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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

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@Asura No, besides Dredigan having control of Sansa Stark under House Lannister and kingkonrad working on House Tyrell. I also might autopilot a few characters from important families that nobody is using if the need arises. But besides that, no houses have been spoken for. Who were you thinking of playing?

Side note, would anyone care to be an additional co-GM in case both myself and Dredigan are temporarily indisposed? In my case, I might be absent for a couple days including tomorrow due to some personal issues, but I do want to make sure someone is minding the ship in the duration.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Considering House Thenn, which could be tricky with no Starks
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

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@Asura If it came to it I would just autopilot the key Starks to give North players someone to bounce off of. You could play House Thenn, have them be one of the new lords in the Gift. Though I imagine they'd have something of a rivalry with the Karstarks and Umbers.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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I've been really busy with work, but I will get to work on that CS tomorrow.

Actually, fuck it. I'll post a shell from my last RP, and you'll see it heavily, heavily, heavily edited. It should be fun- a whole host of characters to do, though I'll put the most effort into Willas (a kindly and noble Lord) and Merlin for now.

Is it possible to still have Garlan as Lord of Brightwater Keep? I can imagine he wasn't happy having it taken from him....beef. :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bloonewb
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

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@MrDidact Adventure? Hell yes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by TyrannosaursRex


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Abefroeman
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I am posting this for review by @MrDidact. It is the Band of Seven, minus Aerion, as his CS is approved and posted to the Character Tab. This is a work and progress, and will be updated over the course of the coming week.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

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@kingkonrad Looking good so far, it's even more detailed than I require though that's not a bad thing. As for Brightwater Keep, well House Florent was a big Stannis supporter, and Jon himself being something of a Stannis sympathizer and a peacemaker, he gave it back to the family. The Florents are a prestigious family and it wouldn't have been good politics to leave them homeless. I did have it in the backstory that the Tyrells raised a nice ocean-side keep near the Shield Isles to defend against raiders in the wake of Euron's attacks, and you could have Garlan be the lord of that seat. He's even the head of the Knights of the Green Hand, so he's not doing terrible. But of course a rivalry between the two families would make a lot of sense.

Are there gonna be any Tyrell femme fatale's in this generation? I've always liked that dimension of the family. I hope Willas or Garlan named a character after Marge, she was one of my favorite characters.

@bloonewb I can't wait to see all the interactions between such a diverse group.

@DrunkasaurusRex Take your time no rush, as for me I'll have a post up later tonight or early morning.

@Abefroeman Nice work so far! It should be interesting to see how their claims develop. The high lordship of Harrenhal is currently in the hands of the resurrected Lothsons who have a rather dark reputation. And Sandor should still be around somewhere but I don't think he was interested much in having his own keep. I guess I could have the Clegane Keep and the Golden Tooth be military encampments currently overseen by the Lannisters. The real messy bit is the claimant to Prince's Pass and the Tower of Joy. Should make for nice intrigue.

And I think Aerion and the Band of Seven would be good fits for this adventure I'm planning.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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@MrDidact@Nightwing95 I assumed i should wait for a GM post is it okay if i go ahead?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

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@Masterkeun Yeah it's fine, there's no posting order but it's good to let other people get words in. Just respond with characters who can, other characters can wait for updates.

I'll post later tonight.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Celeste
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@MrDidact Yes, Mychel would be Robin's only son, and looking to take a more diplomatic approach.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

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@Celeste Ah I see. Say, is Mychael more of the adventure type of the politics type?

Ok guys posted. The merriment phase is still underway, but I'm thinking the next post of mine will move everything to the nightly wedding feast and bedding and from there the story will really take off.

Feel free to respond to each other and have some fun, and jump around in time doing different activities. I will be back as soon as possible.

Again if anyone would like to be a Co-Gm to help me and Dredigan manage the game, please PM me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Manderford makes sense as that sort of keep, though it's all very flat- so I imagine it'd look imposing, with a nice harbour to keep the Iron Islanders at bay. And yeah, I can imagine, they aren't going to be happy, but I think I've made a set of characters that create a breed of Tyrells beyond all the shit their family got.

Yeah, the CS was from an old RP, but it's got a lot to be modified- it's easier to modify than it is to scrap and make afresh right now, so I'll stick to it, given that it looks all pretty and all. It's barebones, and will be minimal on some characters as I want to play them, wheras Alerie has a lot of detail due it being modified.

Oh, and what family would this be WITHOUT a femme fatale? The Tyrells in this RP are different to the two last generations of Tyrells I've had in other GoT RPs, as they aren't the lead, such as Olenna- Willas is clearly the defined head of the house, he's this incredibly nice, generous, pleasant guy, he isn't dishonest, he couldn't put a foot wrong (so will he die fast is the question? Surprisingly, he isn't in the thick of it, so maybe not). Wheras Alerie is a bit more cunning, she's definitely like Margery, equal parts cunning and charming. Merlin follows on from Willas, while Ellion is a very talented Knight and swordsman, reminding me of Garland from my previous RP- a bit of a glory seeking second son.

There's a lot of members of House Tyrell (and amazingly for a crippled guy, Willas has had a lot of kids), and if anyone wants any of the ones I've listed, feel free to PM me- so far I've put in bold Willas's sons and daughters, but will be playing Garlan as well if there is no interest in the other Tyrell.

I'll update you when it's all done :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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All my friends are joining this and I think one of the RPs I'm in has been canned, so I might have time to pour back into House Baratheon, if its still an option.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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CSes are WIP still, but I've updated their skillset, to showcase what they have and what I'm going to go with in them, so as an update for me and whoever is looking at it :P . I think they're gonna be a really fun set of characters to play, as I'm going to attempt to try and do a little quantity over quality at first, so as to establish the house and the setting for them, especially given that people like Willas are just internal and distant from it all, even 25 years on, and people like Merlin, Ellion and Alerie are the new sort of blood, to basically repair the enormous hit that they took in KL (cough Lannister bash). But there's a massive depth into these characters, which if it keeps going, I'll slowly drip in and really go for that depth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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@Nightwing95 It's fine if you wanna post that Jenn was half done or have her scurry off. She'd probably try to retreat if the targaryeans approached to take over
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nightwing95
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Nightwing95 The Augus

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Are you sure@Masterkeun? I was actually looking forward to RPing with you.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

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You still accepting new people?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

that sounds good to me to :) if you wanna do it that way I was just worried I was halting the post while I'm planning mine @Nightwing95
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