Psh... SO wound up over a little snark! He's a giant - thick skin, a little slow? What's he going to do, pick up his boulders and his logs and run home crying to Albion?
Besides, let him take a swing at Veti - there may have been worse choices made in all his thousands of years of life, but that one might rank right up there in the top 3. I'd pay good money to see a full-on Reaper ass-whooping. In bubblegum pink. Oh my gosh, the visuals in my mind's eye are just epic...
But yeah, no worries, a little tension is fun, no?
And Derren, not so much of the 'helpful' there, hon. You know very well, there might be some new people reading your words and wondering what in the HELL they got themselves into, whether their characters will be randomly exiled to a lonely Himalayan mountaintop out of the clear damn blue!
Dot, my dearest lovely, precious Dot - I could only hope to keep you forever, as you promise. But I know your fair, fickle ways too well to imagine I can hold you all for my very own, for an eternity.*
Especially not if we go randomly hot-tubbing, and see whoever the hell that
is, now maybe Sethan's avatar, just chilling out there and looking like just-so-much yummy man-pop, ready-to-eat. Good freakin' heavens... o.O...