Name: Darnies "DarnDarn" Magula
Age: 19
Supernatural Race: Witch
Ethnicity/Race: Ashkenazi Jew

Standing at a slanted 5'8, Darneis has a skinny form that belies his strength.
Personality: Darnies is laid back and sarcastic. His intelligence is hidden behind his snappy comebacks and a devil may care attitude. He doesn't show regret or embarrassment, but rather embraces his mistakes and brushes them off. However, he does tend to turn dark or angry at certain topics or affronts, but no one knows what those are.
History: Born to a mother who never told his father she was a witch, his family was her coven because his dad left upon learning her secret. He learned magic from the moment he showed a spark and all of his 'aunts' treated him perfectly well tot he point of doting; He was the first male with in 5 generations, after all, he should take pride in his rarity. When he was 11, after much training and preparation, him and his mother set off to find his father after scrying for him. Darnies thought they were going to talk, but his mother was out for the man's blood for abandoning her. "You don't abandon a pregnant witch," She had told him. "It's one of the worst offenses to a witch and her Coven. They can leave after the Birth, but they must be with us throughout the Creation."
In a dingy motel outside of Carson, North Dakota, his father was sitting with a shotgun, years of paranoia from the Coven's curse causing him to always expect the worse and always have a finger on the trigger just in case. His mother blew the door down and entered the room, Darnies right behind. With one twitch, his father had filled his mother's stomach with a scatter shot. Not to be outdone, his mother pulled out her wand- only needed for the strongest of spells and curses- and looked to fire a mirror curse. He'd bleed out the same way she did with the same bullet pattern. She didn't notice that some of the scatter shots had caught Darnies's right side, shattering his right knee cap and leaving wounds up and down his arm and leg.
Lying on the ground, Darnies became aware that he was now alone. His coven -The Last Existing Coven- had been taken out the previous year by a group of Hunters who'd burned them alive while him and his mother hid in the woods near their home, and his two parents were bleeding out on the floor across from each other. Tears streaming down his face, the young boy dragged himself first to his mom to pick up her wand, and then out of the room and called for an ambulance, a story already forming in his mind to explain the scene.
He couldn't heal his own knee- "Witches can't heal themselves, DarnDarn, that gift is meant to be used on others."- so he had to heal the normal way. Now he walks with a limp and uses a latch cane. So with no parents and no coven, knowing he couldn't go into a foster home or be adopted without having to restrict his powers, Darnies dropped off the map. 8 years later and he's finally settled in Gravette after constant travel. He makes his living through creating runes and talismans for other supernaturals- being the last Witch alive means he gets plenty of business-, and playing honest card games and collecting the bounty when he wins.
Strengths: High Endurance, High Pain Threshold-not including right leg-, Just barely above average Healing Rate, knows how to fight.
Weaknesses: Right leg, magic dampening cuffs and ties, Large fires cause can cause him either brief pause or even send him into full blown panic attacks, depending on the situation.
Stance: Inactive/Uncaring
Special Power/Skill: Especially skilled at charming objects.
Dhar-nee-iss Mag-you-luh
Age: 19
Supernatural Race: Witch
Ethnicity/Race: Ashkenazi Jew
Standing at a slanted 5'8, Darneis has a skinny form that belies his strength.
Personality: Darnies is laid back and sarcastic. His intelligence is hidden behind his snappy comebacks and a devil may care attitude. He doesn't show regret or embarrassment, but rather embraces his mistakes and brushes them off. However, he does tend to turn dark or angry at certain topics or affronts, but no one knows what those are.
History: Born to a mother who never told his father she was a witch, his family was her coven because his dad left upon learning her secret. He learned magic from the moment he showed a spark and all of his 'aunts' treated him perfectly well tot he point of doting; He was the first male with in 5 generations, after all, he should take pride in his rarity. When he was 11, after much training and preparation, him and his mother set off to find his father after scrying for him. Darnies thought they were going to talk, but his mother was out for the man's blood for abandoning her. "You don't abandon a pregnant witch," She had told him. "It's one of the worst offenses to a witch and her Coven. They can leave after the Birth, but they must be with us throughout the Creation."
In a dingy motel outside of Carson, North Dakota, his father was sitting with a shotgun, years of paranoia from the Coven's curse causing him to always expect the worse and always have a finger on the trigger just in case. His mother blew the door down and entered the room, Darnies right behind. With one twitch, his father had filled his mother's stomach with a scatter shot. Not to be outdone, his mother pulled out her wand- only needed for the strongest of spells and curses- and looked to fire a mirror curse. He'd bleed out the same way she did with the same bullet pattern. She didn't notice that some of the scatter shots had caught Darnies's right side, shattering his right knee cap and leaving wounds up and down his arm and leg.
Lying on the ground, Darnies became aware that he was now alone. His coven -The Last Existing Coven- had been taken out the previous year by a group of Hunters who'd burned them alive while him and his mother hid in the woods near their home, and his two parents were bleeding out on the floor across from each other. Tears streaming down his face, the young boy dragged himself first to his mom to pick up her wand, and then out of the room and called for an ambulance, a story already forming in his mind to explain the scene.
He couldn't heal his own knee- "Witches can't heal themselves, DarnDarn, that gift is meant to be used on others."- so he had to heal the normal way. Now he walks with a limp and uses a latch cane. So with no parents and no coven, knowing he couldn't go into a foster home or be adopted without having to restrict his powers, Darnies dropped off the map. 8 years later and he's finally settled in Gravette after constant travel. He makes his living through creating runes and talismans for other supernaturals- being the last Witch alive means he gets plenty of business-, and playing honest card games and collecting the bounty when he wins.
Strengths: High Endurance, High Pain Threshold-not including right leg-, Just barely above average Healing Rate, knows how to fight.
Weaknesses: Right leg, magic dampening cuffs and ties, Large fires cause can cause him either brief pause or even send him into full blown panic attacks, depending on the situation.
Stance: Inactive/Uncaring
Special Power/Skill: Especially skilled at charming objects.
- He is very good at fighting, having to always defend himself from hunters.
- His mother's wand makes up the tip of his cane, and depending on which latch you press, one of the two releases the wand, while the lower latch releases the hidden blade, and the wand acts as the hilt.
- Lives in apartment 2-J, underneath Chasa
Name: Chasa
Age: 26
Supernatural Race: Half-Golem/ Half-Panswé Belu
Ethnicity/Race: Half Mizrahi Israeli Jew/ Half Burmese

at 6'2, Chasa can be rather intimidating, especially with all the muscles added on top of the height, and the curved fangs when she allows them to be seen. She has a Chai tattood over her heart.
Personality: Kind and caring, Chasa can become easily upset by the fact that people are afraid of her due to her stature. She loves to play around and wrestle, though is quick to worry and apologize if she thinks she's being too rough. She's, over all, a gentle soul.
History: Chasa was born in Israel to a Golem father and Panswé Belu mother. For the first 10 years of her childhood, Chasa lived with her parents in Israel. However, once her mom began to get homesick, her family moved to Burma, and she spent the next 10 years with her family there in a small house. Just before her 21st birthday, she moved to America in hopes being able to better blend in with normal humans- her family had faced much persecution in both her homelands due to the relationship between Golem and Panswé Belu, creating a child that honestly just confused them- and had her parents visit as often as possible, as her family was not poor and loved travel.
She's been in America since then, and graduated college with a Masters Degree in Botany. She keeps a small garden on the patio of her apartment, growing some of her own plants and giving the rest to her neighbors.
Strengths: Enhanced strength, durable/tough skin, knowledge of poisonous plants, High Pain Threshold(Golems being made of Clay and all, her nerves aren't well developed enough to feel surface wounds. She would be able to feel, say, being stabbed, but I'd like to see someone get close enough to try, and find a blade that could do it properly in the first place.)
Weaknesses: Emotionally weak/Gentle Soul, marring the Chai tattoo can render her anywhere from disoriented to comatose depending on the damage. Destroying it completely causes her death (much as erasing the Aleph from the Aleph Mem Tav on a pure Golem would deactivate them.) Consuming meat can make her sick.
Stance: Inactive/Uncaring
Special Power/Skill: Due to her Dual heritage, Chasa can switch between the extremes of her two beings; using the Panswé Belu to suppress her size and strength, and the Golem to suppress her curved fangs. She is neutral in between the two, a perfect balance, in her apartment. When fighting she uses more Golem lineage and when dealing with plants she uses more Panswé Belu lineage due to their affinity for them.
Age: 26
Supernatural Race: Half-Golem/ Half-Panswé Belu
Ethnicity/Race: Half Mizrahi Israeli Jew/ Half Burmese
at 6'2, Chasa can be rather intimidating, especially with all the muscles added on top of the height, and the curved fangs when she allows them to be seen. She has a Chai tattood over her heart.
Personality: Kind and caring, Chasa can become easily upset by the fact that people are afraid of her due to her stature. She loves to play around and wrestle, though is quick to worry and apologize if she thinks she's being too rough. She's, over all, a gentle soul.
History: Chasa was born in Israel to a Golem father and Panswé Belu mother. For the first 10 years of her childhood, Chasa lived with her parents in Israel. However, once her mom began to get homesick, her family moved to Burma, and she spent the next 10 years with her family there in a small house. Just before her 21st birthday, she moved to America in hopes being able to better blend in with normal humans- her family had faced much persecution in both her homelands due to the relationship between Golem and Panswé Belu, creating a child that honestly just confused them- and had her parents visit as often as possible, as her family was not poor and loved travel.
She's been in America since then, and graduated college with a Masters Degree in Botany. She keeps a small garden on the patio of her apartment, growing some of her own plants and giving the rest to her neighbors.
Strengths: Enhanced strength, durable/tough skin, knowledge of poisonous plants, High Pain Threshold(Golems being made of Clay and all, her nerves aren't well developed enough to feel surface wounds. She would be able to feel, say, being stabbed, but I'd like to see someone get close enough to try, and find a blade that could do it properly in the first place.)
Weaknesses: Emotionally weak/Gentle Soul, marring the Chai tattoo can render her anywhere from disoriented to comatose depending on the damage. Destroying it completely causes her death (much as erasing the Aleph from the Aleph Mem Tav on a pure Golem would deactivate them.) Consuming meat can make her sick.
Stance: Inactive/Uncaring
Special Power/Skill: Due to her Dual heritage, Chasa can switch between the extremes of her two beings; using the Panswé Belu to suppress her size and strength, and the Golem to suppress her curved fangs. She is neutral in between the two, a perfect balance, in her apartment. When fighting she uses more Golem lineage and when dealing with plants she uses more Panswé Belu lineage due to their affinity for them.
- Due to her mother's influence and genes, she is a vegetarian and enjoys the taste of flowers that are normally not meant to be eaten.
- Lives in Apartment 3-J, above Darnies.