Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SepticGentleman
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Added a picture to Nahargu'ul's sheet. It's minimalist as all hell but it does its job for the most part.

Also, can we get a God of land or nature or whatever to make the earth-sea-sky trifecta?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Added a picture to Nahargu'ul's sheet. It's minimalist as all hell but it does its job for the most part.

Also, can we get a God of land or nature or whatever to make the earth-sea-sky trifecta?

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 9 days ago

Hmm, i have for some time wanted to join a god rp. Although the ones i've tried so far has all died.

For the previous ones i planned on being a warrior forge god, but i still hold some hope for one of the old RP's to return so i'll probably not be that deity.
Although i'd really want to play that deity.

Thing is the dominion of 'knights' is already taken, so being a god of chivalry gets a bit weird there.

So i should do one of three options.
Play the forge god. Screw the other rp which might never even come to be.
Play some other god. A fire god? A god of giving random people practical advice? Walking around trolling them.
Skip this rp, in a few RP's already, although one is low maintenance and another is probably dead.

I'll put in a sheet for my deity. This however doesn't mean i'm joining. Only that i think about joining and would like an opinion.
(Also, the sheet is for that old RP, ignore things that don't fit in.)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 15 days ago

<Snipped quote by Dead Cruiser>

Its a good idea, but I have a few issues with it.

#1. While I like the idea of a different generations of Gods, like the titans to the Olympians or the giants to the Nordic gods, If there is multiple generations including the 'elder' gods, I would prefer if your character wouldn't be the only one of this category. In fact before we get started I'd like to appoint several other Gods in this possession to perform something similar to a triad or the big three Gods, which of course Your God would likely be apart of.

#2. Knowing every single bit of information, including about what the Gods are doing is stretching a bit into too much power in one mind, being able to shut down other Gods, at any point, I'm going to have to turn down completely. That isn't to say you could defeat a god (I will be including a certain element that can neutralize gods to some extant), but the method you proposed isn't gonna fly, unless if you were to balance it to where it would only be possible in a very planned and calculative method, prone to backfire if it fails either by failed execution or the target was able to avoid it, and that the method isn't a permanent way to deal with a God, rather a temporary solution or a temporary seal.

#3. I can allow some form of semi-omnipotence, where he can basically know all of the general information (Not specific information or detail mind you, unless if he were to investigate upon one instance or another personally.) of the present in the earthly realm, but that's as much as I can allow. The mortal world is like the playground to the Gods, so I can allow such a world to be easily exploited, however I'd prefer if you and every other God didn't have the level of omnipotence where they knew about everything of the other Gods were doing, especially since I'd like to install conflict with each God, so as far as what your god would know to the other Gods at what their doing in each moment is limited if and what the Gods are doing in the physical realm as physical manifestations.

1. I mostly intend for my god to have a weird perspective on the others. Something like "You're not the first, what makes you so special?" He has a low opinion of godhood as a phenomenon, and considers most other gods to be squabbling children. He doesn't have to be the only Elder God, but he should still be old.

2. Here's something else I came up with as a compromise. He knows all secrets and all mysteries. Whenever something is forgotten, he learns it. When knowledge is lost, he keeps it. When the truth is concealed, he discovers it. He doesn't know everything, but from most perspectives he's pretty damn close.

3. What he could do in conflict with other gods I actually think I'd like to leave more ambiguous, to suit his mysterious nature. His youngers are intimidated by him, not because of what he can do, but because they have no idea what he can do. And what they know he can, they don't know how he does it.

You sound like you're trying to make your character unequivocally stronger, older, and smarter than all others. I don't think there's a justification for this.

I apologize if this is contentious but this comment irked me. I'd just like you to know that your observation on the matter is neither correct, nor requested, nor appreciated.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 9 days ago

Hmm, i have for some time wanted to join a god rp. Although the ones i've tried so far has all died.

For the previous ones i planned on being a warrior forge god, but i still hold some hope for one of the old RP's to return so i'll probably not be that deity.
Although i'd really want to play that deity.

Thing is the dominion of 'knights' is already taken, so being a god of chivalry gets a bit weird there.

So i should do one of three options.
Play the forge god. Screw the other rp which might never even come to be.
Play some other god. A fire god? A god of giving random people practical advice? Walking around trolling them.
Skip this rp, in a few RP's already, although one is low maintenance and another is probably dead.

I'll put in a sheet for my deity. This however doesn't mean i'm joining. Only that i think about joining and would like an opinion.
(Also, the sheet is for that old RP, ignore things that don't fit in.)

Well since you have it up here might as well review for if in case you do want to be involved here.

First off, it is a bit strange that they are both similar at least in knighthood wise. However I could probably let this side, as Your god essentially fostered the concept of chivalry while Kilgarrah merely adopted it. Similar, but no the same. Usually Kilgarrah's knights revolve around dragon slaying more specifically then just general warriors.

As for the sheet itself

Looks very good, it follows its own format so I can tell that this seems to be from a different rp, especially from the biography. Not sure if you want to keep or change it, I'm ok with Gods being born in the world as a sort of younger generation, and his origin is pretty sound and flavorful despite being little, but my problem is with the specifics of it, what was the fall of Jeno? I assume this was from another rp, I'm ok if you wish to bring some of that over, but I'd need some details in the sheet or otherwise make a new biography. Or you can make him as old as the other Gods here, either way.

Overall its pretty good, if you do decide to join though let me know and we can work something out between our two characters so their domains don't overlap as much.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 9 days ago

<Snipped quote by dragonmancer>

1. I mostly intend for my god to have a weird perspective on the others. Something like "You're not the first, what makes you so special?" He has a low opinion of godhood as a phenomenon, and considers most other gods to be squabbling children. He doesn't have to be the only Elder God, but he should still be old.

2. Here's something else I came up with as a compromise. He knows all secrets and all mysteries. Whenever something is forgotten, he learns it. When knowledge is lost, he keeps it. When the truth is concealed, he discovers it. He doesn't know everything, but from most perspectives he's pretty damn close.

3. What he could do in conflict with other gods I actually think I'd like to leave more ambiguous, to suit his mysterious nature. His youngers are intimidated by him, not because of what he can do, but because they have no idea what he can do. And what they know he can, they don't know how he does it.

<Snipped quote by Jeyma>

I apologize if this is contentious but this comment irked me. I'd just like you to know that your observation on the matter is neither correct, nor requested, nor appreciated.

#1. For a compromise, since you want that perspective, how about instead he wasn't born a god, but became a god? perhaps a demon or angel that went rogue, or a human that absorbed a Ragnarok shard. He isn't the same as the other Gods from the pantheon, and he technically earned his way to godhood, unlike the others who were merely always Gods. And as for age, following this theme the event could have taken near or at the start of the beginning of time as a angel or similar entity from another God, or from one of the first mortals.

#2. This is acceptable, but I stress that even with this ability he cannot know fully the thoughts of other Gods, to leave some sense of unpredictability that he can only guess at.

#3. As long as you follow the nerfing aspect I gave you in the previous comment, you can keep it a secret, but I have to stress that the method must only be possible in a very planned and calculative method, prone to backfire if it fails either by failed execution or the target was able to avoid it, and that the method isn't a permanent way to deal with a God, rather a temporary solution or a temporary seal. Also it can only be done if the target is in a physical manifestation, when their most vulnerable, as it would be rather broken if he could just do it when the Gods aren't being active. The characters won't have to know about it, but as a GM its only fair if I at least am aware of its potential and fallability so I can deem it playable and balanced for this rp.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 15 days ago

<Snipped quote by Dead Cruiser>

#1. For a compromise, since you want that perspective, how about instead he wasn't born a god, but became a god? perhaps a demon or angel that went rogue, or a human that absorbed a Ragnarok shard. He isn't the same as the other Gods from the pantheon, and he technically earned his way to godhood, unlike the others who were merely always Gods. And as for age, following this theme the event could have taken near or at the start of the beginning of time as a angel or similar entity from another God, or from one of the first mortals.

#2. This is acceptable, but I stress that even with this ability he cannot know fully the thoughts of other Gods, to leave some sense of unpredictability that he can only guess at.

#3. As long as you follow the nerfing aspect I gave you in the previous comment, you can keep it a secret, but I have to stress that the method must only be possible in a very planned and calculative method, prone to backfire if it fails either by failed execution or the target was able to avoid it, and that the method isn't a permanent way to deal with a God, rather a temporary solution or a temporary seal. Also it can only be done if the target is in a physical manifestation, when their most vulnerable, as it would be rather broken if he could just do it when the Gods aren't being active. The characters won't have to know about it, but as a GM its only fair if I at least am aware of its potential and fallability so I can deem it playable and balanced for this rp.

1. No, that's really the opposite of what I intended. Perhaps rather than being a born from Ragnarok like a "true" god, he just sort of... came into being. Nobody really knows why or when, but it was longer back than any living god can remember.

2. Sure.

3. Yeah, I guess that works. Gives me time to figure out what the hell it actually is.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Just made an edit to my sheet to include my character's human form. It's nothing super important, but I want to make you aware regardless @dragonmancer.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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<Snipped quote by dragonmancer>

1. No, that's really the opposite of what I intended. Perhaps rather than being a born from Ragnarok like a "true" god, he just sort of... came into being. Nobody really knows why or when, but it was longer back than any living god can remember.

2. Sure.

3. Yeah, I guess that works. Gives me time to figure out what the hell it actually is.

1. Apologies. My problem with what your proposing is that A. This puts him drastically different then the rest of the pantheon, its a bother enough that he is far more distant then the rest of the Gods, and B. Everything essentially is linked to Ragnarok, even nonexistence, nothing, what could exist, and all that nonsense, the very concept of Ragnarok is as infinite as it is an enigma. Again, as a GM, and while this RP does encourage world building, there needs to be a sort of structure to follow in addition for each that contribute to the world building have a reason for why that is. The typical method for a God to be born is from a ragnarok shard, (Which I will detail more later.).

What I can compromise with this concept, is that he was the first God, perhaps born from a different method unlike the other Gods. And in the vast enigma that is Ragnarok, being the God of time he could have installed the concept in the world, as well as help essentially 'write' into Ragnarok the rules of physics and what not, and then helped bring into being the Next Generation of Gods.


Due to his distant nature and how the other Generations of Gods essentially 'took over' Your God has become nearly irrelevant and even if he tried to rewrite the world, change or erase the laws of reality, or other attempts of the such, the Other Gods altogether have grown far to powerful and in control for him to do so.

Alternatively, if were making a throw back to nordic/greek mythos, Being a progenitor of the Gods, The Gods eventually successfully rebelled your God and essentially 'banished' him from the world, only being in control of the time and thought domain, and as a result, becoming more distant then the other Gods. However he still has some potential to reality and making a manifestation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 15 days ago

@dragonmancer How about this: we go with the creating time/firstborn thing, but once time began to flow, from that point on he served a specific purpose, essentially as a living facet of reality. He is the gate between the gods and the world, the pathway between the material and the immaterial. Gods, spirits, magic, etc, all flows through him. As such, he has no significant, direct influence on either world, but is a "gatekeeper" to the other gods, and can bind or restrict them if need be. This ties back into what he's capable of, and his theme of Horizons. He is the edge of the world, where the stars and the earth meet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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@Dead Cruiser

Sounds like a deal to me, just be sure that he himself can be defeated by other Gods and heroes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"He is the edge of the world, where the stars and the earth meet."

"Aye! Get off my solar atmosphere! I just finished makin' the suns rise and the old fart is already bumblin' inta places he shouldn't be."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 9 days ago

<Snipped quote by Klomster>

Well since you have it up here might as well review for if in case you do want to be involved here.

First off, it is a bit strange that they are both similar at least in knighthood wise. However I could probably let this side, as Your god essentially fostered the concept of chivalry while Kilgarrah merely adopted it. Similar, but no the same. Usually Kilgarrah's knights revolve around dragon slaying more specifically then just general warriors.

As for the sheet itself

Looks very good, it follows its own format so I can tell that this seems to be from a different rp, especially from the biography. Not sure if you want to keep or change it, I'm ok with Gods being born in the world as a sort of younger generation, and his origin is pretty sound and flavorful despite being little, but my problem is with the specifics of it, what was the fall of Jeno? I assume this was from another rp, I'm ok if you wish to bring some of that over, but I'd need some details in the sheet or otherwise make a new biography. Or you can make him as old as the other Gods here, either way.

Overall its pretty good, if you do decide to join though let me know and we can work something out between our two characters so their domains don't overlap as much.

Yeh, the fall of Jeno was for the other rp, that's not being used.
I'm also going to change other things, like the age (a restriction in the other rp when the gods are younger than humans) or the fact that he's not actually as tall as the tallest pine in the forest, which he can be in this rp. Since some others are as big as frikkin mountains (for example your char @dragonmancer)

I realized the fix for the knighthood thing.
Mine is the god of Chivalry, the rules of war. As in the art of structured warfare and military honor (to an extent) basically warfare with rules.
Which means that another war god with the focus on anarchy and chaos works great with mine. Making them opposites of the same.
But it solves the problem with knights, since my god technically isn't the god of knights, but of chivalry.

But basically what i gather from this is that you think i should join as long as i tweak the sheet?
I'll do that then, and decide what to do based on the response of the tweaked sheet.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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Sounds good to me, let me know when everything's tweaked!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 15 days ago

@Dead Cruiser

Sounds like a deal to me, just be sure that he himself can be defeated by other Gods and heroes.

Tell you what, I have an idea. Maybe the cataclysm that ruined the world, following it my god enacted "the Silence" as punishment for their negligence, which forbade any god from interacting with the material world. Basically barred the gate between the material and the immaterial. At the beginning of the RP, the Silence has ended, and the Gods have returned. Allows the other gods some kind of initial reaction to him, and they can form small factions based on their opinions if the Silence was justified or not, and what effect it had on the world.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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<Snipped quote by dragonmancer>

Tell you what, I have an idea. Maybe the cataclysm that ruined the world, following it my god enacted "the Silence" as punishment for their negligence, which forbade any god from interacting with the material world. Basically barred the gate between the material and the immaterial. At the beginning of the RP, the Silence has ended, and the Gods have returned. Allows the other gods some kind of initial reaction to him, and they can form small factions based on their opinions if the Silence was justified or not, and what effect it had on the world.

That actually sounds like a good idea. I'll incorporate that into the OOC in a little bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

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Was talking to @SepticGentleman.

Figured out a great way for my god to have chosen his champion.

Basically Iuppiter is a cloud. On a bad day a cloud can be like, 30 miles tall. With his powers and abilities, he flies around the planet in the shape of a giant head shouting "SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT." and causing cataclysmic events until someone sings and dances for him. Whoever he likes the most becomes his new champion.

I just Rick and Morty'd this shiznit.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SepticGentleman
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Was talking to @SepticGentleman.

Figured out a great way for my god to have chosen his champion.

Basically Iuppiter is a cloud. On a bad day a cloud can be like, 30 miles tall. With his powers and abilities, he flies around the planet in the shape of a giant head shouting "SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT." and causing cataclysmic events until someone sings and dances for him. Whoever he likes the most becomes his new champion.

I just Rick and Morty'd this shiznit.

You need to stop before you hurt yourself. By which I mean, before I hurt you.

@dragonmancer Added the story of Nahargu'ul's champion to his sheet. I'll make a proper sheet for him later when we have the format, but I just wanted to have it up for posterity's sake.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 9 days ago

Tweaky tweaky.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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Accepted...though is his name actually Ha?
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