Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The planet of Ravage, humanity's lone rock of survival. After having crashed upon the planet and being left to develop for 150 years, civilization has formed into something of a western world, small towns and cities of stone and wood. Crime is common, bandit gangs and crime lords rule the wastes and law enforcement is rare, only seen in town organised militia and sheriffs. These days, anyone who can use a piece or has any experience in shooting is highly sought after. Carving ones own fate in Ravage is the only way to survive.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 25 days ago

So I do have a few questions, before I throw a CS up.

How limited is technology, exactly? Is it basically old west everywhere except the big cities? Are there vehicles of any kind? Could, for instance, a cowboy have a motorcycle or a car?

Can we make up native creatures? Did humans take any animals with them on the arks?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Most technology is wild west stuff, but there are pockets of modern and even advanced technology. Most of this stuff tends to be in the big cities, but there are ways to get them on the black market and through scavenging. It's very widespread and hard to acquire and even use, mostly because a lot of people on Ravage don't even know how to maintain the tech. So you could have some advanced stuff, but you'll have to keep it repaired and working too.

Vehicles are mostly modern stuff, cars and motorbikes, the ARK ship Saggitarius brought a large stock with them and they can still be built with remnants of old world tech.

Ravage has it's own ecosystem and there are a lot of general predators and creatures around, but humans did bring a cargo of animal DNA with them in the Leo Ark ship, so whilst not very widespread, earth animals do exist on Ravage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I'm interested. Expect a CS to be up soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Emu
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Emu A simple egg

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This looks pretty cool, hope you don't mind if I drop in a character sheet sometime soon. I've always been a sucker for Wild West kind of things.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Emu
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Emu A simple egg

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright, all done! Anything that needs changing?

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So the character seems good enough, like the general concept, one thing about the history needs to be changed.
The 12 ARK cities are named after the signs of the Zodiac and specialize in certain fields, so you can either just make Wyrise a different large city or we can talk about which city he'd best fit into.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Emu
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Emu A simple egg

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh, my bad. If it's not too much trouble I'd just like to see which city he would fit into best, since you've already got twelve perfectly good cities, haha.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll give a brief summary:
Aries: Richest city of history and money.
Taurus: Weapons, scumhole city.
Gemini: Science and technology.
Cancer: Scrap metal and building materials.
Leo: Animals galore.
Virgo: Textiles, run by women.
Libra: Ex prison now run by the inmates.
Scorpio: Energy resources and wealthy goods.
Saggitarius: Vehicles and transport.
Capricorn: Factories for food.
Aquarius: Agriculture.
Pisces: Basic human community.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Emu
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Emu A simple egg

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I like the sound of Taurus, I'll go ahead and tweak the background.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah, everything's perfect then, move him to the character page.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SilverFallen
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm interested if this is still going.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yep, it is.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SilverFallen
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@CadenGallic Awesome! Okay, so question; how much sci-fi is going to be a part of this? Are there robots or space-ships? How much is it Western and how much is it sci-fi?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The general setting is western, there's pockets of sci-fi in the technology, some of the things that go on, the fact it's on a different planet and fauna and wildlife will be different and pretty dangerous. There's cyborgs and androids fo sho, less so spaceships due to the scarcity of parts for it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SilverFallen
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@CadenGallic So could I make an either robot or cyborg character? If the robots aren't advance enough to have their own personalities/thoughts/will/etc, how advanced are the cybernetics?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You can definitely make a cyborg, you'll be meeting a few across Ravage.
Intelligent AI is near nonexistant, there's little to no machines with their own personalities that aren't just a human brain operating a suit... buuuuut this doesn't mean you could be the first by some very discrete lab set up beneath the sands.
Just be aware, if you do go full machine, if you get damaged, you're probably going to have to fix yourself if your cybernetics are too advanced. Same goes with being a cyborg but if you're a cyborg, chances are you know what you're doing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charles


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Arkadi Xaver Kraemer

Nickname: Ark Nemesis (hehe... Puns for days)

Age: 24

Appearance: tall (6'3"), buff, black hair, brown empty eyes, large head

Outfit: Black pants, black shirt, an old fedora and bandana passed down through the family.(both black).

Occupation(s): Shopkeeper by day, hired gun and bandit by night

Biography: A country boy at heart Arkadi's family used to own a farm on Earth till it became to polluted to use. They restarted the farm here and ever since, it's been rough. His Mom died in a robbery and his Dad fell off a cliff breaking his neck. He and his brother were the only ones left in the bloodline. They realized farming wouldn't get them anywhere if they kept get their stuff stolen. So, they trained in the arts of marksmanship and sneaking. Eventually everyone stopped robbing them. His brother married a woman and had children and wanted the farm. Arkadi agreed and walked to the nearest major city to find work (50 miles away). After some questionable odd jobs and "hits" (bounties) he finally got enough to open a shop at 22 years old.. He opened a weapon store on one side and a technology sales store on the other. Course, the weapons get more income cause who has the money to buy technology legit these days? So, he ran the store for a year with many close calls into bankruptcy and decided he would need another job. He didn't have to for another day job and that's when most jobs were. So, he ended up becoming a bandit by night. He robbed so many people he couldn't keep count. At 24, he had a bounty of 500 Heads. The price of that shiny top of the line pistol in his shop that everyone wanted but couldn't afford. He cleared his name and started back up on banditry. Leading to the present.

Equipment: ROCKET LAUNCHER, AK-74U, NUKE, MAGNUM .45 (JK LOL) My equipment is a Magnum he made for himself that would've gone for about 350 Heads and 75 Skulls, but he decided to keep it for his robbing and hitman expeditions. He also has a thing he heard was called a "phone" granted it didn't communicate too far because radio towers were in short supply. He also had a Skorpion SMG strapped to his back. Lastly, he had a backpack full of rations, medical supplies, and extra bullets besides the 4 clips he had snug in his tactical belt.

Skills and Flaws:
Street Smarts
Fear Mongering

Hand to Hand Combat and melee weapons
No School Smarts
Often weak from malnutrition
Very hard to like and understand.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SilverFallen
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@CadenGallicI will resist the urge to make a robot, but you can definitely expect a cyborg from me sometime soon!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SilverFallen
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Reagan

Nickname: Don't even try calling her anything other than Reagan unless you want a bullet in you

Age: 35

Appearance: Reagan is surprisingly tall at about 5'10" (and she wears boots with decent heels on them so she comes off around 6 feet). She has an athletic build. Her skin is light brown from a lot of time in the sun. Her dark brown hair hangs in a ponytail that goes past her shoulder-blades. Her natural eye (the left) is dark brown, her right eye is cybernetic and a slightly lighter brown. It's only noticeable upon closer expectation, which happens often, considering she has a long scar over her eye. Her left arm and right leg are both cybernetic and both have definitely seen better days. She's missing her pinkie finger on her hand, and her leg is missing a part or two, so she has a limp.

Outfit: Of course she has a black cowboy hat that you won't catch her without and sunglasses (to hide her eye). All of her clothes are dirty and torn. She wears a plaid shirt and jeans under an old brown, duster coat. There is also the obligatory cowboy boots and red kerchief around her neck, ready to cover her mouth in case of a dust storm.

Occupation(s): Scavenger and mercenary.

Biography: Reagan was born in Taurus and grew up around guns. So it was no surprise that she took quite a fancy to them and become very good with plenty of different types. She became a runner for the cities; going back and forth to get different supplies. Most of the time she was sent to Cancer, Capricorn, or Aquarius. She did this for years with no problem, until some time in her early twenties when she got into a terrible accident. Luckily for her, she was right outside of Gemini and was saved - granted she did have to give up all her money and what goods she had on her for the service. It was there she got her cybernetic parts. When she was finally able to move about freely, she left. She has returned to her old job, for the most part, but now she doesn't really keep Taurus as her home base. She goes from city to city, delivering supplies when needed, or whatever else. She will track people down in other cities (for whatever reason; to deliver messages or for a punch in the face). She has been known to shoot people (and even kill them) if she's paid enough.

-A pack with survival gear and whatever wares she's carrying. Her gear tends to include a ratty, old sleeping bag, a canteen of water, food (usually jerky or a can of beans), binoculars, some rope, a basic first-aid kit, a lighter, a flashlight, and some spare tools (for when she can fix her cybernetic parts).
-An old-fashioned revolver (her personal favorite gun), a Bowie knife, and a bolt-action scoped hunting rifle.

Skills and Flaws:
+Excellent marksmanship
+Hand-to-hand combat
+Good internal compass
+Fearless (could also be a flaw, really)
+Strong (like a pack-mule, mostly, but she can also pack a serious punch)

-Terrible temper and personality in general; she's a grumpy, mean person
-Bad bargainer (her way of bargaining prices usually involves threats and what could be considered growling)
-A mule is less stubborn than her
-Not very good at keeping up her cybernetics; she walks with a limp, is missing a finger, and has yet to do anything about it
-Reckless to the point of possibly being suicidal
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