Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sleep. Even the word sounded despicable. It represented a waste; of time, of resources, of potential. He truly hated it and yet, he found himself doing it. Bloodstone woke up to the roar of engines, the occasional footsteps of his puny regime, and the mechanical whirrings of drones that maneuvered around his ship. He stood up, finding himself in his lab where he constantly was at work. Of course he would remain asleep here, the one place his crew knew to never enter. It was happening more occasionally now, whenever he found himself bored of his current experiments a wave of exhaustion would rush over him and he would collapse. Almost everything was boring to him now, especially since he hadn't encountered a newborn for about 70 years. Bloodstone exited his lab and stumbled his way down the corridor to the bridge, checking every monitor when he arrived. The incubating gems in this area seemed to be doing well, even with 79% of them unaccounted for. This was lucky since the past few kindergartens were either overrun by gem monsters or cluster beings and all the incubating gems had been dug out and shattered. The city that resided over these sleeping newborns must deter the beasts, for now anyways. Once the gems start to emerge that may all change in the blink of an eye, like a shark smelling fresh blood.

There was another structure registered by the monitors that was separate from the city. It had the appearance of a Gem Temple but seemed to be in ruins and had an oasis flowing over the top of it. There was no registered movement around the structure and his scanners were too out of date to see what might be inside. Bloodstone let it go, there had been other temples and few had gems within them and only one had gems who were worth their minerals. He kept the ship stationed over the city, watching the newborns beneath the rock. Some seemed to be moving minutely, as if they were absorbing the last of the nutrients required before formation. Bloodstone had made a Peridot explain these movements to him before he was abandoned by everyone except a few the Diamonds didn't even want.

"Like you, these gems have shown great potential but they have no place on Home-World at the current time. So, we will be assigning them to you and your ship. Do whatever you will with them."

And he did. Only two remained. There used to be others but they had either fallen to the perils of Earth or proved to be of no use to even the forgotten commander they were forced to serve under. Now there were two.

"Tugtupite. Spinel. The newborns of Kindergarten K-9XM seem to be gaining consciousness. I will be sending 10 Seeker drones and 4 Arachni drones to retrieve as many as possible after their formation. You are to accompany the bots and ensure no humans damage them and that they complete their mission. Now, get down there and bring me my new recruits," The Commander had spoken into the Com systems. He then preceded to activate and launch the aforementioned drones to the surface of the planet, far enough to not initially disturb any citizens yet close enough for them to quickly reach their destination. Bloodstone also dispatched an additional two Seekers towards the Temple-like structure, just to be sure. There was still a certain gem that hasn't shown her face for many hundreds of years and he hoped she didn't decide to show up know when things for finally getting interesting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Alert: kindergarten is active, gems are emerging
Alert: Alert disabling has been overruled
test output:52057124
Alert:Unknow tampering with systems is causing issues

Howlite woke up and her eyes groggily focused on the bright red text currently glaring at her from the screen/visor of their helmet. muttering groggily they sent signals to minimize whatever the alert was.

What? No just, five more minutes. I thought I deactivated alerts.

tech level scanner output: 13 new gem tech level devices detected
Alert: signal from unexpected device detected, recommend locating and destroying source
Alert: power levels critical

Wait, gem tech level devices, it’s only been…

She mentally hunted through her data storage for the log file.

... 100 orbits. What on earth is going on?

5 lights blinked on, briefly illuminating the inside of a small exit hole before flickering out due to lack of power. Grumbling and the sound of a visor being slid out of the way was heard before a small humanoid figure nervously poked their head out of the hole, located halfway up a cliff face. The creature had two massive eyes, framed by a black helmet, a leith frame, pale skin the color of ice or moonrock which on her limbs was decorated with dark patterns, in the center of her chest was her gem, white with black markings surrounded by a ring shaped device. Straps connected to this device wrapped round her chest leading to a metallic contraption attached to their back. She wore white gloves, knee length shorts and a pair of small boots. Her hair, shifting as if alive and pulsing with electrical signals dangled down out of her helmet in a braid, ending in a second ring device, this one was loaded with data storage and communication devices scavenged 100 years ago from the kindergarten’s surviving systems.

The first thing Howlite noticed upon looking outside was that the sky was missing. According to the date time system she had set up it should be light out and yet it was pitch black in the kindergarten, only a solitary dull red glow way off in the distance coming from an exposed service tunnel. Fortunately her large sensitive eyes where for once proving to be useful, letting her see better than most in the incredibly dim light revealing what had happened to the canyon, a great mass had been built over the top of it, burying the kindergarten beneath it’s oppressive bulk. Criss crossing the canyon where support columns reaching up towards the smothering mass above and stopping it from crashing down on top of her.

The 100 year old gem hopped down from the hole, dropping a fair distance before landing on the ground neatly and setting off towards the light, mentally parsing through the data from the systems she had scavenged and the tech level scanner. The second was a device she had made to monitor humanity's technological progress and had left outside, hidden away on a nearby mountaintop but unbeknownst to her it had been discovered by some mountain climbers and currently resided in the Crystalisis Art Museum as an example of ancient sculpture. Unbenounced to her the device was much better at it’s job than she had anticipated, successfully detecting the various gemcraft that had visited earth, including the one currently inspecting the city.

Right so the humans have electricity, which is good and maybe gemtech, which seems a ridiculous pace of development. Also some of that tech exploded? I guess all that seismic activity was the construction of whatever that structure up there is. Also there's other gems emerging? Is that happening here?

She muttered, still trying to understand what was happening with the limited data she had. Then, deciding to see if she could get an answer to her last question called out.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Chloe Clinohumite
Breaches to the surface!

Interactions: @DracoLunaris

A brilliant orange flash could be seen long before the old, crumbling rock prison was pridefully eradicated by its only prisoner. The freshly born Clinohumite flew it's grandeur around generously upon its arrival, flowing hair and shoulder garments spinning around the gem's beautiful eyes and fair face graciously. Gazing at the abundance of previously expected Earth around her, Chloe finally had some quiet time to gain her rightful bearings before the Kindergarten officials, appointed by yellow diamond, found her in all her orange splendor. Chloe flashed away her studded weaponry, the iron knuckles just a little too scratched and dusty for her liking, especially on her first encounter with Earth and the beautiful~ higher gems she might meet within it. Perhaps she should've drilled through her rock encasement, instead of battering it, but no matter: she was out, and she was ready. It was time to start her life duty of destroying the rebellion, of leading the gem empire to victory, and gaining the fame that her kind deserved for their admirable design under their beautiful~ diamond. Chloe looked over her form with prime arrogance, noting the grandness of her hair and appendages, both strong and dutiful creations of the Kindergarten (though, the former wasn't as curly as she'd like...). They would serve her well, even if they were not of exact design. She was still beautiful~, regardless. "Hmm... There doesn't seem to be many other gems popping... Perhaps I was slightly off schedule?", Chloe pondered as she looked around the extremely dim cavern. That would, indeed, explain the lack of curliness from her hair.

There also seemed to be a stark lack of gem officials and light in this cavern as well. Chloe thought back to the other Clinohumite gems she had heard receiving loud fanfare as she was still forming herself, those of which were broadcasted back to Homeworld to show so many other gems that the "war was soon going to be over with this new super soldier on the diamonds' side". Chloe had then decided to shut off her developing senses and silently wait as her gem formed, hoping to keep her own greeting celebration a surprise and not spoil it for herself completely before emerging from the Kindergarten. Now, here she was, and no fanfare or greeting whatsoever. It agitated her greatly, to be honest. She had sat so patiently, not to mention loyally, in her rock tome to only come out to silence. Furthermore, the flashy gem could barely see anything in this forsaken Earth 'night'. Chloe started to look around for another gem, or perhaps even a sign of an explanation, for this situation was slowly becoming bewildering. There, the red, blinking light caught the Clinohumite's eye. It was not the moon, no, but a greatly distressing omen to the newly born gem.

It wasn't the moon, it wasn't a star, then what was it? Gems had no use for lights such as those, so who had made it? Was it man-made? That would be impossible: the Kindergarten was a highly secured area of gem operations, no human could've built a... a whole network of service tunnels?! Chloe pondered if her sanity was a defect from her incorrect birth time. No, her form was ok, she was sure she was all ok... ok? Then this only meant that the Kindergartens were abandonded, which meant... no, Chloe would not except that fact. She was ok, and she surely must've came out only some time after her fellow gems, so this predicament, indeed, had a reasonable answer. Chloe, gritting her teeth, hated that her glory, fanfare, and prideful emerging would have to be overshadowed by a predicament. Was it man-made, indeed? Was she incredibly late? The questions still assaulted her. The Clinohumite absolutely hated that she, immediately after forming, did not have any of the answers to even the simplest questions. Out of pure frustration and characterful stubbornness, Chloe flung her now studded fist into the wall behind her. The sound of pure ire landing into solid rock was deafening, echoing throughout the cavern in repeated, angry waves of crackling rock. Chloe breathed in slowly before sliding down the rock ledge she had been posing on, deeply disappointed at her grave turn of events. If the gems would not come to her, then she would go to the gems (now that she was a little calmer, of course). Walking through the rubble that was the Kindergarten, with a most denying mindset, mind you, Chloe drilled through rock wall after rock wall looking for any stray gems or gem officials that might be roaming the grounds.

Oh, thank yellow diamond! Here was a beautiful~ Howlite gem graciously presented to the Clinohumite after her painstaking search. A gift worthy of the effort, indeed. Running over to the pale white gem, Chloe called out, orange hair waving gracefully around her. "I am a Clinohumite troop, Howlite. I-i request to know the whereabouts of any higher gem that patrols this Kindergarten, as well as a report on the current happenings", Chloe said, skirting to a stop in front of the disgruntled Howlite, and flipping her hair around her fair features: further emphasizing her innate importance. Truly, with all this rubble and silence, it was becoming harder and harder for Chloe to avoid acknowledging the inevitable truth about her birth. Perhaps this lower gem could give her some more concrete answers on their whereabouts and situation.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The new gems slowly make her way out of her holes where she has been for a few hours trying to figure out what is going on. She slowly crawled out to the edge on fours her legs too shaky to walk on just yet and looks down towards the ground and says in a shaky voice, "So heigh... I think I'll just.... uhh stay here... until... like... something comes by." she then coming sat a little bit away from the edge so she could see if something comes by, the key word is 'if' for this new gem. At the time she doesn't exactly know who or what she is, all she knows that she is something stuck in a hole, with a long drop separating her from whatever else may or may not be out there. That's if there is anything out there.
She then slowly lifted up her hands and looked over them noticing that they are slightly transparent at the time but slowly fixes itself. Her feet were the same way has well, but they look a little longer. The gem then slowly lays back unsure if what she is doing is natural or something that is not proper for her 'kind.' Her 'hair' spreads out on the ground frizzy and fluffy. She didn't really have a word for what was behind her head that was also on the ground next to her but the word, 'hair' seemed to fit very well.
Her mind racing with all of these questions and thoughts has she laid there trying to figure out what is going on. "Where am I? Why am I in this... 'hole?' Do I exist? What am I?" She asked herself has she sat up once more and looked out into the empiness once more. The sight of other holes that seemed to be the same size has her's but were problably actually twice has big and maybe three times. She says and sits there holding her 'feet' looking out. She was mainly looking for a someone, or something that could A, Help her answer some questions, and or B, Help her down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Reginald A. Dorvain

As the little gem watch the world below from her place high above, she'd notice a figure approaching in the darkness. It was difficult to see in the low light, but he seemed to bear a similar appearance to her own, if a bit differing in appearance and coloration. The figure rolled in one a strange device that seemed to propel them across the ground without needing to come into contact with the ground, though it moved in quick jets and jerks, the figure onboard barely maintaining his balance. Coming to a halt somewhere in the middle of the large space the figure found themselves in, they seemed to begin setting up for something, pulling even more devices and such. Before long, however, the room would be filled with light as the figure flipped on some portable floodlights, showering the area in front of them with their intense rays.

As the darkness was vanquished, one would see that where the lights where shiny was a strange-looking material, smooth and clearly different from the craggy rock that made up the rest of the room. Taking out a strange glove-like object from the bag, the figure began to fiddle with the door, though what that could be was hard to tell from way up above.

[@Brass Otter]

As the Clino and Howlite talked to each other, their conversation would be interrupted by a pulse of blinding green light flaring into existence from a nearby wall. The earth that encompassed the wall cracked and melted as the intense heat of the creation process worked to release the treasure it held inside. Within moments, the light would die down, and from the rock would appear a short, green gem with long, wavy hair and feathery markings running up and down her arms and legs. Taking a step forward, the gem waved their hands in the air, lost in the darkness as they tried to figure out what was going on, where they were, and even who they were.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Living on Earth was an interesting experience for Marry. Humans, unlike Gems, grew rapidly and changed rapidly. It was staggering seeing how fast humans progressed technologically, and while Gems were still more technologically advanced than humans, it wouldn't be too long until humans managed to catch up and surpass them. Though that came with notable downsides, being a very volatile species that had very small and fragile lifespans.

It was interesting though, how the humans didn't seem to mind Marry(A nickname a Moldsvite gave herself, as the latter name was a lot trickier for humans to say.) and her friends. Marry visiting more than the other gems as she constantly needed supplies to itch her science desire. Speaking of science experiments, That was was Marry spent most of her free time doing. Inside her room at the gem temple located outside of Crystalisis, Marry was testing a few experiments on a few human machines she snagged when she last visited the city. "I wonder how this human disposal device would react when pumped full of ionized energy?" Marry mumbled to herself, looking over a new kind of toilet the humans had made that talked and did all sorts of fancy things that seemed to be far beyond the scope of what its base design was made for. Apparently humans from the other wise of the planet had designed this thing.

Before she could attach a few jumper cables to the exposed electronics of the device, an alert went off in her lab. Teleporting over to the monitors, Marry saw a report about a tripwire being triggered in the kindergarten again, probably a human. On another screen connected to her rudimentary human surveillance equipment she saw what looked like two gem sentry drones making their way towards the temple. "Weird, those look a bit too advanced to be from the Kindergarten. And not chimeric enough to be human made..." Making her way out to the main temple antichamber, she waited to see if any of the other gems would go and take a look at the issue. She was pretty sure she wired up the other gem's rooms as well, but some of the others tended to get... rowdy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A small rumbling occurred in a hole above Seraphinite's. The rock cover of the hole started cracking and crumbled away. A yellow gem peered out over the scene below her. There was two gems, no, three now, one seemingly having emerged from the rock just like Cymophane. Cymophane didn't really care about the weird thing. Anyways, two of the three gems were having a conversation of sorts, which Cymophane was able to make out. Something about whoever was in charge.

Oh, right. Someone was in charge. She didn't know who, but she figured it would be better to find out. Cymophane took a little more time to study the Gems below. One was a gray Gem, wearing some sort of mechanical contraption. Interesting, she would inquire about this later. But the other one....Cymophane didn't like her. She looked....rather conceited. Still, she'd have to actually find out.

Cymophane then proceeded to walk down the wall, casually putting one foot in front of the other as she descended toward the ground. As she reached the floor of the Kindergarten, she spoke to Howlite. "The Clinohumite has a point. It would be useful to know where we're supposed to go."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago



Interactions: @The1Rolling1Boy

Eisenkiesel's awakening was an ungraceful affair, several millennia of dirt, dust, and rock forming a fairly snug prison. The tightness caused the forming Eise to panic, desperately clawing upwards to escape as the shifting dirt moved to fill in any gaps in the soil from her forming. With as much dignity of a near drowned cat Eise's hand shot through the earth, dirt and rocks exploding outwards from the force of the breach. Like a horror from a penny dreadful she crawled out of her hole, fingers digging deep gouges in the earth around her. Free and awake for the first time in thousands of years, Eise spent the next several minutes laying face first on the ground, deep breaths bringing in the smell of age and stone.

With a ragged sigh Eise dragged herself upright, sediment and pebbles raining down from her body as she stood for the first time in ages. With several experimental cracks of her joints Eise began to take stock of her situation. It became obvious very quickly that a lot of time had passed since the last she was awake, besides for her dramatic awakening the ground around her hadn't been disturbed for millennia and in fact it surprised her that she was only buried as much as she was. "Ok Eise, get those gears turning and think... what are you going to do?", Eise thought to herself as she began to shake off the mental rust of being out of commision for so long. With no better plan... or any real plan for that matter, Eise began to walk the length of the canyon and try to find anyone, or anything, to help her get some answers.

Her small journey lead to several small discoveries, that someone has certainly been busier than she'd realized given many gutted machines and foreign footprints, and of the curious noises coming from the top of the canyon. "Must be humans.", Eise mused to herself, certain that the meatbags had gotten into all sorts of trouble in the passage of time. Alas, beyond her minor findings, Eise was no closer to finding answers than she was when she started and was beginning to get the sneaking suspicion that she was well and truly abandoned. Not that she minded, to be completely honest, as her last memories of Homeworld were of escapecraft leaving behind many fellow Gems as a wall of light swallowed them whole. She shivered at the thought, packing it away as she continued on her way.

It was pure chance that Eise stopped to look at the wall of openings, bitter memories flooding her thoughts as she remembered this area... she'd seen most of these Gems be born and tossed into the grinder. A scowl twisted itself onto her features as she looked down, kicking a rock and sending it flying far down the canyon side. "Homeworld... cowards, traitors, and liars... all of them.", Eise thought to herself, the darkest of venom filling the words as she wound up to kick another stone before pausing mid strike. These stones were different but unmistakable, a Newborn has just been formed... somewhere up there. "Ehem... H-hello? Anybody up there?", Eise called out loud for the first time in ages and it showed. The words tripping over themselves and gravely, by the stars it's been awhile since she heard her own voice. Pushing that thought aside she began to scan the canyon wall, trying to find a form that looked fresher than the others.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The gem looked out of her hole once more calling out after hearing something also call out, "Yes! Hello! I'm stuck in this weird 'hole' thing! I don't know where I am! Can you help me?" A smile slowly grew onto her face happy to hear something besides bland freezing silence. She slowly leant out of her hole even though her arms at still trying to adjust themselves to this planet calling out once more after hearing footsteps of a sort or was that rocks falling,"Please don't leave me! At least help me down!" She then took a deep breath in and tried to stand up so she could wave her arms to signal this thing where she is so that this thing could help her.
So she did just that. Her legs shaking and her knees buckled together has she slowly reached one hand out of the dark hole of which she formed and waved it around, the other hand was placed against the wall to give her some sort of thing to balance on. She continues to do this until she slowly began to give up noticing that there was no one. No one is going to come for her. She would just be stuck there, clueless about who or what she is.
With this thought, she slowly sat back down this time with her cuffs and feet hanging out over the edge of her little hole. She then calmly went back to what she was doing before and just looked out into the nothingness. The new gem sighed and her once happy panicking expression changed to a sad moping expression. "No is ever going to find me at this rate," She mumbled and looked down at the ground. It was far from where she was, and if she tried to jump down she would probably poof herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

A bright orange flash briefly lit up the kindergarten, as if for a moment dawn had somehow penetrated through the city streets down to the canyon to greet the newborns. For some it might have been reassuring that they were not alone, for Howlite it left her blinded and flailing, the distant sound of rock being crushed flowing this up where rather terrifying. If anyone had seen her they would have seen a rather panicked gem covering her eyes with one hand and flailing about with her Gladius in the other. Fortunately the Clinohumite took some time to work out her frustration and thus once the bright orange gem arrived, standing out like an inferno in the dull stone cavern, she had managed to compose herself and had put away the blade. The Clinohumite was then followed by a yellow gem who appeared to have simply walked down the wall to meet them.

She decided to look up what the kindergarten had to say on these particular gem types as the individuals in question approached and requested to be shown to their superiors. Fortunately data retrieval was relatively low on the power requirement scale as she could simply use her Techno-Empathy to read the data without needing display devices.

A Chameleon Gem
Abilities: Terrain navigation via surface adhesion, they also have the ability to use an active camouflage system to hide themselves from sight

A Burrowing Soldier Gem
These are a prototype super soldier gem that were undergoing testing in the battle against the Crystal Gems
Abilities: capable of tunneling through solid surfaces they are designed to ambush hostiles by burrowing into the soft soil of the earth and then leaping out at unsuspecting foes
Gem type deemed a failure, all known specimens were decommissioned.

The decommissioned part worried Howlite a little, because it was not particularly clear why this had been the case, it might have been because they were dangerous to their fellow Gems, though the polite nature of the soldiers request put her somewhat at ease. In the end it didn’t really matter, their masters were gone and this Clinohumite was going to have to deal with that fact. So perhaps she would keep this information to herself for the time being rather than overwhelm her with revelations. At any rate, as a human had once said, it was time to rip off the bandaid. The first one at least.

Ah! Damn and blast it. My eyes. Again!

At least she was going to do so when a green flash lit up the cavern, once again blinding her. This time she simply plopped down on the ground, the ring at the end of her braid making a soft ‘klink’ sound as it hit the rock, seating herself and covering her eyes, waiting for the pain to go away and her eyesight to return. Two more sounds of rock being pulverized were heard, equally unnerving as the last time so she was grateful for the wonderful human stress relieving concept that was swearing, it calmed her down enough to get back to the matter at hand.

You two may want to sit down for what I am going to tell you

She decided she might as well let the two get over their predicament while she was incapacitated, so from her seated position she informed them.

There are no higher ups. I have been up for quite some time and have looked all over for them, not just in the kindergarten but the surrounding area as well. Not only could I not find any but none of the humans seemed to have any idea there was ever was a massive gem presence on the planet, so it probably been awhile since they left or died or got mutated or something. As far as I know there's just me, the humans, nature and a bunch of gem based monstrosities left on the planet. And now you two as well I guess. And possibly some others, judging from the blasted light show and those sounds. Maybe like four more have or will emerge according to the kindergarten’s monitoring system. anyway, welcome to earth, where you have no purpose so you have to make it up as you go along.

She shrugged and awaited the newborns mental breakdown. She realized that once they calmed down Clinohumite’s digging ability and Cymophane’s climbing skill would be useful for getting her back to the surface, where hopefully she could tap into one of the numerous electronic devices the humans had apparently made and get her more power hungry stuff working again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Peridot
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Peridot Clods!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"Mhmmm... that's too noisy..." Sighing quietly, still half-asleep, the Yellow Topaz shifted in her rock. Only then did her brilliant amber eyes open, at the realisation that she shouldn't be able to shift. In fact, she shouldn't have much room to move at all - but there, the rock and dirt around her was crumbling at each minute movement she made. And that meant only one thing... it was time to wake up! That noise outside, it must be the other gems, readying their awakening troops for the war. Now fully awake, Topaz pushed her way out of her rock nest, greeting the air with a determined smile... however, nothing greeted her back. Smile fading to a look a confusion, the yellow gem climbed out of her hole, landing gracefully on the dusty floor with a soft thud. Where was everyone? All that met her was the nearby noise, and some strange lights - rather than heading towards the noise and where the lights were pointing, Topaz headed straight for the source, overwhelming curiosity momentarily wiping out any worries she may have had about her current situation.

"Hm... very bright. Not Gemtech, too primitive. But then, where did it come from? The humans? They haven't developed so far as to create technology..." Pausing in her quiet observations, Topaz finally looked to where the light was pointing to. There! A lifeform, doing something to the rockface. Or was it the rockface? Whatever it was, Topaz's metaphorical heart sank at what greeted her. "Artificial clothing... advanced technology... far better groomed than the primitive humans we had thought to live here..." She realised that she had been asleep for a long, long time. With the lack of other gems in the area too, it was clear that if the war was even still ongoing, it was not going well for a Kindergarden to be abandoned and unsecure like this. Sighing quietly, she approached the human, deciding that if it hadn't noticed her already, it could be of some use to her. Perhaps it knew of Gems, and where she could find them?

"Hello? What are you doing up there?" To be fair, she was confused at what the human was doing - was it trying to break into the door?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

How long had it been since Tugtupite had been in this solar system? Maybe it's been a decade or maybe a century but regardless it had been a more than satisfying sticking around the backwater planet of Earth for however long she had been there. While she may have missed many of the commodities of her home planet, the sheer amount of progress she had made here compared to at her home spoke for itself as an upside to staying. Today she was getting ready to run some more experiments on some of her pets. A few of the corrupted gems from the surface below that she had managed to get a hold of and coax up into her holding containers. She'd been exploring ways to reverse or at least reduce the severity of corruption in gems when she managed to accidentally set off some sort of chain reaction in the gem changing it's base colours. Of course this also ended up throwing off the rest gem's for resulting in the gem no longer being able to hold a hardlight form but she thought she might have worked out the kinks in the formula at this point.

"Now then. Lets proceed little on-" Tug began before she was interrupted by her superior Bloodstone. The Kindergarden was finally yielding more gems after all these years. It reminded her of when she used to work the Kindergardens on other planets before she began her research. While this was an amazing opportunity, Tug still wanted to continue with her research so rather than have an existential crisis, Tug split in two and each one went about their business with the original leaving for Earth.

Tugtupite hitched a ride on one of the spider bots to make sure she got there at the same time as the droids. It wasn't smooth sailing getting all that hardware into the cave system that now encompassed the Kindergarden but it was done.

"Attention all Gems!" Tugtupite yelled as she stood atop the spider drone "I am Tugtupite! I represent the Homeworld. The genesis of our kind. And I would like to be the first to welcome you to the land of the living and I would like to invite you to join the Homeworld Earth outpost. Tugtupite said in a grandiose manner. It was then that Tugtupite noticed a Gem stuck at her level on a wall which was relatively high up compared to ground level.

"You there. What do you say, would you like to join us?" Tug asked as she commanded the spider-bot to extend one of it's legs as she walked along it to help the gem onto the spider-bot. She remembered how many times she had to do this when she used to work on other Kindergardens. So many Gems didn't know how much damage they could actually take; in all honesty Tug belived the gem would be able to easily survive the fall should she decide to jump down to the ground level.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Chloe Clinohumite
Breaches to the surface!

Interactions: @DracoLunaris@HaltingBlooper@rocketrobie2

Chloe snickered as the Howlite plopped it's small little body onto the dirtied ground of the Kindergarten. The Clinohumite crossed its arms defiantly as it stood in front of its fellow gem, adamant to keep only her feet upon the ground. Whatever the Howlite had to say, Chloe could take it.

"-anyway, welcome to earth, where you have no purpose so you have to make it up as you go along."

Clinohumite's arms fell limply to her sides, defeated. Here it was; the raw facts, the information that Chloe had initially denied, but could never escape. The silence that followed this revelation was deafening, an atmosphere that only fueled Clino's boiling temper. It was unfair, this defeat. Her whole life, her whole purpose, thrown away because of what? Her over sleeping?! She didn't deserve this. She, a proud, strong, and well-made Clinohumite, didn't deserve this! She deserved, and indeed expected, fanfare, popularity, and the opportunity to fulfill her life purpose. But, after waiting for all of this so patiently, what did Chloe receive? Bubkes! It was outraging! The orange gem started gritting her teeth once again, flashing in her studded weaponry and giving her fellow gems a good warning to back up.
Chloe's rage poured out in a flurry of fury, her iron studded punches flying into the rock wall behind her. The heavy attacks made echoes through the cavern, deafening sounds slamming into the ancient stone of Clino's birthplace. Chloe, her back conveniently turned to the other gems, could not help but tear-up through her burning anger. Why, out of all of the honorable Clinohumites of old, was she the only candidate for this terrible fate? It was all such a sudden happening, as if the trumpets and fanfare of the past had morphed into the dirt of Earth and the terror Chloe felt right now. She had no purpose. She was merely a gem, stuck in the Kindergarten, with the folly of mankind hoisted above her. It was all so sickening, and rage inducing, and, and...
Chloe stopped her bombardment upon the wall, her ears insistently ringing from the loud, destructive blows. A large, cracked crater now stood where a piece of straight wall had once been, jagged and cracked like the emotions poured into it. Chloe stood there and just heaved for a moment, tears plopping down from her now sullen eyes. "Beautiful, just beautiful... ~", the emotion ridden Clinohumite said, her back still turned to the two gems now standing behind her. As the ringing in the orange gem ear's dissipated, Chloe could've sworn she heard a phrase she thought she would never hear again, especially in this sorry state.

"Attention all Gems! I am Tugtupite! I represent the Homeworld. The genesis of our kind. And I would like to be the first to welcome you to the land of the living and I would like to invite you to join the Homeworld Earth outpost.

Chloe spun around as quick as she could, tears in eyes and all, after hearing that fantastic, very distant voice. Perhaps it was only a phantom of her past denial, but the stubborn Clinohumite could not help but restore her hope and expectations. Looking at the stout Howlite gem, Chloe said with an ecstatic smile, "You lied! Yes! You lied! Beautiful~ Homeworld gems ARE here!" Turning to the Cymophane gem now beside her, Clino called, "Come on, both of you!", before sprinting down the dark halls of the Kindergarten.
A cloud of dust kicked up behind the excited Clinohumite, her long legs carrying her quickly across the soft silt of the ruined Kindergarten. She would have purpose again, with Homeworld! Her life duty was not wasted, but instead, respectively repurposed. She would never be as happy as she was now, indeed! Chloe quickly drilled through silt pile and rocks alike, completely undeterred by obstacles that might've blocked a lesser gem's journey. Truly, nothing would stop her from obtaining this chance at purpose. Finally, the proud orange gem drilled into the cavern in which the great Tugtupite was located, her doubts of phantasmal sounds completely dismissed. Chloe gladly hailed her higher-up.

"I, Clinohumite, am more than glad to be in Homeworld's gracious service.", Clino said, politely kneeling and displaying her luscious hair in an effort to impress this beautiful~ greater gem.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The new gem looks up at this much taller being shaking out of fear. "Who are you? Who am I? What are you? What am I?" she asked looking up at this tall pinkish toned being. She slowly stood up and reached out to touch them so that she could make sure she wasn't seeing things. Her fingertips still slightly transparent as she reached out and touches the other being. "Your real... I can... touch.. you... Am I real?" She asked looking up at them before looking at them to see the weird thing that they used to get up here. It looked like some weird long legged thing.
The long legged thing doesn't look like anything she has even seen but that's because she hasn't seen much of anything lately either, though. The more the gem looked at it the more she became curious about it. She slowly got down on her hands and knees and crawled around the being to the weird long legged thing and poked it. She then tried to wiggle herself past this new being to look at the long legged thing better. "What dis?" The gem asked poking it once more now behind this new being balance herself on the long legged thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

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A cool breeze blew gently through Cavan's light blue hair, ruffling his bangs and pushing them over to the side of his head. The gem took a deep breath and exhaled gently, basking in the sweet waves of emotions. The empathic abilities of the Cavansite gem allowed him to lose himself in the various emotions of the people inhabiting the town near the temple.

He sat upon one of the hands of the temple's goddess form, peacefully basking in the waves of feelings that emanated from the town. Normally. he wouldn't have been able to so easily distinguish the multiple sentiments, however the large population allowed Cavan to pick up on them from a greater distance.

The blue gem meditated often in the quiet sea of emotions that the humans emitted. Nothing pleased him more than the exercise of freewill, free from parasites to control people. There were the few that let other people control them, however Cavan refused to intervene. He was a gem. They were humans. He had no business interfering with their affairs that he only knew about through what they considered, "unnatural powers."

A piercing wave of rage, confusion, and sadness suddenly overtook Cavan, causing his eyes to snap open as he jumped to his feet, gazing in the direction of the town. The power and intensity of the outburst screamed in Cavan's mind before vanishing as quickly as it had appeared.

"That... Wasn't human." Cavan muttered to himself. The raw power was typical of a human enduring a great grief, however the feel of the anger was distinctly gem. And it wasn't any of the remaining Rebellion gems that had caused the outburst. He knew their emotional signatures too well.

"The Kindergarten!" Cavan sprang forward onto the warp pad, beaming himself inside the temple instantaneously. Aquamarine! Vert! Marry! Sodalite!"

Cavan's voice projected through the entire temple, echoing through the halls and into every room the structure contained. He jogged around the main part of the temple, banging on the doors of each gem's room. "There's a new gem and she is not happy!"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago


As Seraphinite tried to maneuver her way through the space, voices sounded from all around her, belting out a lot of words and jargon that she didn't quite understand. Gems? Homeworld? What any of it meant was beyond her, as she slowly backed away from the voices, trying to figure out what was happening. Then she heard a crash right next to her, followed by a bunch more crashes as, unknown to her, Clinohumite started venting her frustrations out on the wall. The sounded noise and vibrations startled Seraphinite enough for the newborn to lose her balance and fall to the ground. And that is where she would stay, looking like a trembling pile of greenish-white hair to any that were looking at her.


Reginald A. Dorvain

"Currently trying to get this stupid hunk of junk on my . . arm. . . tooooooooooooooo-" Reggie's response to Topaz's question quickly turned into an expression of surprise as his head rotated to face the speaker."-ooooooooooooookay. You're a Gem. You've got to be a Gem. Neat, heh, real neat. Uh, you're not going to hurt me, are "-*beep*-" yo-, huh?" Reggie's blabbering was cut short as his gauntlet suddenly decided to start working, causing the door to open. Unfortunately for Reggie, however, was that the door was actually a bit wide than he though, the lower half of it covered in a thick layer of dirt. The lower half that Reggie was unknowingly crouching over.

The door snapped open so quickly that all the young man had time to do was look down in shock before he fell face first into the opposing corridor wall with a resounding clang. This was soon followed by a long-drawn out groaning as Reggie tried, and failed, to get to his feet, one hand gripping his nose as a fair amount of blood started dripping from it. His head was also aching something fierce as well, and the pounding in his head made it rather hard to focus on anything. "Oh . . . fuck. Uh, you . . Gem, can you help me outta here if ya. . . if ya not going to kill me. That'd be . . . swell, ah geez."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She had fallen behind the group! Sodalite, the tactitian, the linguist, the SMARTEST-

Wait, no. Hold on. She wasn't all that smart. Who was she kidding in her mind of course she was the smartest in terms of knowing things. She could be an eldritch god at this point.

In any case, she had been so caught up with the scans of the newborns that she forgot that she was actually traveling with a group. She wanted to watch them emerge. It was always so fascinating watching them develop their first form. The second form onward, though, those were far more interesting. So different, whatever they chose to look like depending on what they wanted to look like. It was amazing.

Had it not been for Cavan, Sodalite would have continued standing a good distance away, scanner in hand, musing about the possibilities of the gems.

This was no ordinary Kindergarten. Most Earth kindergartens were made for the express purpose of creating warriors, soldiers for conquest. However, this Kindergarten, from what Sodalite was able to gather, was a last ditch effort at making specialized weapons against the rebellion. It was a rush job that took too long to finish, to Homeworld left the Kindergarten intact.

"A gemling!" Sodalite scurried off to her friend. She was only a few thousand years old, Sodalite, made during the late stages of the Earth rebellion. She was in charge of linguistics and making the inhabitants of planets allow Gemkind to produce more Gems on their planets. She was shipped off to Earth as a tactician, and fought only briefly before escaping and changing sides. She couldn't like knowing that they were forcefully devouring planets to create more Gems. The natives, more likely than not, didn't have access to space travel, much less interstellar travel.

"Oh, Gemling, it's okay! We're here to help you~" She didn't even know who she was calling out to, but she was just too excited to see a little gem out and about, still learning about life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

Tugtupite was decently proud of herself in that she was so far pretty successful at recruiting for homeworld. She managed to defiantly get a Clinohumite to join her cause and might be able to get a indocolite out of the whole ordeal as well.

"Glad to hear it Clinohumite. Your actions within our task force will most certainly be valued by us and all wholesome Homeworld gems to come." Tugtupite said in the gem's direction as she knelt in front of her. While Clinohumites were designed for guerrilla warfare, Tugtupite could easily have seen these gems doing numerous other jobs if their time of creation had been during one not torn by war. They would have been able to dig out optimal caverns for gem creation in a matter of days compared to the tech that Tug used to use. They were truly a marvel of Homeworld indignity.

As she had spoken to the Clinohumite, she felt a small poke at her leg as the indocolite poked her leg a little. As she had been trained to do so long ago, Tugtupite waited a moment for the small gem to ask all that she had to ask before answering any of her questions.

Tug crouched down so that she would be at eye level with the small gem before she began her discussion. "Let's start from the top, shall we? Firstly, yes we are real and I am Tugtupite; a Homeworld science officer and as of today recruiter for our cause. You are a Indocoloite, a very versatile gem. As for what we are, we are gems. Plain and simple. As for 'dis'" she gestured at the machine "this is a spider-bot. Good for travel, protection and, of course, offence." Tugtupite explained, purposefully keeping things short in order to leave the indocolite wanting to hear more and thus making the chances of her joining Homeworld all the better.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"You're really tall Tu. Tup.. Tug... tugtu... I'm just gonna call you Tug and you are now my friend! I'm an in.. indo... indoc... I'm a Marnie!" The little gem says chuckling pointing to Tugtupite then at herself before asking, even more, questions, "What's Homeworld? What's a gem? If dis has a purpose... Then what are mine and yours? What does versatile mean? What does Offence mean? What is an offiecer? What does recruiter meen?? Wats a spider? Is bot short for a robot?" She calmly stares at her feet noticing they are still slightly transparent so she rolls onto her back and outstretches her foot to show her new friend, "Why are my feet see through likes this?"
Marnie then holds up her a hand which was no completely solid. Her icy blue pale teal highlighted fluffy frizzy hair hangs off the edges of the spider-bot legs. Her teal-ish skirt draping over her thighs. The bow keeping her skirt formed to her body slightly coming loose has moved around more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cymophane was...confused. There was a Homeworld Gem, which was nice...the Clinohumite had gone over there, and apparently there was another newborn. Neat. The Seraphinite had collapsed apparently. There were noises behind her, calling out to the newborns. Cymophane noped out of that, deciding to follow the Clinohumite, who was, if not anything else, familiar. Besides, the Homeworld Gem probably knew what to do, what with the Kindergarten being built for them and all. Cymophane walked over to the Homewo-Tugtupite, the Gem was a Tugtupite. Specifics are nice. She walked over to the Tugtupite, noticing that the gem that went by "Marnie" was asking quite a few questions, most of which Cymophane knew...she wasn't sure how, but apparently she had some knowledge of things she hadn't even seen yet. This probably didn't matter. What did matter was...

"Hello, Tugtupite. My name is Cymophane. It's nice to meet a Homeworld Gem. I look forward to working with you...but I have a rather urgent question. Who is that voice behind us?"@rocketrobie2 She gestured back towards the voice. @pyroman
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