Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 4 days ago

Serafina 'Ariel' Gray
Elizabeth 'Lizzy' Jones

A darling collab between @HaleyTheRandom and @SouffleGirl123

Currently in the kitchen of her house, Ariel would be with one of her best friends, Liz, while, of course, making cookies. With the last batch already out of the oven, she would open the drawer and grab two spoons. "Liz get your ass over here and help me eat this cookie dough," she said jokingly. Elizabeth rolled her eyes in the same manner as she seated herself upon the table the pair had been making cookies on.
"Unbelievable, I can't even leave you alone for two minutes to go to the bathroom, are you my friend or my daughter I don't remember having," she jokes, "Now gimme a spoon would you? I can't help you eat this cookie dough otherwise!"

With a joking glare, Ariel handed the girl a spoon. Grabbing her phone out of the back pocket of her shorts, she would the go through her contacts and pick out the groups names, Lizzy peering over her shoulder.

To: The Shirtless Wonder, The Blonde, Asshat, Little Miss, Mr. Trouble, The Introvert
From: Kitten

Guys, its time. get over here. me n Lizzy have cookies.

"'It's time'" Lizzy quoted in mock mysteriousness "You sound like we're going to go kill someone or something and as the self-proclaimed responsible one, even if the youngest, I advise against that."

"Oh please, they know what I mean."

After doing this, Ariel would get a scoop of the cookie dough and pop it into her mouth. When she was done chewing, she would speak to Lizzy again.

"After this, we gotta get the map and everything."

"Everything? You weren't ready for today were you? You would've written some sorta list or something, right?" Lizzy asks, fixing her hazel eyes on Ariel's face.

Looking at Liz in order to return her look, Ariel would roll her eyes lightly. "I meant things like leaving a note for my dad and loading our luggage in the car and getting a playlist together, silly. Besides, my list is in my brain."

"Is your brain that reliable though?" Lizzy points out, pointing at Ariel with her spoon full of cookie dough before eating the cookie dough off of it. "Doesn't... doesn't your father know you're about to go across the country to who-knows-where?"

"Probably not," she replied, getting some more of the dough for herself. When Lizzy brought up her father, the girls face simply became stern, her lips pursed. "What he doesn't know won't kill him. Besides, i-it's better if he didn't know."

"Ariel..." Lizzy says gently, pursing her lips and lowering her spoon to the table, "Not telling him isn't a very good idea. You're gonna freak him out Ariel. It's not going to do either of you any good if you just take off,"

"Apparently I used to freak him out a lot," she mumbled. "Look, I brought it up, he didn't take me seriously, and now here we are. I know your trying to be responsible or whatever, but honestly, what more can any of you guys expect?

"There's a difference between a few hour freak out and what you're about to do. We're gonna be going for weeks, maybe a couple of months at that," Lizzy points out, a small sigh expelling from her pale lips.

Ariel shrugged it off. "Okay, good for us. While were gone he'll have time to think it over and I'll probably end up with my phone taken for a month or something. Who knows? She paused for a moment. "The point is, we have to finish the cookie dough," she said with a hint of a laugh in her voice. Of course she would try and change the subject now. Lizzy sighed making it very clear to Ariel through her facial expressions that she did not approve of what her friend was up to but left the topic alone, not doubting the fact it would probably come up later.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex Hill

brrzt brrzt brrzt From down the hall, "Alex. Turn off your alarm!"

"Yeah, it's to loud." Alex's little sister and brother walked into his room annoyed that he is somehow sleeping through one of the loudest alarms that one could have. Sadie shuts it off then hands Micky a squirt gun, "Payback time." The two started spraying Alex with water and the once sleeping Alex became a really alert and annoyed Alex. "Ahh. What the heck. Come here." Alex said as he jumped out of bed and bolted for the little buggers that were his siblings.

The chase had begun and they were running through the house until Alex caught Micky. He took him to the ground and they rolled around laughing. Sadie walked over to them to spray Alex again, but he quickly grabbed Micky's squirt gun and shot it at Sadie, "Booyah. Gotcha both." As Alex stood back up their mother walked out of the kitchen and said, "Alright. Stop making a mess in my house. Sadie, Micky, go get towels to soak up the water. Alex, did you forget something?"

"Uhh, I don't think so. Fed the dog last night, took out the trash, if you're talkin' about breakfast I can just eat brunch."

"You will eat breakfast, but that isn't what I am talking about." What? Then what could it be? Alex had done all his chores and even helped Micky and Sadie with theirs. What did he forget? Then he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. It was a text from Ari. Wonder what it is,

Guys, its time. get over here. me n Lizzy have cookies.

"Oh, crap. The road trip." Alex quickly ran back to his room and got ready. He did last minute packing by just shoving random clothes into his bag. He had already put essential things in his truck last night and bolted down the stairs once he had everything and ate, "Bye. I'll call at stopping points. Later." From in the house could be heard the usual things one would hear from family before going on a trip. Alex chunked his stuff into the back of his truck and hopped in.

When he arrived he saw that no one else was here yet. He parked the truck off to the side and walked over to the door. He entered the house after a single knock and followed the beautiful smell of fresh cookies. In as serious and monotone a voice he could make he said, "Alright, children. I need to see your permission slips now." Then he reached for a cookie and stuffed it in his mouth keeping his usual straight face the whole time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CrazyShadowy
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jethart Igneal

"Mom, do you think I could borrow Jethart's truck today? I don't see the point of it being out there if no one else can use it."

"Nora, as much as I'd like to say yes to that, that's something you'd have to ask him. He bought that thing with his own hard earned money which he somehow got. Doesn't he have that trip today? I think he'd need it to get there, he does have his bike but I think he'd prefer to take his truck. Just go ask him, I can't give you his truck for the day, I'd like to but I just can't."

Nora greeted their other brother Corbett with a morning hug. "Morning Cory, sleep well? As for the plans today, mom won't let me take his truck she's making me go ask him myself. How unfair is that?"

Cory hugged Nora back, that was their morning thing, hugging each other. They were close and good 'friends' if you call it that. "That's so unfair! Why should we have to ask him about it, why can't mom just let us have it? I mean really, it's not like he can't get around places he still has that motorcycle of his, this is such a drag. We'll just have to make him agree to letting us take his truck for the day, that should work."

Cory and Nora headed to Jethart's room to find he was already awake, that foiled part of their plans to get him to agree. They planned to wake him in a rude way and try to force him to give it up for the day. "Oh, hi guys. What brings you to my room? You've never come before, if there's something you want I'll more then likely say no."

Nora and Cory shared an evil grin. "We just want to take your truck for the day, I figure you'd have no problem with that, mom already said we could if we wanted to. We just need your keys where ever you put them, if you could hand those over we'll be out of your hair."

At this point Jethart's phone went off in his pocket, he felt the vibration and heard it, he checked for the message and it happened to read out.

Guys, its time. get over here. me n Lizzy have cookies.

Jethart finished closing his bag and putting the final things in his backpack and in his pockets. That included his wallet, keys, phone, knife and the keys to his motorcycle, while no one else knew how to ride it he just wanted to be safe and take them with him. He shut out his siblings and managed to push them out of his room, he looked around trying to see if he forgot anything. He checked his pockets and bags to be sure, everything he planned to bring was in them. Soon after he carried everything to the truck, put the bags in the spare seat, told his mother and father goodbye and locked the door to his room then he left.

The ride wasn't going to be that long, he still had his music turned on. He decided to use it to help him relax and get to a more peaceful state before reaching Ariel's house and seeing everyone again, he'd hate to be in a bad mood with them around. He felt he'd just drag everyone down if he did.

After the ride, he noticed hardly anyone was there, it seemed Ariel and Lizzy were there along with Alex. He parked on the curb near where Alex did, he took his stuff out and locked his truck. He knocked on the door three times before entering the house, he set his stuff down on the couch and wandered to the kitchen where he assumed they'd be.

"Hey guys, sorry I wasn't here sooner, Nora and Cory were getting on me about them wanting my truck for the day, can't trust them with a book so why trust them with my truck? What matter's now is that I'm here and can relax before we leave, does everyone have everything they need? I can go to their house and get anything they forgot if needed, just make sure I don't have to interact with anyone and we're all good!" He took a spoon and started to eat some of what little cookie dough was left, the house was full with the scent of the cookies and he was exicted to eat them once they were all done.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BassDropp
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jamie Wolfe

Getting up was always the hardest part of the day for Jamie Wolfe, even though it was into the afternoon when he finally woke up. The first thing he noticed was that he wasn't alone in his bed, which was odd. The second thing he noticed was that he definitely had too much to drink the night before. He didn't even remember who he had been with or how much he had drank. James turned over and came face to face with a girl he barely recognized. Images came back from the night before, he had been at a party and this one girl had been flirting with him, that's all he remembered. Turned out he had taken her home with him apparently. She stirred and finally opened her eyes to meet his. Unlike him, she must not have had enough to drink because she smiled and bit her lower lip, saying how amazing the night before had been.

Jamie decided to bullshit it and he grinned back, saying he had a great time too. The girl who's name he did not remember seemed like she was going to continue what they had been doing the night before when James' phones went off on his nightstand. Wolfe sighed and pushed the girl away gently and squinted at his cell's screen. It was a text from Ariel, saying it was time to meet up for the road trip.

"Aw shit, sorry, uh-" James wasn't able to recall the girl's name. "I'm leaving town today and I totally forgot about it, you're gonna have to leave." The girl's face dropped and he could practically feel her disappointment. Yeah, it was definitely a dick move but he had things to do. Most of the girls he brought home weren't happy when they left his house in the morning.

After the girl collected her things and stormed out, Jamie took a shower and dressed himself in black shorts and a red tank top. Ending up in the dining room, he noticed his Grandma was home. She told him that his friend Katie had just left and that Grandad was out golfing with some of his friends. James kindly reminded her that the girl was not Katie. Katie had been an old childhood friend who he hadn't seen in years. Grandmas seemed to be losing her memory, sadly. Jamie smiled through it and gave her a hug and reminded her to take her pills that he left on the kitchen table for her.

Wolfe was glad he had packed the weekend before and his bags were waiting in the trunk of his car. He slid into his car and took a moment to breathe, which was rare. Thoughts of what was to come during the trip, the people he would be acquainted with and the decisions he had to make afterwards. It could seem like a small thing really, considering the whole big picture. But really, it was huge, the job path he chose would altar his life indefinitely. Marines or mechanics, the question drummed in the back of his head as he drove quite speedily to Ariel's house.

Pulling into the driveway, Jamie noticed that some people had already arrived. Not that it was a big deal really, he wasn't exactly known for his punctuality. Before he left the car he fumbled around in his glove compartment until his hand found purchase on a pack of cigarettes and dragged it out. He used a lighter taken from his pocket to light a cigarette and exhaled a cloud of smoke. He stuffed the pack into his pocket and vowed this would be the only time he would smoke that week. Sure, smoking occasionally calmed his hyperactive and overthinking brain, but he knew the shit was bad for him. He made sure to stomp out the butt before entering the house, knowing most of his friends hated the smell of smoke.

James didn't bother knocking on the front door and instead just let himself in. Once in clear view of everyone he cleared his throat and took a bow, "ladies -especially the ladies- and gentlemen, you lives have just gotten better, James freakin' Wolfe has entered the building."

Straightening from his bow, he made sure to keep a straight face so they would think he was being serious, he nailed it, even adding a devilish glint in his eyes. "I smell cookies," he noted happily. Jamie sauntered over to the assembled group of friends and stuck a finger into the bowl of cookie dough to retrieve a fat gob of deliciousness and stuffed it into his mouth. "What's up babes?" He asked aloud after chewing, referring to everyone in the room and not just the girls.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gɪᴏᴠᴀɴɴᴀ Sᴀɴᴛᴏs

Gia had been excited for this trip for weeks, she had packed, unpacked, and then repacked all of her clothes at least once in the hustle and bustle of what to pack and what to wear. This morning she sat at the kitchen table as her mother painted her nails, she would have done it herself, but her mother insisted. She wanted them to have this small bonding moment before she was set off to leave for a long trip. Her mother carefully painted streaks of red across the girl's nails, her petite hands held in hers. A smile was spread across Gia's face, when all of a sudden her phone buzzed in her purse at the kitchen counter.

"Papa!" Gia exclaimed, her eyes widened in impatience. She didn't want to ruin her manicure to answer the phone, but she wanted to know what she was being texted in case it had something to do with the trip. "Papa! Can you please read the message on my phone to me?" Mr. Santos could be heard getting up from the living room couch as he walked over to the bag and reached in grabbing out the phone. Sliding his finger across he read it out loud:

Guys, its time. get over here. me n Lizzy have cookies.

"Papa you didn't have to read all of it like that." Gia said embarrassed slightly. Her father began to snoop around in her phone looking at her other messages as a shriek slipped from Gia's lips as both her parents let out chuckles. He slipped her phone back into her purse, and kissed her forehead lovingly. "We will miss you around here my love." he said, and Gia shook her head, "I will be home before you know it." she stated. Her mother squeezing her hand before letting it go. "You're all done, but let it dry a little. Dad will drop you off in the car at Ariel's." Standing up, along with her mother who was about the same size as her, Gia kissed both of her cheeks. "Thank you mama." she cooed, waiting around slightly for her nails to dry, the excitement bubbling.

After saying her goodbyes to her little sisters and older brother, she was in the car. Her father began telling her all the things she shouldn't and should be doing on the trip. "Giovanna are you listening to me?" he questioned, her hands busy pinning up her hair and placing a red bandanna on. Between her teeth was a bobby pin, "Yes papa!" she clenched, as her eye brows furrowed. Didn't he see she was a little busy at the moment? She knew it was serious by the use of her full name, something that was reserved for serious moments. After she pinned her hair she looked at her father and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I will be safe, I will call every once in awhile, and I will have fun and take pictures too." they exchanged looks as they pulled in front of Ariel's house, a silent moment before getting out of the car. Her father took out her suitcase from the back and pulled out the handle, handing it to her as he pulled her into a tight embrace.

Walking up the front, Gia knew she was a bit late. "I'm hereeee!" Gia sang excitedly as she walked in, leaving her suitcase outside the front door. She turned to see everyone and gave a cheesy grin as she went around giving big hugs to everyone. She usually would kiss everyone's cheeks but her lipstick had been also applied in the car and was still able to be smudged. Her eyes widened spotting the cookies the two girls had made as she helped herself to one, taking a look at everyone with bright eyes.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jace Holdbrooke

Jace had been up for at least two hours now, and with his parents out of the house, he quickly made himself a bowl of cereal before taking a quick shower, getting dressed and heading out the door, skateboard in hand. And then it hit him. There was SOMETHING going on today. But what that something was... what was it? It was at that moment his phone buzzed in his right pocket Pulling it out and seeing the brightly lit screen, he clicked on the notification, seeing the text from the one and only Ariel. Why did she want them all over at her place? A huge orgy, maybe? That would be different. Definitely something Liz wouldn't have agreed to. And then it hit him. The road trip. He quickly ran upstairs as the skateboard hit the floor in his rush, grabbing the duffle bag full of random things from inside his closet before running back down and picking his skateboard up again. His mother came out of the room at that time, a tired look on her face. "Road trip. Heading to Ari's. See you next year," he said jokingly, shutting the door behind hisself.

He placed his skate-board on the ground, pushing off with his left leg, sending him off in a quick motion down the hill from his house. The wind going blowing through his untamable hair, he would let a smile cross his face. He was getting out of this place with his friends. No parents, no teachers, no form of authority period. Unless you considered Alex. Somehow he always seemed to make sure everything was in check. All in all, it took him ten minutes to get to Ariels place, not living far from there. He walked in without a formality of walking or ringing the door bell, setting his things by the door. "Guess who, babes?!"

Following his nose, he would wind up in the kitchen, the smell of the cookies drawing him in. Picking one up of the plate on the counter and taking a bite, he would nod his head in approval before rubbing Ariel on the top of the head and giving Lizzy a quick teasing kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for the snacks, mom," he said with a laugh. Man did he love to give her hell. It was then that he spotted Gia. "Gia baby!" He opened his arms wide in a goofy way before giving her a hug and a short wave to Alex and a 'sup bro' nod to Jaimie.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Elizabeth Jones

Alex was the first to enter. Lizzy gave him a smile and greeted him with a "Good Morning,". Alex joking mentioned permission slips and Lizzy couldn't help but chuckle slightly as Alex ate a cookie straight-faced before arguing with, "Hey! I'm the responsible person on this trip I have no need for a form," and putting on an equally serious face and jokingly glaring down Alex before turning an accusing glance to Ariel. Lizzy was still not content with Ariel's plan to just up-'n'-leave but chose it better to not say anything.

Jethart was next to enter and Lizzy greeted him in the same way she did Alex before continuing on with, "Siblings, huh? Not that I can really sympathize, Josh Iis a sweetheart,"

Before she could go on Jamie came serenading into the room, bowung and greeting and dropping the full-of-it formal act to make a beeline for the cookies. Lizzy shook her head slightly at Jamie.

"Morning Gia!" Lizzy sung back equally as excitably, accepting the hug and giving her a squeeze of her own. Gia then went on to look at the cookie eaters with expectant hazel eyes. "Good?"

Then Jace entered the house and followed his nose to the counter before helping himself to a cookie. Lizzy was about to say something when jje swooped in to kiss her on the cheek. Lizzy shook her head, trust him to go there. He always tended to go the extra mile to tease her failure to detect most flirting, or to recognize the guy was good-looking. Lizzy looked at him expectantly as well, "They taste alright?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 1 day ago


Her bags had been packed and in the trunk of her car for days now. She was so ready for this.

The text message was like a message from above, even if she took issue with the little 'nickname' that was so associated with her in the group text field. Cass had been waiting for such a message for days now, knowing only that a supposed road trip was coming but not the exact day and date. Because she couldn't schedule her work schedule around this, this meant she still had to suffer through the indignity of holding down a thankless job carting around food and taking orders for people. But the message came through. And with it Cass had to let out a smirk.

This trip was just the excuse she needed to do what she wanted to do from the first day she put on her little apron and didn't get tipped by stingy customers. Cass Rowley was going to quit her job. It wouldn't be the first time and she doubted it would be the last, assuming she took another job again. Who knew what the future held, let alone if she would even come back after the road trip. A lot could happen on the road.

As soon as the message was received, Cass removed her apron and tossed it to the side. As she did, another waitress was heading out to the floor with a tray of food. "Hey, let me take this one, yeah?" Cass stopped the waitress, relieving the poor girl of her responsibilities. Cass didn't care if what she was going to do would reflect badly on her co-worker; she hadn't even remembered the girl's name and she hadn't exactly tried to befriend Cass either. No harm, no foul.

With a tray of food in hand, with one plate containing a burger and another a patty melt, with a milkshake on the tray as well, Cass stepped out onto the floor to the couple that had just wanted a nice lunch. "Patty melt?" Cass asked the table, setting it in front of the one who ordered it. Except the food didn't get set on the table. Cass mishandled the plate 'accidentally' and the patty melt slipped off the plate and dropped wholly into the guest's lap. There was an outcry, as expected, with voices being raised and the aggressive partner of the patty melt wearer getting in Cass' face. "So you don't want your bacon cheeseburger, then?" was all Cass said as she tuned out the verbal assault being levied at her. With a shrug of her shoulders she took the man's cheeseburger and bit into it herself. "Still gonna have to charge you for it, though," Cass spoke with a mouthful of meat, bun, cheese, and bacon.

The verbal assault was in danger of turning physical as the man, quite understandably pissed at this blonde waitress, stood from the booth in a threatening, squaring up sort of manner. As soon as it looked like the man was going to rush her, she grabbed the milkshake glass and jerked it forwards, splashing it onto the man's face and causing the cold vanilla mixture to drip down onto his shirt. It was a temporary gesture that only served to increase the man's volume and anger.

At this point, drawn by the shouting, the manager came rushing out to see what the commotion was all about and he sighed as he saw Cass making a scene. Cass, however, simply turned to the manager and smiled with a meaty mouth. "There you are, Mike. Just wanna let you know that I quit. Just wanted to let you know so I could do this," Cass turned back to the angry couple, took another bite of the burger, and then just dropped the rest of the contents on the plate onto the floor. Burger, fries, even a pickle. The condiments splashed on their feet, with ketchup staining the man's fancy looking leather shoes. Cass was cackling like a banshee as she fled from the scene, hurrying out onto the lot and into her car before anyone was able to restrain her.

She was driving towards Ariel's house while still enjoying the lingering taste of a shitty cheeseburger.

When she pulled up and noticed that she wasn't the first to arrive, but she was sure to be the only one to arrive in style as she pulled not onto the driveway or even next to it, but up onto the lawn. From her car came the blaring sound of angry punk music, fitting all things considered. Her excuse for parking up on the curb was simple. No parking. What would tires do to grass anyway? Not much, she figured.

Cass walked up towards the door. But rather than stop and knock and wait, she simply turned the knob and opened the front door.

"I hope your parents are in the market for some lawn care, cuz my tires came with a healthy amount of mud." She announced her presence with a booming voice, "You bitches didn't forget about me, did you?" Cass didn't even grab a cookie, instead hopping, literally hopping, over the back of a couch to take a seat, propping her feet up onto the coffee table as if she owned the place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 4 days ago

Serafina 'Ariel' Gray

Good. Excellent. Everyone was here and accounted for. When Alex walked in and asked for permission slip, the girl couldn't help but giggle. "Oh please. Your chaperone isn't that strict." Next was Jethart. Hearing the boys remark, she continued to smile and roll her eyes. "Shut your kind, introverted mouth, silly. I'm sure everyone has everything they need, and if they don't, oh well. Ariel shrugged her shoulders. Then there was Jamie, who she quickly hugged before Gia came in and stole her away, giving everyone a hug of her own. Jace with his pat on the head that she swatted away, glaring at the boy. Next was Little Miss Flop On The Couch - Cass. Then again, Ariel couldn't say anything to the girl, it was the perfect way to get comfy.

"Okay. Here's the thing guys. I put all of our names into a randomizer and the person who's name pops up gets to close there eyes, point there finger at the map and that will be where we go. It'll happen the whole time through the trip, and everyone will get to pick one destination. So..." She pulled up the randomizer, clicking enter. Holding up the phone so everyone else could see the results she would say: "Jet, get your ass over here and pick the destination. Eyes closed."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CrazyShadowy
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jethart Igneal

Jethart greeted those who entered quietly after him, noticing one by one those who did. After Cass came and jumped onto the couch that seemed like everyone was here. He remained in his corner he somehow wandered off to he assumed unnoticed. Watching everyone interact with each other and listening in on conversation, not wanting to get involved in them himself. He'd begun to space out until he was called upon by Ariel.

"H-Huh? Oh, I have to come up and pick a location with my eyes closed don't I? Well, better start this off good, hoping I pick somewhere good and far from here. I'm hoping for something atleast a state away. Maybe we'll go to Canada if we get lucky, I hear that's a nice place to go for a trip or vacation of some sort."

With closing his eyes and letting out a sigh, he lifted his hand and extended index finger. Unsure of where it would land, in America or Canada or off the map, Jethart wondered what would happen if someone chose Canada, would they actually go or would they be forced to choose again? Jethart was hoping for something like Washington but as he couldn't remember the map size he just launched his finger to where it wanted to go.

"Minnesota, or is that Manitoba? It was close to the top I'd say. I don't know if we could go to Canada so if we go to Minnesota that's fine, I did happen to put it in one of those two locations. I'll leave that choice up to the group, I don't think I'd make a good one for all of us, I don't know who has a passport or not or who'd like to go to Canada or Minnesota. I'll uh, I'll back away now and leave that up to you."

Jethart walked into the living room where Cass was, he sat down in a chair and picked up a book he saw on the table. Upon grabbing it he inspected the inside of it and began to read while awaiting to hear what would happen with his choice. He hadn't spent time alone with Cass very much nor did he find much to talk about with her. Different interests and what not, he'd still try but he decided not to this time around.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex Hill

Alex just sat by as the others arrived to the house. He gave a slight nod to Jethart. Alex knew the aggravation younger siblings could be but he had been on the other side. Alex picked up another cookie as who he assumed was Jamie walked in. Alex had only been told a brief description about the guy when Ariel told him about the trip in the first place. Alex started to stick the second cookie in his mouth when Gia showed up and gave them all hugs. Alex froze a little because he wasn't particularly fond of physical contact. He heard Jace before he saw him. When the guy patted Ariel on the head and she swatted the hand away Alex smirked. However, when the flirt pecked Lizzy on the cheek Alex flinched. The young man quickly looked around to make sure no one noticed and from what he could tell no one did. When Lizzy asked if the cookies tasted alright he simply responded by continuing to eat them. Alex did internally groan as the final member of the group, Cass, came in.

They quickly got to business as Ariel quickly got Jethart to pick a destination. Alex thought this method of choosing could be interesting and quite fun. Hopefully, no one would accidentally pick some place out in the middle of no where. As the location of Minnesota was announced Alex just mentally shrugged. He really didn't know what their was to do there, "All I think of when I hear Minnesota is hockey and the Mighty Ducks. What is there to do in Minnesota?" He made a quick statement just to get the ball of conversation rolling since the guy who picked the place walked out of the room and instantly started reading something.

After saying this Alex retreated into his own mind to mull over the group that had gathered. First was Ariel, who he called Little Mermaid. Out of all the people in the room she was the person he was probably closest to and that's saying something. She is one of the few he can open up to and just talk. She understands that he doesn't like talking about things the way most people do and when they do talk it's not just things like how ones day is going. He also watches her YouTube videos despite not liking the same kind of music to the extent that she does. He even reads her blog from time to time but hasn't told her that. He can tell she is hiding something from people but has no idea what. By his nature he will probably never ask mainly because he has his own secrets and feels if she tells him hers that he should tell her his. Which he won't do. Not because he doesn't appreciate her as a friend but because he doesn't want to load her down with the pain he feels inside.

He then turned to the older sister of one of his better friends. Alex met Lizzy, who he prefers to call Momma Jones due to her motherly nature, and her brother because of Ariel. Alex started spending time with Josh mainly because he clicked a lot better with those younger than him. Alex felt that most his age would always forget him or just ditch him. With kids though they tended to look up to Alex not just because of his height though. Alex always loves to be that older brother type. With Josh and Ariel every now and then saying something about Lizzy, Alex really doesn't know what to think about her. Alex does feel like the two of them are somewhat like the mother and father of the group yet not. She will be a soothing yet authoritative hand depending on the situation, and he will, really only if asked, give the fatherly like advice while making sure they don't get everyone in trouble. Alex usually leaves the chaos control to Lizzy though opting to only intervene when things get really bad.

Next was Crass Rowley. He knows it's Cass but deliberately calls her Crass. Not to be mean or anything like that but because that is just how she acts. Alex knows she isn't unintelligent, but he still calls her Crass Rowley. The only reason he even spoke to the girl at all though was because they had similar friends. So he would at times go out of his way to be kind even if she wasn't. Unless she did something really bad, which hasn't happened yet, she would never be able to get anything that seemed unkind to come from Alex other than the nickname by which he calls her.

Alex looked in the direction of Flirts McGee. Jace to those who don't get it. Alex didn't despise the guy, but he couldn't say he liked him either. The guy was cocky and rebellious. He was disrespectful to authorities and he also flirted with almost any girl he saw. That last part is more of Alex being upset with himself that he can't flirt at all and this guy just walked in and gave Lizzy a kiss on the cheek. All-in-all Alex thought Jace was a somewhat decent guy despite his attitude because the guy actually seemed to care about his friends. So, as long as Jace didn't hurt one of their common friends Alex had no real issues with him.

To Alex Gia, or Geez Louise for no real apparent reason, is one of the friends that can get him to do stuff other than sit around being lazy all day. If he was at a party it was more than likely because Gia found some way to get him there. Alex sees Gia as a younger sister in a way. In due part to two main reasons. She is slightly similar to his actual sister, Sadie but without all the annoying parts, and he just wants to look out for her and make sure no one hurts her. That is a benefit of having Alex as a friend. He'll look out for ya.

Then there is Jethart. Alex doesn't talk to him much for obvious reasons since both are just naturally quiet, but when they do speak Alex calls him Jay-Jay the Jet Plane. Only on account that most call him Jet. Alex and Jet are slightly similar in quite a few regards, but Alex just doesn't push the issue of trying to talk to him. Alex believes that if the guy wants to get to know him that he will come speak to him. So, their friendship seems to just be loosely based around their common friends. Alex would like to know him better, but he just doesn't want to risk it.

And then last, but not least, because Alex preferred being considered least at most times, was Jamie. The only person in the room Alex had not met before a few seconds ago. It's usually hard to not make first impressions the main thing you look back to in terms of a person, but despite what Ariel told him about Jamie, Alex didn't like his attitude or demeanor. Alex didn't like people who were considered 'Playboy's' or those who seemed arrogant and cocky. It seemed as though that this was what the guy was. Alex would do his best not to be mean, but he made no promises yet.

Once Alex was done with his inner monologue he looked around and said, "So, we ready to hit the road or is there something anyone needs to do last minute?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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Cass had practically tuned out the conversations going on around her, the greetings of friends and acquaintances and the like; she was well aware that to practically everyone here she was only around because she knew the top brass. A literal 'friend of a friend' situation. If the others didn't like her, that was too damn bad. She was awesome. She told herself that every day. The Hispanic man she was currently living with told her that every day too. Well, he said something in Spanish but she assumed it was positive. He wasn't much for talking in English,much more of an actions sort of person.

Suffice it to say, Cass just knew she was awesome and if others disagreed then they could fuck themselves.

A wet farting sound came from Cass' corner of the couch when the destination was picked, followed by a rather crude gesture involving her left hand curled into a fist and an up and down motion. "Manniwhata? Minnewho? Those are sounding like some boring as all fuck places, Jet Plane. You could've at lease aimed for somewhere a little more exciting."

Of course, she knew it didn't matter her complaints, such was the power of blind decision, but when had that ever stopped her from saying, well, anything. All she knew about Minnesota was that it was a state people forget exists, like Montana or Iowa, and that there's a ball of twine somewhere in the state. Though maybe that was a song. Possibly both. Even still, it didn't sound like the hot spot destination for this road trip, not like a beach or a big city with lots to do in little time.

"Plus fuck Canada. Who needs it, right? Not all of us have passports anyway, and as much as it'd be fun, I ain't a fan of being smuggled in the back of a trunk. You'd all be criminals, though, which would make you marginally cooler. But whatever."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gɪᴏᴠᴀɴɴᴀ Sᴀɴᴛᴏs

As the girl settled in, giving her greetings and hugs alike she leaned back against the kitchen counter and enjoyed her cookie. She wasn't too picky of where the group was headed, she just wanted to get away from town with her best friends. Jet picked Minnesota, and Gia rasied her eyebrows, quickly swallowing her cookie before speaking, "The Mall of America is there!" she said, laughing slightly. She was all about shopping but knew that her other friends wouldn't want to spend that much time there. "Besides that, we could probably camp there, it's very pretty. So I've heard." she smiled, looking around as other people piped in their opinions. "I have my passport." Gia mentioned, but shook her head. "I think it would be best though for us to stay in the country, less to worry about. Though I wouldn't mind showing you all my home some day." Gia said, grabbing another cookie for herself. She had just eaten breakfast, but the sweets were too good to not have another.
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