Discord Chat for the NRP "Let me tell you a story, one which thous shall never believe. Doth ye know of the tiny miniatures some enjoy playing games with? What if I told you, they came to life and intelligence. And in one house, they made empires. Would thou believe me?"
Inspired by @Yennefer's Little Wars NRP and Rogue Vector's 40k - ToyHammer fanfic, comes Tiniest Empires. Players will play as various factions who all inhabit a two story summer home on the west coast owned by some random family of rich east coasters. Given their limited resources, the inhabitants make use of what they can from and of the house as well as local dumpsters and stores to create weapons, armor, and clothes when needed. That being said these creatures are resourceful and have found ways to forge what they find into beautiful, and deadly works.
All of the factions will be more or less wargaming miniatures who have come to if and are roughly an two inches or so tall as an average hight. They now all inhabit the "Great House", divided up into arbitrary sectors and are known as the Great Factions. However, they are not alone as other human tribes and settlements have claimed land in these sectors, some are weak and meager while others rival that of the great factions themselves. Regardless, these NPC shall pose either a threat or an assist, allowing for additional man power. That said, the Great Factions have civilians themselves who labor away to keep the armies up and fighting.
The greatest differentiation between the PC nations and the NPC nations is that the PC nations have access to a respawning supply depot called "Requisition Plates". These depots are shaped like dinner plates and are roughly the same size located in the center of everyone's claims (NPC will not be able to use/have them). Every week, they will "spawn" munitions for your troops in the form of ammunition, armor, and fuel and 5 - 10 infantry units. In addition, they are a free power source for your troops to power their stuff regardless if they're using electrical or magical, its just free energy. They do not give rations but they will give "normal" sized seeds that can be used to start farms.
These Req. Plates cannot spawn anything but the two things listed above so no bringing out tanks all of a sudden or loads of metal in all of a sudden. In addition, the plate cannot be moved so if you loose a sector, you loose that plate.
Blue areas marks the territory of NPC tribes/settlements which you can interact with, more info on them later.
[.hr][.hr] [h2][b][u]OVERVIEW[/u][/b][/h2] [indent](Introduce your faction and its overall bits, sort of like a tl;dr if you will)[/indent]
[h2][b][u]CULTURE[/u][/b][/h2] [indent](What are your people like? How do they operate on a day to day basis? Do they have some sort of religion? How are they generally perceived?)[/indent]
[h2][b][u]APPERANCE[/u][/b][/h2] [indent](What do your people look like? Describe them if they aren't so human and maybe go into their biology. If they are human, is there any really common physical traits amongst them or what the lot of them wear.)[/indent]
[h2][b][u]ECONOMY[/u][/b][/h2] [indent](What resources do you have and what to you use to refine/process them? Basically anything you think of as economical/industrial/production goes here.)[/indent]
[h2][b][u]LEADERSHIP[/u][/b][/h2] [indent](Describe how your administration/leadership, feel free to also talk about some major figures and people if you so wish.)[/indent]
[h2][b][u]LEGACY[/u][/b][/h2] [indent](What kind of history does your faction have or think they have? Don't need to go into great detail, just some major events that shaped your faction at least in the minds of your people.)[/indent]
[h2][b][u]MILITARY[/u][/b][/h2] [indent](What kind of military do you have? Describe units, weapons, vehicle, tactics, etc as simply or as complexly as you want.)[/indent] [/center]
A group of Jedi, and Clone Troopers, suddenly ripped from the world they know, they were midcombat when it happened, having been taking the fight to the Seperatists. They were created to be an elite group, with more Jedi involved with the troopers than norma, micromanaging the clones at the lowest levels via Padawans.
The Clone Troopers are mostly military minded, keeping themselves busy with tasks, such as setting up defenses, cleaning weapons, ensuring line of sights, patrolling, reparing vehicles, building outposts, or command posts, and just general military actions. The jedi on the other hand spend a lot of their time in meditation, learning the force feeling it flow through them, or practicing their lightsaber techniques. They are generally peaceable usually seeking Diplomacy before even considering combat, though they are cautious of the fact taht anywhere is a dangerous place, and they may have to fight at any time.
Clone Troopers: The Clone Troopers are all human, and of course all resemble the same man as they are clones. They are genetically built after Jango Fett and have taken on his appearance to the T (Minus his scars) In armor they are even further unrecognizable except for their troop markings, and rank stripes. With White armored, and a T shaped visor helm they are completely indistinguishable from another.
Jedi: They are a multitude of alien species, including Humans, Twi'leks, Zabraks, and plenty of others. They generally dress in clothes that are rather relaxing, loose, or tight depending on the Jedi's personal preference.
An abundnace of cloth, and cotton, lint etc, as well as a lot electronic equipment with which to use and build from. This also comes with a abundance of DVDs, which could be used for a variety of works, tasks etc, coins from the couch cushions, and carpet fabric to create different ropes and such.
The 402nd is made up like any other military, Officers, Non Commissioned Officers, and Enlisted being in that order, Jedi have the highest ranks of Officers, and are ultimately in charge of the clones. Here a few named Jedi who have the most important positions.
He is the oldest of the Jedi in the 402nd, and has been with them since the Battle For Geonosis, the council has often questioned his mindset, and if he is not closer to falling to the darkside than he realizes.
Second in Command to Master Kaross, Viiila is a powerful Jedi Knight, but adheres strongly to the Jedi Code of ethics, she is often the one to keep Master Van in check, holding him back from the brink of the dark side. She is a master at the double bladed lightsaber, and is often the one to leader the padawans in their lightsaber drills. She is the most martial of the Jedi in the 402nd
A powerful force user, Tay happens to be the one who is most looked to for all things involving the force, and happens to be the one who often leads the Padawands assigne dto the 402nd in their teachings of all things related to the force.
One of the more naive of the Jedi Leaders, Piffari has gained her position for her increidble abilities to heal. She leads a specialized group of Jedi, trained to heal, and they are considered a cornerstone of the 402nd.
The unit was formed after the three hundred original members of it performed admirably in the battle of Geonosis, they were extremely skilled, and deadly against their enemies, making several maneuvers that really set the tone of Victory for the entire campaign. Once they were pulled together they have taken on some of the most heavily defended positions, and earned a reputation for being able to break sieges like few others. The Jedi in charge have proven to be a bit more ruthless than the average Jedi, and it shows in their combat abilities.
Jedi Warriors, 102 The mainstay of the jedi, they are msterful in their use of lightsabers, capable dealing great damage to enemies in close combat, though they were not as versatilte in the use of the Force as Mystics, they are quite capable of using it.
Jedi Mystics, 43 These Jedi are poweful force users, more than capable than any of their counterparts. They be seen meditating to have foresight of a battle and what maneuvers to take, or even using the force to throw tremendous objects, or create a tornado made of pure force energy throwing enemies about like dust in the wind.
Jedi Healers, 28 What they do is obvious, they are healers, even most grievous of wounds can be healed if a Jedi Healer catches up to the wounded in time, though they are healers they are quite capable of defending themselves.
Various Clone Troopers, 1,400 The Clone Troopers are varied in the fact that they cover a multitude of roles, they are pilots, tank drivers, artillery gunners, and grunts. They are utilized in whatever position they are needed, trained to fulfill a role within the 402nd, but at the heart of them all is a clone trooper readily able to pick up a blaster and use it in a fight against the enemy.
Vehicles Personal Clone Walker, 110 These are a single pilot vehicle, used for combat, and being general mobile armor. They carry a dual set of heavy blasters, and rocket salvos.
All Terrain Tactical Enforcer, 45 These six legged behemoths of war are a mainstay of the 402nd, they are integral in ending sieges. Armed with several blaster cannons, and a single mass driver cannon they are adept at taking out both enemy infantry, and enemy vehicles. Further more they are used as a mobile bases, complete with holographic setups in the rear, and enough room to carry up to 30 troops.
74-Z Speeder Bike, 99 Perfect for scouting ahead, and ambushes the Speeder bike is a higly mobile vehicle with a pair of blaster cannons mounted on the front. Capable of carrying a single driver, and a passenger they make for great ways to enter a enemy's territory and leave before they ever knew someone was there.
TX-130 Fast Attack Tank, 21 This vehicle is used to actively, and quickly engage enemy forces, utilizing a twin pair of laser cannons, and two thermal missile launchers, regardless of it's light armor it is still a force to be reckoned with.
Low Altitude Assault Transport, 61 Fast light, and barely armored, these troop transports capable of carrying 15+ troopers are armed to the teeth, with more than eight missles capable of being launched, and 6 different laser guns set along it's body. Capable of fighting both ground, and against aerial fighters it is a force to be reckoned with.
AV-7, 33 A large quadraped walker, this monster of military might is a mobile artillery cannon capable of raining down hell upon any it targets. It is operated by a single user, and can be far out of sight as it fires shells of it powerful payload onto enemy units.
I might join with Legends of the Galactic Heroes miniatures. Basically I'll be owning all spaceship fleets. Before you'd cry for bloody OP, I'll be using this scale: I'll so enjoy my venture in the realm of giants.
What I don't get is your response here, actually. I just showed that my units are in the right size since the most basic of them is in the 28mm length range just like how infantry in W40k and many other miniature games is around 28mm, IIRC.
EDIT: If you don't want mini ships to participate here, that's fine, too. I just mentioned it exactly for the amusing interactions. Like how my people would feel outright liliputian compared to the people of other factions. They'd be literally over a hundred times smaller so the existence of these giant people would shock my faction. Not to mention later the realization that they're fighting in a world inhabited by people almost again a hundred times larger. *Insert a world is small joke here*
@Willy VerebWell no, the thing is that if your ships are the size of a normal person (normal for this RP anyways), that means your crew must be tiny. They amount of difficulty they would have navigating the house on foot would be astronomical. Although their size and thus consumption and living space required would be small, it would mean that they could produce very little compared in comparison to that of the other factions. They would be functionally economically irrelevant resource wise since yes they wouldn't take up as much space and stuff but their scale to the other humans/races means they literally cannot keep up production to the level of everyone else.
About the ship, not sure about the lore and fluff on Galactic Heroes, but they wouldn't be in any way shape or form comparable to even a tank from any of the other factions (or similar heavy armor ranged units). While I take it that they can do some pretty amazing damage in their own lore, the fact is that since the weapons are downsized so much, they wouldn't do nearly as much damage in comparison. Hell, people wouldn't dedicated anti-air/space ship stuff, at your size, just some well aimed shots could do serious damage to your ships while the shooters would take comparably less damage (loosing infantry vs loosing entire ships). If we were to bring stuff like guided missiles/seeking rocket/dedicated AA into the equation, it would basically be a turkey shoot roflstomp against you.
Funnily enough , there is something called W40k Epic where you take titans of massive proportions (the largest of which can have entire city blocks on them) and using extremely scaled down models (normally these things are like the size of skyscrapers but now there like <28mm). Not all too relevant actually, just something I connected in my head
@Willy VerebWell no, the thing is that if your ships are the size of a normal person (normal for this RP anyways), that means your crew must be tiny. They amount of difficulty they would have navigating the house on foot would be astronomical. Although their size and thus consumption and living space required would be small, it would mean that they could produce very little compared in comparison to that of the other factions. They would be functionally economically irrelevant resource wise since yes they wouldn't take up as much space and stuff but their scale to the other humans/races means they literally cannot keep up production to the level of everyone else.
About the ship, not sure about the lore and fluff on Galactic Heroes, but they wouldn't be in any way shape or form comparable to even a tank from any of the other factions (or similar heavy armor ranged units). While I take it that they can do some pretty amazing damage in their own lore, the fact is that since the weapons are downsized so much, they wouldn't do nearly as much damage in comparison. Hell, people wouldn't dedicated anti-air/space ship stuff, at your size, just some well aimed shots could do serious damage to your ships while the shooters would take comparably less damage (loosing infantry vs loosing entire ships). If we were to bring stuff like guided missiles/seeking rocket/dedicated AA into the equation, it would basically be a turkey shoot roflstomp against you.
Funnily enough , there is something called W40k Epic where you take titans of massive proportions (the largest of which can have entire city blocks on them) and using extremely scaled down models (normally these things are like the size of skyscrapers but now there like <28mm). Not all too relevant actually, just something I connected in my head
Smaller the more people. I can probably use my territory better since a 5x5m room for you is at best a small town while to me it's a gigantic metropolis or more like a small country (about the equivalent of a 63.2x63.2km area).
Not like realistic depiction of civilian life is going to be advised here, I suppose. Again, because 2-inch people our common living quarters are still not as huge.
Anyways, penetrating tanks won't be an issue that much. Albeit damage-wise most of my weapons would be comparable to explosive bullets. I also have nukes which might help me to do some blast pattern type damage. But yeah, once superheavies come up I'll be in kind of a trouble. Albeit it helps my fleet can add together their firepower into a single beam for better results. I also have space bases which are going to be closer to your vehicles in size and can take on entire fleets in the setting so probably a better match for superheavies (they can be also outfitted with engines to serve as mobile bases albeit they're even slower than the warships).
But yeah, I realized that interactions will be way too awkward if we add civilian mechanics of any kind into the mix. It was a fun idea, tho.
Alliance between Mages, Humans, Dwarves and the Great Dragons. The Humans, Amotep, are the most numerous with a large standing army. The dwarves supplement the humans with mighty war machines such as Golems, and Mechanical Dragonfly cavalry and make up the bulk of the Economy. The few Mages are powerful and summon dragon-kin and eldritch horrors to reinforce the battle lines, in addition to wielding potent blasts of magic. Lastly the few Great Dragons are passive and reluctant to enter into conflict but are terrors on the field if they do.
The Amotep are the governing body of the Alliance, however the Dwarven King and Arch-Mage also have significant say in the dealings of the empire. The alliance is militaristic but defensive, they utilize their Dwarven experts heavily in the economy by forging weapons and trinkets for trade. The Mages work closely with the Great Dragons in researching arcane arts and aiding the population with healing or other needs for magic. After that, there is very little Friction between the factions of the alliance.
The average Amotep Citizen looks of average human shape with an olive tint to the skin and black or brown hair, their armor is of Dwarven make and somewhat bulky on them, but making them very durable. The Dwarves, look exactly as one would expect. The Mages are all drawn from the Amotep, Dwarven mages are all Forge-wizards or Rune-Smiths and remain with their kin. lastly the great dragons vary widely in appearance, from the frame of the body to the coloration of the scales.
Water, Ceramic (bathroom tiles), Metals from wires, pipes, Jewlery. metals are refined using Dwarven forges and Dragon Fire. Linen and fabric, chemicals (from the bathroom or closet), and anything else i cant think of.
[indent]A counsel made up of the Dwarven King, Arch-Mage, Amotep King, and one of the Great Dragons (whichever bothers to show up) [hider=Amotep]
The Emperor of the Amotep Empire is a reserved man, modestly wielding his authority and keeping the peace between the other factions. reluctant to wage war preferring to grow an prosper rather than constantly wage petty wars over territory.
The General is much the opposite of the Emperor, he is brazen and a warmonger kept in check only by the emperor. He is an elite knight sporting armor forged by the Dwarves in honor of his rank.
[hider= Mages]
The Arch Mage, also called the witch, Izalith is the Queen of the Evoker mages. sometimes called her Daughters of Chaos. She is a very intelligent woman who applies her intellect to the study and growth of magic in all its forms, and often far too distracted for matters of state or warfare.
The Shade Master is the lord over the Summoner Mages, able to summon mighty spectal and demonic creatures to do his bidding. He is no longer human, his robes are empty and is an ethereal being. This makes him detached from reality, he seems to know more about any situation than he should but is always indifferent to the outcome.
Very little, the faction arose out of the same box in the closet. The closeness of their awakening and the confusion there of had them make a fast alliance. They quickly conquered the adjacent bathroom and tunneled through the walls making several points to cross. both doors had been shut and locked, but a hole carved into the bottom center of each just large enough to comfortably accommodate a great dragon (~6-7in across). Just inside of both doors the Alliance had build mighty fortresses out of ceramic hewn from the toilet and bathtub.
100 Evoker Mages Evoker's are capable of wreaking havok across the battlefield with great blasts of magic and firestorms, they have poor defense and rely on infantry to protect them
100 Summoner Mages Summoners bolster the front line infantry by drawing powerful shades and demons onto the battle field, still capable of offensive magic they are poor compared to their Evoker counterparts.
((Counting as 10 units each due to scale))
200 Dwarven Golems Forged from steel by Dwarven Rune Smiths these golems are resilient to damage even above and beyond that of the iron bodies.
50 Dwarven Mechanized Cavalry Mounted on huge magic fueled mechanical dragonflies the dwarves carry guns into the air and blast infantry and air units alike with a shower of hot lead.
600 Amotep lancers - Carrying long spears and heavy shields, along with incinerators, they form the bulk of the Amotep front line. 400 Amotep Gunners - following behind the lancers and incinerators the Gunners use simple single action guns to pepper the enemy before the lines clash in battle. 500 Amotep Incinerators - Carrying tanks of flamable liquid on their backs and a hose to spew flame over the enemy and sport extremely heavy armor. 100 Amotep armored cavalry
An idea that the co-GM @Yennefer came up with, Requisition Plates will be added to the RP. These depots are shaped like dinner plates and are roughly the same size located in the center of everyone's claims (NPC will not be able to use/have them). Every week, they will "spawn" munitions for your troops in the form of ammunition, armor, and fuel and 5 - 10 infantry units. In addition, they are a free power source for your troops to power their stuff regardless if they're using electrical or magical, its just free energy. They do not give rations but they will give "normal" sized seeds that can be used to start farms.
These Req. Plates cannot spawn anything but the two things listed above so no bringing out tanks all of a sudden or loads of metal in all of a sudden. In addition, the plate cannot be moved so if you loose a sector, you loose that plate.
Alliance between Mages, Humans, Dwarves and the Great Dragons. The Humans, Amotep, are the most numerous with a large standing army. The dwarves supplement the humans with mighty war machines such as Golems, and Mechanical Dragonfly cavalry and make up the bulk of the Economy. The few Mages are powerful and summon dragon-kin and eldritch horrors to reinforce the battle lines, in addition to wielding potent blasts of magic. Lastly the few Great Dragons are passive and reluctant to enter into conflict but are terrors on the field if they do.
The Amotep are the governing body of the Alliance, however the Dwarven King and Arch-Mage also have significant say in the dealings of the empire. The alliance is militaristic but defensive, they utilize their Dwarven experts heavily in the economy by forging weapons and trinkets for trade. The Mages work closely with the Great Dragons in researching arcane arts and aiding the population with healing or other needs for magic. After that, there is very little Friction between the factions of the alliance.
The average Amotep Citizen looks of average human shape with an olive tint to the skin and black or brown hair, their armor is of Dwarven make and somewhat bulky on them, but making them very durable. The Dwarves, look exactly as one would expect. The Mages are all drawn from the Amotep, Dwarven mages are all Forge-wizards or Rune-Smiths and remain with their kin. lastly the great dragons vary widely in appearance, from the frame of the body to the coloration of the scales.
Water, Ceramic (bathroom tiles), Metals from wires, pipes, Jewlery. metals are refined using Dwarven forges and Dragon Fire. Linen and fabric, chemicals (from the bathroom or closet), and anything else i cant think of.
A counsel made up of the Dwarven King, Arch-Mage, Amotep King, and one of the Great Dragons (whichever bothers to show up)
The Emperor of the Amotep Empire is a reserved man, modestly wielding his authority and keeping the peace between the other factions. reluctant to wage war preferring to grow an prosper rather than constantly wage petty wars over territory.
The General is much the opposite of the Emperor, he is brazen and a warmonger kept in check only by the emperor. He is an elite knight sporting armor forged by the Dwarves in honor of his rank.
The Arch Mage, also called the witch, Izalith is the Queen of the Evoker mages. sometimes called her Daughters of Chaos. She is a very intelligent woman who applies her intellect to the study and growth of magic in all its forms, and often far too distracted for matters of state or warfare.
The Shade Master is the lord over the Summoner Mages, able to summon mighty spectal and demonic creatures to do his bidding. He is no longer human, his robes are empty and is an ethereal being. This makes him detached from reality, he seems to know more about any situation than he should but is always indifferent to the outcome.
Very little, the faction arose out of the same box in the closet. The closeness of their awakening and the confusion there of had them make a fast alliance. They quickly conquered the adjacent bathroom and tunneled through the walls making several points to cross. both doors had been shut and locked, but a hole carved into the bottom center of each just large enough to comfortably accommodate a great dragon (~6-7in across). Just inside of both doors the Alliance had build mighty fortresses out of ceramic hewn from the toilet and bathtub.
100 Evoker Mages Evoker's are capable of wreaking havok across the battlefield with great blasts of magic and firestorms, they have poor defense and rely on infantry to protect them
100 Summoner Mages Summoners bolster the front line infantry by drawing powerful shades and demons onto the battle field, still capable of offensive magic they are poor compared to their Evoker counterparts.
((Counting as 10 units each due to scale))
200 Dwarven Golems Forged from steel by Dwarven Rune Smiths these golems are resilient to damage even above and beyond that of the iron bodies.
50 Dwarven Mechanized Cavalry Mounted on huge magic fueled mechanical dragonflies the dwarves carry guns into the air and blast infantry and air units alike with a shower of hot lead.
600 Amotep lancers - Carrying long spears and heavy shields, along with incinerators, they form the bulk of the Amotep front line. 400 Amotep Gunners - following behind the lancers and incinerators the Gunners use simple single action guns to pepper the enemy before the lines clash in battle. 500 Amotep Incinerators - Carrying tanks of flamable liquid on their backs and a hose to spew flame over the enemy and sport extremely heavy armor. 100 Amotep armored cavalry
@Sophruslookin' fly although I'm curious as to how much damaged the golems can take.
That was put in to specifically counter advanced weaponry such as Yen's Jedi and whatever else would tear through my infantry like it was nothing. otherwise it would fall something along the lines of a battle tank, but it has no guns and are not all that huge. 2-3 inches tall as opposed to the average 1 inch.
That was put in to specifically counter advanced weaponry such as Yen's Jedi and whatever else would tear through my infantry like it was nothing. otherwise it would fall something along the lines of a battle tank, but it has no guns and are not all that huge. 2-3 inches tall as opposed to the average 1 inch.
Ahh, that works. Also, average height is around 2 inches as stated in the OP so you might want to bump it up to like 3-4.
and i was more concerned about the dragons to be honest. i havent finished writing that out but they will be huge, like 8 inches long from nose to tail and about 3 inches at the shoulder and maybe 5 from ground to nose
and i was more concerned about the dragons to be honest. i havent finished writing that out but they will be huge, like 8 inches long from nose to tail and about 3 inches at the shoulder and maybe 5 from ground to nose
The dragons weren't quite as much of an issue since as it stands right now, the other players will be having aircraft of equal size/firepower. I know I'm bringing in some IG flyers and Yen is getting some clone fighters.
A mantra. A set of words that are law, life and worship.
This permeates the entire existence of the Hounds, vicious Khorne Daemonkin. Slavering, blood-thirsty dogs who live by their mantra. Made up of the most insane, gore hungry and devoted of Khorne's worshippers. Chaos Space marines, cultists, possessed and Daemons fill their ranks. Ripped into this new existence they continue on their path unhindered and without a moments hesitation. for even in this new world, there are hides to be taken and skull to be offered. And this is all they hope for.
The Brass Hounds are fanatics, insensate berzerkers who thirst for blood and violence. This, and the idea of the hunt, infuses their every action and thought. There is never a moment a hound does not wish he is carving up worthy prey until he is doing just that, and one its skin is flensed he moves on to the next still hungry. Violent, insane and fanatical the hounds spend their lives worshipping the great 'Brass Hunter' or 'The Blood Lord' Khorne. Be they mere human cultists or the mightiest of their Champions all expend thei lives in the service of the God of murder. When not raiding and killing the Hounds scream prayers to their thirsting god and spar amongst themselves. Too long without a raid and these sparring matches can turn deadly. Only the strong live in the Warband and earn the right to hunt, so only they are ever seen.
No diplomacy is available to their prey but death at the Warbands blades.
'Beasts in mens skins I tell you! Th-they swept down, armour shining brass with hands and feet mired in the blood of my people... th-they are cruel demon things surely!'
The Brass Hounds march and live int heir macabre livery, always ready for war. Their armour is the color of dull brass particularly on their chests, head, upper legs and upper arms. Their gauntlets and boots are stained red with spattered blood, and their helmets eyes glow the same color. Their blades are colored brass splattered in gore, and even their guns are blood and brass. Their icon is simple compared to some others; a large brass rune of khorne spatterd with blood and gore. Daemons summoned by them have dark, bllackened and charred limbs. Their bodies are the color of dull-red and rusted brass, and their blackened tounges stick out from brass skulls.
In addition, the Warbands chaos marines have adopted an additional armour ornamentation; flensed skins. Every member has thei greatest kills displayed as leathered flesh draped about their forms. All marines have at least one skin draped over their armour as cloak and trophy, veterans often have a patchwork of skin across their armour. Terminators drape pierced skin across their trophy racks and shoulders like macabre mantles while thick tarps of skin are nailed to the outsides of their vehicles as testament to the violence of both the vehicle crew and the squads they carry to battle. Weapons have faces draped across the openings of barrels, ammo feeds shaped like screaming mouths or starving faces. Shrunken heads and skulls adorn their armour as further trophies, the warriors proud of their kills.
Khorne Daemonkin are not workers, they are hunters. A vast majority of their resources are aquired through vicious raids. These include slaves, food, vehicles, munitions and more. Of course, the lands held by the Hounds are not left idle. Slaves are worked to death in great factories to churn out weapons and ammunition for their masters, and die at their posts to be replaced by more slaves. To disobey means sacrifice in their great rituals or worse, ushered to the frontlines as cannon fodder for the Red God. In this way the Hounds are never without something for long, as their neighbours will no doubt provide, willingly or otherwise.
Only the strong may lead the Hounds. Champions of Khorne called Handlers lead sqauds into battle held together by their strength and vicious tendencies. The more violent and powerful a champion, the more warriors he will command and the more gifts he wil lreceive from Khorne. Those not Marine nor mortal, Daemons and possessed, are led by similarly chosen champions. But, their are those who could be called the true 'Leaders' of the Warband.
A Prophet of Khorne, a warrior without peer, the Hunt-Master is the Chaos Warlord of the Brass Hounds, and none in the warband dispute his right to rule and innate divinity. He carries no name, only his title. Name is irrelevant when one is an outlet for the Brass Hunter himself. Never have the Hounds been without their Master, and he has led them for untold centuries if not longer. The Hunt-Master, quite unlike his men is strangely quiet annd speaks very litte. When he speaks many describe it as a rage soaked sneering whisper, yet all the Hounds quiet themselves to listen, for he is their prophet and his word is holy writ. On hiss back is the great mantle, the skins of many great and vicious foes adorn this patchwork skin draped across his form, screaming faces and snarling maws writhe along it annd his Terminator armour. He rides atop a great beast, a Juggernaut of Khorne far larger than most to support his Masters bulk. Some claim it is Khornes own mount, gifted to the Hunt-Master for his many worthy pelts
His only dream, his only aspiration is to one day adorn the Blood Gods own shoulders with his pelt, gevin over completely to his Dark master. His weapons, a massive cleaver and flensing knife writher and scream in his hands, possesed by the powerful slavering daemons of his god. His mount is draped in the skin of three greater Daemons, one from each of the inferior gods.
The Right hand of the Hunt-Master, 'Mad Dog' Meeraxis is utterrly loyal to his Lord and the leader of his personal guard, a squad of vicious Terminators called simply, 'The Masters dogs'. His helmet is shaped like a snarling dog as the rest of his squad, and he will tear any who threaten his lord limb from limb.
A possessed champion, Keerfreet has skin that blows and boils like lava, his armour so red hot that it burns all who touch it. He leads the daemons and possessed of the warband by the word of the Huntmaster, and will scorch any who would stand in his way.
Blood. Blood and unending violence and destruction. Their legacy is that of piles of bodies left flayed and without heads, the crumpled wrecks of vehicles and buildings left in their wake. The Brass Hounds have fought on many fields of war, and none have been left without the corpses of their prey littering them. They do not fear death or pain, all they know is violence and murder. They will not hesitate or provide mercy... theey have nothing but death to give.
Chaos Champions: Eight The Primary leadership, the most powerful Chaos marines and Daemons of the Warband. These are tools of a red god, and loathe be any who dane to stand before them
Terminators: 88 Veterans cloaked in many skins and wielders of powerful terminator armour. Vicious and cruel warriors, where they tread destruction follows
Chaos Space Marines/Berzerkers/Raptors:731 The main bulk of the Force. Chaos Space marines and bloodthirsty berzerkers, they slaver for death and pelts and fear nothing, for their skulls are already promised to the throne. Berzerkers whose minds have been altered to love only death and violence, or vicious and cruel raptors that soar through the sky on jump packs like great murderous birds of prey.
Various Daemons/Possessed/Warp Talons:148 Bloodcrushers, bloodletters, flesh hounds and other beings composed of hate and violence, fearful visions of death that stalk the fields of man thanks to the hounds insatiable bloodlust. It also includes those Chaos Space marines who have become willing Daemon hosts, gaining power and deadly abilities and becoming dreaded half-daemons. Or the terrifying warp talons, hunters who's claws are so sharp they animalistically tear through reality itself.
Cultists: 1,000-1,200(varying) Fanatic humans, madmen and unlucky slaves pressed into service as frontline cannon fodder. Armed with clubs, powered blades, autoguns or a few lasguns if they are lucky these men and women exist to expend their lives for their masters and Khorne, possibly taking some of the enemy with them if they arte lucky.
Chaos Spawn12 Large, slavering monstrosities of mutated flesh and bone, Chaos spawn are whats left of champions who failed to ascend to Daemon princehood, and were instead turned into hungry and murderous mounds of flesh. These beasts are terrifying to behold, and always hungry.
Rhino troop transports:42 Brass colored transports replete with skin and skulls, the venerable rhino transport is the mainstay of the warbands transportation
Predator Tanks: 30 Deadly and powerful tanks based off of the rhino chasis. Behemoths dealing death and destruction to any before their mighty guns
Helldrakes: 23 Terrifying, winged Daemon engines. Death dealers from the sky who swoop down on wings of hellfire to drown their prey in bullets and plasma
Chaos Dreadnoughts(Hellbrutes):12 Chaos Space marines who became so injured that they have been enterred in massive walking sarcophagi armed to the teeth. All Khornate Hellbrutes are utterly insane, and thirst for the blood of foes and to feel bones crushed beneath their massive gait.
Attack Bikes: 78 Single man assault bikes, armed with twin linked bolters and supercharged engines these furious attack bike carry foth a bloodthirsty space marine killer bent on destruction, several hundred pounds of heavily armed death screaming towards an enemies line.
Chaos Land raiders(Various patterns):3 These massive landtanks are ancient and venerable behemoths, more heavily armed than multiple predators and able to carry forth many Chaos Space marines or terminators. You best hope its guns are not pointed your way.
Defilers:6 Massive, thick crab limbed engines of destruction. These metal monsters are Daemon engines, their pilot an angered and trapped Daemon who seeks blood to satiate itself.
Soul Grinders:4 Daemon and metal made one, Soul Grinders are Daemons who traded their wills to the Forge of souls for power. On massive metal limbs they wade into combat, intent on squaring away their debts to the forge in weight of souls and blood
Forgefiends and Maulerfiends: 6 Beastlike Daemon engines who like all daemon engines seek to spread their pain of imprisonment to others through violence. Maulerfiends are great four legged beasts with murderous claws and tendrils, a machine larger than a rhino. The Forgefiend has four legs and two massive guns for arms and another in place of its mouth.
Lord of Skulls:one The Lord of Skulls is a truly massive Daemon engine, a titan large as a baneblade and much taller. Containing the essence of a Bloodthirster, a greater Daemon of Khorne, the Lord of skulls is driven by Bloodlust and hatred. In one hand he carries a massive chain cleaver, and the other a gatling hellfire cannon, another massive cannon is in his stomach
Well Rounded race of Previously Earth-Dwellers thrown into outer space. The Terrans have a widespread presence in the galaxy. Its infantry uses a mix of artillery, aerial and special support units; most notably their Siege Tanks, Vikings and Thor units backed up by Behemoth-Class Battlecruisers depending on its regiment.
Some of the army men in Raynor's Raiders come from unsavoury backgrounds. Marauders were known murderers and Hellions were pyromaniacs. Most of the Space Marines in the Raiders are trained military personnel with no bad record. Those who proved their loyalty to Charles remained within the Marauders team and Hellions team. While there are also personnel whom have not committed atrocities joined the Marauders and Hellions team, giving variety to the mix.
Raynor's Raiders had always been recognised with their heroic paragon blue hue. Charles' Combat Armour sports Crimson Earth features with the emblem of a skull on its golden visor resemblant of his Father's visor.
The Terrans occupy Sector 4, the Kitchen. It utilises Vespene Reactor and A Workshop to process their materials contained within. The kitchen is cluttered with many tools and cooking equipment that could be recycled or reutilised into their military bread and butter scrap in the workshop. Clothes and other soft materials are processed through the Vespene Reactor to generate Vespene Gas.
The Military uses the Naval Rank System. The Captain of Raynor's Raiders is the son of the infamous Terran Jim Raynor named Charles Raynor who has control over his Army's progress followed by other figure heads in the army include Lieutenant Commanders and other Lieutenants who lead certain special groups of infantry, artillery or air support.
The cowboys of outer space believed that they've finally crushed Harold's Army. At the cost of Jim Raynor himself, the rest of Raynor's Raiders left their home planet in peace and searched for other planets for resources. As they set course to an unknown world, they were beset by mystical forces of the Protoss and was sucked into a large Psionic Storm that transferred them into this new World.
Raynor's Raiders harnessed a versatile combat force capable of adapting to many combat situations. While massing a mediocre infantry size, they are largely supported with several heavy hitting Armour and Air Superiority. They include;
While I like this game I don't have any decent ideas aside from my LotGH one prior. That and the fact I have 3 other NRPs if not more stacked up for me means it's better if I not overextend myself. So I drop out from this game. It's fun and wish you the best!