Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

What a beautiful day, and the students from Gin'Rom High School are going on a field trip to the Planetarium, at one of the highest points in the center of the city. A privately-organized transport had been arranged to accommodate the large number of students to be ferried over the waterways all at once. Some of the instructors, and even other students, who lived on the same level as the school had offered to help by bringing their own boat. Today, they'd have to go up 30 levels once they'd reached the center of the city. Some of the more luxurious boats find themselves unable to pass through certain narrower tunnels, and have to find another way around. They promised to meet up at the platform.

Once they reached the center of the city and everyone was gathered, they would be climbing stairs most of the way. After about 10 levels up, escalators became more common, offering relief to tired legs. Even in this city full of stairs, 10 levels was a lot to some, and there was still twice that to go. Those who lived on the same level as the school are the ones who seem to be having the hardest time of it.

Once they arrived at their destination, a cat woman from Var'cel with white fur hair and natural, blue highlights stepped in front of them, smiling. Her eyes were a striking green as she greeted them, "Welcome! Gin'Rom High School, right? I'm Solya Frost, a scientist here at the planetarium. This is my Light fairy, Vortex," she motioned to the pale blue fairy next to her, who floated on especially translucent and luminescent wings, which was a little odd, but not especially so, "and I'll be taking you on a tour today, before I turn you loose to take a closer look at whatever you please. If you have a question, feel free to ask, but don't interrupt me."

She leads them through the lab, showing them nebula in far away galaxies and some of the equipment they have for gazing into the stars. There's a small section of the Planetarium dedicated to questions regarding the starless portion of the sky, to the south, but it's been shoved between exhibits, as a sight to be passed. She speaks, though it's more to herself than anyone, and kept under her breath, "this is the side project no one cares about..." She realizes after that perhaps a student heard her, and she shouldn't be complaining so openly. She certainly seemed more than happy to keep going, and Lumina sits on her shoulder, patting her neck. She starts talking about the next exhibit before too long, rather than stop on a side show no one here probably cares about.

When she's given the tour of what the exhibits are and where, she stops and turns to the group, smiling pleasantly. "Any questions?" She pauses long enough for someone to spring a question on her, before motioning outward with one hand. "If you get any questions, I'll be working my way around through the exhibits while you're here. I'll turn you back to your instructor." She nods and then turns to go talk to the chaperones for a bit, while the lead instructor gives some grouping directions before sending the students on their way throughout the planetarium. Buddy system and blah blah.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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"I-Its over? Yes!" Foress nearly jumped up as she said that. To her it was a long arduous journey that mainly was killing her feet and legs. Walking up multiple flights of stairs in her uniform shoes was not the best feeling even when something like this wasn't far from routine. For now she was excited about the viewing the place on her own. The planetarium didn't seem boring and it actually excited her about some day seeing these places. When the buddy system was mentioned she took the opportunity by standing in front of everyone, hands on her hips as if ready to give a grand speech.

"Now lambs come with me if you wish to learn about my universe. It will never be boring." The class or at least plenty of the school knew about Foress's...eccentricities. It was likely everyone was glad she couldn't wear some ridiculous outfit to embarass everyone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Peachygem


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Kaede watched the scientist finish her speech. She had gotten bored partway through and had wandered a couple feet away, reading some plaque about gravitational force or something like that. Planets were not exactly her strong suite; she would have preferred a trip to some botanical gardens instead. Nevertheless, not wanting to be rude, she rejoined her classmates and tried to look engaged. She pushed her fingers together nervously, wondering how she would find a 'buddy' to walk around with. She honestly just would have preferred to stay by herself. Her fairy, Jubilee, popped out of her backpack and clung onto her shoulder, giggling a bit. Kaede hushed her.

She watched an excited-looking girl-Foress, perhaps?- announce her intentions to go look through the planetarium. Kaede sighed, her long pink twintails swishing as she began to walk towards Foress. Nervously, she greeted her. "H-hi."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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"Hi my first victim." she thought, but instead said. "Ah my first classmate. As you may or not know I hold the title of Empress of Gin'rom Highschool!" she paused for a second to let that sink in. Her fairy sat atop her head legs crossed sitting in a bored fashion. "But you may call me Foress. Please, tell me your name." The fairy on her head seemed a little annoyed and lightly tapped Foress by stomping on her head.

"Okay okay and this is my fairy Narciss. A little rowdy, but she is quite helpful in her own way." A smile formed hoping this one would stay with her for now. Anyone who have met her usually couldn't stand her constant shenanigans. Of course they never did complain when she took control of a group for a project and they all got perfect grades. Even still she will make some allies this time as her first step towards domination.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 2 days ago

There were several instances during the planetarium tour where June was rolling her eyes. She honestly didn't care about space or the stars or anything; hell, she was already a star, what did she need to learn about actual stars for? June wasn't even sure why she was still going to high school. She was, technically, an adult, and she had already started a career. Sure, the band may not last forever, but by the time that happens, she'd already have enough to live comfortably. Yet here she was, bored in a planetarium, yawning and wondering when it was over.

Her hair was currently long, it was always long when she wasn't on stage or in 'band mode'. It helped her blend in; she looked different enough from Sugar with her hair down, compared to Sugar whose hair was short and tied into a side ponytail. She wondered if any of her classmates knew the truth, and if they did, she really hoped they kept their mouth shut, she didn't need a bunch of bandwagon friends who never cared about her to suddenly hang off her arm and demand tickets or special treatment. At school, she was just June Serizawa, that student that sat near the back and hung out in the music room.

June sighed happily as the tour ended and the teacher made reference of the buddy system. She rolled her eyes as the self-appointed 'Empress of Gin'rom Highschool' began her shtick once again. "Don;t listen to her, kid," June said to the pink haired girl, just loud enough for both her and Foress to hear, "The only thing she's an empress of is Fantasyland."

June innocently whistled and leaned against a nearby railing. She wasn't going to pick a buddy, her buddy would pick her. Imitating her uncaring pose, her fairy, Soli, floated on her shoulder, as uncaring as June was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

What a bore... Just listening to the scientist blab to herself while avoiding projects she didn't agree to was dull. It didn't take long for Alex to stray from the group to examine other exhibits. It's not that she didn't find some of the things here interesting, she just didn't find the blabbering people interesting. The tall crimson haired woman scoffed as she moved away from the group, ignoring the girl who called herself a Empress as she went over to a nearby exhibit in which had a quite beautiful adaption of the night sky and stars with the constellations.

Honestly, she did enjoy the stars but merely for looks. Alex wasn't really scientific, but she enjoyed the quiet of the night and relaxing. They were pretty. Putting her hands in her pants pockets, her untied tie hanging loosely around her neck as she mildly read what was on the exhibits podium. Her fairy Saki was a blazing glowing red like her hair, who merely sat on her shoulder. Rocking her legs a little as she boredly watched what was around her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ayame stretched her mouth to let out the most drawn out yawn ever, blinking tiredly and rubbing her eyes. She'd barely slept last night, and now she had to spend half the day walking around some boring science exhibit. "Stop being so lazy, Ayame!" Zara whispered, dangling off of the end of Ayame's long hair like a rope. She nodded her head from side to side, sighing at the little gold fairy as she made her way over to a well done model of their galaxy. She took in all of the bright colors and material used, crossing her arms and inspecting the art piece like she was some sort of high class critic. It amazed her that she let that little fairy talk her into going to class today. Zara knew just how hard she worked at that audition last night, and she hadn't gotten home until an unreasonably late hour.

On the plus side, her work load would be extremely light so it wouldn't be too bad.

"Ayame, you need to pick a partner." She whined to her human, tugging on her hair to pull her in the direction of a certain individual. Ayame did her ritual nod of whenever Zara was being annoying, and picked the little fairy up gently before placing her on her shoulders. Ayame smiled from ear to ear, her eyes dancing over the person in thought with much interest. "Hiii, um... d-do you want to be partners?" She asked in her most cheerful voice. Normally, she would not have taken the initiative, but she was challenging herself to be more outgoing and aggressive. She figured it would help her when it was her time to shine, and also help her connections in the show biz world.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex had continued to boredly read the information given on the podium, before her blue eyes glanced down as a sweet little feminine voice spoke up. Unlike the crimson haired girls tall athletic build, this girl was much smaller and chubby in a cute way. She believed this girl was named Ayame, usually more the shyer one but also pretty friendly. At least, what Alex could tell whenever she bothered to pay attention to the other students in school.

Clicking her tongue thoughtfully as Ayame asked if they could be partners, the tall girl shrugged her shoulders, causing her fairy to slightly stumble. "If you want to, I'm not going to stop you. I don't care either way." Alex replied in a bored blunt manner as she turned to face the much smaller girl.

Alex was used to being tall, but this was just a bit odd. Take the tallest student and the shortest student and a interesting combo is made. Honestly, Alex felt like Ayame was a child in comparison, despite probably being around the same age.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Foress awaited eagerly to hear the name of a possible ally. The interruption from another classmate however switched her attention. Another girl she swore she saw before and it wasn't anything to do with school. It didn't matter however since this was a challenge! With a and a loud "Ha!" she responded immediately. "I see someone wishes to question my claim of authority. Not surprising everyones a critic." her fairy seemed to silently agree with a grin, but didn't even attempt to acknowledge June's existence.

"Now as you may learn pretty one that sometimes you need to have flare. Be saucy, nuts, sweet and confident then people will notice you." her hands gestured wildly as if motioning towards the invisible colloquialisms. Even her fairy had to get in on the action a bit. She didn't realize the hilarity in telling this to an idol.

"As a very merciful lady I shall take you with both of us. I really love threesomes!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Solya's eyes caught sight of the rare golden fairy, and she looks to her own fairy, nodding her head with a secret meaning. The fairy flutters off shortly, and the scientist approaches some of the girl's classmates. "Threesome...? Aah, the vigor of youth." Joking, of course. She doesn't look to be much older than this group of high school students, herself. "Are you all excited about your trip today? I understand you've come quite some distance. It'd be good if you felt your trip was worth while. Please, ask me any questions you like. I'll be happy to enlighten you."

If there was ever a target for the encroaching darkness, it would be that golden fairy. She had to make sure it stayed safe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"If you want to, I'm not going to stop you. I don't care either way."

Ayame sighed lightly at the girl's tone which didn't mimic her more... cheerful one. Perhaps she had made a mistake asking this girl to be her partner, but she... couldn't take it back. That would be really rude, and things weren't always going to go her way. Plus, maybe she just needed to get the girl to warm up to her a bit. "Okay..." She said nervously, not as a excited as before. Zara, sensing her human's decline in mood rolled her eyes playfully and tickled Ayame on her neck with something feather like. "Ahahaha." She giggled as she reached behind her to grab her little fairy, but did not remove her from the spot on her neck she had nuzzled into.

"I'm Ito Ayame, what's your name?" She looked up to the tall girl. "Wow, she's tall, Ayame." Zara whispered in her ear. The human nodded very subtly to her fairy. Indeed, she is.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex noticed the girl get less cheerful, but simply huffed at it, choosing to not care at this point. Not her fault this short girl decided to come up to the girl who had a history of being violently temperamental. Everyone left her alone because of it so she was used to just having Saki around to keep her company. She didn't need anyone else. Yet this girl was probably just too new or something... Guess she would learn, despite Alex currently being calm.

As Ayame gave her name, the tall red head looked down at her, her piercing blue eyes examining the smaller girl before answering. "Alex." she responded coolly.

Saki rolled her eyes, pulling at Alex's ear making her flinch before fluttering off her shoulder and in front of Ayame's face. "Ah don't mind Al here. She's more bark then bite to a pretty girl like you Ayame-chan~!" the little fire fairy cackled a little, humming a little as her human glared a little. "So Ayame-San do you like stars or space or planets or the cosmos or..." Saki started before Alex pinched her thumb and index finger against the fire Fairy's tiny shirt and pulled her away.

"Quit bothering people with so many questions." Alex grumbled gruffly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 2 days ago

Hillbilly12 said
Foress awaited eagerly to hear the name of a possible ally. The interruption from another classmate however switched her attention. Another girl she swore she saw before and it wasn't anything to do with school. It didn't matter however since this was a challenge! With a and a loud "Ha!" she responded immediately. "I see someone wishes to question my claim of authority. Not surprising everyones a critic." her fairy seemed to silently agree with a grin, but didn't even attempt to acknowledge June's existence."Now as you may learn pretty one that sometimes you need to have flare. Be saucy, nuts, sweet and confident then people will notice you." her hands gestured wildly as if motioning towards the invisible colloquialisms. Even her fairy had to get in on the action a bit. She didn't realize the hilarity in telling this to an idol."As a very merciful lady I shall take you with both of us. I really love threesomes!"

June, still leaning against a railing, arms crossed and head tilted at an angle in that 'devil-may-care' way, simple stared towards Foress and scoffed at her offer of a threesome. The scoff served as her immediate answer. Despite her position in a group activity, that was on stage. This was off. This was her secret life, her private affairs, and in such affairs she vastly preferred going solo. Or at the very least a pairing. Two. Never three. Three complicated matters. It was an odd number.

"Gonna have to pass on that one, 'Empress'," June spoke Foress' self-appointed title with an appropriate level of derision, rolling her eyes towards the girl, "Threesomes get messy. Messier still when someone with an inflated ego and an inflated sense of...ability takes the reigns. Move along, find some other mindless rabble to rouse."

June smirked towards Foress, as if mockingly telling her 'no hard feelings' while not really meaning it. She gestured her head to the left, wanting Foress to move along with her latest victim. June was having none of that. And so she continued to lean, arms crossed, waiting, uncaring.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ayame smiled at Alex, "Nice to meet you, Alex." She responded just as coolly to her. An even bigger smile came when Alex's fairy, Saki, fluttered out from wherever she was hiding and hovered in front of her face. Ayame's eyes crossed slightly as she focused on the little fairy, her eyes glowing in delight. "Pretty? Y-you're so kind..." She blushed, feeling quite happy with the compliment from the fairy. It was just really nice to hear. Ayame giggled a little as well at how Saki referred to her human, it reminded her a little of how Zara was but with the roles reversed. Just as she thought of her little fairy, the gold critter fluttered out just as Alex dragged her fairy off. "Zaraa, what are you doing out here again?" She asked, opening her palm for Zara to sit down.

"Well, I thought I heard another voice so I wanted to see what all the buzz was about." Zara said with yawn before flying out of Ayame's hands, and over to where June and the others were standing. "Ehh, Zara! Wait! I thought you promised you wouldn't go running off anymore!" She sighed, walking swiftly to catch up with her fairy. Of course, Zara wanted to go bug those girls and the one with the fluffy ears and tail. "C'mon, Alex!" She yelled to her partner, not wanting to leave her behind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Watching as Ayame seemed to enjoy Saki's little compliments, the tall red head watched as the smaller student ran off after her odd gold fairy toward the larger group. At first, Alex had thought that the short cute girl had decided to join somebody else and was prepared to be left in solitude once more. That was until Ayame called back to let her know to come along. Hmphing a little in response, her blue eyes glared to her glowing red fairy whom was eagerly flitting around her head in a attempt to get the tall girl moving, Alex slowly went after her. Her long legs easily making her brief journey short and able to catch up to her partner.

Alex usually avoided groups, but decided she might as well not leave her partner hanging. That would be just rude to the friendly individual. Her stride soon halted as they reached the group, her tall form looking down at the other girls with calculating cold blue eyes. She didn't make a effort to greet them, having only followed Ayame there and simply shoved her hands in her pockets.

Saki on the other hand zipped up with a curious buzz. "Hello!" she squeaked happily.

"I told you not to bother people." Alex barked gruffly to her fairy with a mild sigh.

"I'm just saying hi. You should try it miss big bad wolfy." Saki snickered, earning herself a glare.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Foress first listened to Solya and smiled at the greeting. "Thank you. I'll be sure to constantly pester you with questions." her smile only getting wider as she turned back to June who seemed extremely capable when it came to blowing others off. Foress merely let it all slide away. Her own personality has gotten her into constant conflict with fellow students, so this wasn't surprising.

"Inflated ego? Okay you got me there, but I always say I am not superior to anyone else. Anyone can be awesome! Even your ability to wait alone for someone to save you from the pain of speaking to me is impressive." She gave her a thumbs up, but before she could continue her Fairy started pulling on her ear so she could leave. Narciss was often quiet and didn't want to talk with people a lot. "Stop it! Ugh why do you always have to force me to retreat!"

"Your annoying people. More importantly me, so lets go before another shiny object grabs your attention." The fairy deadpanned with no emotion at all. Of course when Zara flew over it was too late since she caught Foress's eye.

"Wow pretty! Who are you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"H-Hey Ela, wait up!"

The small fairy cried out as her owner ascended the stairs at a rapid pace, the fairy flew as quickly as she could, her little wings fluttering rapidly to keep up, and even then she was falling behind. She managed to grab hold of one of Elaine's silver locks of hair, and held on for dear life as she scrambled up to her shoulder as she sprinted up the stairs with ease. She didn't even bother with the escalators as they became available along the way, they were overcrowded with tired people, and she wasn't even out of breath yet after the first 20 floors, she was only really tired after having sprinting the rest of the way. Curgau clung to her shoulder, eyes still somewhat spinning from all the sharp turns Elaine had taken on the way. She stammered out: "N-Next time Ela, we take the escalators, okay?"

Elaine smiled a bit as she scooped the fairy off her shoulder, still lightly clinging to her long silver hair, her wings drooping from fatigue, she felt a little bad that she'd worn her out like that, so she started stroking the back of the tiny fairy's head, with two of her fingers before saying: "Sorry about that, I was just really excited; I usually don't have an excuse to run up stairs like that. Listen, next time, how about I jog instead?" She pulled a small plastic bag from her pack and broke off a small piece of something small and brown and offered it to the small fairy in her left palm. Curgau's eyes lit up as the piece was presented to her, and she nibbled away madly at the piece of chocolate that was roughly the same person-to-chocolate ratio an average bar would be to a human. She smiled happily after devouring the piece in seconds and nodded to Elaine, saying: "Oh...fine, Just so long as you give me a warning before you pick up the pace! I was afraid I was gonna lose you somewhere Ela!" She tried to sound grumpy about it, but she couldn't stay mad for long, Curgau was too nice for that.

Elaine continued to smile as she placed the small fairy back onto her left shoulder and overheard the scientist lady greeted them, she seemed pleasant enough, the tour was interesting too, a lot of stars and afar away planetoids she'd never even heard of, they all seemed so pretty, shame she'd never get to go to any of them in her life time though. She eyed some exhibit out of the corner of her eye that seemed ignored, it wasn't even really mentioned in the tour, but it seemed interesting nonetheless. Elaine could have sworn she heard the scientist lady mutter something, but she wasn't sure if it was even relevant, and chose not to question it. She hardly payed attention to the lead instructor as usual, only really catching the part about the buddy system, realizing that she needed a buddy to go look at the exhibits, she looked around for any familiar faces. She saw a few, but it seemed they'd already gotten partners. Scanning around yet again, she looked for somebody to buddy up with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Solya smiles and greets the fairies as they gather, waving and smiling kindly. She even curls her tail around to offer it to them as a bench, of sorts. "My, my, you're all so energetic. Hello~" The golden fairy had come to join them, as well, and the woman turned greet her. "Hello, little one." She smiles and nods, her own fairy soon fluttering back to her side and perching on her shoulder. As she looked around, it seemed as though a small crowd was gathering here. Perhaps they'd end up as a larger group? As long as everyone had a buddy, at least.

"Well, this seems like a nice group, doesn't it? As long as we're all gathered here, perhaps you'd all like to pick an exhibit to start from? Feel free to flag me down if you have any questions. Ah, here... I'll let your fairies have Lumina's contact file." She smiles at the gathered group of girls. Quite the variety of personalities. A Sound fairy, too? Quite the interesting crowd, indeed.

The fairy smiles softly and flutters forward, off of Solya's shoulder. The first one she approaches is Narciss, since Foress seemed to be the leader of this group, one way or another. They just had to exchange magic signatures, and they'd be able to communicate as long as they were in range.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

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While most students wore their school uniform, including their uniform shoes, Cleo wore a custom made hoodie. The white hoodie had a vertical green stripe going down the left sleeve, and the school emblem on the back. Cleo tied her blue ribbon to her right upper arm. In addition to her hoodie, she wore some very out of uniform black short leggings, and her trailglove shoes. She adjusted her white monopack, emblazoned with green runes and lines. 30 levels and most of her classmates were wearing their uniform shoes, she smirked, she came prepared!
30 levels was nothing to her. Rolling up her sleeves, she put in her earbuds and music filled her world. She looked to the right of the stairs and she instantly mapped out a path. She ran, jumped over the railing. Rolled onto a roof, continuing her stride she jumped off it, grabbing the ledge of the next roof. Next was to climb that tower...

Soon, she had freeran up the 30 levels, beads of sweat dotted her face. She wiped it off and walked around slowly, letting her heartrate slow down from the climbing. After a moment, she entered the Planetarium with the others. She absorbed the information like a sponge, she never really studied Astronomy, it just hadn't really come up. When Doctor Frost let them go, a wide grin was on Cleos face. She rose both her arms, stretching them outwards, arching her back backwards slightly and looking up. "SPACE KITAAAA!" She yelled.
A small robed figure crawled out of her monopack and onto her shoulder, whispering something into Cleos ear before crawling back into the pack. Cleo let out a quiet oh, she put her hands down and then put them back up. "Space kitaaaa!" She said, much quieter this time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I'm Zara." She chirped, buzzing around the head of the one who called her pretty.

Ayame finally caught up to her fairy and stopped in front of the large group that gathered, eyeing her fairy with a stern look. "Zara! Why did you fly away?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest, not looking at anyone else. Zara flew over to Ayame and sat on her head, sighing like a little kid does when scolded. The little fairy said nothing in response and played with Ayame's hair. She knew Ayame wouldn't stay mad at her, which is why she liked her human so much. Ayame pressed her lips into a flat line, and shook her head.

"Sorry, guys... Zara gets excited easily." She looked up with her eyes, and smiled.
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