Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Oh, um, going to edit Anno into Team Dai-Liner.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

• Name: Jericus "Ing" Ignace, veteran of the 233rd voltage regiment.
• Age: 21
• Gender: male
• Appearance: look
Ingace stands about 5'8 with a lean build to him with a scar running down the right side of his face, and with short cut brown hair and eyes. His left leg was replaced by a robotic one after he loss it when an ork trukk ran over it. He also has a sliver Aquila around his neck
• Power: He kit he carries is a trusted M-G pattern lasgun, laspistol, a long pattern knife, flak armor, a helmet, stander issued imperial guard back pack with survival supplies, and the Imperial infantryman's handbook. He is going to gets the Buki Buki no Mi devil fruit during the Museum Island arc but it will take him awhile to figure out how to use it. He will also get different weapons as he travels but only those that the imperial guard have in its arsenal. The skills he has are basic marksmen ship, basic survival training, basic medical training, heavy weapons, and special weapons.
• Faction: Faction less for now
• World of Origin: The Earth colony of Voltage that is located in the Warhammer 40 universe
• Personality: He is lay-backed, level headed in many situations, has a grim scene of humor, somewhat cold to new people he meets, and is devoted to the God-Emperor of Man
• Backstory: Drafted at age of 16 into the imperial guard from the crowed under hive of the capital hive city of his home world Voltage. He was assigned to the 233rd infantry regiment and his first combat operation with the unit was on the correctly named world of Armageddon against the Orks. Were he was place in the middle of heavy fighting to capture Nexus rokk. Igance's regiment was then drop into one hot zone across the Imperium fighting; Chaos, Insurrectionist, Orks, Eldar, and the Tau forces during this battles he lost many of friends during the long campaigns and started to grow cold and distance from the newer recruits of the regiment. He went on surviving one battle after another for 5 years, in-till he earn veteran stripe last year along with Medallion Crimson when a dud bolter round was lodge inside his chest during a chaos assault on his position and still was able to help hold back the assault by using an auto-cannon. After the end of the campaign his regiment was sent into a back water world to investigate a disappeared tech priest expedition to a mysterious device from the Dark Age of technology. Once they were planet-side they discovered the forces of chaos were behind it and a battle over the device was fought. Ignace was sent in the spear head to retake it but during the battle it was activated throwing him into the multiverse where he ended up on the Museum Island where he is now lost on trying to find a way back to the Imperium.
• Quote: "The Emperor protects, and I serve his divine will"
• Name: Victor-55
• Age: 66
• Gender: none robot but refer to as male
• Appearance: look
• Power: His robotic body allows lift heavy loads (up to 500 lbs.), can survive things that can kill most organics, he can carry many weapons like; his large seven barrel shotgun, Lee-Enfield a sniper rifle variation, a cane sword, and two Mateba Auto revolver. Due to a Nano reconstruction device he was built with he can carry a limited number of items that are compatible with it. He also can brew a pot of tea inside his body.
• Faction: The league of the multiverse hunters
• World of Origin: OC
• Personality: he was program with the personalty of an old fashion Victorian gentleman/big game hunter with mannerism and politeness that come with it. He also has a love of history and archaeology.
• Backstory: Victor was built in a factory to be original a butler. He was bought by an explorer/archaeologist that reprogrammed and rebuilt Victor to take him out on expeditions with him. But after a tragic accident during an expedition up the tallest mountain on their world the party was caught in the avalanche Victor was only survivor. He learned once he got back to civilization that in his former master's will he discovered that he was supposed to inherit the mansion and all of his wealth. Victor decided to continue his former masters' work in studying the ancient civilizations of his world and the multiverse. Then after several years he learned about league of the multiverse hunters he decided to join them. He then spent the next five years completing the hunt for the big five and been with them for years traveling from different. He decided he needs a vacation and went to Museum Island for some rest an also look at the artifacts there.
• Quote: "See here old boy shooting it now would be very unsportsmanlike."
Name of Faction: The league of the multiverse hunters
• Alignment: Neutral
• Goal: mostly adventure, exploring the unknown, hunting, and places for hunters to gather
• Leader: There is no real leader among the league clubs but a loose council from the more senior members. And local clubs are governed by it’s the local members.
• Method of Transport: Individual members have their own transportation or will chartered a ship to take them to where ever they need.
• Description: The league is a loose elite club by hunter from across the multiverse was they can meet, talk with fellow member, have a place to stay, and socialized at any of the leagues club house. It was originally founded by Sir. Ivan Bane on his home world as a club for hunters there can meet and tell stories. As he traveled across the multiverse it he established more of the clubs on different planets he traveled. He soon decides to form them into one organization and the league was formed. To join the league the applicant must complete hunt of the big five which are the most dangerous hunts in the multiverse and be able to prove it that you kill them to join. The League has a strict neutrality stance on the affairs on the muiltverse even acting as a neutral overseer for negotiating muiltverse groups.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, respondin' time.

Shoryu said
@Psyga Oh, one last question, since My imagination 'loves' variety too much XD I noticed that most characters are pretty human, what about not so human characters? whether or not they're allowed'll probably narrow down my ideas a fair bit.

Non-humans are allowed. It's just that humans and human-guised non humans are more popular.

Rachel is accepted, though I ask that you don't pull a Majin Buu with the Sweet card and turn people into jawbreakers. XD

Speaking of accepting, I've decided that, because it's simply "super unlucky" and there's certainly no chance that it'll become a luck manipulating power, I'll accept Claudia for now.

The first thing I've noticed with Jericus' profile is that it simply says "gets a Devil Fruit". It's not just a Devil Fruit. There are multiple versions of it, each giving unique powers. You can't really leave it vague. Aside from minimal grammar and spelling errors, the rest of the profile checks out. However, I'm not accepting him until either the Devil Fruit is specified or is removed from the powers list, though I will have to look at the profile again once the change is made to make sure they still check out.

While I do like Victor-55, it's here that the grammar and spelling errors begin to grate at me. I can understand most of it, but it may be real difficult for me and other readers to follow. It's not a huge detriment, but I'd like to think about this for a bit longer if that's okay. I also like the Multiversal Hunters thing and I coincidentally just began to think of a character for it, but again, would like to think about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Psyga315 said
Non-humans are allowed. It's just that humans and human-guised non humans are more popular.

Gotcha =3 Never hurts to make sure ^.^ I'll have 2 characters ready sometime tommorrow, Maybe a faction too unless I find something that negates that possibility when I re-read XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I'll probably end up playing as Yuuka Kazami again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

I realize I may or may not be stepping out of some peoples comfort zones here =P but, you know what they say, you never know if you don't try! And this is what happens when my imagination goes 'multi-verse = all kindsa weird shit possible'
well, hopefully nobody gets iffy about this XD

Sign-Up Sheet

• Name: Vergil
• Age: ??? unknown age, Half demon
• Gender: Male
• Appearance:

• Power: Half-Demon power, Devil Trigger, Teleportations, Summoned Swords, Yamato Sword, Beo-wulf Gauntlets, Iaito Skill.

• Faction: Project Arrowhead... Begrudgingly - Free agent
• World of Origin: An Alternate Earth involving demons
• Personality: http://devilmaycry.wikia.com/wiki/Vergil in the personality section here XD

• Backstory: Power is a funny thing, sometimes it likes to back-fire on you, and this was the case with Vergil when one of the fight's he picked with his brother lead to dis-ruption of his 'dimension cutting', and dumped them both into 'Equestria V.23'... Oh, the disdainful blow to his pride to be turned into such a thing, he refuses to talk about it to date and tends to get furious when anyone who knows about it mentions it...

Dante was content to hang around and have fun, Vergil on the other hand was dead-set on either returning home or unleashing hell and driving a demonic war.. he didn't cope well with ponies... Ultimately though he was beat into line by the fact there were plenty of other powerful individuals to inter-fere, including Midnight Light.

Vergil happens to be on a fairly short, and figurative, Leash with his participation in the Arrowhead project, required to 'behave himself' and be 'helpful to others', otherwise He'll be dumped back in the 'horse-verse' and left without the enchantment that keeps him from changing when crossing a dimensional barrier... An unacceptable indignity that is more than sufficient for keeping him in line... usually.

How he got to museum island?... The boss said jump or turn into a pony.

• Quote: "I might have to 'play along' with you people, but watch your tongue... Lest you lose it for letting it flap too much."

yes, I went there, why? Because I can make pony awesome >.>

On another note, If Midnight manages to sound OP I can actually leave him as a sort of NPC 'handler' for the character above =3 [which I'd be surprised, i'm being quite thorough in balancing him, nevermind that when you throw in Homestuck stuff 'the bar' jumps pretty high right off.[they call the home stuck characters immortal 'god-tiers' for a reason XD]]

• Name: Midnight Light [Midnight, Middy, Light, Mr. Midnight, Mr. Light, Fluffle Dark... Preffered name depends on the situation.
• Age: 437
• Gender: Male
• Appearance:

• Power:
Alicorn - Magic based Endurance and Strength, Strong flight, Altered Magic Limitations, Magic based Size/Physical Maturity.

Magic - Illusions and Stealth Magic, Dark Magic, Alicorn Magic, Dimensional Magic [Limited and explained, I swear!]

Because it 'looks' like a lot, I'm going to include explanations for limitations and more specific bits here.

• Faction: Project Arrowhead - Primary Away team Commander
• World of Origin: Equestria V.23
• Personality: Midnight is a very calm and seemingly highly intelligent individual, Experienced in many things from both the 'light and dark sides' of the morality spectrum. He often alters his out-ward appearance or behavior in ways that he feels will fit a situation best [I.e. looking 'prettier' and acting more Refined when dealing with nobles, though perhaps looking scarier and acting 'unstable' around fragile enemies that may flee instead of take up his time.]

He has a strong belief in 'Balance', and though most often his behavior leans towards 'doing good', He won't flinch if he believes doing something other's believe is evil is neccesary, and he also happens to have a number of 'friends' among both righteous and 'evil' individuals, in separate dimensions of course! lest they kill eachother.

• Backstory: Midnight Originally Hails from Equestria V.13, also known as the 'discord-verse', a place full of... well, 'dark things', lets leave the detail at that. Midnight's special capability served him well in drawing out the light in dark things, yes, his name is a cliche on this ability of his, and allowed him to even make friends of said 'dark things' and help to bring them to a stable balance... This, kindof ticked off the so called deity that was playing with the 'dark things', and resulted in his first instance of Multi-versal travel, landing him luckily in V.23

After a few years in this universe, and playing with magic to learn how to travel back to his original universe, He was recruited to Project Arrowhead, an inherently beneficial thing for him that would gain vital experience in the multi-verse and learn how to 'navigate'.

Long-story short, he has sense Re-made contact with his home universe, flipped off said angry deity [choice words, no he didn't kill a god XD], and took it upon himself to start Traveling the Multi-verse under the Affiliation of Project Arrowhead and... well. furthering the goals of the Project... He doesn't tend to charge off playing hero himself, though he often surfaces to assist those of other Factions in doing something he deems 'good', and 'not threatening to the balance of the multi-verse'... or, for that matter, 'is in favor of protecting the multi-verse as a whole'.

Naturally, word of so many seeming to take an interest in this 'museum island', caught the attention of the project, as both a potentially valuable chance to learn from a variety of people, and a chance to catch someone trying to do something they shouldn't... So he was dispatched with another associate capable of Personal travel by other means.

• Quote: "Do not judge those you know nothing about, Darkness is merely another part of the natural order, Tis no more inherently evil than a tree, a rock... or a 'human'."

• Name of Faction: Project Arrowhead
• Alignment: Hero if they can help it, Villain if Neccesary [It's a matter of perspective afterall =3 Heroism to some can be villainy to others!]
• Goal:
Primary - Establish Structured Relations with Other worlds
Preserve the Safety of the Home Universe
Develop a method of returning those 'lost in the multi-verse' to their original homes. [Including acquiring knowledge/tech from other's with more fluid methods of travel.]

Secondary - Explore, Learn, Catalogue, Etc., Other Universes.
Analyze Threats to home-verse or to the safety of the multi-verse itself
Eliminate threats if possible
If unable to do so, Assist other's who are trying to do so.

• Leader: Committee Comprised of Experienced individuals
• Method of Transport: Arrowhead Rift Jumper teams use a still, to them, experimental Machine that opens up short term unstable Rifts to other worlds, as well as an emergency return system... As the actual project heads are still working on perfecting the technology, they are not officially a 'power' in the multi-verse.

A couple of unique members 'are' however capable of utilizing their own methods of traveling dimensions, Midnight Light being the most experienced at using their native Magic to do exactly that, thanks to past experience.

• Description: Project arrowhead is based in the universe of Equestria V.23 as they've designated themselves, a version of the 'pony-verse' that is unnaturally active in multi-versal events, making it a hot-bed of unplanned multi-versal travel, and a place ripe with a variety of non-native species and individuals who are stranded... Granted, given the origin universe of the Faction, there are indeed many ponies in their ranks.

The Project originated to find ways to return these lost ones to their home universes, and of course to gain control of such travel to help improve the safety of their world in general. Naturally the only one among them with any capability of instigating his own method of travel led the first team of Rift-jumpers, Midnight, though upon the inevitable discovery of other forces in the multi-verse already capable of traveling far more fluidly, he was re-assigned a more directly involved role of analyzing these other factions, threats they may pose, as well as assisting those who's goals would help their own... or just the greater good and all that cheesy jazz.

The Majority of the Project itself doesn't have much of a presence in the multi-verse though, with only a couple of members able to travel freely, it's unlikely their really on any big time radar, so to speak.

It's good to note that members of the faction tend to get supplied with a set of 5 magic gems that can be charged/drained for very teporary enhancements, and a Hazard's Environment Protection Device that creates a bubble around the user in certain circumstances to ward off hazardous environmental threats, tending to last only a couple of minutes against aggressive threats, or up to an hour against ambient threats.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 6 days ago

As perfect as Johnny Joestar would be for this RP, I'm afraid I've not yet read up to Steel Ball Run, and I'd be unable to do him justice. I will keep thinking for a character to play, however.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

And now, the other two! ... my characters are apparently all going to be punching you.
†Name: Chris Hyland

†Age: 20

†Gender: Female

†Appearance: Muscles, ho!

†Power: Chris is a competent martial artist--by the standards of a world where 'good' leads to accidentally causing mass property damage from missing attacks and poking things in the wrong place. By the standards of a normal world, she's inhumanly skilled, along with having physical capabilities (including healing rate) beyond the human norm. What keeps her at her current level, though, is that sheer physical ability isn't really going to cut it that much further, and she lacks everything in the way of special abilities.
Oh, and she turns into a dragon if you get cold water onto her. Not, in fact, any good for her clothing, even if it is kind of small by the standards of Chinese dragons, and she hasn't the faintest idea how to go about making it rain (the most that's likely to happen is getting her angry gets you a localised downpour). On the plus side, it leaves her with enormous ki reserves in either form... that she has absolutely no idea how to utilise. Something of a water magnet, too.

†Faction: Black Cross Army

†World of Origin: Ranma ½

†Personality: Outgoing and cheerful, but not too good at tact, socialising, or... well, acting her age. Since she's never really had the chance, Chris will gleefully play with any presented toys or games, even if they're more suitable for someone younger. Also loves to fight.

†Backstory: Despite her name, Chris wasn't actually born in any part of the English-speaking world. And despite her appearance, she wasn't born somewhere sunny and warm. No--Chris was born on a boat crossing from Japan to China, the child of an eternally wandering martial artist (because, in fact, he was under a magical curse to never settle down). When it came to the point her mother had had enough, her father grabbed her and ran, not wanting his family's style to be completely lost. At least he had the sense to keep her mother's name, since his own wasn't on records anywhere. For most of her life, she trained, never went to school at ''all'', and generally just kept moving around both China and Japan. Ultimately, enticed by the unknown, she parted ways with her father... in the middle of China.
That's when she ended up in Jusenkyo. Fortunate enough to avoid the truly problematic springs, the Guide explained things to the girl, then gave her directions to the nearest settlement.
Picking fights with the Amazons probably wasn't the best idea. Getting the wrong idea about the Kiss of Death and returning it more vigorously? Well, that was an even worse idea, and if it wasn't for the bad guys' timely arrival, she'd be quite doomed, beaten to death by enraged females. Despite not being actively malicious or all that evil herself, she owes them for it, and it means chances to fight people that are actually good at it, so she's quite happy to hang around as a not-terribly-evil minion.

†Quote: "Come on, fight already!"
†Name: Rain, real name Siobhan.

†Age: 19

†Sex: Female

†Appearance: She didn't mean to come out wearing the outfit. Well, the coat and hat, certainly, but the rest of it? Not so.

†Power: Rain has gained the Lost Driver and the Skull Memory, from Kamen Rider Double--making her Kamen Rider Skull. Possibly more potent than the individual memories used by Double, it gives her a gun, along with being well suited to unarmed combat. The hat, however, is separate, and must be kept in hand whilst transforming.
Along with this, she has the themeed mobile garage and motorbike that go with the belt, and another memory that can turn into a phone. She's doubtful she'll find a use for this.

†Faction: Team Dai-Liner

†World of Origin: Earth

†Personality: Seemingly lacks the ability to focus on the task at hand for long periods of time, and will go on a tangent about semi-related information, generally getting further and further away from the relevant topic and job until she's basically standing around musing about nothing in particular. Easily wound up or bored, despite not really showing it until pushed too far, which is fairly stupid.
Doesn't take orders from people well.

†Backstory: Signing up to something drunk at uni got her onto the island, meeting familiar people here was just a bonus.

†Quote: "Now, count up your sins! Hey, Moe, did I get that right?"
"Wish I'd brought contacts along. Sunglasses are handy."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I would'nt mind participating in this. I've been eager to try out a particular character I recently made, so here's hoping I make it in!

Name: Scorn (original name Lars Zornlich)

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Most of Scorn's body is completely covered by the red and black uniforms of the Red Lanterns, save for his head. It wpuld appear that his skin tone is light brown in color, and his black hair is medium length and curly to the point where it would seem that there are hundreds of tiny snakes frozen in place. His eyes burn completely crimson, and while his visage would suggest he was quite comely as a normal human, it has now been altered by both the ring and his own desire to have a rage filled expression and razor sharp teeth. Scorn is tall and well built, and his muscle mass seems to have slightly increased after his Corp initiation. His hands now end in sharp, seemingly metallic claws, as do his feet, and both his shoulders and his knees have a sharp, protruding, curved bone.

Power(s): What better way to present them than giving you a link?

World of Origin: Earth (DC Universe, obviously)

Personality: As if his appearance, name, and Power Ring didn't give it away already, Scorn is a rage and hate filled individual. He is very proud of his power and will not hesitate to crush anyone who opposes him. As a Red Lantern, Scorn has a very brutal and chaotic sense of justice, believing that the best justice is brought about by vengeance and utter destruction of those who are guilty according to Corp standards. Although he either works alone or with a few other Red Lanterns, Scorn will work along with others if he sees no other solution to a situation, and if he feels that the cause is good.

Backstory: Scorn's past is one of intense anger and hate, both for others and himself, mainly because the events that transpired to his personal loss were things that probably could have been easily avoided had he taken proper precautions.
Lars was one day sent by his parents to pick up a couple of groceries and work supplies from a store. Since the house was relatively close by to the store, he neglected to lock the door to the house and left to carry out his errand. Unbeknownst to him though, there was a small group of criminals around who had been prowling around his house for an opportunity to ransack it (it was a rather solitary yet fancy house).
Lars had expected to be back in at most fifteen minutes, but that day there had been an accident on the road and traffic had built up quite a bit. The trip to and back from the store ended up taking him close to an hour, and when he returned home... the sight was not pretty. The front door had been left wide open, and the house was a mess on the inside. Things were broken and scattered everywhere, and anything of value had been taken. But the center of this crime was what remained of his family, battered, bloodied, and dead. His dad and brother had seemed to put up a fight, everyone was ultimately overtaken.
Rage and grief filled his heart. All of this then coincided with the appearance of another Red Ring on earth, seeking a new being to recruit. Lars was just in the middle of crying out in rage when he heard the recruiting words of the Red Ring: "Lars Zornlich, you have great rage in your heart".
From then on... things got messy for a lot of people and cities on earth, until eventually Lars traveled to the planet of Ysmault, sanctuary of the Red Lanterns. From then on he has scoured the galaxy along with his fellow Lanterns in search of injustices to punish, destroying countless lives and cities in the process.

Faction: Wild Card

Quote: "I've killed thousands, and I'll kill thousands more until my rage is sated, but it never will be..."

Alright, there. Tell me if I'm in or not, and if anything needs to be changed or added.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, let's judge the people...

While Vergil checks out, I've begun to feel iffy with Midnight. Not because it's a pony or anything, but because Midnight's an Alicorn. The MLP setting has it that Alicorns are pretty rare and for good reason. Without going into powers, Alicorns tend to be of the "Special Snowflake" quirk. I'm sorry if I'm making this a huge issue, but keep in mind that the fandom threw their arms up at official Alicorns whenever they're shown.

While most of the powers I don't mind, the backstory sort of grates with me. First off, the Discord-verse implies that the universe was ruled by Discord, and if that was true, everything wouldn't be "dark", but rather surreal. I mean like cotton candy clouds raining liquid chocolate, buffaloes dancing in tutus, buildings fly upside down while the floor below you is checkerboard blue and purple... Stuff like that. Dark is also a pretty vague word, especially for My Little Pony. Does Dark mean that the moon will last forever? Does it mean that Ponies are regularly made into happy meals for Changeling armies? Does it mean that there are jagged black crystals everywhere while the pony version of Sauron sits in his throne and smiles evilly while people carry crystals around like slaves? Be more specific. The wording does seem to say that when you mean dark, you mean darkness, like as in the absence of light.

Again, I have nothing against the show and as a matter of fact like it, but the profile just... doesn't click with me sometimes and just grates me the wrong way at other times. Like would the sons of Sparda really be cool with turning into ponies? Maybe in some crack fic... But having Midnight be stronger than him? Yeeeaaah no. I apologize, but there's a lot of things that I just feel doesn't really work for me. I'm rejecting all three of those signups.

Rain, your characters are accepted.

Alright, here's the problems with Scorn. The first problem is that one of the Red Lantern's powers is to infect others with rage and make them Red Lanterns as well... When I read this, my thought processes just crashed and I was like "WUT".

Not only that, but in the backstory, rape was implied, something I've warned against in the section discussing tone. Not only that, but it seemed really unnecessary. I apologize, but I'm rejecting this profile.

Now for the postponed judging of Jericus and Victor-55. While I like Victor-55 and the Multiversal Hunters, the grammar errors could lead to some heavy problems and some people may find it headache inducing. I'm not rejecting them based on something as petty as that, but they're not going into the RPG until grammar's improved.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, I can fix the part with the background quite easily, but I apologize for forgetting about the warning you mentioned.
As for the rage infection, it isn't 100% positive that someone exposed to their blood will become Red Lanterns. In the comic I was reading a few days ago, one of the Red Lanterns tried the same thing with another person, but they weren't affected all that much by it and certainly didn't transform into a Red Lantern. I wasn't planning on using this ability either, but if I did it'd be more of a poison than a means of "recruitment".

Is there anything else that needs explaining or fixing? Or is the profile a definite no regardless of what I do?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

I'm glad it wasn't an out-right 'Alicorn = BAN HAMMER!' XD That happened once o.o ... but, I never try something risky of the sort like using 'rare species' without being prepared to explain them =3

Psyga315 said
Alright, let's judge the people... While Vergil checks out, I've begun to feel iffy with Midnight. Not because it's a pony or anything, but because Midnight's an Alicorn. The MLP setting has it that Alicorns are pretty rare and for good reason. Without going into powers, Alicorns tend to be of the "Special Snowflake" quirk. I'm sorry if I'm making this a huge issue, but keep in mind that the fandom threw their arms up at Alicorns whenever they're shown.

You're not making it into a huge issue XD I actually like discussing things to try and make em fit =3 but yes, the Fandom does tend to 'throw their arms up'... In my personal opinion, it's not all that different from the history of Mary sue players making Dragons [Often assumed OP just by virtue of being Dragons], Magic users in RPs they probably shouldn't be in, or, heaven forbid, 'star-children' [Covert name used by players that want to sneak OP Kryptonian's into RPs]

I really quite detest when someone uses a race/species/whatever just because they are 'Powerful' or 'special' XD They create bad reputations for people like me that like to put more real imagination in creating a character of said Rare species/whatever... Granted, Midnight's concept in itself is a bit cheesy, the 'good darkness' angle, but it's stuck with me for some reason enough to keep it around... Plus, I'm also of the opinion that 'so called immortal' does not mean one is unbeatable, nor unkillable, whether are just really hard to kill, regenerate fast, or don't die permanently, if it can just be handled 'right' it doesn't break everything... problem is, too many people abuse it -_-

I also kindof make a bit of a hobby, or personal sport even, of trying to show examples of these 'rare/special/OP' things, not having to be such, and being perfectly capable of fitting in with normal characters and being constructive parts of a story... Some of my favorite Renditions of the 'Canon Alicorns' is the whole 'even if they appear so special, they're still normal ponies on the inside'... admittedly that is a bit cheesy too, like saying 'celebrities/politicians/kings are just normal people like the rest of us'... what 'makes' them special is that we 'perceive' them that way, we 'make' them OP/Rare/etc. [Note: Being special is supposed to be a good thing actually XD!], So conceptually speaking, if one does not design their character with the intent of out-shining others, they should not lead to doing so.

While most of the powers I don't mind, the backstory sort of grates with me. First off, the Discord-verse implies that the universe was ruled by Discord, and if that was true, everything wouldn't be "dark", but rather surreal. I mean like cotton candy clouds raining liquid chocolate, buffaloes dancing in tutus, buildings fly upside down while the floor below you is checkerboard blue and purple... Stuff like that. Dark is also a pretty vague word, especially for My Little Pony. Does Dark mean that the moon will last forever? Does it mean that Ponies are regularly made into happy meals for Changeling armies? Does it mean that there are jagged black crystals everywhere while the pony version of Sauron sits in his throne and smiles evilly while people carry crystals around like slaves? Be more specific. The wording does seem to say that when you mean dark, you mean darkness, like as in the absence of light. Again, I have nothing against the show and as a matter of fact like it, but the profile just... doesn't click with me sometimes and just grates me the wrong way at other times.

Part of the whole thing is the 'multiverse idea', unless this particular multi-verse is in the structure of 'one of everything, just in different universes', though with 'multiple similar but still different universes' alternative versions of individuals crop up, ugh, but then it gets into the whole branching time-lines stuff and it's just too early in the morning here for my brain to go into the level of cognitive function I need to hold together the omni-verse/home-stuck stuff @n@

Also, first, LOL!, pony version of Sauron, HAH! Sombra couldn't hold a candle to Sauron *trollface*... get it? Cause Sauron basically 'is' a giant fuggin candle XD

Now then, with the whole 'different versions of individuals' thing I mentioned, The 'discord-verse' [Inspired by piecing together a bunch of 'tumblr-verses' funny enough], would be described as being ruled by a more deliberately 'evil' discord... Afterall, 'chaos incarnate' CAN'T be restricted to dangerous but childish antics, as entertaining as the normal discord is. The one in question is more manipulative and directly focused on turning other's against their original nature, essentially leading to the world making itself dark... I have been deliberately vague on the details because of the level of 'dark' said discord verse can be [which depending on who is controlling it in an RP, can be from simple comedic horror, to freddy krueger fucked up]... nevertheless, it's where midnight originated from, I just vagued things up to fit with this RP better... Midnight's concept pretty much was being someone naturally able to get in the way of 'making things hopelessly dark'... Funny enough, the Discord-verse is actually pretty dark in lighting too XD

Like would the sons of Sparda really be cool with turning into ponies? Maybe in some crack fic... But having Midnight be stronger than him? Yeeeaaah no. I apologize, but there's a lot of things that I just feel doesn't really work for me. I'm rejecting all three of those signups.

I didn't say he was out-right more powerful... granted, certain powers he has do give him an advantage... he just happens to hold the key that could make vergil 'pony again', and that in itself inspires Virgil to behave himself... I pointed out that Virgil got beat into line by the fact there were multiple powerful individuals around.

It's not so much 'be cool with turning into ponies', cause trust me, virgil wants to murder midnight first chance he gets to do so without having to be turned pony again, but if it helps him get back to his own universe where he can go be evil demon overlord guy again, then he'll very much begrudgingly stomach it. Dante is just a lot more easy going, but one would imagine he'd Go back as well once he learns Vergil's loose in their home-verse again XD

I actually only chose vergil because I thought it would be very entertaining to see him pissed anytime Midnight asks him to do something, or stops him from doing something, and because of midnight's whole concept of using dark things for good... Honestly, I could go with my favorite and use Richard the warlock! and trust me, he'd ride that pony into Battle and be damn proud of it! FOR PONY!

Hrm, but yes, I can change stuff just fine, The vagueness of 'dark' was purposeful, but I can easily shift him about and better detail a different origin if preffered, and like-wise replace Vergil with a more befitting partner XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

... Why does going to the pony universe turn people into ponies? That doesn't make any sense.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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VitaVitaAR said
... Why does going to the pony universe turn people into ponies? That doesn't make any sense.

I've never really gotten that myself XD Best I could figure, Defense mechanism? I mean, it's pretty damn disarming to suddenly find yourself turned into a horse XD what better way for sun-butt to avoid unwanted visitors going on killing sprees?

Or, ya know, just, ambient Life-form magic, kinda like how kingdom hearts turns Sora into every god damn thing and it's grand-mother when he crosses worlds XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Why would it be the only setting like that, though?

I don't think dimensional travel works like that in this... and I kind of wouldn't be in it if it did since I don't think there's much point in playing a character if their abilities and appearance constantly change.

I mean, this logic kind of says that everyone would become normal humans in the first arc.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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VitaVitaAR said
Why would it be the only setting like that, though?I don't think dimensional travel works like that in this... and I kind of wouldn't be in it if it did since I don't think there's much point in playing a character if their abilities and appearance constantly change.I mean, this logic kind of says that everyone would become normal humans in the first arc.

I never implied causing the RP to work like that XD I wouldn't imagine we'd be going 'there' in the RP Anyway :P so it really shouldn't matter XD but really... all one needs to say is 'magic', nuff said... cause I have no urge to even 'care' about why that one universe might have that effect or not as it would have no effect on the RP itself, especially if Vergil is replaced =P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

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Just for the record, all three characters got rejected. With nothing about them being possibly adaptable.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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hmm still accepting.?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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ah alright then.

I shall think of what person/persons to use.
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