Name: Willow
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Race: Werefolk (Jackal)
Nation: Mecrundyr
Position/Status: Wild Warden & Rising Packlord
TL;DR History:
- Born to nomadic pack of Werefolk
- Six years to circuit the nation, stopping afterwards at their ancestral home to raise and hone Willow’s burgeoning talents
- Another circuit around the nation, this time Willow sneaks off into settlements to hang out with pets and their owners
- As they return the arcane cannon explodes and the pack hesitates to restart the journey without more information
- Scouts eventually report back that Baelwill has withdrawn much of their forces and that other packs are now on the move
- Pack eventually continues their nomadic ways, but naturally things become difficult with conflict between other Werefolk and the Mecrundyr population
- No one dies or anything, but eventually Willow gets tired of all the conflict and resolves to do something about it
- Making contact with one of the powerful merchant families in the nation, he extends the offer of partnership before disappearing back into the night
- After subjugating raiders plaguing the area, his offer is accepted and his position as Wild Warden formally announced
- Safeguarding all residents of Mecrundyr, he plans to first unite all Werefolk under him or stop the conflict at the least
Skills and Abilities:
Lay of the Land: Whether forest or plain, Willow’s ability to traverse Mecrundyr’s lands are almost without peer. Beyond that it seems that his skill enhances those that work alongside or beneath him. His raiding party was known to sink into the treeline and leave no trace, or move from one plain to another with unnatural swiftness. The land itself seemed to conspire against efforts to track or catch Willow, and he welcomed pursuers with but a grin as a result.
Bountiful Friends: The lay of the land is not Willow’s only blessing though. He can count on wildlife in the environment to heed his call for aid as well. Beyond a passive empathetic link that he can open up to connect with nearby animals, he can also speak words of power to beseech beings for aid and empower them so they may come to his aid. Naturally, he feels kinship with beasts of the canidae family and interacts with them easiest, but he is not limited to only them.
Druidic Marksman: A deceptively simple piece of wood quickly grows and shapes itself into a magnificent bow. A small twig twists and expands into a deadly arrow, sharp and strong enough to pierce worked steel. The string barely twangs even as arrow after arrow is loosed. A bright glow finally illuminates the archer’s hidden position, but the crackling bolt of lightning is blinding as it streaks forth.
Curator of the Pack: While Willow is typically not the sort to engage in open battle, sometimes it cannot be avoided. In such times, Willow reveals his hybrid form and leads the charge to drive back his foes. Clad in gold as he grows several feet in height, spectral hounds swirl and bay at his feet as he rises and draws forth a halberd from the earth. The head crackles with lightning and he strides forth, a spectral pack at his hide.