Reserved; Characters should only be posted here once accepted.
Name: Talvyrn Aledwn, Lord of House Vhalendin and High King of Alavion
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Alavion, an Imperial Knight world known for vast woodlands and mountain valleys dotted with castles, hamlets, villages, ports and towns; an overall beautiful and picturesque planet ruled over by kings and queens and their knights in great anceint suits of power armor. Also a host of large dangerous beasts and at one point a feral ork infestation.
Alignment: Loyalist - Dies with arms in hand during the Siege of Terra while defending the palace, falling in battle like knights of old.
Appearance: What does your demigod look like? Describe them out of armor in text unless you can find a picture that fits. You may also describe their power armor and their regalia. Remember that no matter male or female, Primarchs are usually a solid 11 feet tall and muscular.
• Valorforged Oath - A Paragon Blade from the ages of yore, passed down the line of monarchs and lords of Alavion into Talvyrn's hands. Its blade never falters and is said to be able to cut armor. Although its technically a two-handed great sword, Talvryn wields it as if it was but a normal blade.
• Long Arm of Dominion - A Combi-Melta Bolter • Starlit Warden - Storm Sheild • Armor of Knights Ascended - Artificer Armor • Galespeed - Jetbike
Skills: Talvyrn is a swordsman without equal, at least to himself, and will often boast about it. His fluid, graceful motions are helped by a mutation he has called the "Amber Eye". Beyond turning him into a heterochromatic with a golden-amber eye, this eye allows him to process sight much faster, allowing him to spot weak points and vulnerabilities as well as allowing him to react faster. He has no physic powers of note.
Personality: Your Primarch's character traits, their positives and negatives, their highs and lows, where they excel and what their flaws are. Remember: the Primarchs are human, and yet far beyond human, capable of far more intensity than any mere mortal in all of their emotions. In other words, they're almost literally larger than life, and should be portrayed as such. Their most defining traits should be easily recognizable.
History: The story of your primarch's life before and after they were picked up, what they did during the Great Crusade and what ultimately causes them to fall to Chaos if they do. Any notable achievements should be listed here and more importantly, what the meeting between the Emperor and your Primarch was like. You don't need to give conversation but keep it sort of like a third person overview.
Relations: Basically what is your stance on the Emperor? Your Primarch siblings? Any other random people you have a connection with? Do you have any Primarchs you really like or despite completely? Remember, they don't have to end up on the same side as you do to be your best friend here and nor does the people you hate have to be on the opposite side. I encourage people to go beyond the Loyalist/Traitor lines here when selecting friend (who should obvious match up to some degree with you).
Legion Name: The Empyrean Knights (formerly the Solar Lances)
Legion Number: III
Legion Strength: About 58,000 combat ready astartes; had more but losses over the course of the Great Crusade has whittled their numbers down a little.
Armor Appearance:
Warcry: "Vigilo, Confido!" "We are the Knights of the Emperor!" "Heroes Never Die!"
Important Figures: Besides your Primarch, who else is a "major player" in your Legion? This could be anyone from company commanders to techmarines or medicae or whatever. If you have a splinter force of your Legion who did not follow with your Legion's overall choice on what side to be on in the Schism in the future, this is where you would put them.
Tactics/Roles: Steadfast and stout hearted melee specialists who often make use of jump packs and mechanized elements. In addition, they have a special preference for bike-mounted lancers and transports with Imperial Knight walkers often making an appearance as heavy support.
Traits/Ideology: How does your legion think and appear? Is it due to the Imperium/Chaos influence, its gene-seed, its Primarch or its recruits/homeworld? Essentially, what is the "personality" of your legion and what kind of look they take on that could take cues from real world cultures. Traditions can also be listed here.
Homeworld: Kestes II, Designation Death World, a world destroyed by combat so badly that it’s surface is mostly bare due to bombing, now all that is left is the rare outcrop of land capable of growing flora, and raising fauna, even most of the water was tainted and undrinkable. Farah grew up in a small tribe where everyday was a battle with other tribes over their watering hole, and their farms. Every single drink was earned with blood shed. It truly builds strong warriors to live on this planet as everything done has to be done with quick precise understanding of the consequences that can follow no matter how small.
Alignment:Loyalist, she (possibly) survives the Civil war, and ends up taking part in running the new Imperium, trying to keep it's standards as her father wished.
Appearance: She stands at 2.8 meters tall, with a powerful build and weighing about 219.085 kilograms
Wargear: Wearing a set of Terminator armor is awe inspiring, the behemoth suit of plate stands out all the more with the elaborate decorations that adorn it, showing that the wearer of it is more than just your average marine. The plates themselves are painted very dark purple known as Eminence, with tiger like stripes slashing along the purple in a shade of orange known as Tangelo. This isn’t all that makes it so different, it is adorned along the back with a myriad of colored feathers each about two feet in length, and hanging from the shoulders is the pelt of a very large feral feline with a black coat and yellow spots. Furthermore etched into several of the plates are symbols from her homeworld denoting luck, strength, and victory. Many times she can be seen on the battlefield without her helmet on, but when it is adorned violet glows emit from those lenses to stare out across the battlefield as she seeks to lead her women to glory. Along with her armor she carries a Power Maul that was built to an appropriate size for her terminator armor, and the fact that she is a Primarch. The Power Maul has a plasma rifle built inside of it so that the ammunition is loaded into the bottom and fires out the end. Further she also carries a Storm Shield of appropriate size mounted on her forearm as well which combined with her terminator armor makes her a very hard to destroy foe indeed. Her left hand which is the same arm with the storm shield wields a lightning claw allowing her to have a variety of melee on top of her shield and plasma rifle.
Personality: She has a strong reverence, almost to the point of Zealotry. Her loyal nature is only more obvious as she never falters from her orders given by the Emperor, or those given to her through those who speak in the name of the Emperor. Regardless of this she can be full hardy, and bull headed, especially in combat. She never considers the possibility that losing, or retreat is an option, she would instead instead fight to the last woman rather than ever have to report that she had lost ground, or lost a battle. Though she would put her women warriors through the limits in battle, she cares for each of them greatly, and considers them her daughters in the most literal sense of the word, being sure to learn each marine she meets name and match it with a face.
Regardless of this very personal attachment she has to each of her marines, she understands there will be losses, and instead of mourning each of these she finds herself honoring the dead by having their names etched into the walls of her personal cabin. There is nothing she wouldn’t do for the Imperium, and any enemies who stand in Farah’s way should fear her wrath.
Skills: She’s an expert in close combat, and always seems to have a knack for breaking through the frontlines of enemies. Not many can match the tenacity of Farah when it comes to tactics and strategy on the ground in close combat, and finding weaknesses not only in enemy formations, but in a enemies’ personal defenses as well. She has a taste for using short ranged weapons, and close combat ones training mostly with her Power Maul, with built in plasma rifle and Storm Shield. This is brought on by a strange supernatural perception that makes it seem like she can almost see what will happen, before it happens. Though this perception may be a manifested psyker power, she has exhibited no other powers, and thus is not labelled as such. Psyker Assignment Level: Omicron
Biography: She was found lying in a small field of corn, her body healthy, and everything about her seemed to be perfect. Many of the tribe wanted to leave her in the barrens where nothing would grow to die, others wanted to kill her outright believing that they could not feed another mouth that was not hers. Yet the Tribe Elder and his wife disagreed, finding that the child who seemed closer to a teen than that of a toddler was something special sent to them, a being that would help them keep what was theirs. They were proved right as Farah proved to be a quick learner at everything she did, and was strong enough to begin doing tasks than even two men would be able to do for the tribe.
She excelled with them quickly bringing them harmony as she helped in the taking care of what cattle they had, and helping tend the fields, even showing them a way to make some land that had once been thought impossible to far, and turn it it into workable farm land, which doubled the amount of land they had to grow food. She also showed almost natural abilities with weapons, proving time and again as she fended off raids that she was more than capable of using a firearm, and swords. As her age increased she told the elder of strategies and plans she had come up with so that the warring between the tribes could end, and they could live in peace.
So she lead the Tribe against the others removing the leaders to show the strength of her tribe, and revealing all that she had taught to her own tribe so that no one would be without. After a decade of this the planet was finally unified. A new era of peace dawned for Kestes as had never been seen before, with only the occasional rebellion rising up. Besides that though it was peaceful. That was until the Emperor came, and told her of his crusade, told her who she was to him. She went with him though and and was given her own Legion, the Fifth Legion which was quickly renamed the ‘Blazing Sisters’ after their tactics, and color pattern.
10,186 Captain Isis, a handsome woman with facial features that most strongly resemble Farah of any of the Blazing Sisters, her hair when grown out also shares the same color and texture though she typically keeps her hair shaved to the scalp. She wears a set of Terminator armor much like her primarch as well though she wears a panther pelt only over the right shoulder, and wields a pair of lightning claws. Isis is one of the cooler tempered of her sisters, except when it comes to her Pirmarch, when it comes to Farah's reputation or life being on the line Isis can be easily put into a fury of retribution, but her leadership skills and strategic mind are strong and sound, and her unwaivering attitude in battle has earned her the position of First Company Captain.
9,847 Captain Thalestris A face that seems almost regal with piercing eyes, Thalestris would have had the eye of many suitors if she was not born an Astartes. With hair the color of golden corn, she has shaved it in a single stirpe down the middle of her head and cuts off just at the back of her skull where it is all tied back into a ponytail that reaches her shoulders. She wears a regular set of power armor a lion's pet adorning her left shoulder and carries a power spear slightly taller than herself. She is of few words, and moves like a lioness on the prowl searching for everyone's weakness at all times.
10,001 Captain Valasca Valasca has seen better days, one of Farah's best Captains, but also most brash , she bears the markings of a life in war where she has taken many chances. Once a handsome face with strong features was now marred with multiple scars, and a cybernetic where and Ork had gotten to her. Further showing of her brashness is the fact that her right arm down is completely mechanical after she lost it charging a Ork line. Though all these acts are brash they also were successful, and turning points that brought many victories to Farah and through her the Emperor. She wears a set of regular power armor donning a beige pelt of a feline on her right shoulder, carrying a chainsword, and a Inferno pistol gifted to her by Farrah as a reward due the victory won at the sacrifice of her arm.
8,734 Captain Penthesilia Some find it hard to believe when they see her face that she is an Astartes, she truly has a beauty like few other among the Blazing Sisters with vibrant eyes, naturally long lashes, and hair as soft as silk many consider her quid beautiful. She keeps that soft platinum hair cut in a fade with the top being left very long and falling to one side. The Captain of Fourth Company commands the Company with largest amount of Terminators and thus she herself also wears terminator armor, with the pelt of a white tiger with almost neon blue stripes draped over her shoulder. She fights with deadly ferocity using a attached storm bolter, and a chainfist. She tends to be quite open with her thoughts, quite often expressing herself fully no matter the situation. Still she will always follow follow orders, and is willing to go into situations that would kill other Astartes.
12,322 Captain Antiope Antiope is very different from the rest of her Sisters, her hair is a darker brown color, with a rounder face than the rest of her sisters who have high cheekbones, and strong jawlines, regardless of this she is a extremely valued Sister, and completely worthy of her position as a captain. Like other Captains she wears the typical power armor the pelt of a lynx like feline on the left shoulder, unlike the others she is especially talented in ranged combat, and leads the largest amount of range fighters, she carries a Storm Bolter of which she has perfected the use of over her time in the Blazing Sisters legion.
Sixth Company 10,212 Seventh Company 8,121 Eight Company 11,989 Captain Eurybe (6th), Captain Celaneo(7th), Captain Phoebe(8th) Strangely enough these three women all took on the same identical appearance, a strong jawline, high cheek bones, small pouty lips, and half closed seemingly uncaring eyes. They also all took to having the same hairstyle where the left side of their head is shaved completely bald and the other side hangs to their shoulders, in a blonde silky waterfall. They all wear Astartes power armor decorated with a tiger pelt stretched over their right shoulders. Each one carries a different weapons though, Eurybe carrying a Power Lance, Celaneo carrying a Power Sword, and Phoebe carrying a Power Axe.
Honor Guard Slayers of Herakles These women make up some of the most elite of the Blazing Sister's legion. They are fifteen strong, and mixed between regular Astartes, and Librarians. They wear terminator armor the color of gold, with red splashes, while they carry Halberd weapons, force halberds for the Librarian's and Power Halberds for the non Librarians. They are lead by Captain Antimache, a veteran of the Blazing Sister's legion, one of the oldest serving Marines under Farah's command. She keeps her head shaved smooth and bald, and wears the pelt of a Kestes Lion as a cape.
Special Units The Lion Lancers: The Kestes Lions are enormous beasts standing around eight feet at the shoulder while on all fours. They are armored in their own way with special springs, and shocks designed to hold the weight of a fully armored Astartes to ride upon their back. They also typically have a storm bolter mounted on a swivel on their back. The riders of these beasts carry power lances, and use the mounted storm bolter as a ranged weapon. The lions typically have fur colored black and white, with huge flowing manes that obscure the most of the rider from view of the enemy.
Non-Astartes Iterator Elias Kaphim Elias Kaphim is the Senior most Iterator on the ship and is often sought out by Farah, and the other Captains when they are in need of counsel, or wish to learn more about the past. He stands stooped at the waist, bent over as his back was bent with age, his skin wrinkled with time, though there is still a sparkle of intelligence in his eyes.
Remembrancer Lykinnia Assandros Farrah’s personal remembrancer, Farrah has assigned Lykinna to record all her accounts of war stories, and things that are taking place during her campaigns, she also lets her record her personal feelings about how campaigns are going and the actions of other Primarchs on, and off the battlefield. She also often tells her of stories from before she joined the Crusade, and tales from her homeworld, and the songs they sung. Lykinnia is young and beautiful, hair colored bright red, with skin like porcelain, pouty lips red as blood, and bright green eyes. It was too much dismay of many men that she chose to rembrance for the crusade and now stays constant aboard Farrah’s Flagship.
Astra Telepath Daigan Morrow The Psyker for Farrah’s flagship, he is completely blind, and frail even though he is incredibly young.
Farrah’s Serf Hipp She tried and failed at being and Astartes, and was instead made into a Serf for Farrah’s personal use. She spends much of her time cleaning Farrah’s armor, and preparing the tribal elements that often decorate Farrah’s armor.
Favored Tactics/Battlefield Role: The Blazing Sisters Legion has a mindset of charging into battle, usually looking to hit an enemy’s frontline at it’s weakest point in order to break it. They typically form up prepared for short ranged, and close melee combat, their weapons usually consisting of chainswords, bolt pistols, and bolters. While they do have some armored vehicles it’s not nearly as many as other legions, as the tactics they typically follow in battle can’t use many vehicles except ones that deliver heavy artillery fire, though they do make use of many dreadnoughts.
Legion Characteristics/Ideology: They tend to be extremely stricts outside of combat, wearing only the appropriate attire issued to them, acting only as accorded to them by their chapters standards, and adhering to strict training schedules. During their time off from their schedules in which they can do what they please they can be often found playing games that require sharp minds knowing strategy, or sparring with each other in the training rooms. They are often respectful with other legion’s astartes, but can grow aggravated with a lack of discipline or lack of planning in any given situation.
Other: Farrah’s Flagship is named, Mellanippe
The Blazing Sisters typically put on warpaint before going into battle, a broad stripe of orange that goes from the end of one eye to the over including over the bridge of their nose, with thin strip of purple from the top of their top lip to the bottom of their chins.
The Blazing Sisters love to sing songs, especially when marching or in battle. They often sing when they gather together for updates from Farrah, who often leads them in their singing. Example of a Battle Song: Ad bellum duci imperator nobiscum Victoria nostra canimus clare omnibus audientibus , vox nostra ocreis vere nos annuntiamus , ducis nunquam moriamur
They often share stories, though they embellish them greatly as to evoke a greater fascination with the stories or make them so much more humorous.
Outside of their armor, The Blazing Sisters often wear Togas, or simple cloth skirts.
Name: Gavlan, The War-Smith, Renown Engineseer of Novarupta
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Novarupta - Disignation Dead World (formerly: Forge World) Much like Mars the Novarupta was run by the Mechanicus who had degenerated into a Technocracy where machines where meant to serve the techpriests rather than the reverence like that of mars. The people running the factories where little more than slaves imported from the surrounding feudal worlds which where kept in a state of medieval perpetual war. The endless wars on these worlds supplied the many thousands of slaves to the Novarupta forges. The planet itself is plunged into eternal night by the thick choking atmosphere of acrid exhaust and toxic fumes.
Alignment: Chaos Undivided (Note: Gavlan was (or will be) excommunicated due to use of Forbidden technology)
Fate: Flees to the Eye of terror with the Hereteks in tow, along with many forbidden technological artifacts. Galvan is also severely wounded during the Siege of Terra requiring extensive augmentations to survive.
Appearance: Gavlan stands at about 11'2 much like his siblings, but this is his only major similarity. When not covered by his armor Gavlan often wears robes that are very similar to the robes of a techpriest to cover his extensive cybernetic modifications. The majority of his enchancments are more subtle than that of the Mechanicus with most augments being covered over by skin but if one looked closely they could see machines moving and working underneath. These machines mostly make it so that he does not need nutrition or sleep as often as his siblings, being more than able to function normally for weeks on end without tiring. The machines also give his drastically increased durability, while his organs may become damaged the machines pumping or cleaning his blood are much more robust. Beyond this he has extra limbs attached to his spine, two thick tendrils of synthetic muscle and cable bound in adamantium hang from his shoulder blades and wired to his spine to be directly controlled by Gavlan's thoughts. The tendrils end in four pronged clamps ((like the sentinels from the matrix)) that can grip with enough force to crack ceramite.
Wargear: The Hammer of Novarupta - A large power maul with a shortened haft to make it a one handed weapon. Crafted by Gavlan himself
Deus-Machina - A heavily modified Stormblade super heavy tank. It is fitted with a massive plasma blast cannon and several side mounted heavy bolters and las-cannons. The tank is noticeably larger than its sibling Stormblades as it supports Ion shields like that of the Knight titan and a much more powerful generator to fuel the energy demands of the plasma cannon and shields. Atop the primary turret sits a command throne where Galvan will be wired into the tank's vox and auspex sensors.
Skills: Engineseer - He is not a psyker in the traditional sense but is very adept at communing with the machine spirit, while this makes him an excellent Techmarine his use of this ability earns him displeasure from the Mechanicus based on Mars, as he is often overpowering the will of the machine spirit and forcing it to function rather than offering it prayer and reverence.
Augments - Thanks to seveal sensory implants he is able to pick up and process more information than most, sights and sounds are enhanced and processed more completely than that of even a Primarch. These implants also grant him the ability to communicate in Binary with techpriests or techmarines with the proper implants.
Personality: Gavlan is actually quite jovial most of the time, laughing at himself or absurd stories like a drunkard. He is also somewhat of a rabble rouser. he is often found stirring trouble by riling up his siblings, or trying the Emperor's temper. However once the situation is serious or he is on the battlefield he becomes as cold and methodical as any of the Mechanicus.
Galvan however hardly spends time outside of his private workshop. He endlessly tinkers and modifies everything from Imperial guard tactical helmets to the Baneblade in the center of the workshop that has been fully stripped by Galvan alone as he seeks to improve the machine, Already proposing several new Baneblade patterns to his mobile factories.
History: Galvan was dropped on the toxic Forge world of Novarupta, he was found by a low ranking member of the Technocracy and raised as if he where the enginseer's own child. The Enginseer was one of the many on Novarupta who did not follow the restrictions that had governed the Mechanicus as strictly as those on mars. Galvan grew in this environment tinkering and exploring machines constantly developing a bond with the machine spirit that was unmatched even by the most senior techpriests.
Galvan entered the Technocracy younger than any had before, but those Enginseers who had known Galvan where surprised it took him as long as it did. Galvan however cared little for the hierarchy or who controlled the most productive forges, and cared even less for the politics around such petty squabbles. He preferred to experiment in his workshop. He produced many patterns of tanks, armor, generators, water pumps etc. that far surpassed those of his so-called superiors.
The Tecnocrats where happy to let him toil away in his workshop as they knew if Galvan decided to he could wrest control of the forges away from whomever he pleased. Galvan began research into deeper and forbidden technologies that even the priests of Novarupta dared not explore. He worked on producing machines that could think for themselves. He started on a very small scale, producing little more than mechanical rodents who could think on a very basic level. His advances grew slowly for years, even while the Emperor's great fleet burned across the galaxy reclaiming his siblings. The Enginseers of Novarupta began fearing the ever advancing artificial intelligence coming from Galvan's laboratories. When they started sending Skittari Units they where met by autonomous gunturrets that scythed them down.
Galvan began tinkering with a suit of armor from one of the feudal worlds near by, little more than a shell to house the machinery and intelligence of his artificial army. It was a primitive contraption, with only a simple las-gun built into it wrist and crude routines dictating its behavior. Galvan turned his few forges to mass produce the simple robots. The robots where not truly sentient, but he was close and he could feel it. As his autonomous army grew the Technocracy began trying to force him out and destroy the forges, but his army was growing faster than even the might of their tanks or Skitarii legions could destroy.
Galvan ignored the war raging outside his workshop, endlessly tinkering with the brain of his autonomous legion trying to successfully create a new form of life that was entirely mechanical. As he was nearing his goal the forces of the technocracy fell and the planet was Galvan's, but he didn't even notice. Nor did he notice the Emperor and his dropships arrive at the planet and begin slaughtering the Automatons.
It was a slow grueling war that Galvan was entirely oblivious to until the Emperor and a several squads of terminators marched into his workshop and destroyed the first and only truly intelligent being created by Galvan. Galvan was furious and attacked the emperor, but was quickly subdued as he was wearing nothing but a simple robe and fought with his fists and augmented limbs.
The Emperor forced Galvan to abandon his research and utilize the Iron Legion, now named the Nova Guard, to continue the conquest of the galaxy. He agreed but resented the Emperor for destroying his work and forcing him into such a tedious pursuit of conquest, he had accidentally conquered a forge world in a year without any direct involvement and resisted the full might of the Emperor for weeks.
when he claimed his Legion he re-ignited the Forges of his home and turned them to produce the Star Forge, stripping factories and reducing the entirety of the planet's surface to useless stone in the construction. For years his legion did nothing but take the small feudal planets surrounding the forge world and train and grow their ranks as Galvan constructed the gargantuan ship. When it was complete he left the forge world behind stripped bare, making his legion fleet based and only taking recruits from planets they stop at or conquer.
Relations: Talvyrn - close brothers (to be detailed) Ophiuchi - Distrusting of his sorcery, very strained relationship Farah - Hated siblings
High in orbit above Orvus II on the great Star-Forge ship Galvan and Farah, along with their aides, huddle around a great war-map of the largest hive city. Techpriests and servitors have been running casualty projections and tactical scenarios for hours, increasingly trying Farah's patience but Galvan insists repeatedly stating in a cold dead voice, "we will not repeat the Alerous disaster" where a great many Nova guard where slain. With several more reports coming from the tactical cogitators the best combat scenario hovers around 25% losses of imperial army forces and 10% losses for the Marines. In response to the new data Galvan simply replies "Unacceptable" which also means to run several more calculations which will take at least an hour.
It was at that point that Farah had walked onto the bridge, her sandled feet barely making a noise, regardless of her heavy form. "I see we are taking in the situation brother. What is it you are deciding for Orvus II? Will we drop the our children into their streets, show them our power and make them bow before us?" She grinned a bit and cracked her knuckles, and began look over the same scenarios that Galvan was looking at. She flicked her hand across the screen a few times, and moved around a few positions of the troops before standing back. "There." The screen now read 7% losses for Astartes, and 19% for Imperial Army. "That's better."
Galvan studied the modifications, letting his own cogitators crunch the numbers, it was better to be sure. 7% however was still far too high in his opinion, it would be weeks to replace the tanks and such alone much less the numbers. With out glancing up from the map he asked "Population estimate of hive?" and waited a moment before the number came up, 1.8 Billion people in the city. He grunted, a smallish hive, would probably be rebuilt and populated at least as many in a few years. Despite the fact that taking the hive would take weeks, if not months of slow costly fighting. "No" he said in the impossible calm of a techpriest, "we raze the city, orbital bombardment"
Farah stopped dead in her tracks, slowly turning towards Galvan, and slowly walked over towards him, a hand grabbing his shoulder to turn him towards her. "What? You cannot do that. The losses are more than acceptable, and more than likely off.. That is a standard idea, and you know our Astartes always out perform the predictions." She stared him in the eyes, to see if there was any inclination that he might change his mind. "Galvan, you can't be serious, this is our purpose. TO fight for the Imperium. Not sit here and watch bombs blow up billions of civilians."
Galvan stared he down while dismissing the HUD displays of Farah's heart rate and other vitals, he knew he was upsetting her but it wasn't the point. He sighed and started calling up various numbers in his head even though part of him knew Farah could care less about them. he started spouting them off rapid fire "65% of the population are combatants, at minimum, we will at minimum kill 4 billion enemy combatants and civilians while taking this planet. which will take about a year depending on their resilience. razing this city will save us months, only add 25% to the planets casualties and possibly end the war now if it breaks their spirit... its the most logical decision" he knew it wouldn't help even after he said it, but he hoped it would, it was his sister after all.
She didn't move, she simply looked once more at the scrolling statistics. "Give a show of force then." She looked over the map, and pulled up a single area it was hot with military activity, obviously one of the enemies main locations. "Fire here, destroy this base.. Then.. See if they still want to fight. Show them we are willing to kill them all without mercy, but give them a chance. There are billions of combatants? Billions of potential recruits, for the army, and our sons and daughters alike."
'billions of slaves for the forges' flashed through his mind, followed by thoughts of his artificial army. a new soldier at least as powerful as a space marine but only taking days to produce rather than years... If only father could understand... Galvan shook his head, "its too small, they are a resistance force, not a true military. They have splinter cells in every hive and bases all over the planet. destroying the isolated bases would only remove... 30% of the fighting ability." he finally said, his voice touched with a hint of annoyance which is extremely uncharacteristic.
"You can try, it won't hurt to try. Galvan, I'm not going to let you do this." Farah spoke through clenched teeth as her grip tightened on her brother's shoulder. "I won't let you." She said it more like it was already a fact, than if she was threatening. She knew she was on his ship, but that didn't matter to her. "Listen to me, Father found me long before you, I have seen more... Trust in my judgement."
Galvan's eye twitched, only a fraction of a centimeter, but enough to be seen as he recalled how his legion was decimated when Rebels used nukes to blast the marines from their planet. only recently has he brought his legion back from the brink of extinction. He pulled away from her and stood facing the helm of his ship, looking out at the real surface of the planet. He produced a burst of static white noise, a command in binary code to several of his aides and servitors that Farah didn't understand. he looked at the floor of the hull "i'm sorry Farah, it must be done" he said at the same time commands began circulating on the vox to spin up the orbital bombardment weapons.
Without even a thought Farah's feet carried her to stand at her brother's back. Immediately her hand was on the back of Galvan's neck, and wrenched him backwards, and down so that his knees were bending. This was followed by a blow from Farah's fist across her brother's mouth, and nose to send him down onto the floor at her feet. "You fool! Idiot! Condemning them to die without even a chance to surrender! Sitting in your ship, and blasting them from orbit.. Coward!" She growled through her teeth, her fist raising again as she prepared to pummel Galvan's features further.
Surprised at the extremity of Farah's actions he didn't have the chance to react, but his mechanical tentacles clamped down onto the hull and pushed him up even while he brought up his hands to block any farther blows from his sister. Being accused of cowardice stung rather deeply however. "Cease your attack sister, it is done" he said once he regained his feet, even as he said the words dozens of heavy bombers where streaking towards the planet's surface while battleships and cruisers aligned themselves to start the bombardment.
"It's not done, you can stop it right now!" She swung her fist once more, but a member of the Nova guard had grabbed her arm. Slowly she turned her head, and stared at the Marine who had dared to touch her. Her fist was a blur as she cracked him across the jaw and sent him sprawling across the floor, the single punch rendering him unconscious. She then immediately turned to deliver that punch she had about to render unto her brother.
Galvan sighed as one of his marines was struck, he would live... probably, but he noticed Farah begin to turn back towards him. She was going to attack him again, he was sure, so he lashed out with one of the octopus arms trying to coil it around his sister's arm, rendering it immobile. With his arms of flesh he covered his face to catch the blow if his mechanical arm was too slow. He also heard a binary report that the bombers had started their attack run but the orbital cannons had not started yet.
As her arm became immobilized she frowned, and reached over to grab the tendril, and squeeze it till it shattered if he didn't stop her. Her eyes narrowed a bit. "Stop the bombardment now. Galvan, listen to the common sense I am giving you."
Galvan was becoming increasingly frustrated at the confrontation, 'why didn't she understand, they are just slav- Civilians.' Galvan thought to himself. 'All this could be avoided if FATHER would let me continue my research...' Suddenly furious he shoved Farah hard with both arms and one of his mechanical limbs sending her sliding away several feet on the smooth hull. "Begin the bombardment" he said with a fiery edge to his voice that Farah had never heard before.
For a moment, she was surprised, but only for a moment. And as the order to begin the bombardment was issued from Galvan's lips, she looked towards the planet. "I see." She slowly shook her head and started to walk from the bridge. "We will leave as soon as possible, and I will return to my fleet." She stops before leaving. "What a cowardly child of our father you turned out to be Galvan. Maybe you should have gone the way of the Ninth legion."
Galvan whorled on his sister, "You don't understand!" he shouted furious, now crossing the line of uncharacteristic to out right bizarre. "I have taken dozens of systems for father, one leaving my legion in ruin... there is a better w-.." he stopped himself before he said more knowing it would earn more rage from his sister and Father would surely hear of it if he said more. "I will not condemn my legion to ruin again, call it cowardice if you will.. but you are wrong"
She pushed the door open. "No you'll just condemn them, and yourself to being the very thing we seek to safeguard the Imperium against." Moving swiftly through the doors she let them shut behind her.
Galvan ground his teeth and turned to watch the main batteries pummel the hive to ash. He watched for several moments pondering the exchange, maybe she didn't know about the Artificial Intelligence project, maybe father wouldn't hear of that... the Emperor would scold him for razing a hive but that would pale in comparison to the fury the Emperor would bring if he caught wind of the project. He left the bridge and descended into his workshop, trying to remember his old research as he pulled a suit of terminator armor apart.
Legion Name: The Nova Guard (Formerly: The Steel Legion)
Legion Number: XX
Legion Strength: Fleet Based, No legion home world 60,000 Marines 10,000,000 Imperial Guard 500,000 Mechanicum auxillery (mostly Skitarii) Large Orbital fleet: 1 Starforge Super-Heavy Battleship (for size see Abyss) The Starforge is a titan unparalleled in the Imperium, supporting a small city within its hull and many factories that manufacture tanks and munitions on the move making re-supply from the Mechanicus rare, acting as a mobile Forgeworld and shipyard as well as the home of the entire XXth legion. (On the Starforge) 20,000 Marines 500,000 Imperial Navy 100,000 Mechanicus 500,000 Factory Labor
2 Emperor Class Battleships (mostly fitted to be Carriers of attack craft) 4 Exorcist Cruiser (also attack craft carriers) 12 Overlord Battlecruisers +support and smaller escort vessels
Armor Appearance:
Warcry: "Leave no stone atop another!"
Important Figures: WIP Senior Techmarine Senior Librarian (and some more)
Tactics/Roles: Vehicle specialists, primarily siege and orbital tactics. They will combine Artillery and orbital bombardment with an ever advancing line of tanks and other combat vehicles to grind an enemy to dust. They combine their forces heavily with the Imperial Guard making an unstoppable wall of tanks and super-heavy tanks and a few Knight Titans. Because of this they have relatively few dedicated infantrymen, the Infantry marines are generally paired with many Imperial Guard soldiers, 5 Marine squad is usually paired with a 30 man platoon of guardsmen.
Traits/Ideology: The Nova Guard are a cold bunch, their armor only being painted a simple base coat and grudgingly given some aesthetic trim. Which was only done at the Emperor's express order. They have a larger proportion of Techmarines than any other Legion who all train under the Techpriests of Novarupta rather than the more common training on mars. This gives them a quirk when compared to the Martian Techmarines. The nova Guard Techmarines are much less respectful of the great machines they work with, often forcing the machine spirit to work rather than offering prayers. The few Martian Techpriests that have joined the Legion are often disgusted by the practice, but work closely after battle when each and every Techmarine and priest work to restore the machine spirit to its ideal.
the many Techmarines and priests, many of whom take after their Primarch, endlessly tinker with augments or machinery. Because of this a great deal of custom wargear has been distributed among the legion, some even making it into the hands of the Imperial Army attachments.