Name: Sixshot

Gender: Male
Age: Several Millions of years.
Type: Real
Height: 15 meters in robot mode, 8 meters tall in Wolf mode
Weight: 85 tons
Rank/Title: Freelance Mercenary or as many know him: "Walking Apocalypse"
Special: A point-one-percenter with immense power and potential for modification, meaning that he can be kit-bashed much like a gunpla model or even be put into an entirely different body without any real strain on his spark or performance (Within reasonable limits of course).
Bio: A Nomadic mercenary from an unknown universe in the Primax cluster, this Sixshot was pretty much just like how he was in most G1 verses; being a Decepticon-made living superweapon who enjoys the power that entails. Though unlike the other Sixhots, he ended up deserting the Decepticons after growing bored of several million years fighting the same opponents again and again along with him desiring greater independence. Centuries ever since going AWOL, the Six-changer had made a name for himself as one of the most terrifying and infamous mercenaries in his known universe; with numerous star systems owing their prosperity or destruction solely due to his intervention. It seemed as if Sixshot was to become a legend for better or worse among his race, up there with the Thirteen or the Metrotitans; but then, he suddenly disappeared without a trace; not even his ship was found and it was the size of a star cruiser. The denizens of his universe put two and two together and deduced that the mercenary had met his end in a most inglorious way: A catastrophic accident with his Transwarp drive. Some were disappointed, others rejoiced. In the end, his passing was quickly forgotten by all but those whom owe their current hardship or progress to him.
Coinciding with Sixshot's death however, A large ship suddenly appeared inside of the solar system of this world; seemingly out of thin air. Few paid any attention to such a thing as such an event was rather commonplace, given that the fabric of reality was currently tearing itself apart no thanks to the great slam.
Strength: 51
Armor: 52
Firepower: 63
Performance: 52
Mobility: 62
Energy Output: 75
Sensors: 34
Energon Sabers: Energon-charged swords made out of near-unbreakable Cybertronium alloy, these lethal weapons can easily cut through ship and mecha armor like butter while also being quite good at cleaving energy shields in half no thanks to the electrical interference caused by the energon field surrounding the blades. Their scabbards also double as plasma guns in his vehicle modes.
Graviton Blasters: Unbelievably destructive and illegal weapons that utilize the power of gravity to cause things to literally collapse under their own weight, rendering shielding systems and armor generally useless against them, at full power, they can unleash a gravitational singularity that can pulverize an asteroid several miles across. Fortunately, these weapons are slow-firing and their gravity pulses are relatively easy to dodge compared to Sixshot's swords and limbs, they also happen to hurt the Six-changer due to their AOE and he rarely uses them against singular threats, preferring to take them down using his katanas and martial arts skills.
Monomolecular disc catapults: Mounted on hidden launchers in his forearms, these gravity-impulse launchers shoot out monomolecular discs at hypersonic speeds that can shred through several skyscrapers before coming to a stop at full power, or near-silently chop a car in half without even wrecking the road it was on at the minimum.
Plasma Missile pods: A pair of three-tube missile launchers that fires high-speed plasma-warhead projectiles that can vaporize an entire tank company each. While deadly and incredibly difficult to evade no thanks to their powerful tracking abilities, they are rather slow to rearm and reload even for someone of Sixshot's power.
Energon Shield: A powerful active energy barrier that can deflect both energy and kinetic attacks, the barrier is quite capable of tanking several Beam Rifle blasts one after the other.
Transformation: Sixshot can transform into any of the following:
Hard light: Sixshot possesses a built-in holomatter projector of unusual potency and power that allows him to create "clones" of himself that can be physically felt and attack, but are far more feeble than he is; having a fraction of his strength and can be destroyed with a single; rather weak blow. The projector also allows him to camouflage himself or send out holomatter avatars to scout ahead without giving his position away.
Infiltrator: For someone so large and powerful, he is surprisingly sneaky and evasive. Being able to sneak into places that really shouldn't fail to notice the 15 meter tall Transformer and quietly perform all sorts of mischief behind enemy lines.
Master of Metallikato (Self-proclaimed): While he shows exceptional hand-to-hand combat skills, a closer look reveals that his technique is too crude, showy and brutal to be Metallikato, Circuit-Su or any of the Major Cybertronian martial arts; indicating that he learned to fight as he went though countless years of combat.

Gender: Male
Age: Several Millions of years.
Type: Real
Height: 15 meters in robot mode, 8 meters tall in Wolf mode
Weight: 85 tons
Rank/Title: Freelance Mercenary or as many know him: "Walking Apocalypse"
Special: A point-one-percenter with immense power and potential for modification, meaning that he can be kit-bashed much like a gunpla model or even be put into an entirely different body without any real strain on his spark or performance (Within reasonable limits of course).
Bio: A Nomadic mercenary from an unknown universe in the Primax cluster, this Sixshot was pretty much just like how he was in most G1 verses; being a Decepticon-made living superweapon who enjoys the power that entails. Though unlike the other Sixhots, he ended up deserting the Decepticons after growing bored of several million years fighting the same opponents again and again along with him desiring greater independence. Centuries ever since going AWOL, the Six-changer had made a name for himself as one of the most terrifying and infamous mercenaries in his known universe; with numerous star systems owing their prosperity or destruction solely due to his intervention. It seemed as if Sixshot was to become a legend for better or worse among his race, up there with the Thirteen or the Metrotitans; but then, he suddenly disappeared without a trace; not even his ship was found and it was the size of a star cruiser. The denizens of his universe put two and two together and deduced that the mercenary had met his end in a most inglorious way: A catastrophic accident with his Transwarp drive. Some were disappointed, others rejoiced. In the end, his passing was quickly forgotten by all but those whom owe their current hardship or progress to him.
Coinciding with Sixshot's death however, A large ship suddenly appeared inside of the solar system of this world; seemingly out of thin air. Few paid any attention to such a thing as such an event was rather commonplace, given that the fabric of reality was currently tearing itself apart no thanks to the great slam.
Strength: 51
Armor: 52
Firepower: 63
Performance: 52
Mobility: 62
Energy Output: 75
Sensors: 34
Energon Sabers: Energon-charged swords made out of near-unbreakable Cybertronium alloy, these lethal weapons can easily cut through ship and mecha armor like butter while also being quite good at cleaving energy shields in half no thanks to the electrical interference caused by the energon field surrounding the blades. Their scabbards also double as plasma guns in his vehicle modes.
Graviton Blasters: Unbelievably destructive and illegal weapons that utilize the power of gravity to cause things to literally collapse under their own weight, rendering shielding systems and armor generally useless against them, at full power, they can unleash a gravitational singularity that can pulverize an asteroid several miles across. Fortunately, these weapons are slow-firing and their gravity pulses are relatively easy to dodge compared to Sixshot's swords and limbs, they also happen to hurt the Six-changer due to their AOE and he rarely uses them against singular threats, preferring to take them down using his katanas and martial arts skills.
Monomolecular disc catapults: Mounted on hidden launchers in his forearms, these gravity-impulse launchers shoot out monomolecular discs at hypersonic speeds that can shred through several skyscrapers before coming to a stop at full power, or near-silently chop a car in half without even wrecking the road it was on at the minimum.
Plasma Missile pods: A pair of three-tube missile launchers that fires high-speed plasma-warhead projectiles that can vaporize an entire tank company each. While deadly and incredibly difficult to evade no thanks to their powerful tracking abilities, they are rather slow to rearm and reload even for someone of Sixshot's power.
Energon Shield: A powerful active energy barrier that can deflect both energy and kinetic attacks, the barrier is quite capable of tanking several Beam Rifle blasts one after the other.
Transformation: Sixshot can transform into any of the following:
- Mecha-Wolf: A powerful assault mode that gives Sixshot the ability to literally smash through a city block without slowing down and giving him energon-charged teeth and claws that can hew through mech armor just as well as his Katanas, though at the cost of not having any ranged weapons aside from the slow-firing plasma missiles along with having difficulties in maneuvering or coming to a stop. Maximum running speed of 202 km/h
- Astro Magnum: Inspired directly by Shockwave's alt-mode, Sixshot can turn into a gigantic hovering handgun that can easily level a Mountain or cut a colony in two with a single, immensely powerful blast of charged particles and Energon traveling at massively FTL speed.
- APC: Sixshot's least used form, this low-profiled and long bodied APC, while not quite as fast as his Mecha-Wolf form or as destructive as his AA gun mode, is however rather hard to hit, deceptively agile and can seat about 12 humans inside the frontal section in relative safety while still retaining heavy frontal firepower, making it ideal as an assault vehicle or as a means of quick, safe and efficient escape. Goes up to 165km/h on flat roads.
- Mobile AA Gun: His slowest, but most destructive form; this mode can easily clear out entire skies full of enemy starships, fighters and bombers with volleys of gravitational singularities, while smaller than the full-charge version but just as dangerous. Ground targets also aren't safe from his wrath, as his front-mounted plasma guns can easily contend with most armor.
- Starfighter: Sixshot's quickest and most agile form, it retains great firepower even for its speed thanks to the rapid-fire laser cannons inside the nose of the craft, the plasma missiles on the sides and the Graviton blasters on the wings for taking out hardened targets. For all it's speed, it sometimes suffers from going too fast and it isn't unusual for Sixshot to suddenly transform in mid-air into robot mode in order to tank whatever he's about to hit using his energon shield. Goes up to Mach 3.1 in the atmosphere.
- Wingwolf: An amalgamation of all his alt-modes but with none of their specialization or strengths, this form is however very good at bombing the crap out of enemies that can't shoot back or are too disoriented to retaliate compared to his starfighter mode, which is usually going far too fast to effectively strafe ground targets.
Hard light: Sixshot possesses a built-in holomatter projector of unusual potency and power that allows him to create "clones" of himself that can be physically felt and attack, but are far more feeble than he is; having a fraction of his strength and can be destroyed with a single; rather weak blow. The projector also allows him to camouflage himself or send out holomatter avatars to scout ahead without giving his position away.
Infiltrator: For someone so large and powerful, he is surprisingly sneaky and evasive. Being able to sneak into places that really shouldn't fail to notice the 15 meter tall Transformer and quietly perform all sorts of mischief behind enemy lines.
Master of Metallikato (Self-proclaimed): While he shows exceptional hand-to-hand combat skills, a closer look reveals that his technique is too crude, showy and brutal to be Metallikato, Circuit-Su or any of the Major Cybertronian martial arts; indicating that he learned to fight as he went though countless years of combat.