City A Headquarters
Tuesday, 11:50 a.m.
The sounds of tapping echoed in a large, dimly lit room filled with monitors. Each monitor was being constantly used, members of the Hero Association constantly on edge, constantly looking for any signs of dangers or monsters. Behind them stood a single man, towering over the rest as he scanned the room. His eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses, constantly wearing them at all times. Commander of Headquarters A, former hero, Danzo. Amongst the sounds of tapping, a loud beeping began to fill the room as one of the employees suddenly jumped in surprise. Beads of sweat began to go down his back. All eyes were on the young man, who seemed like it was his first day working.
"S-Sir, we have bad news....really bad news"
Within seconds the towering man was behind the youngin, grabbing the swiveling chair and tossing it along with the young man aside. The large man slammed his hands down on the keyboard, smashing it to pieces. Silence filled the room.
"It's been decades...why now of all times" He whispered to himself. "WARN CITY K TO EVACUATE IMMEDIATLY. DISPATCH ALL POSSIBLE HEROES TO-"
Before he could finish, he was instantly interrupted by a young woman "S-sir!! The object, I-it's breaking apart!! The pieces are heading to three different cities!!" Danzo quickly turned to her, his eyes widening as his fists began to shake W-what, this is nothing like before Out of old habit, he began to grind his teeth "IMMEDIATLY EVACTUATE CITIES K, S, AND T. DISPATCH ALL POSSIBLE HEROES TO THE THREE CITIES. THE CIVILIANS ARE OUR TOP PRIOTIY.
One brave employee decided to speak "W-what disaster level sir?" The large man glared at him, the employee yelping before quickly turning around and pretending to work. Danzo sighed "ISSUE DISASTER LEVEL TIGER TO ALL THREE CITIES!"

Miles above City K
A torpedo like spaceship plowed through the atmosphere, coming down towards city Z at alarming speeds. Inside, three shadowy figures maintained a constant, sinister grin "Remember, leave the strongest warrior to the boss. We're just here for recon" The other three nodded in agreement, the ship breaking off into three separate pieces. One piece continued it's path down towards City K while to other two altered their destination, one going for City S and the other going for City T. Within mere moments, each of the pods crash landed, generating powerful shockwaves and intense winds.
City K
A curious civilian walked up to the steaming pod, pulling out a handgun and aiming it at the pod "I-if I take this thing out, then I could become a hero right?" Before firing off a few rounds, the pod door shot out and instantly squashed the civilian like a bug. In a flash, a large figure stood ontop of the burning hot door with a confident grin.
"Hehehe, it's so fun to hear this aliens squish like bugs" He said, stomping on the door a few more times until he got bored. "Well the orders were to look for strong people. What better way than to destroy!!!!" He opened his mouth, a faint orange glow emitting from his mouth before spewing out a orange and yellow spray. The spray instantly melted the surrounding foundations of each building, toppling them over with ease. The large beast laughed in amusement as he watched numerous of citizens running "YES PUNY BUGS RUN HAHAHAHA"
City S
Just like before, the hot door of the alien pod shot out but luckily there were no citizens around. In a blur, a shadowy figure popped out and quickly made it's way on top of a building.
"Tch, knowing Gastro he's just causing havoc. How did I get teamed up with these two, especially that other one" He shuddered at the thought of the last alien. "Well no problem for me, long as our Lord recognizes our good work. Now if I were a bunch of scurrying aliens, where would I go" The alien said, as if talking to himself but in reality just enjoying the sound of his own voice. He looked around the city, noticing a large dome structure. The figured chuckled "Fools make it too easy" The alien aimed it's two claws backwards, powerful streams of water firing out of each claw and propelling the alien towards the Citizen Evacuation with incredible speeds "COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE, GYAHAHAHA"
City T
Once again, the door popped off the pod and dropped to the ground below. However this time, many curious civilians approached the pod. Each one talked and wondered what was inside the pod, vast array of ideas swirling in their heads. One brave citizen looked inside, relief filling his body as he turned to the crowd "It's empty! haha, dumb alien must of died when it landed" The other citizens chuckled, relieved that their city would avoid attack. Sadly, one unlucky citizen felt a slight tug on his shirt, looking down at a small weird figure.
He gasped, startled at first before chuckling "Careful there kid, I almost mistook you for an alien" "Candy?" The man scratched his head "G-get out of here stupid kid before I call your par...ents" The man was confused, wondering why he was now facing the crowd of people instead of the little person in front of him. "Wha" His body collapsed, head spun around like a bottlecap and blood leaking out of his eyes, nose and mouth. It took everybody a second to realize that the alien hadn't died, but was instead the white figure standing before them. Yet by that time, they had all already been dead, holes punched through their chests and heads. The bloodsplattered, white figured skipped off without a second thought, humming a pleasant tune.