Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CrazyShadowy
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@Shoryu Magami
Hey, hope you rest well. I got five hours, then went back to sleep for two after learning the plans wouldn't work out. Kinda doing whatever, another good mood so that's a good thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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@Shoryu Magami Oh yes.

@Pudding Oh my! I think I just died from laughter a little bit.

<Snipped quote by Pudding>

We might have that nightmare in a few days! D:

Ugh. Don't remind me.

I don't particularly like Hillary either, but, eh.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

... "Trump Train" is an actual thing...? I am now an empty shell of a man... Thank you, world... Thank you... xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Alright everyone, I'm going to get some sleep. I'll be up in around five or so hours, though I don't know what I'll be doing yet.

I think in any community - fandom or not - we can't run away from assholes. They are everywhere, breeding everywhere, as long as there are humans around. Even within ourselves, who says that we don't have an ugly side, some internal flaws that make us human? Human being is a flawed species as much as any living (or even non-living) things that have existed in the universe. No one - nothing - is perfect. If you have nice people, you'll definitely get jerks and douches to make that contrast. Otherwise how can the nice ones be considered 'nice'?

I like anime, I like Kingdom Hearts, but there's nothing I can do to truly purify the toxic fandom behind the things I like, so the only thing I can do is to stay far away from those obsessive fans to maintain my sanity. Sounds selfish, but let's be realistic here: I'd rather avoid unnecessary squabbles that will make me as childish as them and focus on the more important things in life instead.

While I don't believe that evil needs to exist in order for good to exist, I do believe that the possibility of evil needs to exist in order for the existence of good to be possible; in this sense I agree with that sentiment as it relates to my own philosophy. I'm not one of those Yin/Yang style balance people who believes that it's okay to accept evil in the world in order for a balance between right and wrong to exist; that sort of thought process is nothing more than bystander effect born from mob mentality. Not that I'm implying that you've suggested such a thing in your post; I'm merely giving my overall thoughts on the philosophy before I head off to rest.

As for the flaws in humanity, I believe I already expressed part of my views regarding this with my "Whether they live under the laws of others or choose to defy them, those who lack this wisdom are shackled to their base instincts and inner demons just like animals; they have no real freedom." quote of mine you liked enough to want to add to that "quote book" of yours.

I mostly stay away from the communities for similar reasons, honestly. I don't think it's inherently selfish to avoid toxic communities so long as you're still able to make a connection with the people who're actually worth investing in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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First of all, on the subject on fandoms I’d like to defer you guys to my point in another thread entirely:

and I would agree that on the radical end of it they are probably one of the most obnoxious people that existβ€” but that goes for all fanatics, it’s kind of in the definition of the terminology.

: marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion.
: a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal.
: a person whose enthusiasm or zeal for something is extreme or beyond normal limits
: someone who has very strong beliefs that often make them behave in an unreasonable way

Fanatics by the truest form of the word do not live in realityβ€” they are not humble, rational, or perceptive. They are significant elitists that put their idol on public view for agreeance. That’s why I currently do not consider myself words that describe the same thing like β€œotaku”, because it is the language of arrogance. You can be passionate about something and enjoy the artistic expression but you should still be largely understanding of opposing views and be able to look at what you like with as much criticism as the person who is not a β€œbeliever”.

Thus universally fandom as a concept is a insane, delusional, and irrational belief that exists only to worship instead to have discussion.

I’ve been a part of many communities as it sort of goes with the territory of β€˜being on the internet and its message boards for seventeen years’. I was effectively raised on escapism; particularly video games, comic books, and animated series. I have over two-hundred pressings of Sonic the Hedgehog comics, I have a replica of Henry Jones Sr’s Diary from Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade, I have an elaborate collection of anime DVD’s, and several merchandise made by other people for the sake of the community. There will always be toxic people in any medium, especially when it gets as specific and β€œauteur” or niche as Anime. You literally cannot take it at face value and ignore the elitism and toxicity and focus on the good aspects of the community and piece of art/medium you enjoy.

Anime is great. Anime communities are great. Fanaticism and Elitism are not.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

There will always be toxic people in any medium, especially when it gets as specific and β€œauteur” or niche as Anime. You literally cannot take it at face value and ignore the elitism and toxicity and focus on the good aspects of the community and piece of art/medium you enjoy.

That's more or less exactly what I've been getting at with all the posts I was giving back and forth with @NekoMizu; I prefer not to involve myself in communities at all simply because I can't ignore the idiots. I'm not the type of person who only looks at the side of the story they want to see; I'm a bit too objective in that sense which means I'm never comfortable within any community because I won't let the good justify the bad. I'm a realist, so the toxic people will always be there to me; that's precisely the problem I'm having with this site as well.

Honestly, I prefer to just keep to myself, involve myself in a small circle of friends who are actually worth my time and investment, and not let my senses get polluted by all the people who want to ruin things for everyone. I don't involve myself in superficiality or mobs. If I like something, I like it; I don't particularly care who else does.

That said, I think there's a very fine line between "fanaticism" and "conviction" that all too many people are willing to ignore in order to toss the label "fanatic" onto anyone or anything they dislike. Without powerful enthusiasm or zeal, humanity wouldn't actually even move forward in this world or achieve anything; passion drives genius. There is also absolutely nothing wrong with strongly believing in something; failing to do so often leads to nihilism.

Simply having powerful enthusiasm or zeal does not automatically translate to bias; I'm my own biggest critic (as I've told people many times), I always scrutinize and deconstruct my own side of an argument while making sure I thoroughly research and understand any belief I'm adamantly opposed to before expressing an opinion of it. People shouldn't even voice an opinion of something if they don't completely understand it; understanding every side is the core of a true philosopher.

As for "elitism"; it's been brought to my attention over the years that this term gets tossed out very haphazardly. While I don't agree with elitism, people have tried to use the label on me in the past for no reason outside of my dislike of people who lack conviction or don't show any class. These are the types of people who would call a GM an "elitist" for not letting them into their role-play, or the types of people who would call us "elitists" for not tolerating those idiots in the "bitchfest" thread several days back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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@Gowi has made me realize that I can never compete anyone when it comes to fan collection of the things they enjoy. The only complete collection I have for anything is the full set of all seven Harry Potter books, and that's about it. The rest of the stuff I own are scattered items across various media and franchise: a standard grade model of Gundam Virtue I got it for free during the 30th Gundam Anniversary fair held in my region some years ago, odd volumes of the collector's copy of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle manga I got for 100 yen each in Japan last year, and a few other random stuff I forgot where I kept them, lol.

...Well, I don't have that much money to indulge myself in such personal trophies on top of my essential daily expenses. I'm just a poor college student. XD

As for "elitism"; it's been brought to my attention over the years that this term gets tossed out very haphazardly. While I don't agree with elitism, people have tried to use the label on me in the past for no reason outside of my dislike of people who lack conviction or don't show any class. These are the types of people who would call a GM an "elitist" for not letting them into their role-play, or the types of people who would call us "elitists" for not tolerating those idiots in the "bitchfest" thread several days back.

Well, 'cause they are sore losers who can't choose their battle wisely.
As the Ancient Chinese saying goes. "There will always be another mountain higher than this mountain." There are always someone better than ourselves, so let's not get carried away by our own inflated, swollen pride.

But honestly, no one is absolutely right or wrong about things in this world - I mean, what exactly is the right answer if we don't know the context to derive at that conclusion? In a RP, the GM has the final say; in the society, the majority or the one with the highest authority has the final say. Anyone can challenge them only if you're prepared to face the consequences for doing so, rather than calling people names when you don't have what it takes to face defeat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Things are still not so great on my end (still dizzy, overworked, fatigued, stressed, irritated by being on this site, etc), but I hope all of you are going better on your own ends.

Sore losers are everywhere; if people don't want to handle a debate going out of their control they shouldn't voice an opinion to start with.

Many people in this world often mistake pride and dignity for arrogance, as well as mistake confidence for hubris. Just in the same way as there are fine lines between these things, there's also a fine line between humility and self-deprecation, the latter of which can ruin people and those around them. I don't believe in comparing myself to anyone; I neither believe I am the "best" nor do I believe anyone else is "better" than me; we can't possibly compare ourselves to everyone because we'll never meet everyone, so the entire point of that saying has always just seemed like a justification for people to look down on themselves to me.

The only thing which I compete against each day is my true potential; I'm the type of person who'd rather seek out and overcome that higher mountain rather than let its existence intimidate me or cause me to think less of myself, which is one of the reasons my adaptive capabilities are often commended. Without passion humanity achieves nothing, as I said.

On the subject of absolute right or wrong; I believe it's far more a matter of the context than it is a universal matter (which I believe is what you were suggesting), though I do believe in certain concepts that can apply to all situations. After all, the very belief that there is no absolute right or wrong is this world could be thought of as a form of absolutism itself, making the idea self-defeating and redundant. Nevertheless, I don't believe that those who have the "final say" that you described previously are always the ones who are in the right (in fact they very frequently are in the wrong), and I can only suspect you feel the same given the last comment you made.

I definitely believe that people need to be prepared for the consequences of their actions when raising a banner or having a opinion, and I don't have any regrets for the path I'm walking down nor do I intend to run from the responsibility of it. So long as I never found something to make me doubt my beliefs (I never have, despite actively searching for it from all angles), I'd continue down the path I'm going even if I was the last person alive who chose it; that's what it means to have principles rather than just be following mob mentality. Even if something did make me have to rethink my values, all I'd need to do is adapt to it and factor it in; I don't actually think anything could change my stance completely.

Also, it should be clarify from my other post that when I say I don't agree with the Yin/Yang philosophy, it's only the literal idea behind it; the notion that there needs to be a person out there committing holocausts in order to "balance" the presence of a saint in the world. I consider this one of the most twisted notions humanity has conceived, since it facilitates and even encourages depravity and amorality; leads humanity to be worse than its true potential.

Like I've said; I agree with the metaphorical notion that the possibility of evil is required for something to serve as a comparison for good to exist (in fact I actually interpret certain stories in mythology and scripture this way), but the actual existence of evil is not needed. People frequently speak of being "above good and evil", but in my eyes these people are below good and evil; no different to animals or children. As one of my signature quotes implies; all that's needed for evil to triumph is for good to do nothing; losing principles to amorality is the end of humanity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Noticed you're both around. How're you two doing?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

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@Shoryu Magami
I've been sleeping all day ahaha! Well, more like resting in bed. I just felt entirely drained and done with the world for day.
How're you?
*currently heating up dinner*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Anime is great. Anime communities are great.

Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Thinking about putting something on to eat myself, just because I could use the energy. Under normal circumstances I'd be going to bed in a few hours, but I've not been up for that long due to my sleep pattern getting messed around more given the state of mind I've been in lately. I'm still not really settled on sticking around this site, but I'm thinking of just limited my activity more rather than disappearing entirely; if I become too active and get too comfortable here I won't be able to put up with the people who're really irking me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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<Snipped quote by Gowi>
Not All Heroes Wear Capes

@Shoryu Magami
Aw, if you need to limit your activity, that's fine. I'd be sad if you just poofed since I enjoy talking with you.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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@Dynamo Frokane
My browser isn't in a state where I can open links to videos (nor videos themselves sometimes) without resulting in me losing work, so I won't be clicking on that. On the other hand, I do hope you're not putting something up that could spark another fandom war; I'm frankly growing tired of that nonsense.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Even if it does happen, you're welcome to contact me over Skype. I already put the username into this thread a few times, but it's solitaryangel1983 if you don't want to go searching for it. I've also got Yahoo Messenger currently. At any rate, we'll see what happens. I really try to avoid sticking around one site for too long if people annoy me, since I've got a lot of work to do and I don't need toxic people poisoning my mind all the time.

Figured I should send this as a different post to make sure you got the notification.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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@Shoryu Magami
I was afk lel I'm doing all right. Planning on writing soon.

@Dynamo Frokane
How do you know he doesn't wear a cape?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Ah, fair enough. I haven't been able to write in a long while due to all of the work going on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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@Shoryu Magami
Yeah I should probably start now, but anyway, cheese. I do not have any.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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@Shoryu Magami
I'll note it down in my phone (^O^)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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NekoMizu The cat

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You got skype tho?
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