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There's a long-standing feud between Humans and the Supernatural; Humans have their Hunters, the Supernaturals have themselves, and it's forever a game of cat and mouse. Some get caught, some retaliate, some just want to be left alone. They city of Gravette seems to be experiencing an influx of new inhabitants; You can only guess who they are.
The underground world of the Supernaturals just got a little more cramped. It can only be expected that some new hunters follow them.
The Humans, who are unaware of these struggles, are getting rather scared at the sudden spike of corpses on their streets and in their alleys. Some have wounds from what seems to be a wild animal, others are shot full of unconventional bullets and chemicals. There's obviously some type of war. But- the humans ask- between who? And how long before normal citizens fall into the mix?
Welcome, one and all, to Gravette; A beacon that's sure to draw nothing but strife for all involved.
The underground world of the Supernaturals just got a little more cramped. It can only be expected that some new hunters follow them.
The Humans, who are unaware of these struggles, are getting rather scared at the sudden spike of corpses on their streets and in their alleys. Some have wounds from what seems to be a wild animal, others are shot full of unconventional bullets and chemicals. There's obviously some type of war. But- the humans ask- between who? And how long before normal citizens fall into the mix?
Welcome, one and all, to Gravette; A beacon that's sure to draw nothing but strife for all involved.
>Hunters are humans who are aware of the supernatural and have a bias against them for one reason or another- which should be explained in the History or Other section of the CS. They have necessary equipment- Silver, iron, Magic dampening cuffs or ties, etc.- needed to take down Supernaturals. Hunters usually excel in one Supernatural type, but others know a little about many different ones.
Ok so you can play as any type of supernatural creature (barring a Witch) as long as they can gain a human form, a Hunter- they can have their own special weapon or trick- or an unaware Human caught in the crossfire.
Supernatural Creatures have a way of Identifying each other. They can have tattoos or hidden symbols on their skin that appear should they so Will it. (i.e. Darnies has a shimmering crescent moon under his eye that appears should he let it, and Chasa has her Chai tattoo, which shimmers to show she has Supernatural energy imbued in it, not just average tattoo ink.)
I know the summary is small so feel free to ask questions!
(in response to questions asked):Q: What is the scope of "supernatural" creatures in this RP. Is it limited to Gothic stuff like ghosts, vampires, and werewolves, or is it literally any supernatural creature? Hypothetically, could I play as, say, a chupacabra?
A: As long as it can take a human form, you can play it. For instance, on , of my characters is either going to be half golem, half panswé Belu.
Q: Are Supernaturals everything that is not a normal human? Or could Hunters with, for example, Psychic abilities exist?
A: Hunters are like...1000% human, no freakiness about them. I feel it would be a little unfair for the supernatural if a hunter could read their minds and know what they were at the drop of a hat. The only way I could see your scenario is if the character in question was a hunter, developed the powers-therefore finding out about a hidden supernatural lineage or something(idfk)- and had to flee the hunter lifestyle....
Q: Spies?
A: I don't even really know if spies are a viable choice, given supernaturals can identify each other so they'd know if a human was just lurking around. Unless it really is just a human not trying to hide they're a human? Like...pretending to be on the supernatural side? It wouldn't work on the supernatural side because Hunters have their personal spaces protected.
Q: How do magic users fit into this rp? Are mages or sorcerers strictly supernatural, or are they potentially hunters or random humans as well?
A: They're Supernatural. My character is the last True witch, but there are still mages and sorcerers around, they just have more limited abilities than a witch born and raised in magic. So mages and sorcerers would have to train and use tattoos and staffs and stuff to access any magic as it doesn't inherently run through them like it would a Witch.
Supernatural Creatures have a way of Identifying each other. They can have tattoos or hidden symbols on their skin that appear should they so Will it. (i.e. Darnies has a shimmering crescent moon under his eye that appears should he let it, and Chasa has her Chai tattoo, which shimmers if she lets it to show she has Supernatural energy imbued in it, not just average tattoo ink.)
Whether or not you choose to add this to your CS or reveal it later in the story is up to you. Darnies and Chasa are my characters and you can read their CS's in the OOC.
- Active- If you take the active stance, whether you are a Hunter, Human, or a Supernatural, that means you are actively going for and possibly killing/hunting the other party. (Hunters going after Supernaturals and Supernaturals going after Hunters. Humans would be on the Supernatural's side, lest they become Hunters themselves.)
- Oblivious- Human yet to be immersed into the World. If you take the Oblivious stance, you are a human who knows nothing about the war going on between the Hunters and Supernaturals at the start of the RP. But a while after the RP starts, you become aware that there are Supernaturals and Hunters duking it out in the world.
- Inactive/Uncaring- If you take the Inactive/Uncaring stance, you are a human or a Supernatural who is aware that there is a war going on between Supernaturals and Hunters, but don't want anything to do with it. You don't care about the war, and you don't want to join. In short, a neutral. However, if a Hunter or Supernatural forces you (in any way) to retaliate, you can do that. Not applicable to Hunters.
- Further Explanations courtesy of @Loki Odinson
- Post at least a paragraph.
- Warn me beforehand if you're going to leave so I can find a replacement/Have you write a post of your character dying.
- I want a post at least every other day so this doesn't die.
- 3 Character limit per person.
- Don't get into an argument with other members.