A Record of the Kingdoms

*Post your W.I.P's in the OOC thread to discuss. Do not post your Kingdom in the Character tab until you've been approved by me!

Kingdom Name
List and briefly describe your nations rulers/governing bodies.

Your Planets
-Territory Description
List the planets you control (maximum of 3 to start) with the capital planet at the top. Include a brief description of each (climate, habitability, resources, etc. briefly) Many planets in the kingdoms have sp

Your People
Include sentient races, attitudes, social structure etc. Who is important in your society? No society is perfect, include those disillusioned with the establishment. Note that while present, aliens are minorities in The Kingdoms and more often than not non-humanoid.

Your Power
-Tech Overview
Although it is a feudal society, certain advances in technology are present. Many (ok all) consider things like bio-engineering or energy weapons to be some form of dark sorcery, a relic from the old empire, so tech should be treated that way. Use the rule of cool, no planet-killers please.

Your Weapons
Briefly describe your offensive and defensive capabilities. Note that spaceships are expensive and unique. There are no endless armadas of the same type of ship, but rather very personal, important tools of war*.

Update as necessary.

*Space combat is a short dirty affair, with much posturing and maneuvering into position, or utter surprise. Because of the incredible drain of resources and cost of building ships, the goal of combat is often to disable or otherwise incapacitate enemy ships in order to take control of it after battle.

Inspired By: The Art of Paul Lehr, Moebius, Phillipe Caza. The novel Santiago, by Mike Resnik, What Entropy Means to Me, by George Alec Effinger, others. The music of John Carpenter & NIN. Films such as DUNE, Flash Gordon, Prometheus & Alien, Heavy Metal, others. Metroid, Magic:The Gathering etc. Bastardized from a handful of ideas I've had over the years and Thanks for reading.