I'm sure it's just puppy fat
Clumsywordsmith said
Still waiting with baited breath for official word on Veti's weight...
Crabmeat said
I'm sure it's just puppy fat
Igraine said
D: It's not puppy fat! Veti's just... Fluffy... >.>Nyah, Wordsmith pretty much nailed it, she really is about 30 stone in werewolf form, eight feet tall and sheer muscle. Why? Psh... Magic!And sorry Hellis, you just gotta be quicker! XD But if you really are about to post something though? Just mention it in the OOC maybe, for a bit of coordination?
Hellis said
crabmeat skewers the nixie, writes that she dies from it, leaving no chance for anyone to interact with the kill. Down to writing her death scene.
Canoli said
What Hellis is getting at, is that AH explicitly writes in his latest post that Henry is the one who actually the Nixie, while it doesn't appears so in Crabmeat's post. Amirite?