This thread is subject to minor tweaking due to: New Thread Syndrome.

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It is a period of CIVIL WAR in the Galaxy, as the evil forces of the GALACTIC EMPIRE work hard to quell the growing forces of the REBEL ALLIANCE that have sprung up all over the galaxy. One such group of Rebels are simply known in the Alliance as the 332nd, RANCOR COMPANY.
This band of Rebels operate out of the Nebulon B Class Frigate known as THE KEEP in operations throughout the mid and outer rim of the Galaxy striking where other Rebel Forces dare not to and completing tasks that others deem as impossible. Still trying to gather themselves together after a recent loss, the commanding officers of The Keep meet for a briefing from Alliance High Command that will change everything...
OOC Information:
Rancor Company is a Roleplay set in the Star Wars Universe, operating out of the current Mainstream Canon (Current Marvel Titles(comics), Books, TV shows and Movies) beginning one month prior to the events of Rogue One a Star Wars story. In this roleplay players take control of operatives within the Rebel Alliance, based out of the Nebulon B class Frigate lovingly named The Keep performing specialised operations for Alliance High Command.
What makes this Roleplay slightly different to other Rebel based Roleplays is the fact that instead of forcing players all into the same squad, players take on roles within different squads/platoons based out of the vessel. You can either have your character lead these units or simply be members of them, NPCing characters in order to fill in the gaps. This is so that when action hits we aren't all forced into a gruelling five+ way collab and have freedom to move. Though that isn't to say interaction isn't allowed, squads can cross paths on the battlefield and down time on the ship is your own to play with.
This isn't glamorous, this is war. Be prepared to face insurmountable odds and be beaten down by an enemy with a military might beyond our ability, characters will die throughout the course of this Roleplay so you should be aware of that before going in. So without further ado, we'll go into more interesting information.
IC Information:
I am fairly lenient, so these Rules should pretty much be common sense.
1. Charactrs can, and will die. You do something stupid during combat, and that's it. You need to understand this going in.
2. Character Progression is key: Work the Problem. Make it believable, we're going for a sense of realism.
3. Minimum Posting Requirements will be once every two weeks, if you can't make it tell me so your character is spared any negative side effects.
4. Collabing shouldn't be the standard. It'd lose impact if Darth Vader appeared in every scene that Luke Skywalker was in, it works because it doesn't happen all the time.
5. Once again I iterate, we follow the current canon being released by Disney. If you want something from Legends ask before you just assume and throw it in.
6. Advanced standards apply. Posts should be well thought out, and high quality (Don't need to be long, just good) that move either personal plots or the plots of the RP as a whole forward.
7. Two Character (PCs) Maximum.
The Alan Simon Rule: Don't do anything generally stupid.
Character Sheets:
No Sith (Obviously) nor any current bounty hunters, Rancor Company doesn't pay for help. They do it themselves, an ex-bounty hunter is fine. I am willing to accept one Jedi(ish) character, as long as they were a Padawan during the Clone Wars and are done really well. If tied in well I am even willing to let them have a Padawan, though know the Jedi won't be in any command authority and will cause extra complications down the line for everyones characters...
Feel free to edit the template to your hearts desire, so long as you present me with all the necessary information it's fine.
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions/comments feel free to post them below or PM me.

Discord Link
It is a period of CIVIL WAR in the Galaxy, as the evil forces of the GALACTIC EMPIRE work hard to quell the growing forces of the REBEL ALLIANCE that have sprung up all over the galaxy. One such group of Rebels are simply known in the Alliance as the 332nd, RANCOR COMPANY.
This band of Rebels operate out of the Nebulon B Class Frigate known as THE KEEP in operations throughout the mid and outer rim of the Galaxy striking where other Rebel Forces dare not to and completing tasks that others deem as impossible. Still trying to gather themselves together after a recent loss, the commanding officers of The Keep meet for a briefing from Alliance High Command that will change everything...
OOC Information:
Rancor Company is a Roleplay set in the Star Wars Universe, operating out of the current Mainstream Canon (Current Marvel Titles(comics), Books, TV shows and Movies) beginning one month prior to the events of Rogue One a Star Wars story. In this roleplay players take control of operatives within the Rebel Alliance, based out of the Nebulon B class Frigate lovingly named The Keep performing specialised operations for Alliance High Command.
What makes this Roleplay slightly different to other Rebel based Roleplays is the fact that instead of forcing players all into the same squad, players take on roles within different squads/platoons based out of the vessel. You can either have your character lead these units or simply be members of them, NPCing characters in order to fill in the gaps. This is so that when action hits we aren't all forced into a gruelling five+ way collab and have freedom to move. Though that isn't to say interaction isn't allowed, squads can cross paths on the battlefield and down time on the ship is your own to play with.
This isn't glamorous, this is war. Be prepared to face insurmountable odds and be beaten down by an enemy with a military might beyond our ability, characters will die throughout the course of this Roleplay so you should be aware of that before going in. So without further ado, we'll go into more interesting information.
IC Information:
I am fairly lenient, so these Rules should pretty much be common sense.
1. Charactrs can, and will die. You do something stupid during combat, and that's it. You need to understand this going in.
2. Character Progression is key: Work the Problem. Make it believable, we're going for a sense of realism.
3. Minimum Posting Requirements will be once every two weeks, if you can't make it tell me so your character is spared any negative side effects.
4. Collabing shouldn't be the standard. It'd lose impact if Darth Vader appeared in every scene that Luke Skywalker was in, it works because it doesn't happen all the time.
5. Once again I iterate, we follow the current canon being released by Disney. If you want something from Legends ask before you just assume and throw it in.
6. Advanced standards apply. Posts should be well thought out, and high quality (Don't need to be long, just good) that move either personal plots or the plots of the RP as a whole forward.
7. Two Character (PCs) Maximum.
The Alan Simon Rule: Don't do anything generally stupid.
Character Sheets:
No Sith (Obviously) nor any current bounty hunters, Rancor Company doesn't pay for help. They do it themselves, an ex-bounty hunter is fine. I am willing to accept one Jedi(ish) character, as long as they were a Padawan during the Clone Wars and are done really well. If tied in well I am even willing to let them have a Padawan, though know the Jedi won't be in any command authority and will cause extra complications down the line for everyones characters...
Feel free to edit the template to your hearts desire, so long as you present me with all the necessary information it's fine.
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Role:[/b] Pilot/Squad Leader/Grunt/Sapper
[b]Unit:[/b] I.E. Lightning Squadron, Minok Squad, Aurek Platoon.
[b]History:[/b] Most important part of the sheet, as it lets me understand the character and your ability as a writer. What brought them into Rancor Company? Why did they join the Rebellion? Please give it some serious thought, there are so many different ways that one could decide to fight back... and a lot to consider especially with joining the weaker side.
[b]Supporting Cast:[/b] As you will be interacting with NPCs on a regular basis within your Squad/Squadron/Platoon please mention the ones you will be interacting with most often here, as well as what they're going to be doing.
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions/comments feel free to post them below or PM me.