The Stars Ablaze – A Reclamation Crusade
A Warhammer 40k Faction Roleplay
A Warhammer 40k Faction Roleplay
Four Imperium Planets, lost to the forces of Chaos, their production capabilities grand, one even standing as an Imperial Guard Tithe World, another a powerful Forge World for Segmentum Pacificus. These worlds like others in the Segmentum since the mass rebellion would not stay silent forever though. The Imperium dogged in determination would not sit idly by, and let these worlds fall into Darkness. Instead a great Crusade has been built, filled with the finest warriors of the Adeptus Asartes, Astra Militarum, Ministorum, Mechanicus, and even the Zealous Adepta Sororitas. They are not alone though, as once they arrived at the planets they find that not only are the Force of Chaos already battle ready, but another force of Chaos is also assaulting those who reside there. Malice has released his forces upon the planet, to wreak havoc upon those that follow the False Dark Gods. Who will win this battle with many sides? Only time will tell, in a Galaxy where there is… Only War
In this RP the players will be taking on the roles of different forces for four planets. Each player will be taking on the role of a warban, regiment, part of a chapter, order etc… Players will be fighting each other, and making alliances either previously to, or after the in character starts. As each player writes out their forces actions, they will do so from the Points-of-View of their Leaders, and officers as well as a overall view of what their faction is actually doing. I will expand further below.
Each Planet has several sectors, each of which has their own pitfalls, dangers, and even Heretics that resides there. Besides that each Chaos player will choose a planet and pick two sectors from that planet to reside in. Imperium forces will not start with any sectors on any planet, and will instead have to fight their way through to get a foothold. Varulius III is mean’t for Malice forces only, as that is the planet they made fall on first, and have since annihilated the forces there. Any Sectors that go unclaimed by players will automatically have NPC Chaos forces defending them as to keep Imperium forces from just walking in all willy nilly.
Varulius I
- Sector 1: Vast dead lands, stakes pounded into the blackened earth, bodies of Imperium troops hang upside down on the Stakes their bodies blistering, and dripping with puss as they scream in eternal agony. A green mist floats across the ground constantly at knee level, emanating from a large blackened tower. This tower is protected by powerful anti-aircraft weaponry making it impossible to drop in via air.
- Sector 2: Once a military outpost is has since been turned into a prisoner camp. Daemons wander this land as they act as Wardens to the prison. Around this prison is a series of bunkers and barracks that have been retrofitted as defensive outposts against any enemies that might think to steal the thousands of prisoners the Forces who reside here keep.
- Sector 3: One a vibrant area of wildlife, it has since become a putrid swamp, the ground slithers with creatures of nightmares, quicksand hides waiting for the clumsy. What was once a temple devoted to the Emperor now stands corrupted by chaos, it’s statues warped and twisted, it’s walls turned dark and it is said that a Great power lies there, or so the sensors say.
- Sector 4: Known as the great gate, it hosts an enormous wall, with an even larger gate, it stands as the entrance to Sector 1, great trenches lay through the ground, the burnt skeletons of those that fought here before still litter the battlefield that stretches out before the great gate, destroyed vehicles, and large craters scatter across the land, an ominous foreboding place indeed.
- Sector 5: Formerly a lavish city by the sea, Sector 5 looks more like hell than somewhere an Imperial noble would stay for comfort. Fires burn all through the night as hedonistic parties shriek loudly into the darkness, the screams and cries of pleasure and pain can be heard constantly. Sickeningly lavish boats sail to, and from the docks as they set out for Sector 6. Purple, and pink skinned daemons wander the streets, and alleys looking for those they can either turn into a lover or a victim.
- Sector 6: A vibrant countryside filled with farms, some of the best Chefs in the Segmentum came here to create culinary delights. Now those delights are dark, and corrupted. The chefs there serving some of the most blasphemous meals one could imagine. The rolling farmlands, and deep ditches make this a difficult place for any vehicles to cross except for by road, and the ones that reside there are fearsome indeed using this very terrain against all who would seek to take it.
Varulius II
- Sector 1: The Hive is empty… or looks it at least. The once bustling and massive Hive city seems a ghost town, and in some ways it is. If you were to walk the empty streets and Hab units you’d hear the whispers. The Specters restless and screaming. Then would come the ones that still move. Vibrant and colorful little Imps filled with hate for you, the eerie statues that shake off the dust and step down from their pedestals, guns spewing foul sorceries… this is a place for the dead and the mad, and its guardians intend to keep it this way.
- Sector 2: The ancient Spires of the spaceport reach high into the air, but no longer are they filled with the ships of merchants and traders. Now screeching engines of war burn the air, the spires have great red protrusions from their sides crawling with what look like angry Daemons. Their masters sit atop these towers stewing in hate as their warships fly between them, fighting and diving about in practice. Sometimes the red hive will stir, and the swarm of angry red ships will disappear, swarming towards a new target with their masters at the helm, eyes full of scorn and hearts pounding for blood.
- Sector 3: A once beautiful mountain range stretches across the land, but now spews forth the sick smog of industry. Great holes are bored into the proud mountains, black smoke choking the air around them as it pours from the forges below. An Industry of war thrives here as weapons and vehicles colored a gunmetal grey roll off the hellish assembly lines, corruption and death already thick about their hulls. Here the Grey master hold sway, servos whirring and clicking as they oversee the grotesque industry, endless lines of slaves urged forth by cruel taskmasters armed with lashes and hate dredge up seemingly endless supplies of raw material, which is beaten and shaped into forms the masters find pleasing, before being sold to the highest bidder. Unfortunate is the man who thinks he can cheat the masters, for they will find themselves crushed beneath the treads of grotesqueries made possible by the mad forge.
- Sector 4: The ocean is deep and mysterious, the once cool blue water is no longer. Instead it is black sludge, thick and heavy. Waves of filth roil, and great heaps of waste are scattered about like foul islands. On these heaps live wretched little Daemons who dance and roll and make merry amongst the heaps along with foul twisted men. When two great heaps meet they can go either way. Sometimes the populations will tear each other apart with tooth, nail, and whatever rubbish they have on hand. Or perhaps they will embrace and dance together, reveling in the filth together in a great show of faith to their grandfather.
- Sector 5: A bunker deep beneath the ground, those above unaware of its very existence. Inside crawl and hide the worlds first inhabitants. They live in overpopulated squalor terrified. The entrance is never without guards who hold their guns all the tighter for the fear that one day they might be found… that one day the lives they cling to hidden away will be snuffed out… that one day it’ll finally end… so they sit and wait, hoping against hope for their corpse god to send aid before that day.
- Sector 6: A second hive, this one can be heard long before it can be seen. Sounds, distorted music and screams travel many miles away from within and only grow all the louder. This city of noise is filled to the brim with only those who can withstand it and add to the cacophony. Firing weapons into the air, torturing and killing, screaming in ecstasy and agony as they celebrate for an eternity, throwing their heads back and baying at a sky their very city pounds with the sounds of insanity and celebration. To get near is to slowly bleed from the ears… except when mysteriously it falls silent.
Varulius III (Malice Forces Only)
- Sector 1: A great battle has taken place here, khornate marines, and cultists litter the land. Their forces obliterated by the Forces of Malice that have attacked Varulius III. Burnt ground is all that remains besides military bunkers, and trenches for warfare. The blood that ran here likely enough to have turned the trenches into rivers. The malice forces still residing in this place know the trenches, and tunnels like the back of their hands. Any battles that take place here will be slogged out and slow.
- Sector 2: Once a land set aside for Monuments, and sacrifices to Khorne, the statues there have been torn down, and the mangled torn bodies of those that worshipped the blood god now decorate the land on scaffolds made of their own bones. Malice forces have made this a wasteland, and have overtaken the underground lair that sprawl beneath the surface.
- Sector 3: The city of blood, now the city of the fallen. A great Khorne Warlord fell here cut down by Malice forces, his troops massacred by the Anarchists as they seek to bring destruction to all those who would worship the Weaker Gods of the Warp. Great spires stab the sky, now they stand empty save for those in the black and white.
- Sector 4: Once the main Spaceport for the Worshippers of Chaos to travel to, and from the planet it now sits empty except for those that worship Malice who now make preparations to attack their next target. Transport ships await their cargo, as the forces of Malice look to destroy, and conquer so much more than just this one planet.
Varulius IV
- Sector 1: What was once a proud complex of the Mechanicus has changed. The home of the Magus and the leaders of the world, the great tech palace has been twisted to a new purpose. Within live lords of the Forge world, twisted and terrible they are amalgamations of flesh, metal and daemon and oversee the worlds industry. They control it all, every manufactorum theirs to command. Though they bicker and fight amongst themselves the squabbling lords supply arms to most forces in the sector, for theirs are of the finest quality and amount.
- Sector 2: The Largest forge on the world, known simply as the Hell forge, spews great smog into the air at all times. Its assembly lines combine foul sorcery and hellish industry to crank out thousands of daemon engines or shells for them everyday. It has the highest mortality rate for workers on world, at 99% mortality rate for the slaves who work there. Only the most hellish of war machines rumble off this assembly, and the custom made orders of powerful warlords within the sector. Any Warlord worth his salt has had a custom engine made here, as a way to both acquire and powerful tool and appease the forge lords.
- Sector 3: Perhaps the most disturbing manufactory on world, Manufactorum Gamma VI has been nicknamed the ‘Flesh Factory’. The massive structure that once pumped out vehicles and weapons now holds the millions of cloning vats used to supply the worlds vast factories with the required slave labor. Grotesque mutants and almost universally what is made here, creature’s made to work themselves to death in just a few years and nothing more. But, special orders can also be made. Many a terrifying monstrosity and unnaturally beautiful creation have come from this disturbing workshop, and unlike the others only eerie moans echo through the otherwise silent grounds… telling of the suffering within the flesh factory.
- Sector 4: A great hole in the earth. It is here that the seemingly endless resources are dragged up from the machine worlds core for use in the hellish factories. Along its sides all the way down live and die its miners, slaves with the least livable conditions and a lifespan of three days. Near the bottom lies the titan hangar, a place where the Forge lords have hidden away their god machines, only to be used when in most dire straits. Also down below are darker things. Experiments of flessh and machine writhe with amalgamations of daemon and weapon or man. These creatures are occasionally dragged up and used for target practice, entertainment, or an ad-hoc first line of defense. The horrors of the pit are truly endless.
- You cannot play any factions not listed
- No Metagaming
- No Power Gaming
- No God Modding
- Yes it’s grimdark, but lets not get TOO mature please.
- Courtesy, this is simple.
- GM word is Law
- You cannot flip flop factions
- If you run out of troops, or your controlled areas are conquered, you lose. If there is an opening for another force you can create a new faction.
- Sectors not occupied by players are occupied by NPC forces, and cannot be insta conquered.
- Please enjoy the RP
- DO NOT POST ANY CHARACTER SHEETS IN THE INTEREST CHECK! DO NOT POST ANY CHARACTER SHEETS IN THE OOC! PM ALL CHARACTER SHEETS TO ME UPON COMPLETION! C O M P L E T I O N not a WIP or anything COMPLETED sheet. If I turn you down, fix what I tell you to fix. That simple. Also don’t come to me with some bare bones sheet, I won’t accept it.
- If you have interest in this RP, show that you have interest. And when you DO post What Faction You would like, if chaos or malice forces, what planet, and sector. Malice forces are EXTREMELY limited. As I will only be accepting one other, besides myself, Zorn.