Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I had fun making him.

Question. Is it really possible to look monstrous?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Masaki Haruna
Hey! I'm just having dinner with a friend but I will check it over Better after! It looks good from the quick glance I took!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hahahaha. the vampire CS I'm making is turning into a very detailed one (in terms of the abilities) XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

And here he is...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Kyrisse@Masaki Haruna
Both look good in transfer them into their sections shortly!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

And ere we go!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

"History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it."
~ Mercy-Rose Moonwell.

Name: Mercy-Rose Moonwell.
Nick-Names: Merr, Mercy, Rose, Moonwell, Moony, Luna, Princess.
Gender: Female.
Species: Original Vampire.
Occupation: Museum Curator/ Researcher.
Place Of Origin: Barking Abbey, United Kingdom.
Age: One Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy-Eight Years Old (No Longer Aging).
Date Of Birth: Unknown.
Scent: Parchment, Roses and Cinnamon.

Appearance - Vampire (One Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy-Eight Years Old):

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Partner: None.
Father: King Augustus Moonwell (Deceased).
Mother: Queen Elandra Moonwell (Deceased).
Siblings: Tabitha Moonwell (Little Sister).
Pet/s: Though she loves animals, Mercy does not own any; however, the last few centuries, she has been thinking about getting herself a cat.
Other: None.

In-depth Relationships

♦ Extremely Graceful ♦ Quick To Defend ♦ Fiercely Intelligence ♦ Poised and Eloquent ♦ Exceedingly Mature ♦ Socially Sensitive ♦ Kind And Gracious ♦

Seen by all those who know her to be a very sweet, charming and exceedingly graceful young woman; Mercy is shown to be a quietly confident, kind-hearted and well-presented young woman, able to speak eloquently and pleasantly with all those who wish to hold a conversation with her or who wish to get to know her- helping her to create strong bonds with people that she cares about, that are tremendously hard to break. The beautiful young lady demonstrating great grace and poise when handling potentially awkward situations, doing her best to avoid ways in which might embarrass those she cares about; the girl able to hold herself in a way in which she is able to hide both her nerves and uncomfortableness, especially when in difficult circumstances that may impact both her, or anyone else that she holds dear to her heart.

Trying her very best and doing all it is that she can to make her family proud of her; Mercy is often seen to be within the company of her excessively eccentric younger sister, the two of them seeming to share such a strong sibling bond with one another that it oftentimes leaves others questioning the secrets to their parent’s success in creating a harmonious family environment. Nowhere near a stereotypical quiet, retiring girl; the young woman is more times than not found out on the balcony of her family's castle with her sister, or friends- or, more recently, sitting upon the stairs of the porch of their new home in Carson City, seeming to lose herself in her thoughts as she takes her time watching the beautiful flowers and other plants in her garden grow.

On occasion showing an absolute sweet sense of sensitivity when in social situations, Mercy does all that she can to include everyone around her, trying her best to make sure that they are all at ease in situations that may arise around them; the young woman unafraid to show her disapproval to those who treat others unkindly, showing that she is both reasonable and fair, and that she believes that everyone should be treated equal, no matter what their title might be. Also known to demonstrate an intensely fierce intelligence, and a high degree of personal insight; she is able to recognize when another person’s opinions and thoughts are valued more than anyone else’s, even when the person themselves is unwilling to admit it- her own apparent wish to find someone to truly love her kept locked within her heart as she put everyone else that she cared about first, and before herself.

Known on the rare occasion to show a more timid and cautious side whenever her nerves seem to get the better of her, Mercy does seem to become quite frightened and upset at times, causing for her emotions to boil over and slip out from her control, leaving her quite vulnerable and finding it hard, and sometimes almost impossible for her to express any of her true feelings to those she would normally seek out for comfort. However, an extremely resourceful and brave young woman, Mercy continuously shows that she is both quick-witted and clever, able to gain a laugh from those she holds dear to her heart while still managing to maintain the warm glow that seems to surround her very being; the young lady's strong sense of compassion and thoughtfulness towards others shown clear within her actions, exceedingly so when it seems that her own guilt towards a situation has taken over her mind- the once princess now appearing to have grown to be both a kind and gracious young woman, making her younger sister and parents proud of who she has become.

✔ Animals; especially cats and horses.
✔ Her younger sister, Tabitha.
✔ Hot chocolate with marshmallows.
✔ Spending time at her families castle.
✔ Reading, artwork and history.
✔ Cuddling on the couch, or in front of an open fire.
✔ Roses; especially the red ones.

✘ Attacking the innocent (won't feed without consent).
✘ Weeds and pests in her garden.
✘ The thought of losing her sister.
✘ Any and all threats to those she loves.

Hobbies: Always seeming to throw herself into her work; Mercy-Rose is also known to be quite the skilled rider, keeping and caring for several horses at a time on her families estate back in the United Kingdom- also enjoying to spend time in the peaceful quiet on her own, she also owns a single spinning wheel, which she oftentimes likes to sit and practice whenever it seems to call on her.

⚜ Researcher and Strategist- An extremely intelligent young woman; Mercy-Rose has a knack for researching, and is able to recall almost every piece of information that she has ever read or come across. Also seen by those who know her to be a great strategist, she uses her talents well and when called upon, is able to catch any flaws within plans that others tend to, more times than none, run by her.
⚜ Multi-lingual- an academic by choice, Mercy-Rose took quickly to learning new languages, wishing to be able to communicate properly with not only those who worked for her, but also those she worked with; and as a result, can so far speak, read and write in English, Italian, Greek, French, Latin, and Gaelic.
⚜ Perfect Taste- raised to be the perfect young Lady and Princess by her mother in her youth; Mercy-Rose is very skilled when it comes to homely things such as mending clothes, keeping a home, and looking after those she loves. However, her real talent shines through in the kitchen, the young woman a perfect connoisseur when it comes to all things food and drink; even going so far as to spend days at a time in the kitchen baking so as to treat those she cares about, or making her own tea to be enjoyed by all.

☠ Fairy-Tale Thinker- oftentimes looking at life as though it were a story in one of her books; Mercy-Rose does sometimes hold quite a naive concept over what she believes good and evil to be, however, this does not stop her from attempting to see the good in all those around her, even if it does end with her being the one getting hurt by their actions or choices.
☠ Emotion Control- having roamed the Earth for over a thousand years; Mercy-Rose's control over her emotions has began to wane slightly, causing her to (on occasion) lose control altogether, and to allow her emotions to get the better of her in some situations faced.
☠ Tabitha Moonwell- closest to her sister than anyone else she has ever known; Mercy-Rose has always felt a strong sense of responsibility, and a protective instinct when it comes to her younger sister, Tabitha, further enhanced once the both of them became original vampires. The young woman's bond with her sister going so far that she is more than willing to do anything to keep Tabitha smiling, and to do all that she can to prevent her from being hurt by anyone... including herself.

Brief Biography:
Once a Princess of royal blood, and next in line to take the throne as the new Queen from her parents; Mercy-Rose is one of the very first vampires known to roam the earth, making her one of the few Originals recognized throughout the supernatural world, largely in part due to the questionable reputation following that of her younger sisters name; Tabitha’s reputation well earned by her rather eccentric nature, and questionable choices made, leaving her older sister to, more times than none, clean up after her- though it is clear to all whom know the pair that their bond is stronger than any other they have seen, managing to survive all that history has thrown at the pair without fault, or worry of breaking.

Choosing her bloodline (much like that of her sister) rather carefully, Mercy-Rose is far more conservative with her choices, and as such has far less ‘children’ sired by her hand; however, those lucky enough to be accepted by the woman have all been known to be taken closely under her wing, a fair majority of them choose to follow closely behind, many making the decision to reside within the Moonwell castle, kept safe and well-cared for under the rule and protection of the woman herself.

Not as much of a ‘show boat’ like her younger sister; Mercy-Rose instead chooses to throw herself into the intellectual world of art and academics, owning more than several galleries, libraries and museums throughout the world including: the National Gallery, the British Museum, and the London Library in London, the Louvre in Paris, the New York Public Library in New York, the Acropolis Museum in Athens, and the Melbourne Museum, and City Library in Australia. Nevertheless, Mercy-Rose chooses to title herself, and to work as a museum curator and researcher within the walls of the institutes that she herself owns, funds and runs.

Aside from that which is recorded and documented in books, not much else is known about Mercy-Rose’s history, or the history of her family- however, it has been noted by her 'children', and those whom know her well (all of whom have been searching for her, and carrying on her work in her absence), that the woman has not been seen for approximately the last forty years...

Original Vampire Abilities: To be written.

Other: A treasured gift, and heirloom once given to her by the man she was once set to marry; Mercy-Rose is rarely ever seen without the beautiful golden necklace adorned around her neck, the pendant hung delicately from the chain containing a single, though small red rose, enchanted by a young witch and now encased within a tear-shaped glass dome.

Caring for her younger sister more than anyone else within the world, and wanting nothing more than to encourage her artistic nature; Mercy-Rose does all that she can to help her sister on the path of an artisan, even going so far as to host her artwork and novels within the museums and libraries she herself owns, and on occasion, throwing gala's and other events to show her sister just how much her work is loved by those who see them.

Not particularly agreeing with the way of life that comes with what they are; Mercy-Rose, unless in dire need or out of control of her blood-lust, will not feed upon a human without their consent- the woman instead choosing to give them the choice; allowing those who willingly offer their blood a home within her families castle, and being sure that those of her bloodline follow by example, the same respect. However, when there is no human willing to allow her to feed, and if times become desperate enough, Mercy has been known to 'borrow' only what she needs from blood banks, refusing to harm any innocents.

Theme Song:
"These Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas.

Let it go...
Let it roll right off your shoulder...
Don't you know..?
The hardest part is over- let it in...
Let your clarity define you...
In the end,
We will only just remember, how it feels.

Our lives are made,
In these small hours.
These little wonders,
These twists and turns of fate.
Time falls away,
But these small hours...
These small hours...

Still remain.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*suddenly my sheet feels insufficient*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

@BlackPanther; nyuu..!!!! I just go overboard... v.v;;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It's okay

I'm mostly feeling bad because I forgot the abilities and didn't include his real age >.< my own fault
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

@BlackPanther; their abilities are gunna take me a bit to write up, only cause I'm not sure what to give them...

But two CS' down; two more to go..! Only my wolfie and witch left to do. :'3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I went slightly lazy, haha, D&D ftw. xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I hope it's okay
I think it should be because the website lists out abilities and I feel his would be those

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

rubs eyes and waves at everyone

My body hates me.

But up now.

So as soon as I'm awake awake...I'm gonna finish Iggy...and get to work on a starter pose so that when everyone is done....weeeee
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well Iggy is done, except for some minor formating ^.^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

heh i can see it now

Why the hell did you age to 25 and I'm stuck looking like a damn teenager?! The fuck!"

also please tell me Iggy is taller then 5 foot 9
if so Cliff is totally going to start calling him Moose XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Yes he is.

Thought you might like that : D

Well iggy was actually changed when he was 12. So he kinda had to age XD which will be explained
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

yay XD

I hate you all

Cliff is going to be fun :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Can't wait
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

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You dorks
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