Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ailyn Evensen
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Ailyn Evensen I'm Crafty, You Can't Expect Me To Be Neat Too...

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@NekoMizu I could, but that requires money too. So, I'll just wait til I can afford one of the newer ones. If I can scrap the cash, there's a version on sale friday that's $99.

And hiya @Cynder!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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@Ailyn Evensen
You can get a New 3DS from Japan for a little under 200$ new and used for like 150$-
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ailyn Evensen
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Ailyn Evensen I'm Crafty, You Can't Expect Me To Be Neat Too...

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Ailyn Evensen
You can get a New 3DS from Japan for a little under 200$ new and used for like 150$-

Yeah, but there's a special edition new one going on sale on black friday that'll be $99.


The have a black and white one. I'd just get a white one and put a pink skin on it or something. I know it's not the XL, but I don't have that kind of money.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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@Ailyn Evensen
Oh so it is a new 3ds. I thought you were talking about a normal 3ds. I probably will not even attempt to get one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Shoryu Magami 𝔊𝔲𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔦𝔞𝔫 𝔬𝔣 𝔄𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh, it's no worry. I just hate the idea of people potentially being mistreated or scared off of the Discord. I'm more or less a justice-minded person and that's probably why it's fitting that I'm considering majoring in Criminal Justice. And I'm feeling much better, thank you for asking! I've been devouring glasses of orange juice (my sick person panacea) and getting rest.

The cold has almost cleared up and I have yet to take anything for it. I also have Jiu Jitsu in a few hours and exercise does wonders for a sick body.

Given the way my mind works, a private detective is probably one of my ideal jobs. I'm all for justice myself; in fact, people often think I'm really 'self-righteous' due to it, but I think I'm quite reasonable. Anyway, I guess you could say I just don't have too much faith in the law -- the guilty frequently go free and the innocent can be punished, so I'm probably a little too cynical towards the justice system to work completely inside of it. On the other hand, having more justice-minded people like you involved in it would do some good. I won't bother sending the name over PM in that case, but they were admittedly responsible for my decision not to give the Discord chat a look.

I would've gotten involved in martial arts myself, long ago, had it not been for how severely poor my health has been throughout my life.

Can't really watch a stream given the state of my PC. I usually need to tell another (off the site) friend the same thing.

@NekoMizu@Pudding@Ailyn Evensen
While I haven't lost consoles before to the best of my knowledge, I know how it feels to have them broken. My current PS3's hard drive went nuts on me a few months ago and that made me lose some of my story work (PMs), and the disc drive currently doesn't work properly (it ruined my Soul Calibur V disc, causing me to need to buy another one) so I'm limited to playing digital games for now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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@Ailyn Evensen
Sorry we killed you off
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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@Shoryu Magami
Either way, technology is a bitch, be it hiding from the one who owns it for long periods of time (to forever, but I suppose that's long so yeah lel) or killing itself. And I still have cheese.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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'Technology is a bitch' -- never have truer words been spoken.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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@Shoryu Magami
*clears throats*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, I've gotta head up the road for supplies and shit (don't make any smartass comment about how I'm going out to get shit, 'cause I've seen it coming already). Everyone be good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ailyn Evensen
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Ailyn Evensen I'm Crafty, You Can't Expect Me To Be Neat Too...

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@Shoryu Magami As if I were anything but good :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ailyn Evensen
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Ailyn Evensen I'm Crafty, You Can't Expect Me To Be Neat Too...

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Just so you guys know, @NekoMizu, @Pudding, Sho seems to have lost his door key while he was out shopping. And his phone died -.- I've enlisted the help of his sister's boyfriend in getting a replacement key. Hopefully they run across each other soon. I'll be heading off to work in about 30 minutes. Send him some positive vibes if you can!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

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Poor Shoey has the worst luck, I hope he's okay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Ailyn Evensen XL would not fit my hands as well as the regular one.

@Shoryu Magami I have a lot of keys, but none of them will help your situation, unfortunately. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment instead?

Seriously, though, that's really awful. Of all the things I've misplaced over the years, I've lost my keys precisely once -- and that wasn't so much lost as "realized I left them on the bench a yard away but behind the door I needed my electric fob to get through".

If all else fails, Ailyn, you could stick it in his mailbox, if that's outside his house and doesn't require a thing to get at. Or somewhere and then you...um. Oh right phone is dead. Well, instead of haring after him, it'd be better to wait at his door. Or inside, maybe. Since...y'know, the boyfriend will have a key.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ailyn Evensen
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Ailyn Evensen I'm Crafty, You Can't Expect Me To Be Neat Too...

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@shylarah The key problem wouldn't exist if we were living together -.-


Alas, I am on the other side of the planet. But I just got in touch with Sho, he got to a cafe where he could recharge his phone and get in contact with others. The key ordeal should be worked out soon, I'd suspect in an hour or so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Ailyn Evensen Ah, glad to hear that. If only all life's troubles sorted themselves out so quickly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Ailyn Evensen@Pudding@shylarah

Poor Shoey has the worst luck, I hope he's okay.

You've really got no fucking idea. xD

Anyway, I'm obviously back now. We went and got the back-up key from the real estate, bringing it back home and getting into my place before all my food went bad (it was all sitting at the door so I could go out and deal with finding the key). We're planning to get a key cut from it before giving it back to the real estate, but this cut key will actually be a new spare... because... guess what? We found the original key.

'Where was it' you ask? Well, I'd tell you, but then I'd have to KILL you!

No, seriously, I'll tell you... You aren't gonna believe this shit though -- my luck is so bad it defies fucking probability.

It was sitting in the middle of all my fucking chips and gravy. Before you ask, no I hadn't opened up the container - which had the chips and gravy inside of it - yet! Somehow, my key managed to fall out of my shirt pocket when I leaned forward (we already thought this might have happened, so that's not the weird part), then it fell into one of my grocery bags, slipped into the (mostly closed) paper bag that was holding the container, then it also slipped into a tiny slit in the container that's basically the same size as the fucking key, subsequently getting squished in with all of the chips and gravy as I walked home. Am I making this up? No, I'm not fucking making this up! My sister's boyfriend is as mind-boggled about it as I am, since we saw it together and I pulled it out before thinking about taking a photo. My luck seriously is so bad it can defy the laws of physics and reality.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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EDIT: Actually in this case I think I need video. =P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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The best I can do at this point is give you a photo of the chips and gravy I'm currently eating, assuming I can learn how to use the camera on my phone (I've never done this before), due to the reasons I just mentioned in my post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ailyn Evensen
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Ailyn Evensen I'm Crafty, You Can't Expect Me To Be Neat Too...

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@Shoryu Magami
I.... wow... I would have sooner believed you'd dropped it at the door as you left, but in your chips?! Good grief.
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