Imagine a world where your bestfriend is from a book you read or a movie you grew up loving. True we all have our imaginary friends....well had them at one point in time but this is not the same. A world not as far as we can imagine has opened up its gates and left a few hints here and there that fairytales DO exist. This world was once ruled by kings and queens that took good care of their kingdoms. Everything was once calm and filled with compassion until one day those that wished to dissrupt the peace finally found a way. An evil enchantress with enough power to keep a whole country going teamed up with villians from across the land killing rulers and some young alike. Luckily some of the royal babies were taken before the villians could bring harm to them. The saved childeren were sent to Earth by the help of those who were apointed guardians over the cilderen. Two houndred years ago the planets rulers decided to find a place far away that would house their childeren if anything bad would happen. Four pendants that opened the portal to Earth were created. One belongs to the only left guardian of the children who is on earth while the rest are scattered about between both worlds.
The rest of the royal youth were brought up to serve the very ones that put their parents to death. WIth a world filled with problems and people dying every day most would think that this world would decay along with the young royals that now live life with no memory before the attack. The good thing about this story is that happy endings always happen in farytales, even the ones that look the gloomiest.
Alright this roleplay is about our fairrytale princesses and prince's like Cinderella and Aladdin. This roleplay is not limited to only Disney characters so feel free to pick any as long as its not from the jungle book and other fairytales that dont have humans like the Lion King. This rp needs an evil Enchantress and some villians we know and love. Also lets remember that our royalty has not lived the lives in the movies we have seen. They were sent to Earth as infants or childeren no older then three. The people that they are connected to like Aladdin and Jasmine, they may have met or have yet to. As the rp progresses then the royalty on Earth will start to get small flashbacks of their homeworld. Also since the oldes a person can be sent to earth is 3 then now they would be 19. Also villians say on Fairytale wolrd and have no clue it exists. With pairs ONE SAYS ON THE HOMEWORLD AND THE OTHER IS ON EARTH. We ONLY have ONE pair that was sent to Earth. ALso Fairytale world is more modern day. They dont have crazy technology but they have indoor plumbing and hellicopters. They dont have ipods or ipads. A phone is simple as a cell or a home phone. They are not trying to clone unless its with magic. They are smart enough to use technology but they use it as needed.
1] We all know not to powerplay, have mary sues or gary sues etc.
2] Atleast 3 pragraphs per post
3] 4 characters max and 2 the least
4] Balance out the girls and boys please. We cant have ten girls and one boy
5] NPC's are WELCOMED and needed so feel free
6] Lets limit the magic being used in this rp please. I know I just rendomly decided this and all and Im sorry for not placing this in at the start but it slipped my mind. I only want magic used if need be. Again sorry for dropping this bomb a bit late but atleast it was before the rp starts
7] RPG rules apply
7] No speed posting. Long convo with someone? FIT it into one post
8] Keep your drama and yo baby momma out of this IC and OOC
9] If you lost interest in the rp PLEASE be curtious and drop the rp in a manner that does not make us wonder if your alive or dead. Tell us your bored and move on so we can give your characters away or kill them.
10] NO IGNORING OTHER CHARACTERS....unless they are not in the same room as yours or different planet.
11] Ideas? IM ALL EARS
Character sheet [those lnot living on earth leave out the real name and life on Earth. They will have their original names]
Appearance: [No anime, 3d faces or drawings. ACTUAL FACES ONLY]
Name:[-----] Real Name:[-------]
Personality: [good qualities and bad]
Life before Earth:
Life on Earth:
1] Beast-Guardian Angel Haruki

2] Eric-Sweetsound WAITING

4] Monkey King- Nallore...WHO NEEDS TO PLAY HIM!!!!!!!

5] Dimitri- DivineIntervention

1] Odette-DeadlyFairy13

2] Anastasia-Sweetsound WAITING

3] Belle-Myst

4] Ariel-Nallore

5]Sanzang-Guardian Angel Haruki


1] Dr. Facilier-Myst [NEEDS TO BE PLAYED]
2] Gustan- DeadlyFairy

3] Drizella Tremaine-Jade Chocolates [Waiting on replies]

4] Alice Liddle-eyesonlyhacker [done] [NEVER posted]
5] Aveana Tenderling- Deadly_fairy13

6] Ursula-

Ilya Muromets-tanderbolt

The Huntsman-eyesonlyhacker [Waiting ]
Lil Red-
Add more when needed.
Ariel-Eric [Both on Earth]
Belle-Beast/ Adam
Sanzang- Monkey King
Elsa- Huntsman
1] We have some characters that need to be used so lets play we could use more characters.
2] We have DIMITRI free. Whoever wants to play him then let me know
3] REMEMBER to follow the rules and KEEP AWAY from speed posting people.
The rest of the royal youth were brought up to serve the very ones that put their parents to death. WIth a world filled with problems and people dying every day most would think that this world would decay along with the young royals that now live life with no memory before the attack. The good thing about this story is that happy endings always happen in farytales, even the ones that look the gloomiest.
Alright this roleplay is about our fairrytale princesses and prince's like Cinderella and Aladdin. This roleplay is not limited to only Disney characters so feel free to pick any as long as its not from the jungle book and other fairytales that dont have humans like the Lion King. This rp needs an evil Enchantress and some villians we know and love. Also lets remember that our royalty has not lived the lives in the movies we have seen. They were sent to Earth as infants or childeren no older then three. The people that they are connected to like Aladdin and Jasmine, they may have met or have yet to. As the rp progresses then the royalty on Earth will start to get small flashbacks of their homeworld. Also since the oldes a person can be sent to earth is 3 then now they would be 19. Also villians say on Fairytale wolrd and have no clue it exists. With pairs ONE SAYS ON THE HOMEWORLD AND THE OTHER IS ON EARTH. We ONLY have ONE pair that was sent to Earth. ALso Fairytale world is more modern day. They dont have crazy technology but they have indoor plumbing and hellicopters. They dont have ipods or ipads. A phone is simple as a cell or a home phone. They are not trying to clone unless its with magic. They are smart enough to use technology but they use it as needed.
1] We all know not to powerplay, have mary sues or gary sues etc.
2] Atleast 3 pragraphs per post
3] 4 characters max and 2 the least
4] Balance out the girls and boys please. We cant have ten girls and one boy
5] NPC's are WELCOMED and needed so feel free
6] Lets limit the magic being used in this rp please. I know I just rendomly decided this and all and Im sorry for not placing this in at the start but it slipped my mind. I only want magic used if need be. Again sorry for dropping this bomb a bit late but atleast it was before the rp starts
7] RPG rules apply
7] No speed posting. Long convo with someone? FIT it into one post
8] Keep your drama and yo baby momma out of this IC and OOC
9] If you lost interest in the rp PLEASE be curtious and drop the rp in a manner that does not make us wonder if your alive or dead. Tell us your bored and move on so we can give your characters away or kill them.
10] NO IGNORING OTHER CHARACTERS....unless they are not in the same room as yours or different planet.
11] Ideas? IM ALL EARS
Character sheet [those lnot living on earth leave out the real name and life on Earth. They will have their original names]
Appearance: [No anime, 3d faces or drawings. ACTUAL FACES ONLY]
Name:[-----] Real Name:[-------]
Personality: [good qualities and bad]
Life before Earth:
Life on Earth:
1] Beast-Guardian Angel Haruki

2] Eric-Sweetsound WAITING


4] Monkey King- Nallore...WHO NEEDS TO PLAY HIM!!!!!!!

5] Dimitri- DivineIntervention

1] Odette-DeadlyFairy13

2] Anastasia-Sweetsound WAITING

3] Belle-Myst

4] Ariel-Nallore

5]Sanzang-Guardian Angel Haruki


1] Dr. Facilier-Myst [NEEDS TO BE PLAYED]
2] Gustan- DeadlyFairy

3] Drizella Tremaine-Jade Chocolates [Waiting on replies]

4] Alice Liddle-eyesonlyhacker [done] [NEVER posted]
5] Aveana Tenderling- Deadly_fairy13

6] Ursula-

Ilya Muromets-tanderbolt

The Huntsman-eyesonlyhacker [Waiting ]

Lil Red-


Add more when needed.
Ariel-Eric [Both on Earth]
Belle-Beast/ Adam
Sanzang- Monkey King
Elsa- Huntsman
1] We have some characters that need to be used so lets play we could use more characters.
2] We have DIMITRI free. Whoever wants to play him then let me know
3] REMEMBER to follow the rules and KEEP AWAY from speed posting people.