret lairs, near the entrances of cultist hide outs, occasionally inside a thieve's guild hideout (usually a good sign), etc.

Orb-Horse: Part spider, part horse, and equally as terrifying all around. You’ll probably get a crazy look for wanting to tame one. But at least you’ll be able to scale mountains no problem. Needless to say, Del Sombra probably was either bored, or was curious to see this combination. In truth, she was testing to see what she -could- do.

Cats: Del Sombra has created all species of cats, and values them like her own children. They gossip and share secrets among each other. But they also have the ability to comprehend and use all languages of the world, both written and spoken. However, there's only certain conditions when they will openly speak with any none feline.

Sphinx: Another of Del Sombra's precious children. Large riddling felines whom often serve as guardians to some structure. Their size and appearances can vary widely among them. Those who fail to answer a riddle correctly may suffer a horrible fate. Some, though, do not resort to the use of Riddles. There's a legend of a Sphinx named "Erudite" whom built a massive dungeon and challenges adventurers to best it in the hopes of a reward.

Cat Folk: The last sentient race Del Sombra has created. These are humanoid creatures whom heavily resemble cats. They lack the sleuthing abilities of their predecessors. Their language shares similarities with Sergals, but is much simpler, as it dealt away with a majority of the syntax and grammatical rules that it previously had, and flows at a much more rhythmic and quicker pace. It is possible to start with the Cat Folk's language, and use it as a base to learn the Sergal's language.

Their culture is more freeform, and tends to adopt that of their surroundings.

Like the Sergals, the Catfolk are free to choose who they warship. But many still pay their respects to her by refering to her as "mother".


Getting closer to her completion! She also has her answer to Sleipnir

You'll need to add the opinions, unless I somehow missed them. Otherwise everything seems to be in order, welcome to the pantheon!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thanks! I was adding a few stories before i got to the oppinions.

The Legend of the Forgotten Rock... which is more of a wiki summery.
And "The question that is never wrong"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lexicon
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Lexicon Once a Week Poster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Tangletail So Kalla is also a goddess of beasts. However, I'm willing to let cats have a greater affinity for Del Sombra than her. I think it would be amusing if Kalla shared my personal distaste for cats. Sound doable?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

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Sorry about that! And sure XD. I guess Kalla wouldn't be popular with Sombra?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lexicon
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Lexicon Once a Week Poster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Tangletail Not necessarily. Kalla may not like cats, but she isn't the kind of goddess to treat someone badly because she doesn't like them. At least, not in public. In private or with those gods and goddesses she trusts completely, she'll let her actual opinions loose. Think of her as an older sister of sorts. An older sister that never wears shoes and could watch grass grow for hours :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

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Oh great! Then they'd be like good ole siblings who love each other, like friends, but still give each other crap.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lexicon
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Lexicon Once a Week Poster

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@Tangletail That's Kalla's character in a nutshell. She loves MOST of her siblings, but she also knows how quarrelsome and dangerous they can be. I fully expect, since it would be a boring RP without it, some conflict will arise, and Kalla will be forced to support one sibling over the other. Of course, if someone starts murdering her creations indiscriminately, she'll flip out and start wrecking the place. You know, like you do when you're a god.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ShyDot


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Tangletail That's Kalla's character in a nutshell. She loves MOST of her siblings, but she also knows how quarrelsome and dangerous they can be. I fully expect, since it would be a boring RP without it, some conflict will arise, and Kalla will be forced to support one sibling over the other. Of course, if someone starts murdering her creations indiscriminately, then she'll flip out and start wrecking the place. You know, like you do when you're a god.

I intend for Nahash to be something of a troublemaker if things get too tranquil or the plot needs a good boot. So seeing other deities' frustrations with that damn snake should be fun, especially Kalla.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 7 mos ago

@ShyDot No worries, Asivar will most definitely get a lot of gods pissed because he broke and enslaved their precious creations and turned them into something as basic as MOUNTS! There will be plenty of plot possibilities.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SepticGentleman
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SepticGentleman 𝙼𝚊𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ShyDot No worries, Asivar will most definitely get a lot of gods pissed because he broke and enslaved their precious creations and turned them into something as basic as MOUNTS! There will be plenty of plot possibilities.

Try and mount a wasp, guy. I dare ya.

Sting ya right in the dick.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Karkinos
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Just for clarification, we post character apps in the 'Characters' tab, whether unfinished and/or finished?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lexicon
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Lexicon Once a Week Poster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

No, character apps go here first then they're moved over once they're accepted.

EDIT: Also, in case anyone is interested, Kalla's sheet version 2.0 is up! Updated information, a few changed names, and some other odds and ends abound. Barring tweaks for additional opinions and such, I'm going to, and I can't believe I'm saying this...leave my sheet alone lol.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

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The god of disease and insects might actually be frequented with requests from Sombra.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SepticGentleman
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SepticGentleman 𝙼𝚊𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Tangletail Why whatever would she ask of him?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

She's a goddess of secrets who builds dungeons, and is the mother of cats.

At some point in her life there will be a giant pit of pure sadism that needs to get filled when she builds these temples and vaults to protect another god's precious artifacts for their soon to be heroes.

I mean seriously, wouldn't you like to have a feline shaped god that can not speak normally, try to gesture out that it desires mushrooms whos spores when breathed in causes the body to suffer necrosis. Where the very flesh falls off of their bones.

Definitely keep the wrong people out of there. Fuck their shit up real good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SepticGentleman
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SepticGentleman 𝙼𝚊𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She's a goddess of secrets who builds dungeons, and is the mother of cats.

At some point in her life there will be a giant pit of pure sadism that needs to get filled when she builds these temples and vaults to protect another god's precious artifacts for their soon to be heroes.

I mean seriously, wouldn't you like to have a feline shaped god that can not speak normally, try to gesture out that it desires mushrooms whos spores when breathed in causes the body to suffer necrosis. Where the very flesh falls off of their bones.

Definitely keep the wrong people out of there. Fuck their shit up real good.

Maybe the two can do business after all. Though there's gotta be an agreement of privacy on Sombra's part, because Yig will slay any stray cat he sees in his Workshop.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Then put bronze inside of his walls. She does not need cats in his workshop to see what he's doing. a dense and thick enough layer of bronze will stop her omnipotence, and even prevent her from walking through the walls. She'll have to use the door like a normal person.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Let's see... Sombra might find Ha intimidating. Likely leaving him be under most circumstances unless approached. Or she needs something from him.

Nothing is scarier than a man that knows how to handle bronze.

As for the god of war...
"A secret betold, your weakness is two fold. If a bloodless battlefield should turn you slow, then what should a hug do?"
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