So, everyone, I'm waiting for a moment to have Gram stroll into the circus, having been gone for a reason or two. I do hope you don't mind me waiting, I hate just throwing in a character in a way that disrupts the story.
I'm sorry I haven't posted guys. Been really sick the past few days and still not feeling well. 102 temperature, sore throat, cough, aches, cold sweats... My mom, a nurse, thinks its bronchitis but I have no money to go to the doctor right now so I'm just trying to wait it out. I'll get to posting as soon as I feel up to it I promise. In the meantime feel free to post around me. If need be @LadyRunic can take limited control of D. Ark in order to break Des and Johnny out of Chitter's world.
id just go ahead and reply Runic cause there will be nothing that changes with chitter's world. plus I realy don't feel like dealing with losing another post because my computer is missing a couple ones and zeros in its programing