◅Witchy Woman - Dani - Zee
◅(Born and Identifies as) Female
◅Currently, Danielle is too proud to shackle herself in a relationship, but that doesn’t mean she cannot love. Danielle enjoys her friends or partners (A.K.A. one time flings) to be respectful people, of high stature and manners. The second you start slurring your speech, Danielle is off and never to speak with you again.
However, she isn’t as uptight as one may think. Rile her up a bit and suddenly all that bottled up energy and enthusiasm surges out in one large bang. Then, and only then, will she allow you to burp in public. Or convince her to go streaking.
In short, the only friends she’ll have are only the ones that can match her constantly changing tempo. A person that will walk with her at her pace through the mysterious solitude of life. Sadly, she doesn’t seem to find many who can and usually just settles for loneliness.
◅Tall, slim, dark, and pale. The modern day Morticia, and she's a witch too! Her eyes sparkle a magnificent brown akin to the shade of dark chocolate, and are also rumoured to glow an unnatural colour under the light of the moon, her hair flows straight over her shoulders and down her back. The silky road of hair shimmering in the moonlight when she walks with a bounce in her step. Her jaw is thin, yet strong, her body is lithe as she walks with a dancer's grace. Her thin body elegant and usually draped in dark, flowing clothes. Adding a much needed dramatic flair. With sleeves that droop at her bony wrists, and dark pants that hide her in the darkness. And if she's feeling lazy (or if it's laundry day) she will accept wearing a regular t-shirt and plain jeans, but what fun is that when you can instead be walking around in a pitch black, flowing jacket?
Her lips, a bit on the thinner side, are fixed in a permanent smirk. Revealing white fangs underneath as she laughs at your jokes or misfortune. Danielle also carries herself delicately, long soft strides, legs crossed when sitting, walking effortlessly in heels. A proper lady through and through.
◅Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, is the proud mother of Danielle.
◅Prophetic PsychicDon't even bother going to another psychic when you have a demi-god around. Hecate's children are oracles from birth, able to tell precisely what is going to happen in the future. From what the weather will be like in a day, or how you'll die 40 years from now.
It was Hecate's foresight that saved Persophone from Hades' grasp, and it might be Danielle's power that will save you. While Danielle may not be able to tell you your future with a 100% accuracy, she still gets visions. Intense, powerful ones capable of revealing even the most minute details. At her current state, Danielle cannot control when or how her visions come. They mostly occur before impending doom, or before something important occurs. No wonder Danielle related so much with Raven in her younger days.
She also has the ability to see what is going on in the present and future. Just like her mother! But without the three heads. They function similarly to her future-sight. Randomly comes to her in visions that vary in detail.
Daughter of the MoonHecate is most commonly shown with the moon. Mostly along the side of the Triple Goddess symbol, two crescent moons and a full one side by side. Hecate has control over more than just the moon, the sea, sky, and land are also part of her domain. But demi-gods usually don't gain total power over these, Danielle is one of the examples. However, she still can draw power from the world around her.
A witch's greatest friend is nature, there is where wild magic lies. Obviously, highly industrialized areas will dampen Danielle's powers, while more "natural" areas strengthen her. A brisk walk through the forest will empower her, sitting by the sea-side will fill her with inner peace, or feeling the wind whistle in her ears on top of a hill will excite her. All of these things can greatly strengthen the disciples of Hecate, but their true power shines under the light of the moon.
While under the moon's pure light, Danielle's witchery grows three times as powerful. The witch gains immense power, costs for spells diminish greatly, and she feels truly free. Not only does her magic grow and strengthen, her physical body is affected too. While she may not suddenly be able to jump 6 feet while backflipping, there will be a noticeable increase in her physical prowess. Even at twilight does Danielle gain her power, because the moon is technically still in the sky above her. The only time the moon has no effect on her is when she cannot see the moon, or it's rays.
WitcheryNow for the main attraction of the show, magic. What else is there to say? Danielle can use magic! But at a cost.
While technically all gods and demi-gods are capable of casting what's categorised as "spells", and/or use magic. Hecate is said to be the only one capable of using true magic. Her offsprings, however, do not automatically gain access to this mystical and unknown power, but they still reap some benefits. Hecate's disciples are said to be extremely resistant to magic and it's consequences, and even stronger when actually using their god(dess) given power. But, that doesn't free them from every consequence and remove every obstacle. Because no amount of power or true magic will remove a witch's greatest hurdle. The Cost.
Every spell has a cost that must be paid in order for it to work, the stronger the spell, the higher the cost. Costs can range from burning a few basil leaves to sacrificing your first born. However, not all spells have a cost that requires items, most simply require concentration and energy. The more "intense" spells (raising a group of dead, opening a portal to the Underworld, etc.) are the ones that will more often than not require actual items, like graveyard soil or raven feathers, to make the spell work.
At first, many witches starting out will have to pay a steep cost for all spells. However, as the witch gradually grows in power, many a spell will require only the user's concentration and energy. At first, these freebie spells will start out insignificant. Like lighting a candle with your mind, or predict when it's going to rain, but a persistent witch who continues her studies will soon grow exponentially. Lift a feather at day one, lift the sky at day 100.
Technically anything can be done using magic, but the main focus usually is on changing the world and it's events. Give yourself a bit of good luck, or control a friendly crow to spy on neighbours. The world of magic is only held back by a witch's creativity. The more taboo arts, however, get a bit more fantastical. Pyromancy, necromancy, sorcery, you know the drill. Summon the spirits of the long gone past, predict soon to come events, throw fireballs or control the flow of water. But the rule of every spell needing a cost still remains. For now.
◅The Hunger for KnowledgeKnowledge is power, and in a witch's case, it's absolute power. While it may seem ironic that a witch could be fooled by a deal seeing as a major part of their craft is equivalent exchange, some do fall short in their bargaining skills. Danielle is a kind person, she really is, but a particularly sweet-sounding deal from the wrong side can lure her into a dangerous trap. Witches were meant to stay diligent and smart when performing pacts, but then again, the promise of power is so...attractive.
◅Danielle truly takes after her mother. Not in terms of appearance as Gods are technically just magical blobs that can shapeshift, but Danielle is like her (true) mother in terms of personality.
She loves solitude, wandering alone in quite, abandoned areas. Wandering around tagged, empty construction sites, walking through a forest powdered in the snow in the dead quite winter. All this may seem nice, but it left her with very little human interaction. She is usually very quiet, and in large groups of people can start to feel suffocated and/or self-conscious. However, get to know her and she can be great fun. Despite being so tight-lipped, she loves to laugh and make people laugh. To feel needed, and appreciated is all she needs in life.
She's also naturally curious, and creative. Pouring hours into writing her thick books, or just browsing the internet on trivia sites like she's some goddess of trivia (which she technically is). While she usually bottles up her emotions, Danielle can be just as feisty as sassy as the next person when riled up. This doesn't emerge because she wants to be mean, but rather she's just a bit protective. Danielle wishes to bring prosperity to all who deserve it, to let children live happy lives as even seeing a child fall down and start crying can set her sympathetic heart aflame. Danielle never wants to have children, but rather just take care of them. She wishes to pass on her love for learning and teaching to every generation and inspire everyone she meets.
Danielle always tries to be the best she can be, but everyone has a breaking point. When she reaches hers, then a myriad of things could happen. Either give you the cold shoulder or plot to sabotage you, it doesn't depend on how much you hurt her, but rather how much you hurt the ones she loves. As small as that group may be.
However, Danielle is not one to act directly. She much prefers to stay on the sides, silently observing the chaos of life and ever so slightly nudging people in the right direction. Even in the direst of situations, Danielle would never rush herself or confront the danger directly. Always better to plan you attack rather than run in there blindly swinging your sword.
◅A thousand miles across from America, tucked away in far reaches of Tehran, Iran, there cried a woman. She wanted a child but was infertile, Hecate took pity and struck a deal with the father. The exact exchange is unknown, and Danielle's mother never even knew about it. What is sure is that whatever happened between Hecate and Danielle's father, it ended up killing him and the child was magicked into Danielle's mother's womb. The widow had no time to mourn, obviously, God had blessed her with a child, and she wanted the best life for her future kid. Danielle's mother, named Sara, heard of great tales of success in the promised land of America. She saved up money and went there ASAP. Adjusting was hard, and they lived in a sleazy motel for the first 6 months, but they persisted.
The two quickly settled and little Danielle grew. Her childhood was O.K., to say the least. Always an A/B student, frequently travelled, had few but good friends. Wrote a few books, tutored as a job, got a cat she dearly loved, went to college like a good girl, moved out, got a life. She was so utterly normal. A shut-in, yes, but normal nonetheless.
Or, she just seemed normal.
Behind closed doors, sprawled on her floor with Harry Potter littered on the floor, and browsing a witch help blog, she worked her magic in secret. She always knew she was different, she always knew there was something odd about her. All those good grades, abnormal good luck, clear skin all through her awkward teens. Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's witchcraft.
She never waved a wand and turned Mrs. Slimlok, the mean gym teacher, into a rabbit like all those Nickelodeon TV shows about a teen with magic. It always was occult, runes, herbs, chanting, all so taboo and dangerous. All so real. She strove for power then and now, at first all she could do was slightly whiten her teeth with rosemary and vinegar, but now, all she needs is a little rune and a few mean words to set you on fire. Maybe not set you on fire, more like make you uncomfortably warm. To this day she is unsure whether all this magic stuff is really working or if it's just a placebo.
She still wondered if the Ansuz rune she stitched into her collar really did clear her mind for the day. No, it couldn't be, that's nonsense! She outgrew her magic days! Even though she still grows basil in her miniature garden and keeps a grimoire, but still, all fake! She tried so hard to fool herself and sometimes succeeded. All those years reading up on every grimoire she laid her hands on or sprinkling black salt around her home. Was that all really just a waste of time?
Danielle thought she finally rid herself of her magic-loving days. She was going to be normal again, in this normal world, with her normal life, at her normal teaching job. All so normal.
Then she disappeared.
◅Danielle is a huge mama's boy (girl?). How could you blame her? She only has her adoptive mother as an immediate family member. And still their relationship is a bit rough, argument here and there, but they would die for each other. She constantly sees herself missing her mother after she moved out into her own quaint little apartment.